599 research outputs found

    Applications of biased randomised algorithms and simheuristics to asset and liability management

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    Asset and Liability Management (ALM) has captured the attention of academics and financial researchers over the last few decades. On the one hand, we need to try to maximise our wealth by taking advantage of the financial market and, on the other hand, we need to cover our payments (liabilities) over time. The purpose of ALM is to give investors a series of resources or techniques to select the appropriate assets on the financial market that respond to the aforementioned two key factors: cover our liabilities and maximise our wealth. This thesis presents a set of techniques that are capable of tackling realistic financial problems without the usual requirement of considerable computational resources. These techniques are based on heuristics and simulation. Specifically, a biased randomised metaheuristic model is developed that has a direct application in the way insurance companies usually operate. The algorithm makes it possible to efficiently select the smallest number of assets, mainly fixed income, on the balance sheet while guaranteeing the company's obligations. This development allows for the incorporating of the credit quality of the issuer of the assets used. Likewise, a portfolio optimisation model with liabilities is developed and solved with a genetic algorithm. The portfolio optimisation problem differs from the usual one in that it is multi-period, and incorporates liabilities over time. Additionally, the possibility of external financing is included when the entity does not have sufficient cash. These conditions give rise to a complex problem that is efficiently solved by an evolutionary algorithm. In both cases, the algorithms are improved with the incorporation of Monte Carlo simulation. This allows the solutions to be robust when considering realistic market situations. The results are very promising. This research shows that simheuristics is an ideal method for this type of problem.La gestión de activos y pasivos (asset and liability management, ALM) ha acaparado la atención de académicos e investigadores financieros en las últimas décadas. Por un lado, debemos tratar de maximizar nuestra riqueza aprovechando el mercado financiero, y por otro, debemos cubrir nuestros pagos (pasivos) a lo largo del tiempo. El objetivo del ALM es dotar al inversor de una serie de recursos o técnicas para seleccionar los activos del mercado financiero adecuados para obedecer a los dos factores clave mencionados: cumplir con nuestros pasivos y maximizar nuestra riqueza. Esta tesis presenta un conjunto de técnicas que son capaces de abordar problemas financieros realistas sin la necesidad habitual de considerables recursos computacionales. Estas técnicas se basan en la heurística y la simulación. En concreto, se desarrolla un modelo metaheurístico sesgado que tiene una aplicación directa en la operación habitual de inmunización de las compañías de seguros. El algoritmo permite seleccionar eficientemente el menor número de activos, principalmente de renta fija, en el balance y garantizar las obligaciones de la compañía. Este desarrollo permite incorporar la calidad crediticia del emisor de los activos utilizados. Asimismo, se desarrolla un modelo de optimización de la cartera con el pasivo y se resuelve con un algoritmo genético. El problema de optimización de la cartera difiere del habitual en que es multiperiodo e incorpora los pasivos a lo largo del tiempo. Además, se incluye la posibilidad de financiación externa cuando la entidad no tiene suficiente efectivo. Estas condiciones dan lugar a un problema complejo que se resuelve eficientemente mediante un algoritmo evolutivo. En ambos casos, los algoritmos se mejoran con la incorporación de la simulación de Montecarlo. Esto permite que las soluciones sean robustas cuando consideramos situaciones de mercado realistas. Los resultados son muy prometedores. Esta investigación demuestra que la simheurística es un método ideal para este tipo de problemas.La gestió d'actius i passius (asset and liability management, ALM) ha acaparat l'atenció d'acadèmics i investigadors financers les darreres dècades. D'una banda, hem de mirar de maximitzar la nostra riquesa aprofitant el mercat financer, i de l'altra, hem de cobrir els nostres pagaments (passius) al llarg del temps. L'objectiu de l'ALM és dotar l'inversor d'una sèrie de recursos o tècniques per seleccionar els actius del mercat financer adequats per obeir als dos factors clau esmentats: complir els passius i maximitzar la nostra riquesa. Aquesta tesi presenta un conjunt de tècniques que són capaces d'abordar problemes financers realistes sense la necessitat habitual de recursos computacionals considerables. Aquestes tècniques es basen en l'heurística i la simulació. En concret, es desenvolupa un model metaheurístic esbiaixat que té una aplicació directa a l'operació habitual d'immunització de les companyies d'assegurances. L'algorisme permet seleccionar eficientment el menor nombre d'actius, principalment de renda fixa, al balanç i garantir les obligacions de la companyia. Aquest desenvolupament permet incorporar la qualitat creditícia de l'emissor dels actius utilitzats. Així mateix, es desenvolupa un model d'optimització de la cartera amb el passiu i es resol amb un algorisme genètic. El problema d'optimització de la cartera difereix de l'habitual en el fet que és multiperíode i incorpora els passius al llarg del temps. A més, s'inclou la possibilitat de finançament extern quan l'entitat no té prou efectiu. Aquestes condicions donen lloc a un problema complex que es resol eficientment mitjançant un algorisme evolutiu. En tots dos casos, els algorismes es milloren amb la incorporació de la simulació de Montecarlo. Això permet que les solucions siguin robustes quan considerem situacions de mercat realistes. Els resultats són molt prometedors. Aquesta recerca demostra que la simheurística és un mètode ideal per a aquesta mena de problemes.Tecnologías de la información y de rede

    Robust and Multi-objective Portfolio Selection

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    In this thesis, robust and multi-objective portfolio selection problem will be studied. New models and computational algorithms will be developed to solve the proposed models. In particularly, we have studied multi-objective portfolio selection with inexact information on investment return and covariance matrix. The problems have been transformed into easily solvable problems through theoretical analysis. Numerical experiments are presented to validate the methods

    Multiperiod portfolio optimization for asset-liability management with quadratic transaction costs

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    This paper investigates the multiperiod asset-liability management problem with quadratic transaction costs. Under the mean-variance criteria, we construct tractability models with/without the riskless asset and obtain the pre-commitment and time-consistent investment strategies through the application of embedding scheme and backward induction approach, respectively. In addition, some conclusions in the existing literatures can be regarded as the degenerated cases under our setting. Finally, the numerical simulations are given to show the difference of frontiers derived by different strategies. Also, some interesting findings on the impact of quadratic transaction cost parameters on efficient frontiers are discussed

    The role of inter vivos financing in the intergenerational transfer of the corporate farm under uncertainty

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    During the 1970s, the combination of rapidly appreciating land values with the trend toward fewer but larger farms dramatically increased the need for tax management and tax planning. Income and estate tax considerations pose problems for many farm families that want the next generation to continue the farm business. Accordingly, there is an increasing interest in starting the intergenerational transfer process during the parents\u27 lifetimes. Selected equity and nonequity intrafamily financing may or may not facilitate intergenerational transfers. Financing arrangements can create interpersonal conflicts between the objectives of the parents and those of the on-farm heir. This study investigates selected financing arrangements and identifies those which facilitate the intergenerational transfer and those which do not;The Iowa State University Business and Financial Planning Model was used to investigate the financial consequences that selected equity and nonequity financing arrangements have on the parents and the heir. The model incorporated uncertainty as to future events through a Monte Carlo simulation technique which randomly generated nonzero error terms about the expected values of farm revenues and expenses. By recursively running the model a cumulative density function was constructed. First, second, and third degree stochastic dominance theorems were used to compare the cumulative density functions to determine which one (if any) maximized the expected utilities of the parents and the heir;When the farm firm is incorporated as a regularly taxed corporation, all parents and on-farm heirs unanimously prefer corporate income through salaries and director\u27s fees over common stock dividends. If both the parents and the heir are risk averters, both can benefit when the heir converts part of his (her) equity interest in the firm to an investor interest in the form of a loan. Creation of an intrafamily loan to the heir increases the expected utilities both of the parents and the on-farm heir. While intrafamily loans to the heir facilitate intergenerational transfers, the same is not true when the heir converts part of his (her) equity into a bond. The parents increase their expected utilities at the expense of the heir\u27s. An intrafamily bond issued to the heir will never be used to facilitate intergenerational transfers because it is counterproductive and does not facilitate the intergenerational transfer

    Risk Management: An Interdisciplinary Framework

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    Risk is shown to be based on both theory and practice. It is shown to be conceptual and technical, blending behavioral psychology, financial economics and decision making under uncertainty into a coherent whole that justify the selection of risky choices. Its applications are also broadly distributed across many areas and fields of interest. The examples treated here have focused on both finance, insurance and on a few problems in industrial management howeverRisk; Management; Interdisciplinarity

    Risk Management using Model Predictive Control

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    Forward planning and risk management are crucial for the success of any system or business dealing with the uncertainties of the real world. Previous approaches have largely assumed that the future will be similar to the past, or used simple forecasting techniques based on ad-hoc models. Improving solutions requires better projection of future events, and necessitates robust forward planning techniques that consider forecasting inaccuracies. This work advocates risk management through optimal control theory, and proposes several techniques to combine it with time-series forecasting. Focusing on applications in foreign exchange (FX) and battery energy storage systems (BESS), the contributions of this thesis are three-fold. First, a short-term risk management system for FX dealers is formulated as a stochastic model predictive control (SMPC) problem in which the optimal risk-cost profiles are obtained through dynamic control of the dealers’ positions on the spot market. Second, grammatical evolution (GE) is used to automate non-linear time-series model selection, validation, and forecasting. Third, a novel measure for evaluating forecasting models, as a part of the predictive model in finite horizon optimal control applications, is proposed. Using both synthetic and historical data, the proposed techniques were validated and benchmarked. It was shown that the stochastic FX risk management system exhibits better risk management on a risk-cost Pareto frontier compared to rule-based hedging strategies, with up to 44.7% lower cost for the same level of risk. Similarly, for a real-world BESS application, it was demonstrated that the GE optimised forecasting models outperformed other prediction models by at least 9%, improving the overall peak shaving capacity of the system to 57.6%

    Risk Management using Model Predictive Control

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    Forward planning and risk management are crucial for the success of any system or business dealing with the uncertainties of the real world. Previous approaches have largely assumed that the future will be similar to the past, or used simple forecasting techniques based on ad-hoc models. Improving solutions requires better projection of future events, and necessitates robust forward planning techniques that consider forecasting inaccuracies. This work advocates risk management through optimal control theory, and proposes several techniques to combine it with time-series forecasting. Focusing on applications in foreign exchange (FX) and battery energy storage systems (BESS), the contributions of this thesis are three-fold. First, a short-term risk management system for FX dealers is formulated as a stochastic model predictive control (SMPC) problem in which the optimal risk-cost profiles are obtained through dynamic control of the dealers’ positions on the spot market. Second, grammatical evolution (GE) is used to automate non-linear time-series model selection, validation, and forecasting. Third, a novel measure for evaluating forecasting models, as a part of the predictive model in finite horizon optimal control applications, is proposed. Using both synthetic and historical data, the proposed techniques were validated and benchmarked. It was shown that the stochastic FX risk management system exhibits better risk management on a risk-cost Pareto frontier compared to rule-based hedging strategies, with up to 44.7% lower cost for the same level of risk. Similarly, for a real-world BESS application, it was demonstrated that the GE optimised forecasting models outperformed other prediction models by at least 9%, improving the overall peak shaving capacity of the system to 57.6%