1,652 research outputs found

    16th Sound and Music Computing Conference SMC 2019 (28–31 May 2019, Malaga, Spain)

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    The 16th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 2019) took place in Malaga, Spain, 28-31 May 2019 and it was organized by the Application of Information and Communication Technologies Research group (ATIC) of the University of Malaga (UMA). The SMC 2019 associated Summer School took place 25-28 May 2019. The First International Day of Women in Inclusive Engineering, Sound and Music Computing Research (WiSMC 2019) took place on 28 May 2019. The SMC 2019 TOPICS OF INTEREST included a wide selection of topics related to acoustics, psychoacoustics, music, technology for music, audio analysis, musicology, sonification, music games, machine learning, serious games, immersive audio, sound synthesis, etc

    Deep Reinforcement Learning Approaches for Technology Enhanced Learning

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has advanced significantly in recent years, transforming various industries and domains. Its ability to extract patterns and insights from large volumes of data has revolutionised areas such as image recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous systems. As AI systems become increasingly integrated into daily human life, there is a growing need for meaningful collaboration and mutual engagement between humans and AI, known as Human-AI Collaboration. This collaboration involves combining AI with human workflows to achieve shared objectives. In the current educational landscape, the integration of AI methods in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) has become crucial for providing high-quality education and facilitating lifelong learning. Human-AI Collaboration also plays a vital role in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), particularly in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). The COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasised the need for effective educational technologies to support remote learning and bridge the gap between traditional classrooms and online platforms. To maximise the performance of ITS while minimising the input and interaction required from students, it is essential to design collaborative systems that effectively leverage the capabilities of AI and foster effective collaboration between students and ITS. However, there are several challenges that need to be addressed in this context. One challenge is the lack of clear guidance on designing and building user-friendly systems that facilitate collaboration between humans and AI. This challenge is relevant not only to education researchers but also to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers and developers. Another challenge is the scarcity of interaction data in the early stages of ITS development, which hampers the accurate modelling of students' knowledge states and learning trajectories, known as the cold start problem. Moreover, the effectiveness of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) in delivering personalised instruction is hindered by the limitations of existing Knowledge Tracing (KT) models, which often struggle to provide accurate predictions. Therefore, addressing these challenges is crucial for enhancing the collaborative process between humans and AI in the development of ITS. This thesis aims to address these challenges and improve the collaborative process between students and ITS in TEL. It proposes innovative approaches to generate simulated student behavioural data and enhance the performance of KT models. The thesis starts with a comprehensive survey of human-AI collaborative systems, identifying key challenges and opportunities. It then presents a structured framework for the student-ITS collaborative process, providing insights into designing user-friendly and efficient systems. To overcome the challenge of data scarcity in ITS development, the thesis proposes two student modelling approaches: Sim-GAIL and SimStu. SimStu leverages a deep learning method, the Decision Transformer, to simulate student interactions and enhance ITS training. Sim-GAIL utilises a reinforcement learning method, Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL), to generate high-fidelity and diverse simulated student behavioural data, addressing the cold start problem in ITS training. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on improving the performance of KT models. It introduces the MLFBKT model, which integrates multiple features and mines latent relations in student interaction data, aiming to improve the accuracy and efficiency of KT models. Additionally, the thesis proposes the LBKT model, which combines the strengths of the BERT model and LSTM to process long sequence data in KT models effectively. Overall, this thesis contributes to the field of Human-AI collaboration in TEL by addressing key challenges and proposing innovative approaches to enhance ITS training and KT model performance. The findings have the potential to improve the learning experiences and outcomes of students in educational settings

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.1: State of the Art on Multimedia Search Engines

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    Based on the information provided by European projects and national initiatives related to multimedia search as well as domains experts that participated in the CHORUS Think-thanks and workshops, this document reports on the state of the art related to multimedia content search from, a technical, and socio-economic perspective. The technical perspective includes an up to date view on content based indexing and retrieval technologies, multimedia search in the context of mobile devices and peer-to-peer networks, and an overview of current evaluation and benchmark inititiatives to measure the performance of multimedia search engines. From a socio-economic perspective we inventorize the impact and legal consequences of these technical advances and point out future directions of research

    Semantic-aware Digital Twin for Metaverse: A Comprehensive Review

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    To facilitate the deployment of digital twins in Metaverse, the paradigm with semantic awareness has been proposed as a means for enabling accurate and task-oriented information extraction with inherent intelligence. However, this framework requires all devices in the Metaverse environment to be directly linked with the semantic model to enable faithful interpretation of messages. In contrast, this article introduces the digital twin framework, considering a smart industrial application, which enables semantic communication in conjugation with the Metaverse enabling technologies. The fundamentals of this framework are demonstrated on an industrial shopfloor management use case with a digital twin so as to improve its performance through semantic communication. An overview of semantic communication, Metaverse, and digital twins is presented. Integration of these technologies with the basic architecture as well as the impact on future industrial applications is presented. In a nutshell, this article showcases how semantic awareness can be an effective candidate in the implementation of digital twins for Metaverse applications.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Directional adposition use in English, Swedish and Finnish

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    Directional adpositions such as to the left of describe where a Figure is in relation to a Ground. English and Swedish directional adpositions refer to the location of a Figure in relation to a Ground, whether both are static or in motion. In contrast, the Finnish directional adpositions edellä (in front of) and jäljessä (behind) solely describe the location of a moving Figure in relation to a moving Ground (Nikanne, 2003). When using directional adpositions, a frame of reference must be assumed for interpreting the meaning of directional adpositions. For example, the meaning of to the left of in English can be based on a relative (speaker or listener based) reference frame or an intrinsic (object based) reference frame (Levinson, 1996). When a Figure and a Ground are both in motion, it is possible for a Figure to be described as being behind or in front of the Ground, even if neither have intrinsic features. As shown by Walker (in preparation), there are good reasons to assume that in the latter case a motion based reference frame is involved. This means that if Finnish speakers would use edellä (in front of) and jäljessä (behind) more frequently in situations where both the Figure and Ground are in motion, a difference in reference frame use between Finnish on one hand and English and Swedish on the other could be expected. We asked native English, Swedish and Finnish speakers’ to select adpositions from a language specific list to describe the location of a Figure relative to a Ground when both were shown to be moving on a computer screen. We were interested in any differences between Finnish, English and Swedish speakers. All languages showed a predominant use of directional spatial adpositions referring to the lexical concepts TO THE LEFT OF, TO THE RIGHT OF, ABOVE and BELOW. There were no differences between the languages in directional adpositions use or reference frame use, including reference frame use based on motion. We conclude that despite differences in the grammars of the languages involved, and potential differences in reference frame system use, the three languages investigated encode Figure location in relation to Ground location in a similar way when both are in motion. Levinson, S. C. (1996). Frames of reference and Molyneux’s question: Crosslingiuistic evidence. In P. Bloom, M.A. Peterson, L. Nadel & M.F. Garrett (Eds.) Language and Space (pp.109-170). Massachusetts: MIT Press. Nikanne, U. (2003). How Finnish postpositions see the axis system. In E. van der Zee & J. Slack (Eds.), Representing direction in language and space. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Walker, C. (in preparation). Motion encoding in language, the use of spatial locatives in a motion context. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Lincoln, Lincoln. United Kingdo

    Augmented visual, auditory, haptic, and multimodal feedback in motor learning: A review

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    It is generally accepted that augmented feedback, provided by a human expert or a technical display, effectively enhances motor learning. However, discussion of the way to most effectively provide augmented feedback has been controversial. Related studies have focused primarily on simple or artificial tasks enhanced by visual feedback. Recently, technical advances have made it possible also to investigate more complex, realistic motor tasks and to implement not only visual, but also auditory, haptic, or multimodal augmented feedback. The aim of this review is to address the potential of augmented unimodal and multimodal feedback in the framework of motor learning theories. The review addresses the reasons for the different impacts of feedback strategies within or between the visual, auditory, and haptic modalities and the challenges that need to be overcome to provide appropriate feedback in these modalities, either in isolation or in combination. Accordingly, the design criteria for successful visual, auditory, haptic, and multimodal feedback are elaborate

    Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments

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    This open access book tackles the design of 3D spatial interactions in an audio-centered and audio-first perspective, providing the fundamental notions related to the creation and evaluation of immersive sonic experiences. The key elements that enhance the sensation of place in a virtual environment (VE) are: Immersive audio: the computational aspects of the acoustical-space properties of Virutal Reality (VR) technologies Sonic interaction: the human-computer interplay through auditory feedback in VE VR systems: naturally support multimodal integration, impacting different application domains Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments will feature state-of-the-art research on real-time auralization, sonic interaction design in VR, quality of the experience in multimodal scenarios, and applications. Contributors and editors include interdisciplinary experts from the fields of computer science, engineering, acoustics, psychology, design, humanities, and beyond. Their mission is to shape an emerging new field of study at the intersection of sonic interaction design and immersive media, embracing an archipelago of existing research spread in different audio communities and to increase among the VR communities, researchers, and practitioners, the awareness of the importance of sonic elements when designing immersive environments

    Polymedia Based Instruction in Purposive Communication

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    This paper focused on the development and validation of Polymedia Based Instruction (PBI) materials in Purposive Communication (PC) classes at Urdaneta City University. Descriptive and developmental research designs were employed in this study. The subjects include the PC Instructors and selected pre-service teachers taking the course. This study identified five topics which were determined by the 8 PC instructors namely: Effective Communication, Intercultural Communication, Guidelines to Avoid Plagiarism, Power of Information and Communication Technology, and PowerPoint Presentation. PBI materials were developed for each topic and were categorized into 3components. These are direct materials, interactive materials, and task-based materials. PBI materials were given a highly acceptable remark from the pre-service teachers in the Purposive Communicationcourse. From the abovefindings, the following conclusions were drawn: Most of the identified topics needing computer-aided instructions using PBI materials dealt with speaking and writing skills; PBI materials developed covered spoken texts, mini-lecture, clips, related examples, interactive voice prompts, and computer-aided instructions; and, PBI materials are highly accepted in delivering the identified topics in the identified course.Moreover, the following recommendationsare forwarded: language teachers may use PBI materials as teaching strategies in speaking and writing classes; administrators and language teachers may optimize the PBI materials developed in teaching Purposive Communication course; language teachers may incorporate PBI materials in teaching Purpose Communication course; language teachers may design additional PBI materials to enhance the speaking and writing skills of the learners, and future researchers may explore other variables that can potentially signify to the PBI materials in teaching other related subjects