953 research outputs found

    Terahertz-Enpowered Communications and Sensing in 6G Systems: Opportunities and Challenges

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    The current focus of academia and the telecommunications industry has been shifted to the development of the six-generation (6G) cellular technology, also formally referred to as IMT-2030. Unprecedented applications that 6G aims to accommodate demand extreme communications performance and, in addition, disruptive capabilities such as network sensing. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in terahertz (THz) frequencies as it offers not only massive spectral resources for communication but also distinct advantages in sensing, positioning, and imaging. The aim of this paper is to provide a brief outlook on opportunities opened by this under-exploited band and challenges that must be addressed to materialize the potential of THz-based communications and sensing in 6G systems.Comment: 2023 the 9th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2307.1032

    ICRISAT Strategic Plan to 2020: Inclusive Market-Oriented Development for Smallholder Farmers in the Tropical Drylands

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    The ICRISAT Strategic Plan to 2020 describes what the Institute will do and why over the decade 2011–2020. ICRISAT’s Business Plan (2011–2015) describes how we will fulfill these commitments, for the first five years of the decade. A three-year Medium-Term Plan, updated annually, will provide additional ‘how’ detail, indicating expected yearly milestones at the activity level. This Strategic Plan is intended for both internal (ICRISAT) and external audiences desiring a broad understanding of the Institute’s priorities and directions. The Business Plan will be most useful for guiding the Institute’s own management and operations with a fiveyear horizon, including mechanisms for monitoring and assessing progress. The Medium- Term Plan’s main purpose is for internal annual activity planning (with a rolling threeyear horizon) and for reporting to the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

    Bold Ambition: International Large-Scale Science

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    This report, Bold Ambition: International Large-Scale Science, describes the essential role of large-scale science initiatives, also referred to as megascience initiatives, for the U.S. scientific enterprise. It identifies best practices for building large-scale scientific collaborations in the future.

    Eighth Annual Conference of inVIVO Planetary Health: From Challenges to Opportunities

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    inVIVO Planetary Health (inVIVO) is a progressive scientific movement providing evidence, advocacy, and inspiration to align the interests and vitality of people, place, and planet. Our goal is to transform personal and planetary health through awareness, attitudes, and actions, and a deeper understanding of how all systems are interconnected and interdependent. Here, we present the abstracts and proceedings of our 8th annual conference, held in Detroit, Michigan in May 2019, themed “From Challenges, to Opportunities”. Our far-ranging discussions addressed the complex interdependent ecological challenges of advancing global urbanization, including the biopsychosocial interactions in our living environment on physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing, together with the wider community and societal factors that govern these. We had a strong solutions focus, with diverse strategies spanning from urban-greening and renewal, nature-relatedness, nutritional ecology, planetary diets, and microbiome rewilding, through to initiatives for promoting resilience, positive emotional assets, traditional cultural narratives, creativity, art projects for personal and community health, and exploring ways of positively shifting mindsets and value systems. Our cross-sectoral agenda underscored the importance and global impact of local initiatives everywhere by contributing to new normative values as part of a global interconnected grass-roots movement for planetary health

    ASCR/HEP Exascale Requirements Review Report

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    This draft report summarizes and details the findings, results, and recommendations derived from the ASCR/HEP Exascale Requirements Review meeting held in June, 2015. The main conclusions are as follows. 1) Larger, more capable computing and data facilities are needed to support HEP science goals in all three frontiers: Energy, Intensity, and Cosmic. The expected scale of the demand at the 2025 timescale is at least two orders of magnitude -- and in some cases greater -- than that available currently. 2) The growth rate of data produced by simulations is overwhelming the current ability, of both facilities and researchers, to store and analyze it. Additional resources and new techniques for data analysis are urgently needed. 3) Data rates and volumes from HEP experimental facilities are also straining the ability to store and analyze large and complex data volumes. Appropriately configured leadership-class facilities can play a transformational role in enabling scientific discovery from these datasets. 4) A close integration of HPC simulation and data analysis will aid greatly in interpreting results from HEP experiments. Such an integration will minimize data movement and facilitate interdependent workflows. 5) Long-range planning between HEP and ASCR will be required to meet HEP's research needs. To best use ASCR HPC resources the experimental HEP program needs a) an established long-term plan for access to ASCR computational and data resources, b) an ability to map workflows onto HPC resources, c) the ability for ASCR facilities to accommodate workflows run by collaborations that can have thousands of individual members, d) to transition codes to the next-generation HPC platforms that will be available at ASCR facilities, e) to build up and train a workforce capable of developing and using simulations and analysis to support HEP scientific research on next-generation systems.Comment: 77 pages, 13 Figures; draft report, subject to further revisio

    Survey on 6G Frontiers: Trends, Applications, Requirements, Technologies and Future Research

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    Emerging applications such as Internet of Everything, Holographic Telepresence, collaborative robots, and space and deep-sea tourism are already highlighting the limitations of existing fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks. These limitations are in terms of data-rate, latency, reliability, availability, processing, connection density and global coverage, spanning over ground, underwater and space. The sixth-generation (6G) of mobile networks are expected to burgeon in the coming decade to address these limitations. The development of 6G vision, applications, technologies and standards has already become a popular research theme in academia and the industry. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of the current developments towards 6G. We highlight the societal and technological trends that initiate the drive towards 6G. Emerging applications to realize the demands raised by 6G driving trends are discussed subsequently. We also elaborate the requirements that are necessary to realize the 6G applications. Then we present the key enabling technologies in detail. We also outline current research projects and activities including standardization efforts towards the development of 6G. Finally, we summarize lessons learned from state-of-the-art research and discuss technical challenges that would shed a new light on future research directions towards 6G


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    Over the past few years, On-Board Computing Systems for satellites have been facing a limited level of modularity. Modularity is the ability to reuse and reconstruct the system from a set of predesigned units, with minimal additional engineering effort. CDHS hardware systems currently available have a limited ability to scale with mission needs. This thesis addresses the integration of smaller form factor CDHS modules used for nanosatellites with the larger counterparts that are used for larger missions. In particular, the thesis discusses the interfacing between Modular Computer Systems based on Open Standard commonly used in large spacecrafts and PC/104 used for nanosatellites. It also aims to create a set of layers that would represent a hardware library of COTS-like modules. At the beginning, a review of related and previous work has been done to identify the gaps in previous studies and understand more about Modular Computer Systems based on Open Standard commonly used in large spacecrafts, such as cPCI Serial Space and SpaceVPX. Next, the design requirements have been set to achieve this thesis objectives, which included conducting a prestudy of system alternatives before creating a modular CDHS hardware architecture which was later tested. After, the hardware suitable for this architecture based on the specified requirements was chosen and the PCB was designed based on global standards. Later, several functional tests and communication tests were conducted to assess the practicality of the proposed architecture. Finally, thermal vacuum testing was done on one of the architecture’s layers to test its ability to withstand the space environment, with the aim to perform the vibration testing of the full modular architecture in the future. The aim of this thesis has been achieved after going through several tests, comparing between interfaces, and understanding the process of interfacing between different levels of the CDHS. The findings of this study pave the way for future research in the field and offer valuable insights that could contribute to the development of modular architectures for other satellite subsystems

    Analysis of the European Strategy for Hydrogen

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    This Final Degree Thesis focuses on analysing the aspirations of the European Union within the hydrogen sector. This aim is achieved through the examination of the European Parliament’s Hydrogen Strategy, allowing for a study of actions and projects in all hydrogen fields. The analysis is preceded by an exposition of the energy sector current situation and a description of the technologies associated with hydrogen, as well as an explanation of the most relevant plans and organisations that shape the rest of laws and initiatives (Paris Agreement, EU Green Deal…). It is followed by an overview of the international and Spanish hydrogen developments and the conclusions achieved. Any document that serves as a guide or strategy for any sector does inherently cover a wide range of topics so as to encompass the entirety of the sector, and this is the case for the strategy analysed. The European Parliament’s Hydrogen Strategy includes hydrogen demand, infrastructure, research and innovation, production, policies and more. This wide range of topics in the document studied implies a wide range of topics to delve into in this thesis, resulting in more than 150 information sources consulted to elaborate the thesis. The Hydrogen Strategy is crucial to understand the role of hydrogen in the EU and predict its future development. However, even though it was released about a year ago, it would already benefit from an update given that in a short period of time the energy context has changed (energy prices inflation, Russian conflict). In this situation of lack of security of supply and instability, the need for an energy carrier like hydrogen is more evident than ever. Moreover, hydrogen can be the key to the green transition and decarbonisation in the EU, which is why it is so important to keep on developing its technologies and to pursue this strategy.Este trabajo de fin de grado persigue analizar las ambiciones de la Unión Europea dentro del sector del hidrógeno. Este objetivo se alcanza a través del análisis de la Estrategia Europea para el Hidrógeno presentada por el Parlamento Europeo, que además permite que el estudio abarque todos los campos del sector del hidrógeno. El análisis es precedido por una contextualización del sector energético actual y por una descripción de las tecnologías del hidrógeno (para producción, transporte, almacenamiento, usos…), y también por una explicación de los planes y organizaciones más relevantes y que da forma al resto de leyes e iniciativas (Acuerdo de París, EU Green Deal…). Al análisis le sigue un resumen del desarrollo en materia de hidrógeno a nivel internacional y nacional (español), y finalmente las conclusiones obtenidas. Cualquier documento que cumpla el papel de guía o estrategia para un determinado sector abarca inherentemente un amplio abanico de temas para reflejar el sector al completo, y este es el caso de la estrategia que se analiza. La Estrategia Europea para el Hidrógeno incluye temas como la demanda de hidrógeno, infraestructura, investigación e innovación, producción, políticas, etc. Este amplio rango de temas del documento estudiado implica un amplio rango de temas que explorar en este trabajo de fin de grado, lo cual ha resultado en la consulta de más de 150 fuentes de información para la elaboración del trabajo. La Estrategia para el Hidrógeno es crucial para comprender el papel del hidrógeno en la UE y predecir su desarrollo en el futuro. Sin embargo, aunque fue publicada hace alrededor de un año, ya necesitaría una actualización para poder incluir los cambios del contexto energético que han tenido lugar en este corto periodo de tiempo (inflación en los precios de la energía, conflicto con Rusia…). Dada esta situación de falta de seguridad de suministro e inestabilidad, la necesidad de contar con un vector energético como el hidrógeno es más evidente que nunca. Además, el hidrógeno puede ser clave en la transición verde y descarbonización de la UE, por lo que es muy importante continuar desarrollando las tecnologías del hidrógeno y cumplir esta estrategia.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de la Energía (UMA/USE