1,157 research outputs found

    Optimal logistics scheduling with dynamic information in emergency response: case studies for humanitarian objectives

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    The mathematical model of infectious disease is a typical problem in mathematical modeling, and the common infectious disease models include the susceptible-infected (SI) model, the susceptible-infected-recovered model (SIR), the susceptible-infected-recovered-susceptible model (SIRS) and the susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered (SEIR) model. These models can be used to predict the impact of regional return to work after the epidemic. In this paper, we use the SEIR model to solve the dynamic medicine demand information in humanitarian relief phase. A multistage mixed integer programming model for the humanitarian logistics and transport resource is proposed. The objective functions of the model include delay cost and minimum running time in the time-space network. The model describes that how to distribute and deliver medicine resources from supply locations to demand locations with an efficient and lower-cost way through a transportation network. The linear programming problem is solved by the proposed Benders decomposition algorithm. Finally, we use two cases to calculate model and algorithm. The results of the case prove the validity of the model and algorithm

    ConstrucciĂłn de planes de restauraciĂłn de vĂ­as orientados a facilitar operaciones de logĂ­stica humanitaria

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    Disruptions in the transportation network are one of the hardest consequences of a disaster. They have the potential of hampering the performance of emergency aid organizations, reducing the opportunities of saving critical victims during response and recovery phases. The strategic restoration of road network implies the prioritization of those a ected roads whose rehabilitation would reduce travel times, allowing emergency relief vehicles, civilians and restoration machines to move faster through the network. Humanitarian Road Restoration Problem (HURREP) is a relatively new topic in comparison with other research topics on disaster management. In this study, we present a mathematical model which schedules and routes restoration machines and relief vehicles working in parallel on the same network. We adopt the minimization of weighted sum of attention times to communities as the objective function, seeking for a restoration plan totally dedicated to provide support to relief plan. Among other features, our methods are able to deal with di erent relief modes working in parallel, road disruptions that are naturally removed over time (e.g. by evaporation) and vehicle-dependent starting times. We also provided an heuristic algorithm able to solve large size instances of our problem in less than the 2.7% of the runtime limit suggested by the Administrative Department for Prevention, Attention, and Recovery from Disasters in Antioquia, Colombia (DAPARD). We validated the applicability of our methods on real world disaster scenarios through a study case based on the Mojana's oods occurred in northern Colombia on the 2010-2011.MaestrĂ­aMagister en IngenierĂ­a Industria

    Double ant colony system to improve accessibility after a disaster

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    We propose a novel double ant colony system to deal with accessibility issues after a natural or man-made disaster. The aim is to maximize the number of survivors that reach the nearest regional center (center of economic and social activity in the region) in a minimum time by planning which rural roads damaged by the disaster should be repaired given the available financial and human resources. The proposed algorithm is illustrated by means of a large instance based on the Haiti natural disasters in August-September 2008

    Emergency logistics for wildfire suppression based on forecasted disaster evolution

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    This paper aims to develop a two-layer emergency logistics system with a single depot and multiple demand sites for wildfire suppression and disaster relief. For the first layer, a fire propagation model is first built using both the flame-igniting attributes of wildfires and the factors affecting wildfire propagation and patterns. Second, based on the forecasted propagation behavior, the emergency levels of fire sites in terms of demand on suppression resources are evaluated and prioritized. For the second layer, considering the prioritized fire sites, the corresponding resource allocation problem and vehicle routing problem (VRP) are investigated and addressed. The former is approached using a model that can minimize the total forest loss (from multiple sites) and suppression costs incurred accordingly. This model is constructed and solved using principles of calculus. To address the latter, a multi-objective VRP model is developed to minimize both the travel time and cost of the resource delivery vehicles. A heuristic algorithm is designed to provide the associated solutions of the VRP model. As a result, this paper provides useful insights into effective wildfire suppression by rationalizing resources regarding different fire propagation rates. The supporting models can also be generalized and tailored to tackle logistics resource optimization issues in dynamic operational environments, particularly those sharing the same feature of single supply and multiple demands in logistics planning and operations (e.g., allocation of ambulances and police forces). © 2017 The Author(s

    Optimization of emergency supplies paths based on dynamic real-time split deliver

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    A multi-objective dynamic demand split delivery emergency material distribution model is developed to enhance the efficiency of emergency material distribution and facilitate the smooth progress of safety rescue operations during unconventional emergencies. This model incorporates the psychological view of those affected by disasters. The issue of dynamic demand may be transformed into a static demand problem by dividing the distribution time window into time domains of equal length. The optimization process is thereafter executed in real-time with the timed batch methodology. A refined ant colony method has been developed to address the model by integrating the attributes of the mathematical model, followed by doing an arithmetic case analysis. The findings indicate that the algorithm and mathematical model suggested in this study are efficacious in addressing the emergency material distribution issue, offering valuable decision-making advice and reference

    Analysing the police patrol routing problem : a review

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    Police patrol is a complex process. While on patrol, police officers must balance many intersecting responsibilities. Most notably, police must proactively patrol and prevent offenders from committing crimes but must also reactively respond to real-time incidents. Efficient patrol strategies are crucial to manage scarce police resources and minimize emergency response times. The objective of this review paper is to discuss solution methods that can be used to solve the so-called police patrol routing problem (PPRP). The starting point of the review is the existing literature on the dynamic vehicle routing problem (DVRP). A keyword search resulted in 30 articles that focus on the DVRP with a link to police. Although the articles refer to policing, there is no specific focus on the PPRP; hence, there is a knowledge gap. A diversity of approaches is put forward ranging from more convenient solution methods such as a (hybrid) Genetic Algorithm (GA), linear programming and routing policies, to more complex Markov Decision Processes and Online Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization. Given the objectives, characteristics, advantages and limitations, the (hybrid) GA, routing policies and local search seem the most valuable solution methods for solving the PPRP

    Improved whale swarm algorithm for solving material emergency dispatching problem with changing road conditions

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    To overcome the problem of easily falling into local extreme values of the whale swarm algorithm to solve the material emergency dispatching problem with changing road conditions, an improved whale swarm algorithm is proposed. First, an improved scan and Clarke-Wright algorithm is used to obtain the optimal vehicle path at the initial time. Then, the group movement strategy is designed to generate offspring individuals with an improved quality for refining the updating ability of individuals in the population. Finally, in order to maintain population diversity, a different weights strategy is used to expand individual search spaces, which can prevent individuals from prematurely gathering in a certain area. The experimental results show that the performance of the improved whale swarm algorithm is better than that of the ant colony system and the adaptive chaotic genetic algorithm, which can minimize the cost of material distribution and effectively eliminate the adverse effects caused by the change of road conditions

    Optimization for Decision Making II

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    In the current context of the electronic governance of society, both administrations and citizens are demanding the greater participation of all the actors involved in the decision-making process relative to the governance of society. This book presents collective works published in the recent Special Issue (SI) entitled “Optimization for Decision Making II”. These works give an appropriate response to the new challenges raised, the decision-making process can be done by applying different methods and tools, as well as using different objectives. In real-life problems, the formulation of decision-making problems and the application of optimization techniques to support decisions are particularly complex and a wide range of optimization techniques and methodologies are used to minimize risks, improve quality in making decisions or, in general, to solve problems. In addition, a sensitivity or robustness analysis should be done to validate/analyze the influence of uncertainty regarding decision-making. This book brings together a collection of inter-/multi-disciplinary works applied to the optimization of decision making in a coherent manner

    Introducing a novel multi-objective optimization model for volunteer assignment in the post-disaster phase: Combining fuzzy inference systems with NSGA-II and NRGA

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    Each year, disasters (natural or man-made) cause a lot of damage and take many people’s lives. In this situation, many volunteers come to help. While the proper management of volunteers is very effective in controlling the crisis, the lack of proper management of volunteers can create another crisis. Therefore, we introduce a model to deal with the volunteer assignment problem by considering two qualitative objective functions: The first one is minimizing the mean importance of Emergency Department (ED) centers’ unmet needs by volunteers, and the second one is minimizing the mean degree of unsatisfied preferences of selected volunteers. To evaluate the introduced qualitative indexes, two Fuzzy Inference Systems (FISs) are used to encapsulate decision makers’ knowledge as well as the human reasoning process. FISs are embedded in two evolutionary algorithms for solving the proposed model: Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) and Non-Dominated Ranked Genetic Algorithm (NRGA). Also, 30 small-size problems, as well as 30 large-size problems, are randomly generated and solved by both metaheuristic algorithms. Using the obtained data, the performance of NSGA-II and NRGA is measured and compared based on four criteria: CPU Time, Number of Non-dominated Solutions (NNS), Mean Ideal Distance (MID), and Spacing Metric (SM). Statistical tests show that both algorithms have the same performance in small-size problems. However, in large-size problems, NSGA-II is faster, and NRGA produces more optimal solutions. The proposed model is flexible enough to adapt to different scenarios just by updating linguistic rules in FISs. Also, since employed algorithms produce a set of optimal solutions, decision-makers can easily choose the most appropriate solution among the Pareto front based on the circumstancesH2020-EU.1.3. – EXCELLEN
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