104 research outputs found

    Robust density modelling using the student's t-distribution for human action recognition

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    The extraction of human features from videos is often inaccurate and prone to outliers. Such outliers can severely affect density modelling when the Gaussian distribution is used as the model since it is highly sensitive to outliers. The Gaussian distribution is also often used as base component of graphical models for recognising human actions in the videos (hidden Markov model and others) and the presence of outliers can significantly affect the recognition accuracy. In contrast, the Student's t-distribution is more robust to outliers and can be exploited to improve the recognition rate in the presence of abnormal data. In this paper, we present an HMM which uses mixtures of t-distributions as observation probabilities and show how experiments over two well-known datasets (Weizmann, MuHAVi) reported a remarkable improvement in classification accuracy. © 2011 IEEE

    Enhanced quality reconstruction of erroneous video streams using packet filtering based on non-desynchronizing bits and UDP checksum-filtered list decoding

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    The latest video coding standards, such as H.264 and H.265, are extremely vulnerable in error-prone networks. Due to their sophisticated spatial and temporal prediction tools, the effect of an error is not limited to the erroneous area but it can easily propagate spatially to the neighboring blocks and temporally to the following frames. Thus, reconstructed video packets at the decoder side may exhibit significant visual quality degradation. Error concealment and error corrections are two mechanisms that have been developed to improve the quality of reconstructed frames in the presence of errors. In most existing error concealment approaches, the corrupted packets are ignored and only the correctly received information of the surrounding areas (spatially and/or temporally) is used to recover the erroneous area. This is due to the fact that there is no perfect error detection mechanism to identify correctly received blocks within a corrupted packet, and moreover because of the desynchronization problem caused by the transmission errors on the variable-length code (VLC). But, as many studies have shown, the corrupted packets may contain valuable information that can be used to reconstruct adequately of the lost area (e.g. when the error is located at the end of a slice). On the other hand, error correction approaches, such as list decoding, exploit the corrupted packets to generate several candidate transmitted packets from the corrupted received packet. They then select, among these candidates, the one with the highest likelihood of being the transmitted packet based on the available soft information (e.g. log-likelihood ratio (LLR) of each bit). However, list decoding approaches suffer from a large solution space of candidate transmitted packets. This is worsened when the soft information is not available at the application layer; a more realistic scenario in practice. Indeed, since it is unknown which bits have higher probabilities of having been modified during transmission, the candidate received packets cannot be ranked by likelihood. In this thesis, we propose various strategies to improve the quality of reconstructed packets which have been lightly damaged during transmission (e.g. at most a single error per packet). We first propose a simple but efficient mechanism to filter damaged packets in order to retain those likely to lead to a very good reconstruction and discard the others. This method can be used as a complement to most existing concealment approaches to enhance their performance. The method is based on the novel concept of non-desynchronizing bits (NDBs) defined, in the context of an H.264 context-adaptive variable-length coding (CAVLC) coded sequence, as a bit whose inversion does not cause desynchronization at the bitstream level nor changes the number of decoded macroblocks. We establish that, on typical coded bitstreams, the NDBs constitute about a one-third (about 30%) of a bitstream, and that the effect on visual quality of flipping one of them in a packet is mostly insignificant. In most cases (90%), the quality of the reconstructed packet when modifying an individual NDB is almost the same as the intact one. We thus demonstrate that keeping, under certain conditions, a corrupted packet as a candidate for the lost area can provide better visual quality compared to the concealment approaches. We finally propose a non-desync-based decoding framework, which retains a corrupted packet, under the condition of not causing desynchronization and not altering the number of expected macroblocks. The framework can be combined with most current concealment approaches. The proposed approach is compared to the frame copy (FC) concealment of Joint Model (JM) software (JM-FC) and a state-of-the-art concealment approach using the spatiotemporal boundary matching algorithm (STBMA) mechanism, in the case of one bit in error, and on average, respectively, provides 3.5 dB and 1.42 dB gain over them. We then propose a novel list decoding approach called checksum-filtered list decoding (CFLD) which can correct a packet at the bit stream level by exploiting the receiver side user datagram protocol (UDP) checksum value. The proposed approach is able to identify the possible locations of errors by analyzing the pattern of the calculated UDP checksum on the corrupted packet. This makes it possible to considerably reduce the number of candidate transmitted packets in comparison to conventional list decoding approaches, especially when no soft information is available. When a packet composed of N bits contains a single bit in error, instead of considering N candidate packets, as is the case in conventional list decoding approaches, the proposed approach considers approximately N/32 candidate packets, leading to a 97% reduction in the number of candidates. This reduction can increase to 99.6% in the case of a two-bit error. The method’s performance is evaluated using H.264 and high efficiency video coding (HEVC) test model software. We show that, in the case H.264 coded sequence, on average, the CFLD approach is able to correct the packet 66% of the time. It also offers a 2.74 dB gain over JM-FC and 1.14 dB and 1.42 dB gains over STBMA and hard output maximum likelihood decoding (HO-MLD), respectively. Additionally, in the case of HEVC, the CFLD approach corrects the corrupted packet 91% of the time, and offers 2.35 dB and 4.97 dB gains over our implementation of FC concealment in HEVC test model software (HM-FC) in class B (1920×1080) and C (832×480) sequences, respectively

    the spatial ecology off the Guina (Oncifelis guigna) in Southern Chile

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    This thesis describes the diet, activity, home range and habitat utilisation of guina (Oncifelis guigna) within two populations located inside regions of minimal anthropogenic disturbance in southern Chile. Fieldwork was comprised of several components: guina captured in live traps were fitted with radio collars and monitored on foot using standard radiotelemetry techniques; landcover maps were created for each study area from satellite data, aerial photography and ground truthing, and the relative abundance and diversity of potential small mammal prey were assessed by means of grid-based live-trapping studies and tree-mounted hair-traps. The behavioural data obtained from the radiotelemetry study were analysed using RANGES V to assess the area requirements of the guina and to determine how the home ranges and movements of individuals were distributed with respect to those of conspecifics. This data was also investigated with reference to the landcover maps generated for each site to identify habitat categories that were preferentially utilised or avoided by guina. The diet of this species was determined via faecal analysis. The composition of the guina diet within each site was then related to small mammal relative abundances determined in the field. Small mammals, particularly rodents represented the major component of the guina diet, and no evidence of prey selection was determined. Trapping surveys indicated both sites had abundant prey resources in the form of relatively dense rodent populations. Radiocollared guina were largely arrhythmic in their activity pattern and neighbouring individuals within both populations showed a high degree of spatial overlap, both within and between sexes. Core use areas also overlapped extensively, and no evidence was found to indicate that guina actively avoid conspecifics. These cats exhibited a consistent preference for relatively dense, thicket-forest habitat over less complexly structured vegetation, including stands of Nothofagus forest, the habitat category previously assumed to be key for this species. The results of this study are discussed within the context of conservation management for the continued survival of this endangered felid

    Human Body Scattering Effects at Millimeter Waves Frequencies for Future 5G Systems and Beyond

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    [ES] Se espera que las futuras comunicaciones móviles experimenten una revolución técnica que vaya más allá de las velocidades de datos de Gbps y reduzca las latencias de las velocidades de datos a niveles muy cercanos al milisegundo. Se han investigado nuevas tecnologías habilitadoras para lograr estas exigentes especificaciones. Y la utilización de las bandas de ondas milimétricas, donde hay mucho espectro disponible, es una de ellas. Debido a las numerosas dificultades técnicas asociadas a la utilización de esta banda de frecuencias, se necesitan complicados modelos de canal para anticipar las características del canal de radio y evaluar con precisión el rendimiento de los sistemas celulares en milimétricas. En concreto, los modelos de propagación más precisos son los basados en técnicas de trazado de rayos deterministas. Pero estas técnicas tienen el estigma de ser computacionalmente exigentes, y esto dificulta su uso para caracterizar el canal de radio en escenarios interiores complejos y dinámicos. La complejidad de la caracterización de estos escenarios depende en gran medida de la interacción del cuerpo humano con el entorno radioeléctrico, que en las ondas milimétricas suele ser destructiva y muy impredecible. Por otro lado, en los últimos años, la industria de los videojuegos ha desarrollado potentes herramientas para entornos hiperrealistas, donde la mayor parte de los avances en esta emulación de la realidad tienen que ver con el manejo de la luz. Así, los motores gráficos de estas plataformas se han vuelto cada vez más eficientes para manejar grandes volúmenes de información, por lo que son ideales para emular el comportamiento de la propagación de las ondas de radio, así como para reconstruir un escenario interior complejo. Por ello, en esta Tesis se ha aprovechado la capacidad computacional de este tipo de herramientas para evaluar el canal radioeléctrico milimétricas de la forma más eficiente posible. Esta Tesis ofrece unas pautas para optimizar la propagación de la señal en milimétricas en un entorno interior dinámico y complejo, para lo cual se proponen tres objetivos principales. El primer objetivo es evaluar los efectos de dispersión del cuerpo humano cuando interactúa con el canal de propagación. Una vez evaluado, se propuso un modelo matemático y geométrico simplificado para calcular este efecto de forma fiable y rápida. Otro objetivo fue el diseño de un reflector pasivo modular en milimétricas, que optimiza la cobertura en entornos de interior, evitando la interferencia del ser humano en la propagación. Y, por último, se diseñó un sistema de apuntamiento del haz predictivo en tiempo real, para que opere con el sistema de radiación en milimétricas, cuyo objetivo es evitar las pérdidas de propagación causadas por el cuerpo humano en entornos interiores dinámicos y complejos.[CA] S'espera que les futures comunicacions mòbils experimenten una revolució tècnica que vaja més enllà de les velocitats de dades de Gbps i reduïsca les latències de les velocitats de dades a nivells molt pròxims al milisegundo. S'han investigat noves tecnologies habilitadoras per a aconseguir estes exigents especificacions. I la utilització de les bandes d'ones millimètriques, on hi ha molt espectre disponible, és una d'elles. A causa de les nombroses dificultats tècniques associades a la utilització d'esta banda de freqüències, es necessiten complicats models de canal per a anticipar les característiques del canal de ràdio i avaluar amb precisió el rendiment dels sistemes cellulars en millimètriques. En concret, els models de propagació més precisos són els basats en tècniques de traçat de rajos deterministes. Però estes tècniques tenen l'estigma de ser computacionalment exigents, i açò dificulta el seu ús per a caracteritzar el canal de ràdio en escenaris interiors complexos i dinàmics. La complexitat de la caracterització d'estos escenaris depén en gran manera de la interacció del cos humà amb l'entorn radioelèctric, que en les ones millimètriques sol ser destructiva i molt impredicible. D'altra banda, en els últims anys, la indústria dels videojocs ha desenrotllat potents ferramentes per a entorns hiperrealistes, on la major part dels avanços en esta emulació de la realitat tenen a veure amb el maneig de la llum. Així, els motors gràfics d'estes plataformes s'han tornat cada vegada més eficients per a manejar grans volums d'informació, per la qual cosa són ideals per a emular el comportament de la propagació de les ones de ràdio, així com per a reconstruir un escenari interior complex. Per això, en esta Tesi s'ha aprofitat la capacitat computacional d'este tipus de ferramentes per a avaluar el canal radioelèctric millimètriques de la manera més eficient possible. Esta Tesi oferix unes pautes per a optimitzar la propagació del senyal en millimètriques en un entorn interior dinàmic i complex, per a la qual cosa es proposen tres objectius principals. El primer objectiu és avaluar els efectes de dispersió del cos humà quan interactua amb el canal de propagació. Una vegada avaluat, es va proposar un model matemàtic i geomètric simplificat per a calcular este efecte de forma fiable i ràpida. Un altre objectiu va ser el disseny d'un reflector passiu modular en millimètriques, que optimitza la cobertura en entorns d'interior, evitant la interferència del ser humà en la propagació, per a així evitar pèrdues de propagació addicionals. I, finalment, es va dissenyar un sistema d'apuntament del feix predictiu en temps real, perquè opere amb el sistema de radiació en millimètriques, l'objectiu del qual és evitar les pèrdues de propagació causades pel cos humà en entorns interiors dinàmics i complexos.[EN] Future mobile communications are expected to experience a technical revolution that goes beyond Gbps data rates and reduces data rate latencies to levels very close to a millisecond. New enabling technologies have been researched to achieve these demanding specifications. The utilization of mmWave bands, where a lot of spectrum is available, is one of them. Due to the numerous technical difficulties associated with using this frequency band, complicated channel models are necessary to anticipate the radio channel characteristics and to accurately evaluate the performance of cellular systems in mmWave. In particular, the most accurate propagation models are those based on deterministic ray tracing techniques. But these techniques have the stigma of being computationally intensive, and this makes it difficult to use them to characterize the radio channel in complex and dynamic indoor scenarios. The complexity of characterizing these scenarios depends largely on the interaction of the human body with the radio environment, which at mmWaves is often destructive and highly unpredictable. On the other hand, in recent years, the video game industry has developed powerful tools for hyper-realistic environments, where most of the progress in this reality emulation has to do with the handling of light. Therefore, the graphic engines of these platforms have become more and more efficient to handle large volumes of information, becoming ideal to emulate the radio wave propagation behavior, as well as to reconstruct a complex interior scenario. Therefore, in this Thesis one has taken advantage of the computational capacity of this type of tools to evaluate the mmWave radio channel in the most efficient way possible. This Thesis offers some guidelines to optimize the signal propagation in mmWaves in a dynamic and complex indoor environment, for which three main objectives are proposed. The first objective has been to evaluate the scattering effects of the human body when it interacts with the propagation channel. Once evaluated, a simplified mathematical and geometrical model has been proposed to calculate this effect in a reliable and fast way. Another objective has been the design of a modular passive reflector in mmWaves, which optimizes the coverage in indoor environments, avoiding human interference in the propagation, in order to avoid its harmful scattering effects. And finally, a real-time predictive beam steering system has been designed for the mmWaves radiation system, in order to avoid propagation losses caused by the human body in dynamic and complex indoor environments.Romero Peña, JS. (2022). Human Body Scattering Effects at Millimeter Waves Frequencies for Future 5G Systems and Beyond [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19132

    A unified approach to sparse signal processing

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    A unified view of the area of sparse signal processing is presented in tutorial form by bringing together various fields in which the property of sparsity has been successfully exploited. For each of these fields, various algorithms and techniques, which have been developed to leverage sparsity, are described succinctly. The common potential benefits of significant reduction in sampling rate and processing manipulations through sparse signal processing are revealed. The key application domains of sparse signal processing are sampling, coding, spectral estimation, array processing, compo-nent analysis, and multipath channel estimation. In terms of the sampling process and reconstruction algorithms, linkages are made with random sampling, compressed sensing and rate of innovation. The redundancy introduced by channel coding i

    Recent Advances in Signal Processing

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    The signal processing task is a very critical issue in the majority of new technological inventions and challenges in a variety of applications in both science and engineering fields. Classical signal processing techniques have largely worked with mathematical models that are linear, local, stationary, and Gaussian. They have always favored closed-form tractability over real-world accuracy. These constraints were imposed by the lack of powerful computing tools. During the last few decades, signal processing theories, developments, and applications have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This book is targeted primarily toward both students and researchers who want to be exposed to a wide variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms. It includes 27 chapters that can be categorized into five different areas depending on the application at hand. These five categories are ordered to address image processing, speech processing, communication systems, time-series analysis, and educational packages respectively. The book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity
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