13 research outputs found

    Programación estructurada matemáticamente

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    Los lenguajes de programación modernos poseen características que aumentan considerablemente su poder expresivo. Este poder expresivo permite la internalización de las estructuras matemáticas que sustentan la semántica de los lenguajes. Dichas estructuras proveen abstracciones que facilitan distintos aspectos del desarrollo de software, como ser modularidad, optimización, seguridad y verificación. Nos proponemos investigar las propiedades y aplicaciones de estructuras tales como mónadas, arrows, y functores aplicativos.Eje: Aspectos teóricos de Ciencias de la ComputaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Bases as Coalgebras

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    The free algebra adjunction, between the category of algebras of a monad and the underlying category, induces a comonad on the category of algebras. The coalgebras of this comonad are the topic of study in this paper (following earlier work). It is illustrated how such coalgebras-on-algebras can be understood as bases, decomposing each element x into primitives elements from which x can be reconstructed via the operations of the algebra. This holds in particular for the free vector space monad, but also for other monads, like powerset or distribution. For instance, continuous dcpos or stably continuous frames, where each element is the join of the elements way below it, can be described as such coalgebras. Further, it is shown how these coalgebras-on-algebras give rise to a comonoid structure for copy and delete, and thus to diagonalisation of endomaps like in linear algebra

    Delimited continuations in Prolog: semantics, use, and implementation in the WAM

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    An implementation of a delimited continuations, known in the functional programming world, is shown in the context of the WAM, and more particular in hProlog. Three new predicates become available to the user: reset/3 and shift/1 for delimiting and capturing the continuation, and call continuation/1 for calling it. The underlying low-level built-ins and modifications to the system are described in detail. While these do not turn continuations into first-class Prolog citizens, their usefulness is shown in a series of examples. The idea behind this implementation can be adapted to other Prolog implementations. The constructs are compared with similar ones in BinProlog and Haskell. Their interaction with other parts of Prolog is discussed

    Extending Equational Monadic Reasoning with Monad Transformers

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    There is a recent interest for the verification of monadic programs using proof assistants. This line of research raises the question of the integration of monad transformers, a standard technique to combine monads. In this paper, we extend Monae, a Coq library for monadic equational reasoning, with monad transformers and we explain the benefits of this extension. Our starting point is the existing theory of modular monad transformers, which provides a uniform treatment of operations. Using this theory, we simplify the formalization of models in Monae and we propose an approach to support monadic equational reasoning in the presence of monad transformers. We also use Monae to revisit the lifting theorems of modular monad transformers by providing equational proofs and explaining how to patch a known bug using a non-standard use of Coq that combines impredicative polymorphism and parametricity

    Robustness in Metric Spaces over Continuous Quantales and the Hausdorff-Smyth Monad

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    Generalized metric spaces are obtained by weakening the requirements (e.g., symmetry) on the distance function and by allowing it to take values in structures (e.g., quantales) that are more general than the set of non-negative real numbers. Quantale-valued metric spaces have gained prominence due to their use in quantitative reasoning on programs/systems, and for defining various notions of behavioral metrics. We investigate imprecision and robustness in the framework of quantale-valued metric spaces, when the quantale is continuous. In particular, we study the relation between the robust topology, which captures robustness of analyses, and the Hausdorff-Smyth hemi-metric. To this end, we define a preorder-enriched monad PS\mathsf{P}_S, called the Hausdorff-Smyth monad, and when QQ is a continuous quantale and XX is a QQ-metric space, we relate the topology induced by the metric on PS(X)\mathsf{P}_S(X) with the robust topology on the powerset P(X)\mathsf{P}(X) defined in terms of the metric on XX.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Interaction laws of monads and comonads

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    We introduce and study functor-functor and monad-comonad interaction laws as mathematical objects to describe interaction of effectful computations with behaviors of effect-performing machines. Monad-comonad interaction laws are monoid objects of the monoidal category of functor-functor interaction laws. We show that, for suitable generalizations of the concepts of dual and Sweedler dual, the greatest functor resp. monad interacting with a given functor or comonad is its dual while the greatest comonad interacting with a given monad is its Sweedler dual. We relate monad-comonad interaction laws to stateful runners. We show that functor-functor interaction laws are Chu spaces over the category of endofunctors taken with the Day convolution monoidal structure. Hasegawa's glueing endows the category of these Chu spaces with a monoidal structure whose monoid objects are monad-comonad interaction laws

    Algebras for weighted search

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    Weighted search is an essential component of many fundamental and useful algorithms. Despite this, it is relatively under explored as a computational effect, receiving not nearly as much attention as either depth- or breadth-first search. This paper explores the algebraic underpinning of weighted search, and demonstrates how to implement it as a monad transformer. The development first explores breadth-first search, which can be expressed as a polynomial over semirings. These polynomials are generalised to the free semi module monad to capture a wide range of applications, including probability monads, polynomial monads, and monads for weighted search. Finally, a monad trans-former based on the free semi module monad is introduced. Applying optimisations to this type yields an implementation of pairing heaps, which is then used to implement Dijkstra’s algorithm and efficient probabilistic sampling. The construction is formalised in Cubical Agda and implemented in Haskell

    Dijkstra monads for all

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    This paper proposes a general semantic framework for verifying programs with arbitrary monadic side-effects using Dijkstra monads, which we define as monad-like structures indexed by a specification monad. We prove that any monad morphism between a computational monad and a specification monad gives rise to a Dijkstra monad, which provides great flexibility for obtaining Dijkstra monads tailored to the verification task at hand. We moreover show that a large variety of specification monads can be obtained by applying monad transformers to various base specification monads, including predicate transformers and Hoare-style pre- and postconditions. For defining correct monad transformers, we propose a language inspired by Moggi's monadic metalanguage that is parameterized by a dependent type theory. We also develop a notion of algebraic operations for Dijkstra monads, and start to investigate two ways of also accommodating effect handlers. We implement our framework in both Coq and F*, and illustrate that it supports a wide variety of verification styles for effects such as exceptions, nondeterminism, state, input-output, and general recursion

    Towards flexible goal-oriented logic programming

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