11 research outputs found

    Neural Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in NLP—A Survey

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    Deep neural networks excel at learning from labeled data and achieve state-of-the-art results on a wide array of Natural Language Processing tasks. In contrast, learning from unlabeled data, especially under domain shift, remains a challenge. Motivated by the latest advances, in this survey we review neural unsupervised domain adaptation techniques which do not require labeled target domain data. This is a more challenging yet a more widely applicable setup. We outline methods, from early approaches in traditional non-neural methods to pre-trained model transfer. We also revisit the notion of domain, and we uncover a bias in the type of Natural Language Processing tasks which received most attention. Lastly, we outline future directions, particularly the broader need for out-of-distribution generalization of future intelligent NLP

    Multi-source Attention for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

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    Domain adaptation considers the problem of generalising a model learnt using data from a particular source domain to a different target domain. Often it is difficult to find a suitable single source to adapt from, and one must consider multiple sources. Using an unrelated source can result in sub-optimal performance, known as the \emph{negative transfer}. However, it is challenging to select the appropriate source(s) for classifying a given target instance in multi-source unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA). We model source-selection as an attention-learning problem, where we learn attention over sources for a given target instance. For this purpose, we first independently learn source-specific classification models, and a relatedness map between sources and target domains using pseudo-labelled target domain instances. Next, we learn attention-weights over the sources for aggregating the predictions of the source-specific models. Experimental results on cross-domain sentiment classification benchmarks show that the proposed method outperforms prior proposals in multi-source UDA

    Video surveillance using deep transfer learning and deep domain adaptation: Towards better generalization

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    Recently, developing automated video surveillance systems (VSSs) has become crucial to ensure the security and safety of the population, especially during events involving large crowds, such as sporting events. While artificial intelligence (AI) smooths the path of computers to think like humans, machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) pave the way more, even by adding training and learning components. DL algorithms require data labeling and high-performance computers to effectively analyze and understand surveillance data recorded from fixed or mobile cameras installed in indoor or outdoor environments. However, they might not perform as expected, take much time in training, or not have enough input data to generalize well. To that end, deep transfer learning (DTL) and deep domain adaptation (DDA) have recently been proposed as promising solutions to alleviate these issues. Typically, they can (i) ease the training process, (ii) improve the generalizability of ML and DL models, and (iii) overcome data scarcity problems by transferring knowledge from one domain to another or from one task to another. Although the increasing number of articles proposed to develop DTL- and DDA-based VSSs, a thorough review that summarizes and criticizes the state-of-the-art is still missing. To that end, this paper introduces, to the best of the authors' knowledge, the first overview of existing DTL- and DDA-based video surveillance to (i) shed light on their benefits, (ii) discuss their challenges, and (iii) highlight their future perspectives.This research work was made possible by research grant support (QUEX-CENG-SCDL-19/20-1) from Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy (SC) in Qatar. The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors. Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library.Scopu

    Utilisation du plongement du domaine pour l’adaptation non supervisée en traduction automatique

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    L'industrie de la traduction utilise de plus en plus des modèles de traduction automatique. Des modèles dits « universels » sont capables d'obtenir de bonnes performances lorsqu'évalués sur un large ensemble de domaines, mais leurs performances sont souvent limitées lorsqu'ils sont testés sur des domaines précis. Or, les traductions doivent être adaptées au style, au sujet et au vocabulaire des différents domaines, en particulier ceux des nouveaux (pensons aux textes reliés à la COVID-19). Entrainer un nouveau modèle pour chaque domaine demande du temps, des outils technologiques spécialisés et de grands ensembles de données. De telles ressources ne sont généralement pas disponibles. Nous proposons, dans ce mémoire, d'évaluer une nouvelle technique de transfert d'apprentissage pour l'adaptation à un domaine précis. La technique peut s'adapter rapidement à tout nouveau domaine, sans entrainement supplémentaire et de façon non supervisée. À partir d'un échantillon de phrases du nouveau domaine, le modèle lui calcule une représentation vectorielle qu'il utilise ensuite pour guider ses traductions. Pour calculer ce plongement de domaine, nous testons cinq différentes techniques. Nos expériences démontrent qu'un modèle qui utilise un tel plongement réussit à extraire l'information qui s'y trouve pour guider ses traductions. Nous obtenons des résultats globalement supérieurs à un modèle de traduction qui aurait été entrainé sur les mêmes données, mais sans utiliser le plongement. Notre modèle est plus avantageux que d'autres techniques d'adaptation de domaine puisqu'il est non supervisé, qu'il ne requiert aucun entrainement supplémentaire pour s'adapter et qu'il s'adapte très rapidement (en quelques secondes) uniquement à partir d'un petit ensemble de phrases.Machine translation models usage is increasing in the translation industry. What we could call "universal" models attain good performances when evaluated over a wide set of domains, but their performance is often limited when tested on specific domains. Translations must be adapted to the style, subjects and vocabulary of different domains, especially new ones (the COVID-19 texts, for example). Training a new model on each domain requires time, specialized technological tools and large data sets. Such resources are generally not available. In this master's thesis, we propose to evaluate a novel learning transfer technique for domain adaptation. The technique can adapt quickly to any new domain, without additional training, and in an unsupervised manner. Given a sample of sentences from the new domain, the model computes a vector representation for the domain that is then used to guide its translations. To compute this domain embedding, we test five different techniques. Our experiments show that a model that uses this embedding obtains globally superior performances than a translation model that would have been trained on the same data, but without the embedding. Our model is more advantageous than other domain adaptation techniques since it is unsupervised, requires no additional training to adapt, and adapts very quickly (within seconds) from a small set of sentences only

    Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Text Classification via DistanceNet-Bandits

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    Domain adaptation performance of a learning algorithm on a target domain is a function of its source domain error and a divergence measure between the data distribution of these two domains. We present a study of various distance-based measures in the context of NLP tasks, that characterize the dissimilarity between domains based on sample estimates. We first conduct analysis experiments to show which of these distance measures can best differentiate samples from same versus different domains, and are correlated with empirical results. Next, we develop a DistanceNet model which uses these distance measures, or a mixture of these distance measures, as an additional loss function to be minimized jointly with the task's loss function, so as to achieve better unsupervised domain adaptation. Finally, we extend this model to a novel DistanceNet-Bandit model, which employs a multi-armed bandit controller to dynamically switch between multiple source domains and allow the model to learn an optimal trajectory and mixture of domains for transfer to the low-resource target domain. We conduct experiments on popular sentiment analysis datasets with several diverse domains and show that our DistanceNet model, as well as its dynamic bandit variant, can outperform competitive baselines in the context of unsupervised domain adaptation