267 research outputs found

    Monitoring of atopic dermatitis using leaky coaxial cable

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    In our daily life, inadvertent scratching may increase the severity of skin diseases (such as atopic dermatitis, etc.). However, people rarely pay attention to this matter, so the known measurement behavior of the movement is also very little. Nevertheless, the behavior and frequency of scratching represent the degree of itching, and the analysis of scratching frequency is helpful to the doctor's clinical dosage. In this paper, a novel system is proposed to monitor the scratching motion of a sleeping human body at night. The core device of the system are just a Leaky coaxial cable (LCX) and a router. Commonly, LCX is used in the blind field or semi blind field in wireless communication. The new idea is that the leaky cable is placed on the bed, then the state information of physical layer of wireless communication channels is acquired to identify the scratching motion and other small body movements in the human sleep process. The results show that it can be used to detect the movement and its duration. Channel state information (CSI) packet is collected by card installed in the computer based on the 802.11n protocol. The characterization of the scratch motion in the collected channel state information is unique, so it can be distinguished from the wireless channel amplitude variation trend

    A lightweight sensing platform for monitoring sleep quality and posture: a simulated validation study

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    Background The prevalence of self-reported shoulder pain in the UK has been estimated at 16%. This has been linked with significant sleep disturbance. It is possible that this relationship is bidirectional, with both symptoms capable of causing the other. Within the field of sleep monitoring, there is a requirement for a mobile and unobtrusive device capable of monitoring sleep posture and quality. This study investigates the feasibility of a wearable sleep system (WSS) in accurately detecting sleeping posture and physical activity. Methods Sixteen healthy subjects were recruited and fitted with three wearable inertial sensors on the trunk and forearms. Ten participants were entered into a ‘Posture’ protocol; assuming a series of common sleeping postures in a simulated bedroom. Five participants completed an ‘Activity’ protocol, in which a triphasic simulated sleep was performed including awake, sleep and REM phases. A combined sleep posture and activity protocol was then conducted as a ‘Proof of Concept’ model. Data were used to train a posture detection algorithm, and added to activity to predict sleep phase. Classification accuracy of the WSS was measured during the simulations. Results The WSS was found to have an overall accuracy of 99.5% in detection of four major postures, and 92.5% in the detection of eight minor postures. Prediction of sleep phase using activity measurements was accurate in 97.3% of the simulations. The ability of the system to accurately detect both posture and activity enabled the design of a conceptual layout for a user-friendly tablet application. Conclusions The study presents a pervasive wearable sensor platform, which can accurately detect both sleeping posture and activity in non-specialised environments. The extent and accuracy of sleep metrics available advances the current state-of-the-art technology. This has potential diagnostic implications in musculoskeletal pathology and with the addition of alerts may provide therapeutic value in a range of areas including the prevention of pressure sores

    Ensuring Application Specific Security, Privacy and Performance Goals in RFID Systems

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    Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) is an automatic identification technology that uses radio frequency to identify objects. Securing RFID systems and providing privacy in RFID applications has been the focus of much academic work lately. To ensure universal acceptance of RFID technology, security and privacy issued must be addressed into the design of any RFID application. Due to the constraints on memory, power, storage capacity, and amount of logic on RFID devices, traditional public key based strong security mechanisms are unsuitable for them. Usually, low cost general authentication protocols are used to secure RFID systems. However, the generic authentication protocols provide relatively low performance for different types of RFID applications. We identified that each RFID application has unique research challenges and different performance bottlenecks based on the characteristics of the system. One strategy is to devise security protocols such that application specific goals are met and system specific performance requirements are maximized. This dissertation aims to address the problem of devising application specific security protocols for current and next generation RFID systems so that in each application area maximum performance can be achieved and system specific goals are met. In this dissertation, we propose four different authentication techniques for RFID technologies, providing solutions to the following research issues: 1) detecting counterfeit as well as ensuring low response time in large scale RFID systems, 2) preserving privacy and maintaining scalability in RFID based healthcare systems, 3) ensuring security and survivability of Computational RFID (CRFID) networks, and 4) detecting missing WISP tags efficiently to ensure reliability of CRFID based system\u27s decision. The techniques presented in this dissertation achieve good levels of privacy, provide security, scale to large systems, and can be implemented on resource-constrained RFID devices

    An eHealth System for Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Based on Accelerometer and Pressure Data

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    Pressure ulcers are a common skin disease which is associated with pain, reduced autonomy, social isolation, and reduced quality of life. There are several systems for monitoring of pressure ulcer-related risk factors on the market, but up to now no satisfactory solution is available, especially for people with medium pressure ulcer risk. We present a novel pressure ulcer risk assessment and prevention system, which combines the advantages of accelerometer and pressure sensors for monitoring pressure ulcer risk factors. Sensors are used for detection of repositionings of the person lying on the mattress. Sensor data are sent to a tablet where they are analysed and presented graphically. The system was evaluated in a long-term test at the homes of people of the target group. Results indicate that the system is able to detect movements of persons while lying in bed. Weak correlation in between mobility and Braden pressure ulcer risk was found (correlation factor = 0.31). From our data, long-term trends could be visualized as well as 24 h mobility profiles. Such graphical illustrations might be helpful for caregivers in order to optimize care of people with medium to high pressure ulcer risk

    Ubiquitäre Systeme (Seminar) und Mobile Computing (Proseminar) WS 2016/17. Mobile und Verteilte Systeme. Ubiquitous Computing. Teil XIV

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    Diese Arbeit wird einen Überblick über virtuelle intelligente Assistenten (VIA), die im deutschen auch oft als Sprachassistenten bezeichnet werden, geben. Es werden die verschiedenen Arten von VIA gezeigt und in welchem Zusammenhang sie momentan schon genutzt werden. Als Beispiel werden einige aktuelle Assistenten dienen. Zudem werden neben den Möglichkeiten der Programme, auch noch die Grenzen dieser Technik dargestellt und mögliche Verbesserungen und Optimierungen für die Zukunft besprochen. Ebenfalls wird das empfindliche Thema Datenschutz mit Bezug auf die VIA behandelt. Am Ende des zweiten Teils gehen wir auf die aktuelle Beliebtheit und Nutzung der Anwendungen ein. Im dritten Abschnitt wird dann die Funktionsweise der Software im Hintergrund der Assistenten betrachtet. Es wird der allgemeine Aufbau eines VIA skizziert. Zudem werden zwei Modelle für die Arbeitsweise der Sprachassistenten betrachtet. Dazu werden auch einige theoretische Konzepte wie Ontologien, Knowledge Graphen und POMDP (partially observable Markov decision process) beleuchtet. Zum Schluss kommt ein Fazit über die weitere Entwicklung der VIA mit Überlegungen für Verbesserungen und Optimierungen

    Structural Health Monitoring Inside Concrete and Grout Using the Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform (WISP)

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    This research investigates the implementation of battery-less RFID sensing platforms inside lossy media, such as, concrete and grout. Both concrete and novel grouts can be used for nuclear plant decommissioning as part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) cleanup projects. Our research examines the following: (1) material characterization, (2) analytical modeling of transmission and propagation losses inside lossy media, (3) maximum operational range of RFID wireless sensors embedded inside concrete and grout, and (4) best positioning of antennas for achieving longer communication range between RFID antennas and wireless sensors. Our research uses the battery-less Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform (WISP) which can be used to monitor temperature, and humidity inside complex materials. By using a commercial Agilent open-ended coaxial probe (HP8570B), the measurements of the dielectric permittivity of concrete and grout are performed. Subsequently, the measured complex permittivity is used to formulate analytical Debye models. Also, the transmission and propagation losses of a uniform plane wave inside grout are calculated. Our results show that wireless sensors will perform better in concrete than grout. In addition, the maximum axial and radial ranges for WISP are experimentally determined. Our work illustrates the feasibility of battery-less wireless sensors that are embedded inside concrete and grout. Also, our work provides information that can be used to optimize the power management, sampling rate, and antenna design of such sensors

    Assistive multi-sensor framework for prevention and monitoring of pressure ulcers

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    Pressure ulcers (PU) are injuries to the skin and soft tissues due to prolonged pressure and have a significant impact on the quality of a patient’s life. The common risk factors of PU are pressure, shearing forces, friction, moisture, temperature, and immobility. The use of low-tech and high-tech devices is effective in distributing the high pressure exerted on the patient’s body. However, patients can still develop PU because these devices do not provide any real-time information about the risk factors of PU development. With the help of sensors, smart beds are effective to monitor and prevent the development of PU but the prevalence of PU around the globe is still high due to the aging population. In this thesis, a multi-sensor framework is developed and tested to aid in the monitoring and prevention of PU. The proposed system is able to measure, process, and store real-time information about the numerous risk factors of PU. In addition, the framework does not need to be attached to the patient’s body in order to provide extra comfort. Different experiments are conducted to test the reliability and effectiveness of the proposed system. Experimental results indicate that the system is capable to provide the rate of repositioning, temperature, and pressure distribution

    Applications of smartphones and the mobile web in science and research

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    One of the main internet trends is the increasing access to information through mobile devices, especially smartphones. The so-called mobile web is affecting all areas, including very versatile uses for scientific activity. The aim of this paper is to illustrate the use that the scientific community is making of the mobile web, firstly as an information and referral tool, with an analysis of leading mobile applications from publishers of scientific journals, databases and reference managers and secondly as a research tool and a data collection tool, among others
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