1,593 research outputs found

    Integrated product relationships management : a model to enable concurrent product design and assembly sequence planning

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    The paper describes a novel approach to product relationships management in the context of concurrent engineering and product lifecycle management (PLM). Current industrial practices in product data management and manufacturing process management systems require better efficiency, flexibility, and sensitivity in managing product information at various levels of abstraction throughout its lifecycle. The aim of the proposed work is to manage vital yet complex and inherent product relationship information to enable concurrent product design and assembly sequence planning. Indeed, the definition of the product with its assembly sequence requires the management and the understanding of the numerous product relationships, ensuring consistency between the product and its components. This main objective stresses the relational design paradigm by focusing on product relationships along its lifecycle. This paper gives the detailed description of the background and models which highlight the need for a more efficient PLM approach. The proposed theoretical approach is then described in detail. A separate paper will focus on the implementation of the proposed approach in a PLM-based application, and an in-depth case study to evaluate the implementation of the novel approach will also be given

    Eco Global Evaluation: Cross Benefits of Economic and Ecological Evaluation

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    This paper highlights the complementarities of cost and environmental evaluation in a sustainable approach. Starting with the needs and limits for whole product lifecycle evaluation, this paper begins with the modeling, data capture and performance indicator aspects. In a second step, the information issue, regarding the whole lifecycle of the product is addressed. In order to go further than the economical evaluations/assessment, the value concept (for a product or a service) is discussed. Value could combine functional requirements, cost objectives and environmental impact. Finally, knowledge issues which address the complexity of integrating multi-disciplinary expertise to the whole lifecycle of a product are discussing.EcoSD NetworkEcoSD networ

    FESTivE: an information system method to improve product designers and environmental experts information exchanges

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    Effective collaboration between product designers and environmental experts is an important driver for the ecodesign practice in industry. This paper investigates the principal functions required for such an e ective collaboration and aims at facilitating them. Product designers should be able to integrate the environmental parameters into their activities, and to exchange information dynamically with the environmental expert whenever needed during the design process. Therefore, the IT system should be in itself dynamic and exible to the integration of new concepts (knowledge, software). Recent developments in Model Driven Engineering (MDE) are showing some interesting results to gain exibility and dynamism in the IT system. Combining software interoperability using model federation based on MDE with the speci city of ecodesign practice in industry this paper proposes the FESTivE method for Federate EcodeSign Tool modEls. Experimented in two different industrial contexts the practical feasibility of FESTivE has been validated with practitioners. Results on the e ects of using FESTivE in industry shows that product designers and environmental experts are more equipped to anticipate and to respond to each other's needs at each stage of the design process of product or service

    An assembly oriented design framework for product structure engineering and assembly sequence planning

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    The paper describes a novel framework for an assembly-oriented design (AOD) approach as a new functional product lifecycle management (PLM) strategy, by considering product design and assembly sequence planning phases concurrently. Integration issues of product life cycle into the product development process have received much attention over the last two decades, especially at the detailed design stage. The main objective of the research is to define assembly sequence into preliminary design stages by introducing and applying assembly process knowledge in order to provide an assembly context knowledge to support life-oriented product development process, particularly for product structuring. The proposed framework highlights a novel algorithm based on a mathematical model integrating boundary conditions related to DFA rules, engineering decisions for assembly sequence and the product structure definition. This framework has been implemented in a new system called PEGASUS considered as an AOD module for a PLM system. A case study of applying the framework to a catalytic-converter and diesel particulate filter sub-system, belonging to an exhaust system from an industrial automotive supplier, is introduced to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed AOD methodology

    Interoperability framework for supporting information-based assistance in the factory

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    The aim of this paper is to propose new interoperability solution, based on Info-Engine framework and web services technology to support data exchange and extraction from PLM system, specially the Windchill tool. This solution will be implemented as a connector module of more generic framework, named Digital Factory Assistant (DFA). The DFA framework aims to provide factory workers by a set of knowledge and information based decision support to improve their activity performance

    Toward a cognitive based approach for knowledge structuring

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    International audienceCompetitiveness led factories, today, to be much more careful with their product development process, more accurate with their human resources and involve a diversity of actors such as operators, technicians, engineers, etc. creating heterogeneous knowledge domains. In this paper, we aim to present a comprehensive explanation of an approach regarding knowledge extraction and structuring in the factory. We begin our paper with an overview about the context of our research proposal. Then, we explain different constraints to take into account during the process of building our model

    Multiple viewpoint modelling framework enabling integrated product-process design

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    Nowadays, companies have to cope with numerous constraints at organisational and technical levels in order to improve their competitiveness edges such as productivity, efficiency, and flexibility. Integrated product-process design becomes more and more complex to manage because of increasingly customized products related to various stakeholders and concerns geographically distributed. It is still represents a huge challenge, especially in the early phases of product development process. In such a context, the management of information within integrated product-process design highlights needs in a consistent engineering model that enables product lifecycle management (PLM) integration. The paper presents a novel multiple viewpoint framework called multiple viewpoint assembly oriented, considering product design and assembly process domains in the broader context of concurrent engineering and PLM. The proposed framework describes the consistency, the propagation of information change, and mechanisms of views generation among the product lifecycle stages in order to support assembly oriented design philosophy. A new modelling language called System Modeling Language is used to describe the proposed model from a systems engineering point of view. The implementation of the model in a Web-service called PEGASUS as an application for PLM systems is describe

    Explorando ferramentas de modelação digital, aumentada e orientada por dados em engenharia e design de produto

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    Tools are indispensable for all diligent professional practice. New concepts and possibilities for paradigm shifting are emerging with recent computational technological developments in digital tools. However, new tools from key concepts such as “Big-Data”, “Accessibility” and “Algorithmic Design” are fundamentally changing the input and position of the Product Engineer and Designer. After the context introduction, this dissertation document starts by extracting three pivotal criteria from the Product Design Engineering's State of the Art analysis. In each one of those criteria the new emergent, more relevant and paradigmatic concepts are explored and later on are positioned and compared within the Product Lifecycle Management wheel scheme, where the potential risks and gaps are pointed to be explored in the experience part. There are two types of empirical experiences: the first being of case studies from Architecture and Urban Planning — from the student's professional experience —, that served as a pretext and inspiration for the experiments directly made for Product Design Engineering. First with a set of isolated explorations and analysis, second with a hypothetical experience derived from the latter and, finally, a deliberative section that culminate in a listing of risks and changes concluded from all the previous work. The urgency to reflect on what will change in that role and position, what kind of ethical and/or conceptual reformulations should exist for the profession to maintain its intellectual integrity and, ultimately, to survive, are of the utmost evidence.As ferramentas são indispensáveis para toda a prática diligente profissional. Novos conceitos e possibilidades de mudança de paradigma estão a surgir com os recentes progressos tecnológicos a nível computacional nas ferramentas digitais. Contudo, novas ferramentas originadas sobre conceitos-chave como “Big Data”, “Acessibilidade” e “Design Algorítmico” estão a mudar de forma fundamental o contributo e posição do Engenheiro e Designer de Produto. Esta dissertação, após uma primeira introdução contextual, começa por extrair três conceitos-eixo duma análise ao Estado da Arte actual em Engenharia e Design de Produto. Em cada um desses conceitos explora-se os novos conceitos emergentes mais relevantes e paradigmáticos, que então são comparados e posicionados no círculo de Gestão de Ciclo de Vida de Produto, apontando aí potenciais riscos e falhas que possam ser explorados em experiências. As experiências empíricas têm duas índoles: a primeira de projetos e casos de estudo de arquitetura e planeamento urbanístico — experiência em contexto de trabalho do aluno —, que serviu de pretexto e inspiração para as experiências relacionadas com Engenharia e Design de Produto. Primeiro com uma série de análises e experiências isoladas, segundo com uma formulação hipotética com o compêndio dessas experiências e, finalmente, com uma secção de reflexão que culmina numa série de riscos e mudanças induzidas do trabalho anterior. A urgência em refletir sobre o que irá alterar nesse papel e posição, que género de reformulações éticas e/ou conceptuais deverão existir para que a profissão mantenha a sua integridade intelectual e, em última instância, sobreviva, são bastante evidentes.Mestrado em Engenharia e Design de Produt