9 research outputs found

    Systematic studies of Heracleum L. (Umbelliferae) and related genera in the Sino-Himalayan region

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    The genus Heracleum (Apiaceae) includes 65-70 species, and is distributed across the Northern Hemisphere from North America to East Asia (Pimenov & Leonov, 1993). The Sino-Himalaya region (Nepal eastwards to SW China) is one of the most important distribution areas of Heracleum (with 10 species in the Himalaya and about 30 species in China). This thesis integrates a series of studies on the systematics of Sino-Himalayan Heracleum including allied taxa and a taxonomic revision of Nepalese Heracleum species. The taxonomic value of the various morphological characters used in Heracleum is generally discussed and potentially important fruit morphological characters investigated alongside. Several characters were found to be distinctive, constant out of taxonomic importance. These included extent of development of the lateral wings, presence/absence of epidermal hairs, hair types, and the transverse sectional arrangement of the mericarp, including position of sclerenchyma of vascular bundles, rib development, pattern of endosperm, distribution of vittae and thickening of wing margins. Based on these characters, Heracleum was divided into at least 5 types that are also supported by molecular data (ITS DNA sequences). In order to evaluate the monophyly of Sino-Himalayan Heracleum, and clarify the species relationships within this group, sequences of ITS, rps16 intron, and psbAtrnH spacer of Heracleum and related genera were studied. The resulting data matrix was analyzed using Maximum Parsimony and Bayesian analysis. Both ITS and rps16 intron regions show a good resolution of phylogenetic relationships down to species level. However, although psbA-trnH region has been successively tested in other plant families, it failed to resolve relationships among the major Heracleum clade. Only higher level resolution was successful. The results of our comparative phylogenetic study confirmed that the “Major Heracleum clade” (Sensu Downie) remains monophyletic. Within this clade at least six major lineages are defined: Heracleum, Malabaila-Pastinaca, Zosima, Semenovia, Tordylium, and Tordyliopsis. The Sino-Himalayan Heracleum lineage is seen to comprise three distinct sub-lineages (Heracleum group I, II and III) including several European Heracleum species. Heracleum is thus not monophyletic. Generic segregates of Heracleum proposed in past classifications,such as Tetrataenium, can be correlated with these subclades. These phylogenies also helped resolve the taxonomic placement of some enigmatic taxa such as Tordyliopsis brunonis and Heracleum millefolium. These molecular data provide valuable characters for inferring relationships within the Sino-Himalayan Heracleum. A taxonomic account of the species of Heracleum in Nepal is presented including a key to identification of the species is produced. A reinterpretation of the taxonomy of Sino-Himalaya Heracleum is presented based on these results including an account of the Nepalese species

    A taxonomic revision of Capnophyllum (Apiaceae: Apioideae)

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    AbstractThe Cape endemic genus Capnophyllum Gaertn. is revised. As a result of valuable recent collections and extensive fieldwork, this hitherto neglected genus was found to comprise four annual species, two of which are newly described, namely C. lutzeyeri Magee and B.-E.van Wyk, and C. macrocarpum Magee and B.-E.van Wyk. The four species are distinguished from one another by their fruit morphology (relative length of the styles, the shape and position of the stylopodium, fruit size, surface sculpturing, and the presence or absence of a sterile apical portion) and fruit anatomy (marginal wings slightly or prominently involute and secondary ribs present or absent). A comprehensive key to the species, their complete nomenclature and typification, together with complete descriptions and known geographical distributions for all the species are presented and illustrated

    The Anti Hrsv Activity of Ferula Halophila Peşmen Aqueous and Methanol Extract by Mtt Assay

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    DergiPark: 805545trkjnatDünyada doğal ürünlere yönelik eğilim, enfeksiyöz hastalıkların ilaç direncindeki artış, yüksek ilaç fiyatları ve erişim zorluğu nedeniyle artmaktadır. Ayrıca, tedavisi zor ve uzun süren bakteriyal veya viral hastalıklar insanlar üzerinde önemli enfeksiyonlara neden olur. Çoğu viral enfeksiyon için etkili bir ilaç geliştirilemediğinden, virüslere karşı doğal ürünlerin bulunması ve bilim dünyasına tanıtılması çok önemlidir. Bu amaçla, Türkiye'ye endemik bir tür olan Ferula halophila Peşmen'den elde edilen su ve metanol ekstrelerinin antiviral aktiviteleri, insan solunum sinsityal virüsüne (HRSV, ATCC-VR-26) karşı araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada, bitki ekstrelerinin sitotoksik ve antiviral özellikleri sırasıyla, HRSV/HEp-2 hücre sistemlerinde kolorimetrik MTT deneyi ile araştırılmıştır. RSV’nin titresi 100 DKID50 (%50 Doku kültürü infektif doz) olarak kullanılmıştır. Metanol ekstresinin MNTC’u (Maksimum non toksik konsantrasyon) 195,313 µg/mL ve CC50’u (%50 sitotoksik konsantrasyon) 4366,22 µg/mL, su ekstresinin ise MNTC’u 390,625 µg/mL ve CC50 4366,22 olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlara göre metanol ekstresi su ekstresinden daha toksik özellik göstermiştir. Kontrol olarak kulllanılan Ribavirinin MNTC 0,98 µg/mL ve CC50 ise 110,40 µg/mL olarak belirlenmiştir. Antiviral çalışma sonucunda metanol ekstresinin etkili olmadığı, buna karşın su ektresinin 50,69 µg/mL EC50 (%50 etkili konsantrasyon) ve 97,54 SI (Seçicilik indeksi) değerleri ile önemli bir anti-HRSV aktivitesi olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ribavirinin EC50 ve SI değerleri ise sırasıyla 2,39 ve 46,19 µg/mL dir.Elde edilen sonuçlara göre sadece su ekstresinde antiviral aktivitenin görülmesi ve metanol ekstresinde antiviral aktivitenin olmayışını, methanol ekstresinin toksitesinin yüksek olması ve antiviral özellikte olan bileşiklerin metanol ekstresinde çözünmemesiyle açıklayabiliriz.The trend towards natural products in the world is increasing due to the increased drug resistance of infectious diseases, the high prices for drugs and the difficulty of access. Also, bacterial or viral diseases that are difficult to treat and need a long time for proper treatment cause important infections in people. Since effective drugs could not be developed for most viral infections, it is very important to find natural products against viruses to introduce them to the world of science. The antiviral activities of the aqueous and methanol extract from Ferula halophila Peşmen, an endemic species to Turkey, has been investigated against human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV, ATCC-VR-26). The cytotoxic and antiviral properties of plant extracts were investigated in HRSV / HEp-2 cell systems, respectively by the colorimetric MTT assay. In the study, the titer of RSV was used as 100 TCID50 (50% tissue culture infective dose). While MNTC (Maximum non-toxic concentration) of methanol extract was 195.313 µg/mL and CC50 (50% cytotoxic concentration) was 4366.22 µg/mL, it was determined as MNTC = 390.625 µg/mL and CC50 = 4366.22 for aqueous extract. According to the results, methanol extract showed more toxicity than the aqueous extract. The MNTC of Ribavirin used as a positive control was determined as 0.98 µg/mL and CC50 was 110.40 µg/mL.As a result of the study, it was determined that the methanol extract was not effective, whereas the aqueous extract had a significant anti-HRSV activity with the values of 50.69 µg/mL EC50 (50% Effective Concentration) and 97.54 Selectivity Index (SI). The EC50 and SI values of Ribavirin were 2.39 µg/mL and 46.19, respectively.According to the results, we can explain the presence of antiviral activity only in the aqueous extract and the absence in the methanol extract by the high toxicity of it and the insolubility of the antiviral compounds in the methanol extract

    Development of a network of genetic reserves for wild celery in Germany (GE-Sell)

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    Die Technik des genetischen Erhaltungsgebiets ist ein anwendungsbereites Verfahren zur In-situ-Erhaltung von wildlebenden Verwandten unserer Kulturpflanzen. Bei dem Verfahren wird die dynamische Erhaltung von Populationen, die in ihren natürlichen Lebensräumen Evolutionsprozessen ausgesetzt sind, mit der statischen Erhaltung pflanzengenetischer Ressourcen in Genbanken kombiniert und somit die nachhaltige Nutzung dieser Arten ermöglicht. Im Modell- und Demonstrationsvorhaben "Genetische Erhaltungsgebiete für Wildselleriearten (Apium und Helosciadium) als Bestandteil eines Netzwerks genetischer Erhaltungsgebiete in Deutschland" (GESell) wurden wissenschaftliche und organisatorische Fragestellungen zur Umsetzung dieser Technik bearbeitet. Ziel des Projekts war die modellhafte Einrichtung von 45 genetischen Erhaltungsgebieten (GenEG) für Wildselleriearten und der Aufbau eines bundesweiten Netzwerks aus lokalen Akteuren. Zur Identifizierung der GenEG wurde das monografische Verfahren angewendet. Für die vier in Deutschland vorkommenden Wildselleriearten wurden zum Projektstart im Jahr 2015 aus 2400 Fundortdaten 322 Standorte für Präsenzkontrollen ausgewählt. Im Anschluss wurden für rund 100 möglichst vitale und ungefährdete Vorkommen, die sich über verschiedene Naturräume und Habitate verteilen, genetische Diversitätsanalysen durchgeführt. Anhand der Kartierungs- und Analyseergebnisse wählte das Projektteam zwischen 11 und 15 Vorkommen pro Art aus, die insgesamt die innerartliche Vielfalt der jeweiligen Arten bestmöglich repräsentieren. Für diese Vorkommen wurden die Einrichtung und ein langfristiges Management der GenEG in Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Akteuren angestrebt. Bis zum April 2020 wurden bereits 15 GenEG eingerichtet.The genetic reserve conservation technique is a ready-to-use procedure for in situ conservation of crop wild relatives. The approach combines the dynamic conservation of populations exposed to evolutionary processes in their natural habitats with the static conservation of plant genetic resources in gene banks, thus enabling the sustainable use of these species. In the model and demonstration project "Genetic reserves for wild celery species (Apium and Helosciadium) as part of a network of genetic reserves in Germany" (GE-Sell) scientific and organisational aspects of the implementation of genetic reserves were investigated. The aim of the project was the establishment of 45 genetic reserves for wild celery species and the establishment of a nationwide network of local stakeholders. The monographic approach was used to identify the genetic reserves. For the four wild celery species occurring in Germany, around 350 occurrences were selected from 2400 known sites for the verification of these occurrences at the project start in 2015. Thereafter, genetic diversity analyses were carried out for approximately 100 occurrences that are as vital as possible, non-endangered and distributed over various ecogeographic regions and habitat types. Based on the survey and analysis results, the project team selected between 11 and 15 occurrences per species, which together represent the intra-species diversity of the respective species best. For these occurrences, the project team aimed at the establishment and long-term management of the genetic reserves in cooperation with local stakeholders. By April 2020, 15 genetic reserves had already been established

    A phylogenetic and monographic study of Oxypolis, Ptilimnium, and closely related genera (Apiaceae)

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    A phylogenetic and monographic study of Oxypolis, Ptilimnium, and closely related genera in the North American endemics clade of tribe Oenantheae (Apiaceae) was carried out. Sequences from the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the chloroplast DNA trnQ-5'rps16 and 3'rps16-5'trnK intergeneric spacer regions were used to estimate the phylogenetic relationships of Oxypolis, Ptilimnium, and closely related genera. The sequence data were analyzed using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. Results of the phylogenetic analyses showed that neither Oxypolis nor Ptilimnium was monophyletic. In the analyses, each genus was separated into two strongly supported clades that corresponded to differences in leaf morphology within the groups. While most species of Oxypolis and Ptilimnium have compound leaves, others share a unique leaf morphology known as rachis leaves. Rachis leaves are linear, terete, hollow, and septate and are equivalent to the rachis of a pinnately compound leaf in which the pinnae are not expressed. Fruit anatomical characters were explored and were also found to support these splits. Based on the analyses of the molecular data (ITS and cpDNA sequences) and the corroboration of morphological and fruit anatomical data, new circumscriptions for the genera Oxypolis and Ptilimnium were formalized. The two polyphyletic genera (Oxypolis and Ptilimnium) were split, two genera (Tiedemannia and Harperella) were resurrected, and new combinations were made. In addition to these generic level questions, the results of the phylogenetic analyses were used to examine a number of interspecific and infraspecific relationships within Oxypolis and Ptilimnium. As a result, the species P. texense was resurrected, P. ahlesii was placed in synonymy under P. capillaceum, and a case was made for the recognition of O. filiformis subsp. greenmanii. Also, a nomenclatural issue concerning the correct name for the species Oxypolis ternata was resolved. Finally, taxonomic treatments including keys, species and genus descriptions, and brief taxonomic discussions are presented for the following genera: Ptilimnium, Tiedemannia, Harperella, Limnosciadium, Cynosciadium, and Oxypolis. These treatments adopt the newly reinstated genera Harperella and Tiedemannia and include the closely related genera Cynosciadium and Limnosciadium. Treatments are written according to the Flora of North America Guide for Contributors for publication in Volume 13 of the Flora of North America series

    A new subspecies of Peucedanum officinale L. subsp. album (Apiaceae) from the eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula

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    [EN] We describe Peucedanum officinale L. subsp. album Martinez-Fort & Donat-Torres subsp. nov., in which we grouped the thermomediterranean populations scattered along the eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. The characters that differentiate this new subspecies from other infraspecific taxa in Peucedanum officinale are its canaliculated leaflet, the inflorescences much branched and lack of dominant terminal umbels, the umbels are few rayed, sometimes sessile and lateral, the petals are white and the fruit pedicels short, the same or shorter in length than the fruit. We provide here a full description of the new subspecies based on herbarium specimens and field measurements, as well as providing dichotomous keys to the subspecies within P. officinale. In addition, we provide a comparison of the ITS sequences of nrDNA with the most closely related taxons.Martínez-Fort, J.; León Santana, M.; Donat-Torres, MP. (2019). A new subspecies of Peucedanum officinale L. subsp. album (Apiaceae) from the eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. PhytoKeys (Online). (131):37-55. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.131.321733755131Altschul, S. F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E. W., & Lipman, D. J. (1990). Basic local alignment search tool. Journal of Molecular Biology, 215(3), 403-410. doi:10.1016/s0022-2836(05)80360-2Darriba, D., Taboada, G. L., Doallo, R., & Posada, D. (2012). jModelTest 2: more models, new heuristics and parallel computing. Nature Methods, 9(8), 772-772. doi:10.1038/nmeth.2109Downie, S. R., Watson, M. F., Spalik, K., & Katz-Downie, D. S. (2000). Molecular systematics of Old World Apioideae (Apiaceae): relationships among some members of tribe Peucedaneae sensu lato, the placement of several island-endemic species, and resolution within the apioid superclade. Canadian Journal of Botany, 78(4), 506-528. doi:10.1139/b00-029Downie, S. R., Spalik, K., Katz-Downie, D. S., & Reduron, J.-P. (2010). Major clades within Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae as inferred by phylogenetic analysis of nrDNA ITS sequences. Plant Diversity and Evolution, 128(1-2), 111-136. doi:10.1127/1869-6155/2010/0128-0005Engler, A., Krause, K., Pilger, R. K. F., & Prantl, K. A. E. (1887). Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten, insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen, unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher hervorragender Fachgelehrten begründet von A. Engler und K. Prantl, fortgesetzt von A. Engler ... doi:10.5962/bhl.title.4635García Martín, F., & Silvestre, S. (1992). Peucedanum officinale L. subsp. brachyradium García-Martín y Silvestre: nuevo taxon de Umbelliferae. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 17, 119-121. doi:10.24310/abm.v17i.9022Kljuykov, E. V., Liu, M., Ostroumova, T. A., Pimenov, M. G., Tilney, P. M., van Wyk, B.-E., & van Staden, J. (2004). Towards a standardised terminology for taxonomically important morphological characters in the Umbelliferae. South African Journal of Botany, 70(3), 488-496. doi:10.1016/s0254-6299(15)30233-7Kumar, S., Stecher, G., Li, M., Knyaz, C., & Tamura, K. (2018). MEGA X: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis across Computing Platforms. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35(6), 1547-1549. doi:10.1093/molbev/msy096Spalik, K., Reduron, J.-P., & Downie, S. R. (2004). The phylogenetic position of Peucedanum sensu lato and allied genera and their placement in tribe Selineae (Apiaceae, subfamily Apioideae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 243(3-4), 189-210. doi:10.1007/s00606-003-0066-2White, T. J., Bruns, T., Lee, S., & Taylor, J. (1990). AMPLIFICATION AND DIRECT SEQUENCING OF FUNGAL RIBOSOMAL RNA GENES FOR PHYLOGENETICS. PCR Protocols, 315-322. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-372180-8.50042-1Magee, A. R., Van Wyk, B.-E., Tilney, P. M., & Downie, S. R. (2007). New generic circumscriptions of Cape peucedanoid species (Apiaceae). South African Journal of Botany, 73(2), 298-299. doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2007.02.07

    Hemijska analiza lako isparljivih komponenti, biološka aktivnost i hemotaksonomske karakteristike vrsta roda Chaerophyllum L. (Apiaceae) sa područja Srbije

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    This doctoral dissertation reports the chemical composition of the headspace volatiles (HS) and essential oils obtained from different species of genus Chaerophyllum L. (Apiaceae) from the territory of Serbia and Montenegro determined by GC and GC/MS analyses. The obtained results show that the chemical composition of the oil depends on the part of the plant which is analyzed and that the main differences were noticed between aerial parts and the root samples. Substrate - habitat and climatic conditions of the development of the tested plant species do not significantly affect the composition of essential oils. The antioxidant activity of essential oils was investigated using five different methods and obtained results indicate that all oil samples have a weak antioxidant potential. The results of antibacterial assay showed that investigated samples exhibit some antibacterial activity against tested Gram-positive bacteria while they were inactive against Gram-negative bacteria. Chemotaxonomic classification of species of the genera Chaerophyllum L. and Myrrhoides Fabr. was performed using the classes of compounds and main components of essential oils as chemotaxonomic markers for statistical processing. The results obtained show that the use of essential oils as chemotaxonomic markers makes sense and that morphological characters alone are not sufficient for complete identification of plant species

    Sistemática de Azorella-Mulinum (Azorelloideae, Apiaceae): morfología, filogenias moleculares y revisión taxonómica.

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    Tesis (Grado Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas)--Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Lugar de Trabajo: Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente - INIBIOMA-CONICET-Universidad Nacional del Comahue-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. 2015 - 254 h. + CD. tabls.; figuras.; maps.; Apéndices. Contiene Referencia Bibliográfica y Publicaciones Derivadas de la Tesis. Abstract en español e inglés.El grupo Azorella-Mulinum está conformado por los géneros Azorella, Laretia y Mulinum (Azorelloideae, Apiaceae), es principalmente sudamericano e importante por su dominancia en regiones elevadas de los Andes y en la estepa Patagónica. Estos tres géneros son muy afines morfológicamente y en estado vegetativo son fácilmente confundibles. La mayoría de las especies son plantas xerófilas, subarbustivas, que forman cojines hemisféricos o chatos, laxos o compactos. Estudios filogenéticos previos realizados en la subfamilia Azorelloideae coinciden en que Azorella y Mulinum no son grupos monofiléticos tal como están circunscriptos,por lo que es necesario una revisión de la delimitación actual de los mismos. Hasta el momento, no se han realizado estudios morfológicos en el grupo Azorella-Mulinum en su conjunto.Para Azorella y Laretia ya se dispone de una revisión sistemática. Sin embargo, para Mulinum es necesaria una revisión taxonómica y el análisis de las características morfo-anatómicas de hojas y frutos de toda las especies. Más aún, es necesario resolver los límites entre varias especies del género. En el presente trabajo se analizó y describió la variación morfológica y anatómica encontrada en Mulinum, y se realizaron análisis morfométricos en grupos de especies de difícil delimitación. Para ello se obtuvieron datos morfológicos y anatómicos de todas las especies a partir de unos 800 ejemplares de herbarios y/o de individuos colecciona dos en el campo. Por otro lado, se estimaron las relaciones filogenéticas moleculares en el grupo Azorella-Mulinum a partir de secuencias nucleotídicas de cinco regiones de ADNcp (intron rps16, trnQ-rps16, rps16-trnK(UUU) exón 5´, trnG (GCC)-trnS(GCU) y rpL32-trnL(UAG)) y de la región ITS de ADNnr. Los análisis filogenéticos de los datos se realizaron por separado y combinados,utilizando los métodos de máxima parsimonia, máxima verosimilitud e inferencia bayesiana, e incluyendo información de inserciones y deleciones. A partir de la integración de los resultados morfológicos, anatómicos y filogenéticos obtenidos se realizó una revisión taxonómica para el género Mulinum. En total se reconocen 10 especies y tres variedades, para las que se aporta una clave para su reconocimiento, listas de sinónimos, descripciones morfológicas, afinidades morfológicas entre las especies, discusión de datos bibliográficos, ilustraciones y mapas de distribución. Dado que los resultados filogenéticos confirman que los géneros Azorella y Mulinum no son monofiléticos, se propone a partir de un conocimiento integral de todo el grupo, una nueva recircunscripción de Azorella y Mulinum (incluyendo Laretia). Se reduce a tres el número de especies en Azorella y se eleva a 34 el número total de especies en Mulinum, con la incorporación de 23 especies antes consideradas en Azorella y en el género monotípico Laretia. Se aporta una clave y descripciones morfo lógicas para diferenciar los géneros Azorella y Mulinum según la actual definición de cada uno de ellos, se restablecen tres nombres de Mulinum y se proponen 21 nuevas combinaciones

    Julius Kühn-Archiv 466

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