164 research outputs found

    Agent Based Modeling and Simulation: An Informatics Perspective

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    The term computer simulation is related to the usage of a computational model in order to improve the understanding of a system's behavior and/or to evaluate strategies for its operation, in explanatory or predictive schemes. There are cases in which practical or ethical reasons make it impossible to realize direct observations: in these cases, the possibility of realizing 'in-machina' experiments may represent the only way to study, analyze and evaluate models of those realities. Different situations and systems are characterized by the presence of autonomous entities whose local behaviors (actions and interactions) determine the evolution of the overall system; agent-based models are particularly suited to support the definition of models of such systems, but also to support the design and implementation of simulators. Agent-Based models and Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) have been adopted to simulate very different kinds of complex systems, from the simulation of socio-economic systems to the elaboration of scenarios for logistics optimization, from biological systems to urban planning. This paper discusses the specific aspects of this approach to modeling and simulation from the perspective of Informatics, describing the typical elements of an agent-based simulation model and the relevant research.Multi-Agent Systems, Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation

    Approches environnement-centrées pour la simulation de systèmes multi-agents: Pour un déplacement de la complexité des agents vers l'environnement

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    This habilitation thesis synthesizes research works which are mainly related to the field of Multi-Agent Based Simulation (MABS). MABS is a general framework for modeling and experimenting with systems in which the dynamics emerges from local interactions among individuals (autonomous agents). Examples of use range from the study of natural systems (e.g. ant colonies, crowds or traffic jams) to the engineering of artificial ones (e.g., collective robotics, distributed artificial intelligence-based softwares). To this end, MABS modeling represents the behavior of individuals, their environment and interactions, so that global dynamics can be computed and studied from the bottom up. In this context, we have been investigating research on the theory and practice of MABS from two different perspectives : (1) the design of generic abstractions dedicated to the modeling of multi-agent dynamics (e.g., the IRM4S model) and (2) the engineering of MABS (MaDKit and TurtleKit platforms). Besides, we have been experimenting with MABS in different application domains such as image processing, video games, and collective robotics. Contrary to approaches that put the emphasis on the agent behaviors, all these works have been done by considering the environment of the agents as a first order abstraction. In this thesis, we first reflect upon the research we have conducted according to this perspective. Next, we show how we actually use this perspective to propose an original approach for using General-Purpose processing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) within MABS, and then present the research perspectives related to our positioning.Les travaux de recherche synthétisés dans ce mémoire s’inscrivent principalement dans le domaine de la modélisation et de la simulation de systèmes multi-agents (SMA). La simulation multi-agents met en œuvre des modèles où les individus, leur environnement et leurs interactions sont directement représentés. Dans ces modèles, chaque individu –agent autonome– possède son propre comportement et produit ses actions en fonction d’une perception locale de son environnement. Ainsi, la simulation multi-agents est utilisée pour étudier des systèmes naturels comme les colonies de fourmis, les dynamiques de foules ou le trafic urbain, mais aussi pour concevoir des systèmes artificiels, par exemple dans le cadre de la robotique collective ou le développement de logiciels basés sur de l’intelligence artificielle distribuée. Dans ce cadre, nos recherches ont porté sur des problématiques liées à la modélisation de simulations multi-agents, avec la proposition de modèles formels et conceptuels (e.g. le modèle IRM4S) et d’outils logiciels génériques (plates-formes MaDKit et TurtleKit), et sur leur utilisation dans divers domaines tels que le jeu vidéo, le traitement numérique de l’image ou la robotique collective. Contrairement aux approches centrées sur la conception des comportements individuels, dans ces travaux l’environnement des agents est considéré comme une abstraction de premier ordre. Dans ce mémoire, nous dressons tout d’abord un bilan de nos recherches en argumentant l’intérêt d’une telle démarche pour les modèles multi-agents. Nous montrons ensuite comment celle-ci nous a récemment permis de proposer une approche originale dans le cadre de l’utilisation du calcul haute performance sur carte graphique (GPGPU) pour la simulation de SMA, avant de présenter les perspectives de recherche associées à notre positionnement

    Using Qualitative Evidence to Enhance an Agent-Based Modelling System for Studying Land Use Change

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    This paper describes and evaluates a process of using qualitative field research data to extend the pre-existing FEARLUS agent-based modelling system through enriching its ontological capabilities, but without a deep level of involvement of the stakeholders in designing the model itself. Use of qualitative research in agent-based models typically involves protracted and expensive interaction with stakeholders; consequently gathering the valuable insights that qualitative methods could provide is not always feasible. At the same time, many researchers advocate building completely new models for each scenario to be studied, violating one of the supposed advantages of the object-oriented programming languages in which many such systems are built: that of code reuse. The process described here uses coded interviews to identify themes suggesting changes to an existing model, the assumptions behind which are then checked with respondents. We find this increases the confidence with which the extended model can be applied to the case study, with a relatively small commitment required on the part of respondents.Agent-Based Modelling, Land Use/Cover Change, Qualitative Research, Interdisciplinary Research

    Multi-agent based simulation of self-governing knowledge commons

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    The potential of user-generated sensor data for participatory sensing has motivated the formation of organisations focused on the exploitation of collected information and associated knowledge. Given the power and value of both the raw data and the derived knowledge, we advocate an open approach to data and intellectual-property rights. By treating user-generated content as well as derived information and knowledge as a common-pool resource, we hypothesise that all participants can be compensated fairly for their input. To test this hypothesis, we undertake an extensive review of experimental, commercial and social participatory-sensing applications, from which we identify that a decentralised, community-oriented governance model is required to support this open approach. We show that the Institutional Analysis and Design framework as introduced by Elinor Ostrom, in conjunction with a framework for self-organising electronic institutions, can be used to give both an architectural and algorithmic base for the necessary governance model, in terms of operational and collective choice rules specified in computational logic. As a basis for understanding the effect of governance on these applications, we develop a testbed which joins our logical formulation of the knowledge commons with a generic model of the participatory-sensing problem. This requires a multi-agent platform for the simulation of autonomous and dynamic agents, and a method of executing the logical calculus in which our electronic institution is specified. To this end, firstly, we develop a general purpose, high performance platform for multi-agent based simulation, Presage2. Secondly, we propose a method for translating event-calculus axioms into rules compatible with business rule engines, and provide an implementation for JBoss Drools along with a suite of modules for electronic institutions. Through our simulations we show that, when building electronic institutions for managing participatory sensing as a knowledge commons, proper enfranchisement of agents (as outlined in Ostrom's work) is key to striking a balance between endurance, fairness and reduction of greedy behaviour. We conclude with a set of guidelines for engineering knowledge commons for the next generation of participatory-sensing applications.Open Acces

    Multi-Agent Systems

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    A multi-agent system (MAS) is a system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents. Multi-agent systems can be used to solve problems which are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or monolithic system to solve. Agent systems are open and extensible systems that allow for the deployment of autonomous and proactive software components. Multi-agent systems have been brought up and used in several application domains

    Interactive Multiagent Adaptation of Individual Classification Models for Decision Support

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    An essential prerequisite for informed decision-making of intelligent agents is direct access to empirical knowledge for situation assessment. This contribution introduces an agent-oriented knowledge management framework for learning agents facing impediments in self-contained acquisition of classification models. The framework enables the emergence of dynamic knowledge networks among benevolent agents forming a community of practice in open multiagent systems. Agents in an advisee role are enabled to pinpoint learning impediments in terms of critical training cases and to engage in a goal-directed discourse with an advisor panel to overcome identified issues. The advisors provide arguments supporting and hence explaining those critical cases. Using such input as additional background knowledge, advisees can adapt their models in iterative relearning organized as a search through model space. An extensive empirical evaluation in two real-world domains validates the presented approach

    A Middleware framework for self-adaptive large scale distributed services

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    Modern service-oriented applications demand the ability to adapt to changing conditions and unexpected situations while maintaining a required QoS. Existing self-adaptation approaches seem inadequate to address this challenge because many of their assumptions are not met on the large-scale, highly dynamic infrastructures where these applications are generally deployed on. The main motivation of our research is to devise principles that guide the construction of large scale self-adaptive distributed services. We aim to provide sound modeling abstractions based on a clear conceptual background, and their realization as a middleware framework that supports the development of such services. Taking the inspiration from the concepts of decentralized markets in economics, we propose a solution based on three principles: emergent self-organization, utility driven behavior and model-less adaptation. Based on these principles, we designed Collectives, a middleware framework which provides a comprehensive solution for the diverse adaptation concerns that rise in the development of distributed systems. We tested the soundness and comprehensiveness of the Collectives framework by implementing eUDON, a middleware for self-adaptive web services, which we then evaluated extensively by means of a simulation model to analyze its adaptation capabilities in diverse settings. We found that eUDON exhibits the intended properties: it adapts to diverse conditions like peaks in the workload and massive failures, maintaining its QoS and using efficiently the available resources; it is highly scalable and robust; can be implemented on existing services in a non-intrusive way; and do not require any performance model of the services, their workload or the resources they use. We can conclude that our work proposes a solution for the requirements of self-adaptation in demanding usage scenarios without introducing additional complexity. In that sense, we believe we make a significant contribution towards the development of future generation service-oriented applications.Las Aplicaciones Orientadas a Servicios modernas demandan la capacidad de adaptarse a condiciones variables y situaciones inesperadas mientras mantienen un cierto nivel de servio esperado (QoS). Los enfoques de auto-adaptación existentes parecen no ser adacuados debido a sus supuestos no se cumplen en infrastructuras compartidas de gran escala. La principal motivación de nuestra investigación es inerir un conjunto de principios para guiar el desarrollo de servicios auto-adaptativos de gran escala. Nuesto objetivo es proveer abstraciones de modelaje apropiadas, basadas en un marco conceptual claro, y su implemetnacion en un middleware que soporte el desarrollo de estos servicios. Tomando como inspiración conceptos económicos de mercados decentralizados, hemos propuesto una solución basada en tres principios: auto-organización emergente, comportamiento guiado por la utilidad y adaptación sin modelos. Basados en estos principios diseñamos Collectives, un middleware que proveer una solución exhaustiva para los diversos aspectos de adaptación que surgen en el desarrollo de sistemas distribuidos. La adecuación y completitud de Collectives ha sido provada por medio de la implementación de eUDON, un middleware para servicios auto-adaptativos, el ha sido evaluado de manera exhaustiva por medio de un modelo de simulación, analizando sus propiedades de adaptación en diversos escenarios de uso. Hemos encontrado que eUDON exhibe las propiedades esperadas: se adapta a diversas condiciones como picos en la carga de trabajo o fallos masivos, mateniendo su calidad de servicio y haciendo un uso eficiente de los recusos disponibles. Es altamente escalable y robusto; puedeoo ser implementado en servicios existentes de manera no intrusiva; y no requiere la obtención de un modelo de desempeño para los servicios. Podemos concluir que nuestro trabajo nos ha permitido desarrollar una solucion que aborda los requerimientos de auto-adaptacion en escenarios de uso exigentes sin introducir complejidad adicional. En este sentido, consideramos que nuestra propuesta hace una contribución significativa hacia el desarrollo de la futura generación de aplicaciones orientadas a servicios.Postprint (published version

    Peer-to-Peer Bartering: Swapping Amongst Self-interested Agents

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    Large--scale distributed environments can be seen as a conflict between the selfish aims of the participants and the group welfare of the population as a whole. In order to regulate the behavior of the participants it is often necessary to introduce mechanisms that provide incentives and stimulate cooperative behavior in order to mitigate for the resultant potentially undesirable availability outcomes which could arise from individual actions.The history of economics contains a wide variety of incentive patterns for cooperation. In this thesis, we adopt bartering incentive pattern as an attractive foundation for a simple and robust form of exchange to re-allocate resources. While bartering is arguably the world's oldest form of trade, there are still many instances where it surprises us. The success and survivability of the barter mechanisms adds to its attractiveness as a model to study.In this thesis we have derived three relevant scenarios where a bartering approach is applied. Starting from a common model of bartering: - We show the price to be paid for dealing with selfish agents in a bartering environment, as well as the impact on performance parameters such as topology and disclosed information.- We show how agents, by means of bartering, can achieve gains in goods without altruistic agents needing to be present.- We apply a bartering--based approach to a real application, the directory services.The core of this research is the analysis of bartering in the Internet Age. In previous times, usually economies dominated by bartering have suffered from high transaction costs (i.e. the improbability of the wants, needs that cause a transaction occurring at the same time and place). Nowadays, the world has a global system of interconnected computer networks called Internet. This interconnected world has the ability to overcome many challenges of the previous times. This thesis analysis the oldest system of trade within the context of this new paradigm. In this thesis we aim is to show thatbartering has a great potential, but there are many challenges that can affect the realistic application of bartering that should be studied.The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate resource allocation using bartering mechanism, with particular emphasis on applications in largescale distributed systems without the presence of altruistic participants in the environment.Throughout the research presented in this thesis we have contributed evidence that supports the leitmotif that best summarizes our work: investigation interactions amongst selfish, rational, and autonomous agents with incomplete information, each seeking to maximize its expected utility by means of bartering. We concentrate on three scenarios: one theoretical, a case of use, and finally a real application. All of these scenarios are used for evaluating bartering. Each scenario starts from a common origin, but each of them have their own unique features.The final conclusion is that bartering is still relevant in the modern world
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