36 research outputs found

    Perbandingan keputusan multi-atribut berasaskan beberapa teori set (Comparison of multi attributes decisions based on several set theories)

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    Dalam makalah ini dibincangkan analisis perbandingan keputusan multi-atribut yang diperoleh hasil daripada pendekatan penilaian menggunakan teori set ketara, set kabur, set kabur berintuisi dan set dwikabur konflik. Perbincangan tertumpu kepada analisis yang melibatkan penilaian secara dedua dalam teori set biasa, penilaian secara [0,1] dalam set kabur, penilaian secara ‘darjah keahlian’ dan ‘darjah bukan keahlian’ serta syarat 0 ≤ μA(x) + γA(x) ≤ 1 dalam set kabur berintuisi, dan penilaian secara ‘timbal balas’ (i.i., positif dan negatif) dalam set dwikabur konflik. Bagi tujuan ini, keempat-empat teori set dibincangkan secara ringkas dari aspek takrif, kesamaan dan perbezaan serta cara pendekatan yang digunakan untuk mendapat indeks hampiran relatif. Aplikasi pengiraan berangka secara bandingan menggunakan TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) turut diberikan untuk semua pendekatan teori di atas. Keputusan pengiraan menunjukkan, perbezaan yang ketara pada nilai indeks hampiran relatif selain susunan keutamaan alternatif yang berbeza antara set ketara dengan teori set yang lain. Dapatan juga menunjukkan susunan keutamaan alternatif untuk tiga teori set kecuali set ketara adalah sama dan konsisten. Keputusan sebegini sekaligus memberi peluang dan ruang yang luas kepada penyelidik untuk mengkaji secara lebih mendalam pada masa hadapan. This paper discusses the comparison analyses for multi-attributes decision derived from crisp set, fuzzy set, intuitionistic fuzzy set and conflicting bifuzzy set. It focuses on the different evaluation approach using the binary system in crisp sets, the membership degree in [0,1] for fuzzy sets, the membership and non-membership degrees with condition 0 ≤ μA(x) + γA(x) ≤ 1 in intuitionistic fuzzy sets, and ‘equilibrium evaluation approach’ (i.e., positive and negative aspects) in conflicting bifuzzy sets. To meet these objectives, all the set theories are briefly discussed specifically the definitions, equalities, the differences as well as the different evaluation approaches to obtain the relative approximation index. A numerical example using Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is also presented to clarify each of the above set theories. From the calculation results, it shows the significant differences of relative approximation index for each theory and different rating between the crisp set and other set theories. It is also found that all the set theories have recorded the same rating and consistent, except crisp sets. Thus, this situation offers wider opportunities to investigate more deeply and holistically for future research

    Assessing competitiveness of foreign and local supermarket chains in Vietnamese market by using Fuzzy TOPSIS method

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    Considering the strategic importance for supermarket chains and to understanding the critical elements affecting their competitiveness and their relative level of competitiveness, this study tries to assess competitiveness of foreign and local supermarket chains in Vietnam using the fuzzy TOPSIS method. The results show that, even smaller size Vietnamese supermarket chains, when compared to foreign chains, are still slightly higher in competitiveness.Competitiveness; Supermarket chains; Fuzzy TOPSIS

    A GRP-basedHesitant Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision MakingMethod and Its Application to E-Commerce Risk Assessment

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    With respect to multiple attribute decision making (MADM) problems in which the attribute values take the form of hesitant fuzzy elements, the traditional grey relational projection (GRP) method is extended to solve multiple attribute decision making problems under hesitant fuzzy environment. Based on the hesitant fuzzy decision matrix provided by decision makers, all feasible alternatives are ranked according to the descending order of relative grey relational projections, and the most desirable alternative(s) should have the largest grey relational projection on positive ideal solution and the smallest grey relational projection on negative ideal solution. Finally, a numerical example of e-commerce risk assessment is given to illustrate the application of the proposed method

    Invariability, orbits and fuzzy attractors

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    In this paper, we present a generalization of a new systemic approach to abstract fuzzy systems. Using a fuzzy relations structure will retain the information provided by degrees of membership. In addition, to better suit the situation to be modelled, it is advisable to use T-norm or T-conorm distinct from the minimum and maximum, respectively. This gain in generality is due to the completeness of the work on a higher level of abstraction. You cannot always reproduce the results obtained previously, and also sometimes different definitions with different views are obtained. In any case this approach proves to be much more effective when modelling reality

    Coverage and invariability in fuzzy systems

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    This paper presents a new complex system systemic. Here, we are working in a fuzzy environment, so we have to adapt all the previous concepts and results that were obtained in a non-fuzzy environment, for this fuzzy case. The direct and indirect influences between variables will provide the basis for obtaining fuzzy and/or non-fuzzy relationships, so that the concepts of coverage and invariability between sets of variables will appear naturally. These two concepts and their interconnections will be analyzed from the viewpoint of algebraic properties of inclusion, union and intersection (fuzzy and non-fuzzy), and also for the loop concept, which, as we shall see, will be of special importance


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    Building upon the concept of D α operator introduced by Atanassov (1989), this article proposes an improved objective approach and a hybrid approach to operationalize D α so that the hesitation in an intuitionistic fuzzy number (IFN) can be further refined and characterized. Numerical experiments are carried out to demonstrate the features and novelty of the proposed approach compared to existing methods in the literature. The aim is to furnish an effective way to refine hesitations in intuitionistic fuzzy assessments for more reliable and confident decision aids

    Intuitionistic Hesitant Fuzzy Filters in BE-Algebras

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    The notions of hesitant fuzzy filters and hesitant implicative filter was introduced. In this paper, we introduce the notion of intuitionistic hesitant fuzzy filters (IHFF) and intuitionistic hesitant implicative filters (IHIFB) and several properties are investigated. Also, we defined ?-level sets, and we show the relation between IHFF, IHIFF and ?-Level