4 research outputs found

    The Pulse-Respiration Quotient: A Powerful but Untapped Parameter for Modern Studies About Human Physiology and Pathophysiology

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    A specific and unique aspect of cardiorespiratory activity can be captured by dividing the heart rate (HR) by the respiration rate (RR), giving the pulse-respiration quotient (PRQ = HR/RR). In this review article, we summarize the main findings of studies using and investigating the PRQ. We describe why the PRQ is a powerful parameter that captures complex regulatory states of the cardiorespiratory system, and we highlight the need to re-introduce the use of this parameter into modern studies about human physiology and pathophysiology. In particular, we show that the PRQ (i) changes during human development, (ii) is time-dependent (ultradian, circadian, and infradian rhythms), (iii) shows specific patterns during sleep, (iv) changes with physical activity and body posture, (v) is linked with psychophysical and cognitive activity, (vi) is sex-dependent, and (vii) is determined by the individual physiological constitution. Furthermore, we discuss the medical aspects of the PRQ in terms of applications for disease classification and monitoring. Finally, we explain why there should be a revival in the use of the PRQ for basic research about human physiology and for applications in medicine, and we give recommendations for the use of the PRQ in studies and medical applications

    Monitoring cardiac and respiratory physiology during FMRI

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    This article will consider how physiological monitoring can be used both as an intrinsic part of an experiment, or for removing unwanted physiological signals from the FMRI time series. As functional MRI is used for a wide variety of applications beyond the identification of regions involved in a task, different sources of noise in the time series become important. The use of arterial spin labelling sequences, either in isolation or combined with BOLD imaging, means that temporal noise must be dealt with differently. Moreover, when these are combined with global cerebrovascular stimuli, such as respiratory challenges, the standard analysis tools must be employed with great care so as not to detrimentally distort the data. Acquiring and analysing physiological data is sometimes more art than science, and this article attempts to provide some insight into common techniques as well as advice on identifying and correcting some of the problems that may be encountered

    Monitoring cardiac and respiratory physiology during FMRI

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    This article will consider how physiological monitoring can be used both as an intrinsic part of an experiment, or for removing unwanted physiological signals from the FMRI time series. As functional MRI is used for a wide variety of applications beyond the identification of regions involved in a task, different sources of noise in the time series become important. The use of arterial spin labelling sequences, either in isolation or combined with BOLD imaging, means that temporal noise must be dealt with differently. Moreover, when these are combined with global cerebrovascular stimuli, such as respiratory challenges, the standard analysis tools must be employed with great care so as not to detrimentally distort the data. Acquiring and analysing physiological data is sometimes more art than science, and this article attempts to provide some insight into common techniques as well as advice on identifying and correcting some of the problems that may be encountered