7 research outputs found

    Monoprocessor Real-Time Scheduling of Data Dependent Tasks with Exact Preemption Cost for Embedded Systems

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    International audienceMost safety critical embedded systems, i.e. systems for which constraints must necessarily be satisfied in order to avoid catastrophic consequences, consist of a set of data dependent tasks which exchange data. Although non-preemptive realtime scheduling is safer than preemptive real-time scheduling in a safety critical context, preemptive real-time scheduling provides a better success ratio, but the preemption has a cost. In this paper we propose a schedulability analysis for data dependent periodic tasks which takes into account the exact preemption cost, data dependence constraints without loss of data and mutual exclusion constraints

    Monoprocessor Real-Time Scheduling of Data Dependent Tasks with Exact Preemption Cost for Embedded Systems

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    International audienceMost safety critical embedded systems, i.e. systems for which constraints must necessarily be satisfied in order to avoid catastrophic consequences, consist of a set of data dependent tasks which exchange data. Although non-preemptive realtime scheduling is safer than preemptive real-time scheduling in a safety critical context, preemptive real-time scheduling provides a better success ratio, but the preemption has a cost. In this paper we propose a schedulability analysis for data dependent periodic tasks which takes into account the exact preemption cost, data dependence constraints without loss of data and mutual exclusion constraints

    Modeling and checking Real-Time system designs

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    Real-time systems are found in an increasing variety of application fields. Usually, they are embedded systems controlling devices that may risk lives or damage properties: they are safety critical systems. Hard Real-Time requirements (late means wrong) make the development of such kind of systems a formidable and daunting task. The need to predict temporal behavior of critical real-time systems has encouraged the development of an useful collection of models, results and tools for analyzing schedulability of applications (e.g., [log]). However, there is no general analytical support for verifying other kind of high level timing requirements on complex software architectures. On the other hand, the verification of specifications and designs of real-time systems has been considered an interesting application field for automatic analysis techniques such as model-checking. Unfortunately, there is a natural trade-off between sophistication of supported features and the practicality of formal analysis. To cope with the challenges of formal analysis real-time system designs we focus on three aspects that, we believe, are fundamental to get practical tools: model-generation, modelreduction and model-checking. Then, firstly, we extend our ideas presented in [30] and develop an automatic approach to model and verify designs of real-time systems for complex timing requirements based on scheduling theory and timed automata theory [7] (a wellknown and studied formalism to model and verify timed systems). That is, to enhance practicality of formal analysis, we focus our analysis on designs adhering to Fixed-Priority scheduling. In essence, we exploit known scheduling theory to automatically derive simple and compositional formal models. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first proposal to integrate scheduling theory into the framework of automatic formal verification. To model such systems, we present I/O Timed Components, a notion and discipline to build non-blocking live timed systems. I/O Timed Components, which are build on top of Timed Automata, provide other important methodological advantages like influence detection or compositional reasoning. Secondly, we provide a battery of automatic and rather generic abstraction techniques that, given a requirement to be analyzed, reduces the model while preserving the relevant behaviors to check it. Thus, we do not feed the verification tools with the whole model as previous formal approaches. To provide arguments about the correctness of those abstractions, we present a notion of Continuous Observational Bismulation that is weaker than strong timed bisimulation yet preserving many well-known logics for timed systems like TCTL [3]. Finally, since we choose timed automata as formal kernel, we adapt and apply their deeply studied and developed analysis theory, as well as their practical tools. Moreover, we also describe from scratch an algorithm to model-check duration properties, a feature that is not addressed by available tools. That algorithm extends the one presented in [28].Fil:Braberman, Víctor Adrián. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    Providing QoS with Reduced Energy Consumption via Real-Time Voltage Scaling on Embedded Systems

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    Low energy consumption has emerged as one of the most important design objectives for many modern embedded systems, particularly the battery-operated PDAs. For some soft real-time applications such as multimedia applications, occasional deadline misses can be tolerated. How to leverage this feature to save more energy while still meeting the user required quality of service (QoS) is the research topic this thesis focuses on. We have proposed a new probabilistic design methodology, a set of energy reduction techniques for single and multiple processor systems by using dynamic voltage scaling (DVS), the practical solutions to voltage set-up problem for multiple voltage DVS system, and a new QoS metric. Most present design space exploration techniques, which are based on application's worst case execution time, often lead to over-designing systems. We have proposed the probabilistic design methodology for soft real-time embedded systems by using detailed execution time information in order to reduce the system resources while delivering the user required QoS probabilistically. One important phase in the probabilistic design methodology is the offline/online resource management. As an example, we have proposed a set of energy reduction techniques by employing DVS techniques to exploit the slacks arising from the tolerance to deadline misses for single and multiple processor systems while meeting the user required completion ratio statistically. Multiple-voltage DVS system is predicted as the future low-power system by International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS). In order to find the best way to employ DVS, we have formulated the voltage set-up problem and provided its practical solutions that seek the most energy efficient voltage setting for the design of multiple-voltage DVS systems. We have also presented a case study in designing energy-efficient dual voltage soft real-time system with (m, k)-firm deadline guarantee. Although completion ratio is widely used as a QoS metric, it can only be applied to the applications with independent tasks. We have proposed a new QoS metric that differentiates firm and soft deadlines and considers the task dependency as well. Based on this new metric, we have developed a set of online scheduling algorithms that enhance quality of presentation (QoP) significantly, particularly for overloaded systems

    Evolution of solutions to real-time problems

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    This thesis develops the theory and tools necessary for the determination of a near optimal Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) scheduling policy for an arbitrary multitasking problem specification. The solution is determined using a Genetic Algorithm (GA). All real-time operating systems provide some means of \u27tuning\u27 the characteristics of the scheduling policy to accurately meet the application requirements. This thesis shows the applicability of using a GA to determine these parameters for an arbitrary application. In addition, the RTOS parameters considered are broad enough to allow the results to be used for specifying and/or choosing an RTOS for the actual implementation of a real-time system. The domain of real-time applications which is of particular interest is that of embedded systems. In the embedded systems domain, real-time multitasking problems are specified by a series of timing constraints, time deadlines and practical available resources. These constraints guide the analysis of the results. A PC-based RTOS/GA tool set is the end result of this thesis and can be used for the analysis of arbitrary real-time applications

    Study, analysis and new scheduling proposals in partitioned real-time systems

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    [ES] En nuestra vida cotidiana, cada vez más ordenadores controlan nuestro entorno: teléfonos móviles, procesos industriales, asistencia a la conducción, etc. Todos estos sistemas presentan requisitos estrictos para garantizar un comportamiento adecuado. En muchos de estos sistemas, cumplir con las restricciones de tiempo es un factor tan importante como el resultado lógico de los cálculos. Desde hace aproximadamente 40 años, los sistemas en tiempo real son muy atractivos en el campo de la computación y hoy en día se aplican en áreas de gran alcance como aplicaciones industriales, aplicaciones aeroespaciales, telecomunicaciones, electrónica de consumo, etc. Algunos retos a abordar en el campo del tiempo real son el determinismo y la predecibilidad del comportamiento temporal del sistema. En este sentido, garantizar la ejecución del programa y los tiempos de respuesta del sistema son requisitos esenciales que deben cumplirse estrictamente a través de estrategias apropiadas de planificación de tareas. Además, las arquitecturas multiprocesador se están volviendo más populares debido al hecho de que las capacidades de procesamiento y los recursos computacionales de los sistemas están aumentando. Un estudio reciente estima que existe una tendencia creciente entre las arquitecturas multiprocesador a combinar diferentes niveles de criticidad en el mismo sistema. En este sentido, proporcionar aislamiento entre las aplicaciones es extremadamente necesario. La tecnología particionada es capaz de lidiar con este propósito. Además, la gestión de la energía es un problema relevante en los sistemas en tiempo real. Muchos sistemas empotrados de tiempo real, como dispositivos portátiles o robots móviles que requieren baterías, buscan encontrar técnicas que reduzcan el consumo de energía y, como consecuencia, aumenten la vida útil de sus baterías. También se obtienen claros beneficios operativos, financieros, monetarios y ambientales al minimizar el consumo de energía. Con todo ello, este trabajo aborda el problema de planificabilidad y contribuye al estudio de las nuevas técnicas de planificación en sistemas particionados de tiempo real. Estas técnicas proporcionan el tiempo mínimo para planificar de manera factible conjuntos de tareas. Además, se proponen técnicas de asignación para sistemas multiprocesador cuyo objetivo principal es reducir el consumo de energía del sistema global. Finalmente, se presentan los resultados obtenidos así como los trabajos futuros relacionados con este trabajo[CA] En la nostra vida quotidiana, cada vegada més ordenadors controlen el nostre entorn: telèfons mòbils, processos industrials, assistència a la conducció, etc. Tots aquests sistemes presenten requisits estrictes per a garantir un comportament adequat. En molts d' aquests sistemes, complir amb les restriccions de temps és un factor tan important com el resultat lògic dels càlculs. Des de fa aproximadament 40 anys, els sistemes en temps real són molt atractius en el camp de la computació i hui dia s' apliquen en àrees de gran abast com a aplicacions industrials, aplicacions aeroespacials, telecomunicacions, electrònica de consum, etc. Alguns reptes a abordar en el camp del temps real són el determinisme i la predictibilitat del comportament temporal del sistema. En aquest sentit, garantir l'execució del programa i els temps de resposta del sistema són requisits essencials que han de complir-se estrictament a través d'estratègies apropiades de planificació de tasques. A més, les arquitectures multiprocessador s'estan tornant més populars a causa del fet que les capacitats de processament i els recursos computacionals dels sistemes estan augmentant. Un estudi recent estima que existeix una tendència creixent entre les arquitectures multiprocessador a combinar diferents nivells de criticitat en el mateix sistema. En aquest sentit, proporcionar aïllament entre les aplicacions és extremadament necessari. La tecnologia particionada és capaç de bregar amb aquest propòsit. A més, la gestió de l'energia és un problema rellevant en els sistemes en temps real. Molts sistemes embebits de temps real, com a dispositius portàtils o robots mòbils que requereixen bateries, busquen trobar tècniques que reduïsquen el consum d'energia i, com a conseqüència, augmenten la vida útil de les seues bateries. També s'obtenen clars beneficis operatius, financers, monetaris i ambientals en minimitzar el consum d'energia. Amb tot això, aquest treball aborda el problema de planificabilitat i contribueix a l'estudi de les noves tècniques de planificació en sistemes particionats de temps real. Aquestes tècniques proporcionen el temps mínim per a planificar de manera factible conjunts de tasques. A més, es proposen tècniques d'assignació per a sistemes multiprocessador l'objectiu principal del qual és reduir el consum d'energia del sistema global. Finalment, es presenten els resultats obtinguts així com els treballs futurs relacionats amb aquest treball.[EN] In our everyday lives, more and more computers are controlling our environment: mobile phones, industrial processes, driving assistance, etc. All these systems present strict requirements to ensure proper behaviour. In many of these systems, the time at which the action is delivered is as important as the logical result of the computation. About 40 years ago, real-time systems began to attract attention in computing field and nowadays are applied in wide ranging areas as industrial applications, aerospace, telecommunication applications, consumer electronics, etc. Some real-time challenges that must be addressed are determinism and predictability of the temporal behaviour of the system. In this sense, to guarantee program execution and system response times are essential requirements that must be strictly met through appropriate task scheduling strategies. Furthermore, multiprocessor architectures are becoming more popular due to the fact that processing capabilities and computational resources are increasing. A recent study estimates that there is an increasing tendency among multiprocessor architectures to combine different levels of criticality in the same system. In this sense, to provide isolation between applications is extremely required. Partitioned technology is able to deal with this purpose. In addition, energy management is a relevant problem in real-time systems. Many real-time embedded systems, as wearable devices or mobile robots that require batteries, seek to find techniques that reduce the energy consumption and, as a consequence, increase the lifetime of their batteries. Also clear operational, financial, monetary and environmental gains are reached when minimizing energy consumption. Faced with all this, this work addresses the problem of schedulability and contributes to the study of new scheduling techniques in partitioned real-time systems. These techniques provide the minimum time to feasible schedule tasks sets. Moreover, allocation techniques for multicore systems whose main objective is to reduce the energy consumption of the overall system are also proposed. Finally, some of the obtained results are discussed as conclusions and future works are introduced.Guasque Ortega, A. (2019). Study, analysis and new scheduling proposals in partitioned real-time systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/135279TESI

    Minimisation du nombre de tâches d'un système temps réel par regroupement

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    Embedded systems dedicated to aeronautics or automotive interact permanently with their environment. They get information from their sensors, process the data and react with their actuators. Such systems have to execute the functionalities correctly, but also to process them within the allocated time. This feature classifies those systems in the category of real-time systems. In the cited domains, those functionalities are originally defined accordingly to the dynamics of the system and their number can reach several thousand. The real-time operating systems, software which handles the processing of those functionalities on the hardware, generally limit the number of functionalities, due to the overhead caused by their management. In this work, we are interested in techniques that reduce the number of those functionalities so to overstep those restrictions. We propose clustering algorithms that ensure that timing constraints are respected. These methods are applied to monoprocessor and multiprocessor architecture with communicating processes.Les systèmes embarqués des domaines de l'aéronautique ou de l'automobile sont en interaction permanente avec leur environnement. Ils récupèrent de l'information depuis leurs capteurs, traitent les données et réagissent par le biais de leurs actionneurs. Ces systèmes critiques se doivent non seulement de produire des résultats corrects du point de vue logique mais aussi de les réaliser dans le temps imparti. Cette particularité les classe dans la famille des systèmes temps réel. Dans les domaines cités, les fonctionnalités sont à l'origine définies au regard de la dynamique du système et leur nombre peut atteindre plusieurs milliers. Les systèmes d'exploitation temps réel, logiciels responsables du traitement de ces fonctionnalités sur le matériel, limitent généralement le nombre de traitements implantables, en raison des surcoûts engendrés par leur gestion. Dans ce travail, nous nous intéressons donc à des techniques de réduction du nombre de ces traitements, de manière à passer outre les limitations des systèmes d'exploitation temps réel. Nous proposons des algorithmes de regroupement qui assurent que les contraintes de temps soient respectées. Ces méthodes visent des architectures monoprocesseurs et multiprocesseurs pour des traitements communicants