Pillow Based Sleep Tracking Device Using Raspberry Pi


Almost half of all people have sleep interruptions at some point in their lives, making sleep disorders a common issue that affects a sizeable section of the population. Both their physical and emotional well-being may suffer as a result of this.Insomnia, which is a prevalent sleep disorder, is identified by symptoms including insufficient sleep duration and quality, trouble initiating sleep, multiple nighttime awakenings, early morning awakenings, and non-restorative sleep. It is essential to employ sleep monitoring systems to detect sleeping disorders as soon as possible for prompt diagnosis and treatment. To avoid sleep related health issues, there are plenty of Wearables based tracking devices in the market today. Yet, the need to set it up, wear it every day and night to be able to track required data, is a cumbersome process that requires human intervention.So, I have come up with the idea of developing a pillow-based sleep tracking device to suggest an alternate to Wearables, given that pillows are stationary devices that would involuntarily be used by everyone during their nap times. The process includes steps of measuring the sensory data obtained by a pressure sensor which is connected to a pressure amplifier bag placed under the pillow, targets detecting sleep duration and REM cycles. Sound levels of snoring detection is achieved through sound sensor (sleep-disordered respiration), temperature and humidity levels throughout the sleep time is measured by sensory reaction of a DHT-11 temperature and humidity sensor, set up with pillows and positional sleep area

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