456 research outputs found

    Accommodation requirements for microgravity science and applications research on space station

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    Scientific research conducted in the microgravity environment of space represents a unique opportunity to explore and exploit the benefits of materials processing in the virtual abscence of gravity induced forces. NASA has initiated the preliminary design of a permanently manned space station that will support technological advances in process science and stimulate the development of new and improved materials having applications across the commercial spectrum. A study is performed to define from the researchers' perspective, the requirements for laboratory equipment to accommodate microgravity experiments on the space station. The accommodation requirements focus on the microgravity science disciplines including combustion science, electronic materials, metals and alloys, fluids and transport phenomena, glasses and ceramics, and polymer science. User requirements have been identified in eleven research classes, each of which contain an envelope of functional requirements for related experiments having similar characteristics, objectives, and equipment needs. Based on these functional requirements seventeen items of experiment apparatus and twenty items of core supporting equipment have been defined which represent currently identified equipment requirements for a pressurized laboratory module at the initial operating capability of the NASA space station

    Microfabrication Technology for Isolated Silicon Sidewall Electrodes and Heaters

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    This paper presents a novel microfabricationtechnology for highly doped silicon sidewall electrodesparallel to – and isolated from – the microchannel. Thesidewall electrodes can be utilised for both electricaland thermal actuation of sensor systems. Thetechnology is scalable to a wide range of channelgeometries, simplifies the release etch, and allows forfurther integration with other Surface ChannelTechnology-based systems. Furthermore, thefabrication technology is demonstrated through thefabrication of a relative permittivity sensor. The sensormeasures relative permittivity values ranging from 1 to80, within 3% accuracy of full scale, including waterand water-containing mixtures

    Velocity-independent thermal conductivity and volumetric heat capacity measurement of binary gas mixtures

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    In this paper, we present a single hot wire suspended over a V-groove cavity that is used to measure the thermal conductivity (kk) and volumetric heat capacity (ρcp\rho c_p) for both pure gases and binary gas mixtures through DC and AC excitation, respectively. The working principle and measurement results are discussed

    Modular integration and on-chip sensing approaches for tunable fluid control polymer microdevices

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    228 p.Doktore tesi honetan mikroemariak kontrolatzeko elementuak diseinatu eta garatuko dira, mikrobalbula eta mikrosentsore bat zehazki. Ondoren, gailu horiek batera integratuko dira likido emari kontrolatzaile bat sortzeko asmotan. Helburu nagusia gailuen fabrikazio arkitektura modular bat frogatzea da, non Lab-on-a-Chip prototipoak garatzeko beharrezko fase guztiak harmonizatuz, Cyclic-Olefin-Polymer termoplastikozko mikrogailu merkeak pausu gutxi batzuetan garatuko diren, hauen kalitate industriala bermatuz. Ildo horretan, mikrogailuak prototipotik produkturako trantsizio azkar, erraz, errentagarri eta arriskurik gabeen bidez lortu daitezkeenetz frogatuko da

    Index to NASA Tech Briefs, 1972

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    Abstracts of 1972 NASA Tech Briefs are presented. Four indexes are included: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief number

    On the Manufacturing Processes of Flexible Thermoelectric Generators

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    Annual Report, 2017-2018

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    This paper reviews the industry roadmaps on commercial-off-the shelf (COTS) microelectronics packaging technologies covering the current trends toward further reducing size and increasing functionality. Due tothe breadth of work being performed in this field, this paper presents only a number of key packaging technologies. The topics for each category were down-selected by reviewing reports of industry roadmaps including the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor (ITRS) and by surveying publications of the International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (iNEMI) and the roadmap of association connecting electronics industry (IPC). The paper also summarizes the findings of numerous articles and websites that allotted to the emerging and trends in microelectronics packaging technologies. A brief discussion was presented on packaging hierarchy from die to package and to system levels. Key elements of reliability for packaging assemblies were presented followed by reliabilty definition from a probablistic failure perspective. An example was present for showing conventional reliability approach using Monte Carlo simulation results for a number of plastic ball grid array (PBGA). The simulation results were compared to experimental thermal cycle test data. Prognostic health monitoring (PHM) methods, a growing field for microelectronics packaging technologies, were briefly discussed. The artificial neural network (ANN), a data-driven PHM, was discussed in details. Finally, it presented inter- and extra-polations using ANN simulation for thermal cycle test data of PBGA and ceramic BGA (CBGA) assemblies

    Thermal Actuation and Fluidic Characterization of a Fluorescence-Based Multiplexed Detection System

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    abstract: This work describes efforts made toward the development of a compact, quantitative fluorescence-based multiplexed detection platform for point-of-care diagnostics. This includes the development of a microfluidic delivery and actuation system for multistep detection assays. Early detection of infectious diseases requires high sensitivity dependent on the precise actuation of fluids. Methods of fluid actuation were explored to allow delayed delivery of fluidic reagents in multistep detection lateral flow assays (LFAs). Certain hydrophobic materials such as wax were successfully implemented in the LFA with the use of precision dispensed valves. Sublimating materials such as naphthalene were also characterized along with the implementation of a heating system for precision printing of the valves. Various techniques of blood fractionation were also investigated and this work demonstrates successful blood fractionation in an LFA. The fluid flow of reagents was also characterized and validated with the use of mathematical models and multiphysics modeling software. Lastly intuitive, user-friendly mobile and desktop applications were developed to interface the underlying Arduino software. The work advances the development of a system which successfully integrates all components of fluid separation and delivery along with highly sensitive detection and a user-friendly interface; the system will ultimately provide clinically significant diagnostics in a of point-of-care device.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Biomedical Engineering 201

    Jetting of multiple functional materials by additive manufacturing

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    The rise and consolidation of Additive Manufacturing (AM) as a technology has made possible the fabrication of highly customised and complex products in almost every industry. This not only allows the creation of objects that were impossible just a few decades ago but also facilitates the production of small runs of products at a reasonable cost, which reduces the design-prototyping cycles and boosts product innovation. However, to produce truly functional parts it is desirable for these systems to be able to deposit multiple complex materials in a single process to locally embed controllable properties such as electrical conductivity or sensing capabilities into the produced geometries. Consequently, a review of current AM technologies capable of depositing conductive materials is performed in this PhD and discussed to find the most suitable approaches. Similarly, existing multi-material set-ups are studied to find limitations and common practices to create a system that is capable of fulfilling the objectives of this work. Piezo-activated inkjet printing (PIJ) is identified as an appropriate technology for multi-material applications due to its non-contact nature, high spatial resolution, capability of mixing and digitally grading materials and simple scale-up of the process. Furthermore, in the last decade it has been shown that jetting can be used for the accurate deposition of a wide range of functional materials. However, upon detailed review of this method, the limitations that it imposes on the compositions of the inks are identified as its main drawback. Specifically, the solid content and molecular weight of the fluids that can be jetted are restricted by the viscosity of the final ink, typically under 40 mPa·s. This is problematic in the case of jetting conductive materials, since it forces the solid content to be very low, therefore yielding very thin and often inhomogeneous layers. Additionally, all the organic components on the inks added to facilitate its ejection need to be removed, which typically means longer and more aggressive post-processes before rendering the printed tracks conductive. For this reason, drop-on-demand micro-dispensing valves were chosen as a high viscosity jetting (HVJ) approach in this work, with the intention of assessing their capability as a suitable tool for multi-material AM of functional inks. However, since their resolution and speed are lower than conventional inkjet, a hybrid approach is presented including micro-dispensing valves and inkjet printheads capable of depositing a wide range of viscosities in a single process. A comprehensive description of the hybrid set-up is given, discussing its main elements including the printing heads, the custom design printer assembly, the ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) lamps installed for in-situ processing, the monitoring system and the set-up to measure the evolution of the electrical resistance in printed tracks in real time during post-processing. Additionally, the printing strategy and process flow is discussed. The investigated set-up was used to study the printability and performance of several functional materials ranging from UV-curable polymers to conductive formulations such as carbon paint, a silver nanoparticle-based paste and a dispersion of PEDOT:PSS. Each material was thoroughly characterised prior to printing with a special focus on viscosity. Their drop formation and deposition processes were studied at different printing settings using high speed imaging and footprint analysis of the deposited drops. These tests were used to obtain sets of working parameters that allow reliable printing and were used to produce 2D patterns with different resolutions to find the drop spacing that results in flat homogeneous films. Later, these films were post-treated according to the requirements of each material and multilayer structures were produced and analysed with an optical profilometer. The cross-section of these 3D tracks was used together with the measured resistance to obtain the electric conductivity of the materials under the printing conditions used. Finally, the accumulated information during the previous stages of printing was used to produce 3D multi-material demonstrators with incorporated conductive tracks, electric components and electroluminescent elements. These proof-of-concept samples were used to discuss limitations of the approach and showcase future possibilities of the system