11 research outputs found

    Moving recommender systems from on-line commerce to retail stores

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    The increasing diversity of consumers' demand, as documented by the debate on the long tail of the distribution of sales volume across products, represents a challenge for retail stores. Recommender systems offer a tool to cope with this challenge. The recent developments in information technology and ubiquitous computing makes it feasible to move recommender systems from the on-line commerce, where they are widely used, to retail stores. In this paper, we aim to bridge the management literature and the computer science literature by analysing a number of issues that arise when applying recommender systems to retail stores: these range from the format of the stores that would benefit most from recommender systems to the impact of coverage and control of recommender systems on customer loyalty and competition among retail store


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    Ubiquitous computing refers to the third wave of computing, an emerging theme in scientific research, which has interdisciplinary characteristics. The objective of this study is to map the field of research in ubiquitous computing, especially to explore the research focusing on ubiquitous computing applied to the organizational context and business, identifying opportunities for future research. The data presented here result of an analysis of academic references (2,165 articles) in the database Web of Science (WoS). We used the WoS analytical tools and content analysis of the titles and abstracts of the articles, and/or full articles analysis when they were available. The results of analysis indicate that scientific research on ubiquitous computing had its development especially since the last decade, since then being strongly linked to the areas of Computer Science, Telecommunications and Engineering, still rare are the studies that relate it to management and businesses. In this sense, knowledge gaps were identified during the construction of this article, leading to a proposed agenda for future research that may expand the understanding, with an organizational perspective, of the applications of ubiquitous computing.A computação ubíqua refere-se à terceira onda da computação, um tema emergente na pesquisa científica, que tem características interdisciplinares. O objetivo deste trabalho é mapear o campo de pesquisa em computação ubíqua, especialmente buscando explorar os estudos que enfoquem a computação ubíqua aplicada ao contexto organizacional e a negócios, identificando oportunidades para pesquisa futura. Os dados aqui apresentados resultam de uma análise de referências acadêmicas (2.165 artigos) por meio de consulta à base de dados Web of Science (WoS). Como recursos de análise foram utilizadas a própria ferramenta analítica da WoS, além de análise de conteúdo dos títulos e abstracts dos artigos, e/ou dos artigos completos quando disponíveis. Os resultados da análise indicam que a pesquisa científica sobre computação ubíqua teve seu desenvolvimento especialmente a partir da última década, estando desde então fortemente associada às áreas de Ciência da Computação, Telecomunicações e Engenharias, sendo ainda incipientes os estudos que a relacionam à área de negócios. Nesse sentido, lacunas de conhecimento foram identificadas ao longo da construção deste artigo, levando à proposição de uma agenda para pesquisas futuras que possam ampliar a compreensão, sob a perspectiva organizacional, das aplicações da computação ubíqua.

    Desarrollo de un modelo de recomendación de prendas de vestir basado en información local

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    Para el cliente es una experiencia abrumadora encontrar contenido de su interés dentro de una gran cantidad de opciones existentes, por lo tanto, las empresas se han visto en la necesidad de implementar nuevas metodologías que les permitan sugerir productos que se ajusten a las preferencias de sus clientes. En la industria de la moda, es un desafío sugerir productos de interés, considerando la gran cantidad de atributos involucrados en las prendas y el factor de subjetividad presente al momento de realizar una compra. El problema se abordará desde el desarrollo de un sistema de recomendación de prendas para una marca de ropa local. El objetivo de esta investigación es facilitar la toma de decisiones, mejorar la percepción del cliente sobre la experiencia de la tienda y permitir que la empresa satisfaga las necesidades del mercado. En consecuencia, el sistema de recomendación considera tres pasos diferentes durante la experiencia de compra en la marca de ropa local, el vendedor sugerirá prendas dependiendo del punto de la ruta donde se encuentre el cliente: Bienvenida, fila de pago y caja. Se utilizaron varias técnicas como el análisis de datos, el análisis de Pareto, el análisis RFM, la segmentación del mercado y las reglas de asociación, para dar una idea de los datos y transformarlos en acciones utilizables para el diseño del sistema. Para que el vendedor pueda visualizar claramente las recomendaciones fue creada una aplicación.It is an overwhelming experience for the client to find content of his interest within a wide range of existing options, therefore, companies have seen the need to implement new methodologies that allow them to suggest products that fit their customers’ preferences. In the fashion industry it is a challenge to suggest products of interest, considering the large number of attributes involved in the garments and the subjectivity factor present at the time of making a purchase. The problem will be addressed by developing a garment recommendation system for a local clothing brand. The objective of this research is to ease decision making, improve the customer perception of the store's experience and allow the company to meet the needs of the market. Consequently , the recommendation system considers three different steps during the shopping experience in the local clothing brand, the vendor will suggest garments depending on the point of the route where the client is: Welcome, checkout line, register. Several techniques like data analysis, Pareto analysis, RFM analysis, market segmentation and association rules, were used to give an idea of the data and transform it into usable actions for system design. In order that the seller can clearly visualize the recommendations, an application was developed.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    On fit uncertainty-reducing interventions in retail supply chains

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    Fit uncertainty is used in this doctoral thesis to describe the customer’s experience of uncertainty about the physical fit of a product when shopping for experience goods. Experience goods are products whose attributes are difficult to ascertain without physical examination. In online retailing, the ability to provide experiential fit information is limited, which poses product flow and inventory challenges for supply chains, including product returns, lost sales, and obsolescence. Thus, product fitting is a critical pre-sales activity for customers to successfully purchase fit-dependent products, and retailers must facilitate the fitting activity in order to reduce unnecessary product handling. To foster improved performance for retail supply chains of experience goods subject to fit uncertainty, this doctoral thesis sets out to explore the effects of fit uncertainty and fit uncertainty-reducing interventions on retail supply chain performance. Fit uncertainty-reducing interventions consist of existing digital product fitting and recommendation technologies. The research designs are included in the five appended research papers. Paper I uses a case survey of retail practices to develop a maturity model of digitalization of product fitting, and it proposes supply chain effects for each of the three maturity levels. Paper II uses three cases, design science, and interventionist research to conceptualize digital product fitting as an intervention that improves product flow and reduces lost sales in retail supply chains for experience goods. Paper III uses case research, quantitative analysis of return transactions, test of an intervention, and mathematical modeling to calculate product return costs associated with fit uncertainty in online retailing. Paper IV uses order and return transactions to investigate how online customers shopping for experience goods seek to mitigate fit uncertainty through different order-placing behaviors, and it assesses the cost implications of the behaviors. Paper V uses order and return transactions to explore the effects of an online apparel-fitting intervention on order performance outcomes and fit uncertainty-mitigating ordering tactics. This thesis theorizes fit uncertainty-reducing interventions. The use of these interventions to facilitate the product-fitting activity can reduce fit uncertainty, leading to many benefits for the retail supply chain in terms of product flow, such as fewer returns and more sales. This thesis contributes to previous research on end-customer behaviors by focusing on order and return behaviors associated with fit uncertainty. The quantification of existent order and return behaviors is an important theoretical contribution to our understanding of the direct effects of fit uncertainty on retail supply chain performance. This thesis theoretically contributes to returns management and to inventory and assortment planning management; its practical contribution supports retail supply chains of experience goods that are reconsidering how they handle fit uncertainty and the unwanted effects thereof. This thesis provides hands-on knowledge on how the interventions work in real life and how they improve retail supply chain performance. Studying the link between fit uncertainty and retail supply chain performance is important for retailers and manufacturers\u27 understanding of end-customer behavior and for improving product development and assortment planning to ensure availability of products that fit

    The impact of interactive screens on store atmosphere: A case study of Leroy Merlin

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    Nowadays, with the emergence of new technologies, customers have become more demanding about their choices, increasingly valuing experiences rather than the product itself. This new generation is always on the lookout for new trends and some even prefer to shop online, as it is easier and faster process. However, in some types of products they need to physically touch and test in order to consolidate their choices. Thus, retailers must adapt their physical stores to fit them and create a memorable retail customer experience, adapted to all targets, able to interact and emerge in a unique environment that positively impacts them sensorially and that can be converted into customer satisfaction, increasing purchases and, in the best scenario, creating a loyalty relationship with the brand. In addition, Marketers have shown that the new retail trends impact and improve customer journey and the Interactive Screens are an example of one, which may have influence on factors such as customer experience and the possibility of visiting the store again, making a good opportunity for retailers to engage with their customers. For that reason, the present case study is based on the DIY and Home Improvement market in Portugal, which is growing, and the main purpose is to study the brand Leroy Merlin and in which and how its in-store Kiosks impacts its store atmosphere.Atualmente, com o aparecimento de novas tecnologias, os consumidores estão a tornar-se cada vez mais exigentes quanto às suas escolhas, valorizando maioritariamente as experiências, em vez do produto por si só. Esta nova geração está sempre atenta às novas tendências e alguns até preferem comprar online, devido à facilidade e rapidez do processo. No entanto, em alguns tipos de produtos, este tipo de clientes, embora sejam uma geração digital, necessitam de tocar e testar os produtos fisicamente para consolidar as suas escolhas. Assim, os retalhistas devem adaptar as suas lojas físicas, de modo a criar uma experiência memorável aos seus visitantes, adaptada a todos os targets, capaz de interagir e emergi-los num ambiente único, que os impacta sensorialmente de forma positiva e que poderá ser convertido na sua satisfação, no aumento de compras e, no melhor cenário, na criação de uma relação de lealdade com marca. Adicionalmente, os Marketers têm mostrado que as novas tendências do retalho impactam o percurso do cliente em loja e os ecrãs interativos são um exemplo de uma delas, que podem influenciar a experiência em loja do cliente e a possibilidade de voltar a visitá-la, tornando-se uma boa oportunidade para os retalhistas interagirem com seus clientes. Por esse motivo, o presente Caso de Estudo é baseado no mercado da Bricolage em Portugal, que está em crescimento, e o principal objetivo é estudar a marca Leroy Merlin e em como os seus Kiosks - um tipo de ecrã interativo - afetam a sua Atmosfera de Loja

    Moving recommender systems from on line commerce to retail stores

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    Um modelo baseado em ontologia para suporte a tarefa intensiva em conhecimento de recomendação

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2015.A evolução da Web tem propiciado uma mudança no comportamento de seus usuários, de consumidores para produtores de informação. Esta mudança trouxe consigo alguns desafios, dentre eles, o aumento exponencial de conteúdo, o que em muitos contextos promove dificuldades de escolha por parte dos usuários. A partir deste cenário iniciaram-se estudos com a finalidade de contribuir na filtragem do excesso de informação, surgindo os Sistemas de Recomendação. Com a evolução dos Sistemas de Recomendações surgiram diversas abordagens com o intuito de atender as demandas existentes. Uma dessas abordagens utiliza-se de estruturas semânticas sendo classificada como Sistemas de Recomendação baseados em Conhecimento. Em sua maioria fazem uso de ontologias e realizam recomendações a partir do conhecimento de um domínio específico. Porém, utilizadas de forma isolada as ontologias de domínio não possuem a capacidade de suportar o processo de recomendação como um todo. Diante disso, o presente trabalho propõe um modelo de representação do conhecimento capaz de lidar com a tarefa intensiva em conhecimento de recomendação. A partir desta premissa uma metodologia de construção de ontologias foi utilizada para modelar uma ontologia de domínio. Adicionalmente, foi proposta uma ontologia de tarefa de modo que tarefas genéricas possam ser especificadas. A integração das ontologias possibilitou que algumas abordagens de recomendação fossem executadas. O modelo proposto demonstra-se consistente uma vez que foi capaz de responder as questões de competências elaboradas na fase de modelagem. Apresenta também, a capacidade de tratar itens de forma genérica, podendo ser aplicado em diversos contextos. Ressalta-se ainda que a integração entre as ontologias de domínio e tarefa se mostra adequada, propiciando recomendações que visam auxiliar no processo de decisão.Abstract : The evolution of the Web has promoted a change in the behavior of its users from consumers to producers of information. This change brought with it some challenges, among them, the exponential growth of content which in many contexts generates difficulties of choice for users. From this scenario studies were started in order to contribute on information filtering, so emerging the Recommender Systems. With the development of it appeared several approaches to meet the existing demand. One of these approaches makes use of semantic structures being classified as Knowledge-based Recommender Systems. Mostly makes use of ontologies and carry out recommendations from the knowledge of a specific domain. However, if used alone domain ontology does not have the ability to support the recommendation process as a whole. Therefore, this work proposes a knowledge representation model able to handle the knowledge intensive task on recommendation. From this premise a methodology for building ontology was used to build a domain ontology. In addition, we propose an ontology task aiming to specify tasks in a generic way. The ontologies integration enabled that some recommendation approaches were implemented. The proposed model has demonstrated consistency since it was able to answer the competence questions elaborated in the modeling phase. It also shows the ability to process items generally, supporting its application in different contexts. Finally, we state that the integration of domain and task ontologies seems adequate providing recommendations to assist in decision making process

    Marketing Strategies Used by Specialty Photo Retailers to Grow Revenues

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    The advent of digital cameras, including those in smartphones, has caused an upheaval in the photo industry that led to the bankruptcy of Kodak and the closure of most independent photo stores. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore marketing strategies that specialty photo retailers in the United States have used to grow revenues after the shift to digital imaging technologies. The conceptual framework of this study was Rogers\u27s diffusion of innovations model specifying typical movement of information through communications channels in a social system over time. Data sources included semistructured interviews with 5 photo retailers, photos of facilities and pointof- sales displays, website pages, and social media. Data were analyzed using inductive coding of phrases and words from interviews, followed by identification of common themes. Additional data gleaned from participants\u27 displays, websites, and other documents supported interpretations of themes through methodological triangulation. Strategies that the 5 participating retailers used to grow revenues were manifest in 3 major themes: adoption of new technologies, market segmentation, and marketing communications. Study participants described various strategies to acquire customers including the use of technology (e.g., enterprise-level management systems), defining market segments underserved by competitors, and customizing marketing communications for specific targeted segments. A viable retail channel can produce social change by providing sources of information on new products that can enhance consumers\u27 lives and create economic growth via new jobs