81 research outputs found

    A novel multi-objective quantum particle swarm algorithm for suspension optimization

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    In this paper, a novel multi-objective archive-based Quantum Particle Optimizer (MOQPSO) is proposed for solving suspension optimization problems. The algorithm has been adapted from the well-knownsingle objectiveQPSOby substantialmodifications in the core equations and implementation of new multi-objectivemechanisms. The novel algorithmMOQPSO and the long-establishedNSGA-II andCOGA-II (Compressed-ObjectiveGenetic Algorithm with Convergence Detection) are compared. Two situations are considered in this paper: a simple half-car suspension model and a bus suspension model. The numerical model of the bus allows complex dynamic interactions not considered in previous studies. The suitability of the solution is evaluated based on vibration-related ISO Standards, and the efficiency of the proposed algorithm is tested by dominance comparison. For a specifically chosen Pareto front solution found by MOQPSO in the second case, the passengers and driver accelerations attenuated about 50% and 33%, respectively, regarding non-optimal suspension parameters. All solutions found by NSGA-II are dominated by those found byMOQPSO,which presented a Pareto front noticeably wider for the same number of objective function calls

    A Comprehensive Survey on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Applications

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a heuristic global optimization method, proposed originally by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995. It is now one of the most commonly used optimization techniques. This survey presented a comprehensive investigation of PSO. On one hand, we provided advances with PSO, including its modifications (including quantum-behaved PSO, bare-bones PSO, chaotic PSO, and fuzzy PSO), population topology (as fully connected, von Neumann, ring, star, random, etc.), hybridization (with genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, Tabu search, artificial immune system, ant colony algorithm, artificial bee colony, differential evolution, harmonic search, and biogeography-based optimization), extensions (to multiobjective, constrained, discrete, and binary optimization), theoretical analysis (parameter selection and tuning, and convergence analysis), and parallel implementation (in multicore, multiprocessor, GPU, and cloud computing forms). On the other hand, we offered a survey on applications of PSO to the following eight fields: electrical and electronic engineering, automation control systems, communication theory, operations research, mechanical engineering, fuel and energy, medicine, chemistry, and biology. It is hoped that this survey would be beneficial for the researchers studying PSO algorithms

    An improved data classification framework based on fractional particle swarm optimization

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    Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a population based stochastic optimization technique which consist of particles that move collectively in iterations to search for the most optimum solutions. However, conventional PSO is prone to lack of convergence and even stagnation in complex high dimensional-search problems with multiple local optima. Therefore, this research proposed an improved Mutually-Optimized Fractional PSO (MOFPSO) algorithm based on fractional derivatives and small step lengths to ensure convergence to global optima by supplying a fine balance between exploration and exploitation. The proposed algorithm is tested and verified for optimization performance comparison on ten benchmark functions against six existing established algorithms in terms of Mean of Error and Standard Deviation values. The proposed MOFPSO algorithm demonstrated lowest Mean of Error values during the optimization on all benchmark functions through all 30 runs (Ackley = 0.2, Rosenbrock = 0.2, Bohachevsky = 9.36E-06, Easom = -0.95, Griewank = 0.01, Rastrigin = 2.5E-03, Schaffer = 1.31E-06, Schwefel 1.2 = 3.2E-05, Sphere = 8.36E-03, Step = 0). Furthermore, the proposed MOFPSO algorithm is hybridized with Back-Propagation (BP), Elman Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to propose an enhanced data classification framework, especially for data classification applications. The proposed classification framework is then evaluated for classification accuracy, computational time and Mean Squared Error on five benchmark datasets against seven existing techniques. It can be concluded from the simulation results that the proposed MOFPSO-ERNN classification algorithm demonstrated good classification performance in terms of classification accuracy (Breast Cancer = 99.01%, EEG = 99.99%, PIMA Indian Diabetes = 99.37%, Iris = 99.6%, Thyroid = 99.88%) as compared to the existing hybrid classification techniques. Hence, the proposed technique can be employed to improve the overall classification accuracy and reduce the computational time in data classification applications

    Enhancing controller's tuning reliability with multi-objective optimisation: From Model in the loop to Hardware in the loop

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    [EN] In general, the starting point for the complex task of designing a robust and efficient control system is the use of nominal models that allow to establish a first set of parameters for the selected control scheme. Once the initial stage of design is achieved, control engineers face the difficult task of Fine-Tuning for a more realistic environment, where the environment conditions are as similar as possible to the real system. For this reason, in the last decades the use of Hardware-in-The-Loop (HiL) systems has been introduced. This simulation technique guarantees realistic simulation environments to test the designs but without danger of damaging the equipment. Also, in this iterative process of Fine-Tuning, it is usual to use different (generally conflicting/opposed) criteria that take into account the sensitivities that always appear in every project, such as economic, security, robustness, performance, for example. In this framework, the use of multi-objective techniques are especially useful since they allow to study the different design alternatives based on the multiple existing criteria. Unfortunately, the combination of multi-objective techniques and verification schemes based on Hardware-In-The-Loop presents a high incompatibility. Since obtaining the optimal set of solutions requires a high computational cost that is greatly increased when using Hardware- In-the-Loop. For this reason, it is often necessary to use less realistic but more computationally efficient verification schemes such as Model in the Loop (MiL), Software in the Loop (SiL) and Processor in the Loop (PiL). In this paper, a combined methodology is presented, where multi-objective optimisation and multi-criteria decision making steps are sequentially performed to achieve a final control solution. The authors claim that while going towards the optimisation sequence over MiL -> SiL -> PiL -> HiL platforms, the complexity of the problem is unveiled to the designer, allowing to state meaningful design objectives. In addition, safety in the step between simulation and reality is significantly increased.The authors would like to acknowledge the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for providing funding through the project DPI2015-71443-R and the grant BES-2012-056210. This work has been partially supported by the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development of Brazil (CNPq) through the BJT/304804/2014-2 and PQ-2/304066/2016-8 grants.Reynoso Meza, G.; Velasco-Carrau, J.; Garcia-Nieto, S.; Blasco, X. (2017). Enhancing controller's tuning reliability with multi-objective optimisation: From Model in the loop to Hardware in the loop. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 64:52-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2017.05.005S52666

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Modelling and Control Design. A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach

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    [ES] Aquesta tesi presenta els resultats de la feina de recerca dut a terme sobre el modelatge i el disseny de controladors per a micro-aeronaus no tripulades mitjançant tècniques d'optimització multi-objectiu. Dos principals camps d'estudi estan presents al llarg d'ella. D'una banda, l'estudi de com modelar i controlar plataformes aèries de petita envergadura. I, de l'altra, l'estudi sobre l'ús de tècniques heurístiques d'optimització multi-objectiu per aplicar en el procés de parametrització de models i controladors en micro-aeronaus no tripulades. S'obtenen com a resultat principal una sèrie d'eines que permeten prescindir d'experiments en túnels de vent o de sensòrica d'alt cost, passant directament a la utilització de dades de vol experimental a la identificació paramètrica de models dinàmics. A més, es demostra com la utilització d'eines d'optimització multi-objectiu en diferents fases de desenvolupament de controladors ajuda a augmentar el coneixement sobre la plataforma a controlar i augmenta la fiabilitat i robustesa dels controladors desenvolupats, disminuint el risc de passar de les fases prèvies de el disseny a la validació en vol real.[CA] Esta tesis presenta los resultados del trabajo de investigación llevado a cabo sobre el modelado y el diseño de controladores para micro-aeronaves no tripuladas mediante técnicas de optimización multi-objetivo. Dos principales campos de estudio están presentes a lo largo de ella. Por un lado, el estudio de cómo modelar y controlar plataformas aéreas de pequeña envergadura. Y, por otro, el estudio sobre el empleo de técnicas heurísticas de optimización multi-objetivo para aplicar en el proceso de parametrización de modelos y controladores en micro-aeronaves no tripuladas. Se obtienen como resultado principal una serie de herramientas que permiten prescindir de experimentos en túneles de viento o de sensórica de alto coste, pasando directamente a la utilización de datos de vuelo experimental en la identificación paramétrica de modelos dinámicos. Además, se demuestra como la utilización de herramientas de optimización multi-objetivo en diferentes fases del desarrollo de controladores ayuda a aumentar el conocimiento sobre la plataforma a controlar y aumenta la fiabilidad y robustez de los controladores desarrollados, disminuyendo el riesgo de pasar de las fases previas del diseño a la validación en vuelo real.[EN] This thesis presents the results of the research work carried out on the modelling and design of controllers for micro-unmanned aerial vehicles by means of multi-objective optimization techniques. Two main fields of study are present throughout it. On one hand, the study of how to model and control small aerial platforms. And, on the other, the study on the use of heuristic multi-objective optimization techniques to apply in the process of models and controllers parameterization in micro-unmanned aerial vehicles. The main result is a series of tools that make it possible manage without wind tunnel experiments or high-cost air-data sensors, going directly to the use of experimental flight data in the parametric identification of dynamic models. In addition, a demonstration is given on how the use of multi-objective optimization tools in different phases of controller development helps to increase knowledge about the platform to be controlled and increases the reliability and robustness of the controllers developed, reducing the risk of hoping from the initial design phases to validation in real flight.Velasco Carrau, J. (2020). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Modelling and Control Design. A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/156034TESI

    Otimização paramétrica robusta multiobjetivo aplicada em suspensão veicular

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    A presente dissertação aplica uma metodologia de otimização robusta multiobjetivo ao problema da otimização de parâmetros da suspensão de um modelo numérico de meio carro com 5 graus de liberdade. A fim de aumentar o conforto do motorista do veículo sem prejudicar a dirigibilidade, a função objetivo escolhida foi a aceleração rms ponderada conforme a norma ISO 2631 (1997) com restrição no espaço de trabalho da suspensão. A otimização robusta é baseada em uma abordagem probabilística, mais completa do que aquela baseada em intervalos. A solução é comparada com uma otimização determinística, que não leva em consideração as incertezas. O estudo leva em conta diferentes aproximações presentes na literatura para a média e desvio padrão da função e da restrição, comparando os benefícios e prejuízos dos métodos. A solução gerada pela otimização robusta multiobjetivo escolhida resulta em uma média de aceleração rms ponderada de 0,205 /ଶ, contra 0,183 /ଶ da otimização determinística. Estas soluções, robusta e determinística, representam uma redução de 85,25% e 86,82% da aceleração da configuração de referência, respectivamente. No entanto, a probabilidade de falha calculada a partir do método de Monte Carlo com 25000 amostras mostrou que a otimização robusta permaneceu dentro do intervalo de segurança aceitável do espaço de trabalho da suspensão que foi estipulado em 10%, com apenas 8,69% de chance de falha da restrição, contra 66,23% de chance de falha para a solução determinística.This dissertation applies a multiobjective robust optimization methodology to the suspension optimization problem of a 5 degrees of freedom half-car numerical model. In order to increase the driver’s comfort without compromising the drivability, the chosen objective function was the weighted rms acceleration according to ISO 2631 (1997) with constrain regarding the suspension working space. The robust optimization is based in a probabilistic approach, more complete compared to the interval based approach. The study accounts for different approximation approaches present in the literature for the mean and deviation of function and constrain, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The chosen solution generated by the multiobjective robust optimization results in a mean for weighted rms acceleration of 0.205 /² against 0.183 /ଶ for the deterministic solution. These solutions, robust and deterministic, represent a reduction of 85.25% and 86.82% of the acceleration of the reference configuration, respectively. However, the failure probability calculated with the Monte Carlo method using 25000 samples, show that the robust optimization remained within the acceptable safety range of the suspension workspace which has been set to 10%, with an 8.69% chance of failure, against 66.23% chance of failure for the deterministic solution

    Foundations of Trusted Autonomy

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    Trusted Autonomy; Automation Technology; Autonomous Systems; Self-Governance; Trusted Autonomous Systems; Design of Algorithms and Methodologie

    Computational Optimizations for Machine Learning

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    The present book contains the 10 articles finally accepted for publication in the Special Issue “Computational Optimizations for Machine Learning” of the MDPI journal Mathematics, which cover a wide range of topics connected to the theory and applications of machine learning, neural networks and artificial intelligence. These topics include, among others, various types of machine learning classes, such as supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning, deep neural networks, convolutional neural networks, GANs, decision trees, linear regression, SVM, K-means clustering, Q-learning, temporal difference, deep adversarial networks and more. It is hoped that the book will be interesting and useful to those developing mathematical algorithms and applications in the domain of artificial intelligence and machine learning as well as for those having the appropriate mathematical background and willing to become familiar with recent advances of machine learning computational optimization mathematics, which has nowadays permeated into almost all sectors of human life and activity