661 research outputs found

    Open-access silicon photonics: current status and emerging initiatives

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    Silicon photonics is widely acknowledged as a game-changing technology driven by the needs of datacom and telecom. Silicon photonics builds on highly capital-intensive manufacturing infrastructure, and mature open-access silicon photonics platforms are translating the technology from research fabs to industrial manufacturing levels. To meet the current market demands for silicon photonics manufacturing, a variety of open-access platforms is offered by CMOS pilot lines, R&D institutes, and commercial foundries. This paper presents an overview of existing and upcoming commercial and noncommercial open-access silicon photonics technology platforms. We also discuss the diversity in these open-access platforms and their key differentiators

    Programmable photonics : an opportunity for an accessible large-volume PIC ecosystem

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    We look at the opportunities presented by the new concepts of generic programmable photonic integrated circuits (PIC) to deploy photonics on a larger scale. Programmable PICs consist of waveguide meshes of tunable couplers and phase shifters that can be reconfigured in software to define diverse functions and arbitrary connectivity between the input and output ports. Off-the-shelf programmable PICs can dramatically shorten the development time and deployment costs of new photonic products, as they bypass the design-fabrication cycle of a custom PIC. These chips, which actually consist of an entire technology stack of photonics, electronics packaging and software, can potentially be manufactured cheaper and in larger volumes than application-specific PICs. We look into the technology requirements of these generic programmable PICs and discuss the economy of scale. Finally, we make a qualitative analysis of the possible application spaces where generic programmable PICs can play an enabling role, especially to companies who do not have an in-depth background in PIC technology

    Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) Device Structures: Background, Fabrication Ecosystem, Relevance to Space Systems Applications, and Discussion of Related Radiation Effects

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    Electronic integrated circuits are considered one of the most significant technological advances of the 20th century, with demonstrated impact in their ability to incorporate successively higher numbers transistors and construct electronic devices onto a single CMOS chip. Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) exist as the optical analog to integrated circuits; however, in place of transistors, PICs consist of numerous scaled optical components, including such "building-block" structures as waveguides, MMIs, lasers, and optical ring resonators. The ability to construct electronic and photonic components on a single microsystems platform offers transformative potential for the development of technologies in fields including communications, biomedical device development, autonomous navigation, and chemical and atmospheric sensing. Developing on-chip systems that provide new avenues for integration and replacement of bulk optical and electro-optic components also reduces size, weight, power and cost (SWaP-C) limitations, which are important in the selection of instrumentation for specific flight projects. The number of applications currently emerging for complex photonics systems-particularly in data communications-warrants additional investigations when considering reliability for space systems development. This Body of Knowledge document seeks to provide an overview of existing integrated photonics architectures; the current state of design, development, and fabrication ecosystems in the United States and Europe; and potential space applications, with emphasis given to associated radiation effects and reliability

    Co-Package Technology Platform for Low-Power and Low-Cost Data Centers

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    We report recent advances in photonic–electronic integration developed in the European research project L3MATRIX. The aim of the project was to demonstrate the basic building blocks of a co-packaged optical system. Two-dimensional silicon photonics arrays with 64 modulators were fabricated. Novel modulation schemes based on slow light modulation were developed to assist in achieving an efficient performance of the module. Integration of DFB laser sources within each cell in the matrix was demonstrated as well using wafer bonding between the InP and SOI wafers. Improved semiconductor quantum dot MBE growth, characterization and gain stack designs were developed. Packaging of these 2D photonic arrays in a chiplet configuration was demonstrated using a vertical integration approach in which the optical interconnect matrix was flip-chip assembled on top of a CMOS mimic chip with 2D vertical fiber coupling. The optical chiplet was further assembled on a substrate to facilitate integration with the multi-chip module of the co-packaged system with a switch surrounded by several such optical chiplets. We summarize the features of the L3MATRIX co-package technology platform and its holistic toolbox of technologies to address the next generation of computing challenges

    Multi-material heterogeneous integration on a 3-D Photonic-CMOS platform

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    Photonics has been one of the primary beneficiaries of advanced silicon manufacturing. By leveraging on mature complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) process nodes, unprecedented device uniformities and scalability have been achieved at low costs. However, some functionalities, such as optical memory, Pockels modulation, and magnetooptical activity, are challenging or impossible to acquire on group-IV materials alone. Heterogeneous integration promises to expand the range of capabilities within silicon photonics. Existing heterogeneous integration protocols are nonetheless not compatible with active silicon processes offered at most photonic foundries. In this work, we propose a novel heterogeneous integration platform that will enable wafer-scale, multi-material integration with active silicon-based photonics, requiring zero-change to existing foundry process. Furthermore, the platform will also pave the way to a class of high-performance devices. We propose a grating coupler design with peak coupling efficiency reaching 93%, an antenna with peak diffraction efficiency in excess of 97%, and a broadband adiabatic polarization rotator with conversion efficiency exceeding 99%

    Monolithically Integrated Multilayer Silicon Nitride-on-Silicon Waveguide Platforms for 3-D Photonic Circuits and Devices

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    In this paper, we review and provide additional details about our progress on multilayer silicon nitride (SiN)-on-silicon (Si) integrated photonic platforms. In these platforms, one or more SiN waveguide layers are monolithically integrated onto a Si photonic layer. This paper focuses on the development of three-layer platforms for the O- and SCL-bands for very large-scale photonic integrated circuits requiring hundreds or thousands of waveguide crossings. Low-loss interlayer transitions and ultralow-loss waveguide crossings have been demonstrated, along with bilevel and trilevel grating couplers for fiber-to-chip coupling. The SiN and Si passive devices have been monolithically integrated with high-efficiency optical modulators, photodetectors, and thermal tuners in a single photonic platform

    Towards Single-Chip Nano-Systems

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    Important scientific discoveries are being propelled by the advent of nano-scale sensors that capture weak signals from their environment and pass them to complex instrumentation interface circuits for signal detection and processing. The highlight of this research is to investigate fabrication technologies to integrate such precision equipment with nano-sensors on a single complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) chip. In this context, several demonstration vehicles are proposed. First, an integration technology suitable for a fully integrated flexible microelectrode array has been proposed. A microelectrode array containing a single temperature sensor has been characterized and the versatility under dry/wet, and relaxed/strained conditions has been verified. On-chip instrumentation amplifier has been utilized to improve the temperature sensitivity of the device. While the flexibility of the array has been confirmed by laminating it on a fixed single cell, future experiments are necessary to confirm application of this device for live cell and tissue measurements. The proposed array can potentially attach itself to the pulsating surface of a single living cell or a network of cells to detect their vital signs

    Four-channel WDM transmitter with heterogeneously integrated III-V/Si photonics and low power 32 nm CMOS drivers

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    Artículo científicoWe experimentally demonstrate a novel four-channel wavelength division multiplexing transmitter operating at 1.3 μm wavelength employing heterogeneously integrated III-V/Si photonic circuit copackaged with low-power 32-nm SOI CMOS driver integrated circuits (ICs). Error-free operation (BER < 10−12 ) has been achieved across all four channels for back-to-back, 2 and 10 km single-mode fiber transmission at 25 Gb/s per each channel, targeting intra- and inter-datacenter interconnect applications. Power consumption as low as 19.2 mW for four CMOS driver ICs has been recorded, which yields 0.19 pJ/bit energy efficiency
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