90 research outputs found

    Fine-Grained Natural Language Inference Based Faithfulness Evaluation for Diverse Summarisation Tasks

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    We study existing approaches to leverage off-the-shelf Natural Language Inference (NLI) models for the evaluation of summary faithfulness and argue that these are sub-optimal due to the granularity level considered for premises and hypotheses. That is, the smaller content unit considered as hypothesis is a sentence and premises are made up of a fixed number of document sentences. We propose a novel approach, namely InFusE, that uses a variable premise size and simplifies summary sentences into shorter hypotheses. Departing from previous studies which focus on single short document summarisation, we analyse NLI based faithfulness evaluation for diverse summarisation tasks. We introduce DiverSumm, a new benchmark comprising long form summarisation (long documents and summaries) and diverse summarisation tasks (e.g., meeting and multi-document summarisation). In experiments, InFusE obtains superior performance across the different summarisation tasks. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/HJZnlp/infuse.Comment: EACL 202

    A survey on Recognizing Textual Entailment as an NLP Evaluation

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    Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) was proposed as a unified evaluation framework to compare semantic understanding of different NLP systems. In this survey paper, we provide an overview of different approaches for evaluating and understanding the reasoning capabilities of NLP systems. We then focus our discussion on RTE by highlighting prominent RTE datasets as well as advances in RTE dataset that focus on specific linguistic phenomena that can be used to evaluate NLP systems on a fine-grained level. We conclude by arguing that when evaluating NLP systems, the community should utilize newly introduced RTE datasets that focus on specific linguistic phenomena

    SVO triple based Latent Semantic Analysis for recognising textual entailment

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    Burek G, Pietsch C, De Roeck A. SVO triple based Latent Semantic Analysis for recognising textual entailment. In: Proceedings of the ACL-PASCAL Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing (WTEP). Association for Computational Linguistics; 2007: 113-118.Latent Semantic Analysis has only recently been applied to textual entailment recognition. However, these efforts have suffered from inadequate bag of words vector representations. Our prototype implementation for the Third Recognising Textual Entailment Challenge (RTE-3) improves the approach by applying it to vector representations that contain semi-structured representations of words. It uses variable size n-grams of word stems to model independently verbs, subjects and objects displayed in textual statements. The system performance shows positive results and provides insights about how to improve them further

    Methods for Measuring Semantic Similarity of Texts

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    A thesis submitted in partial ful lment of the requirements of the University of Wolverhampton for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyMeasuring semantic similarity is a task needed in many Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. For example, in Machine Translation evaluation, semantic similarity is used to assess the quality of the machine translation output by measuring the degree of equivalence between a reference translation and the machine translation output. The problem of semantic similarity (Corley and Mihalcea, 2005) is de ned as measuring and recognising semantic relations between two texts. Semantic similarity covers di erent types of semantic relations, mainly bidirectional and directional. This thesis proposes new methods to address the limitations of existing work on both types of semantic relations. Recognising Textual Entailment (RTE) is a directional relation where a text T entails the hypothesis H (entailment pair) if the meaning of H can be inferred from the meaning of T (Dagan and Glickman, 2005; Dagan et al., 2013). Most of the RTE methods rely on machine learning algorithms. de Marne e et al. (2006) propose a multi-stage architecture where a rst stage determines an alignment between the T-H pairs to be followed by an entailment decision stage. A limitation of such approaches is that instead of recognising a non-entailment, an alignment that ts an optimisation criterion will be returned, but the alignment by itself is a poor predictor for iii non-entailment. We propose an RTE method following a multi-stage architecture, where both stages are based on semantic representations. Furthermore, instead of using simple similarity metrics to predict the entailment decision, we use a Markov Logic Network (MLN). The MLN is based on rich relational features extracted from the output of the predicate-argument alignment structures between T-H pairs. This MLN learns to reward pairs with similar predicates and similar arguments, and penalise pairs otherwise. The proposed methods show promising results. A source of errors was found to be the alignment step, which has low coverage. However, we show that when an alignment is found, the relational features improve the nal entailment decision. The task of Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) (Agirre et al., 2012) is de- ned as measuring the degree of bidirectional semantic equivalence between a pair of texts. The STS evaluation campaigns use datasets that consist of pairs of texts from NLP tasks such as Paraphrasing and Machine Translation evaluation. Methods for STS are commonly based on computing similarity metrics between the pair of sentences, where the similarity scores are used as features to train regression algorithms. Existing methods for STS achieve high performances over certain tasks, but poor results over others, particularly on unknown (surprise) tasks. Our solution to alleviate this unbalanced performances is to model STS in the context of Multi-task Learning using Gaussian Processes (MTL-GP) ( Alvarez et al., 2012) and state-of-the-art iv STS features ( Sari c et al., 2012). We show that the MTL-GP outperforms previous work on the same datasets

    Tackling Sequence to Sequence Mapping Problems with Neural Networks

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    In Natural Language Processing (NLP), it is important to detect the relationship between two sequences or to generate a sequence of tokens given another observed sequence. We call the type of problems on modelling sequence pairs as sequence to sequence (seq2seq) mapping problems. A lot of research has been devoted to finding ways of tackling these problems, with traditional approaches relying on a combination of hand-crafted features, alignment models, segmentation heuristics, and external linguistic resources. Although great progress has been made, these traditional approaches suffer from various drawbacks, such as complicated pipeline, laborious feature engineering, and the difficulty for domain adaptation. Recently, neural networks emerged as a promising solution to many problems in NLP, speech recognition, and computer vision. Neural models are powerful because they can be trained end to end, generalise well to unseen examples, and the same framework can be easily adapted to a new domain. The aim of this thesis is to advance the state-of-the-art in seq2seq mapping problems with neural networks. We explore solutions from three major aspects: investigating neural models for representing sequences, modelling interactions between sequences, and using unpaired data to boost the performance of neural models. For each aspect, we propose novel models and evaluate their efficacy on various tasks of seq2seq mapping.Comment: PhD thesi

    Benchmarking for syntax-based sentential inference

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    International audienceWe propose a methodology for investigat- ing how well NLP systems handle mean- ing preserving syntactic variations. We start by presenting a method for the semi automated creation of a benchmark where entailment is mediated solely by meaning preserving syntactic variations. We then use this benchmark to compare a seman- tic role labeller and two grammar based RTE systems. We argue that the proposed methodology (i) supports a modular eval- uation of the ability of NLP systems to handle the syntax/semantic interface and (ii) permits focused error mining and er- ror analysis

    Enhancing the Reasoning Capabilities of Natural Language Inference Models with Attention Mechanisms and External Knowledge

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    Natural Language Inference (NLI) is fundamental to natural language understanding. The task summarises the natural language understanding capabilities within a simple formulation of determining whether a natural language hypothesis can be inferred from a given natural language premise. NLI requires an inference system to address the full complexity of linguistic as well as real-world commonsense knowledge and, hence, the inferencing and reasoning capabilities of an NLI system are utilised in other complex language applications such as summarisation and machine comprehension. Consequently, NLI has received significant recent attention from both academia and industry. Despite extensive research, contemporary neural NLI models face challenges arising from the sole reliance on training data to comprehend all the linguistic and real-world commonsense knowledge. Further, different attention mechanisms, crucial to the success of neural NLI models, present the prospects of better utilisation when employed in combination. In addition, the NLI research field lacks a coherent set of guidelines for the application of one of the most crucial regularisation hyper-parameters in the RNN-based NLI models -- dropout. In this thesis, we present neural models capable of leveraging the attention mechanisms and the models that utilise external knowledge to reason about inference. First, a combined attention model to leverage different attention mechanisms is proposed. Experimentation demonstrates that the proposed model is capable of better modelling the semantics of long and complex sentences. Second, to address the limitation of the sole reliance on the training data, two novel neural frameworks utilising real-world commonsense and domain-specific external knowledge are introduced. Employing the rule-based external knowledge retrieval from the knowledge graphs, the first model takes advantage of the convolutional encoders and factorised bilinear pooling to augment the reasoning capabilities of the state-of-the-art NLI models. Utilising the significant advances in the research of contextual word representations, the second model, addresses the existing crucial challenges of external knowledge retrieval, learning the encoding of the retrieved knowledge and the fusion of the learned encodings to the NLI representations, in unique ways. Experimentation demonstrates the efficacy and superiority of the proposed models over previous state-of-the-art approaches. Third, for the limitation on dropout investigations, formulated on exhaustive evaluation, analysis and validation on the proposed RNN-based NLI models, a coherent set of guidelines is introduced