713 research outputs found

    The CLAWAR project

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    In Europe, there are two main thematic groups focusing on robotics, the Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR) project (http://www.clawar.net) and the European Robotics Network (EURON) project (http://www.euron.org). The two networks are complementary: CLAWAR is industrially focused on the immediate needs, and EURON is focused more on blue skies research. This article presents the activities of the CLAWAR project

    The CLAWAR project

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    In Europe, there are two main thematic groups focusing on robotics, the Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR) project (http://www.clawar.net) and the European Robotics Network (EURON) project (http://www.euron.org). The two networks are complementary: CLAWAR is industrially focused on the immediate needs, and EURON is focused more on blue skies research. This article presents the activities of the CLAWAR project


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    An Open-Source Iterative Python Module for the Automated Identification of Photopeaks in Photon Spectra

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    The UK, and other countries worldwide, have benefited from nuclear energy to provide a low-carbon power source to fuel their increasing populations and industrial growth. In support of the extensive end-of-life decommissioning activities ongoing globally, as well as to enable accident clean-up and nuclear security/monitoring provisions; systems are necessary to rapidly and accurately detect and attribute the nature of any nuclear and/or radioactive materials. To facilitate the utilisation of the increasing suite of miniaturised radiation sensor systems for a range of largely robotic (whether aerial, underwater or ground-based) deployment applications, without the issue of being ’tethered’ to a specific vendor or system, an open-source and compact python module has been developed. Within this readily integrable code-base designed for incorporation into wider software architectures (such as the Robotic Operating System, or ROS), gamma-ray spectroscopy data are recorded in real-time and processed with a peak identification procedure once sufficient data has been recorded. Iterative peak-fitting is applied to determine the isotopic compositions of the incident radiation. The stand-alone application comprises two connected components: a small detector-specific module (or wrapper) that translates a detector’s serial output into the desired format, ahead of the main analysis function. Second, a photopeak identification is performed through an algorithm which uses the second derivative of the spectrum. The peaks identified are subsequently labelled by the program, utilizing the properties of all the mathematically detected/derived peaks, and finally output in a user-defined format for subsequent usage

    Vega—A small, low cost, ground robot for nuclear decommissioning

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    From Wiley via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2021-08-20, rev-recd 2021-11-03, accepted 2021-11-05, pub-electronic 2021-11-25Article version: VoRPublication status: PublishedFunder: Royal Academy of Engineering; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000287Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000266Abstract: This paper presents the Vega robot, which is a small, low cost, potentially disposable ground robot designed for nuclear decommissioning. Vega has been developed specifically to support characterization and inspection operations, such as 2D and 3D mapping, radiation scans and sample retrieval. The design and construction methodology that was followed to develop the robot is described and its capabilities detailed. Vega was designed to provide flexibility, both in software and hardware, is controlled via tele‐operation, although it can be extended to semi and full autonomy, and can be used in either tethered or untethered configurations. A version of the tethered robot was designed for extreme radiation tolerance, utilizing relay electronics and removing active electronic systems. Vega can be outfitted with a multitude of sensors and actuators, including gamma spectrometers, alpha/beta radiation sensors, LiDARs and robotic arms. To demonstrate its flexibility, a 5 degree‐of‐freedom manipulator has been successfully integrated onto Vega, facilitating deployments where handling is required. To assess the tolerance of Vega to the levels of ionizing radiation that may be found in decommissioning environments, its individual components were irradiated, allowing estimates to be made of the length of time Vega would be able to continue to operate in nuclear environments. Vega has been successfully deployed in an active environment at the Dounreay nuclear site in the UK, deployed in nonactive environments at the Atomic Weapons Establishment, and demonstrated to many other organizations in the UK nuclear industry including Sellafield Ltd, with the goal of moving to active deployments in the future

    Paper Session I-C - Advanced Vision and Robotic Systems for Hazardous Environments

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    This paper describes work performed at the Rockwell Space Division, Downey, California, and at Fluor Daniel Inc. Irvine, California, related to task performance in remote hazardous environments through advanced robotic and vision systems. These environments could be in space, for example related to the Space Shuttle, Space Station and outer space and planetary environments. In addition, the environments could be on earth, for example areas contaminated by chemical or radioactive waste. In both instances, the task is most efficiently performed when the environment has been designed from the very beginning for remote task performance. While this is often not the case, much is being done in the development of two important related remote technologies: environmental characterization and inspection; and remote handling and manipulation. Important work has already taken place in developing robust systems for remote characterization, inspection and manipulation, for example, at the facilities of NASA and the Department of Energy. NASA is already integrating and testing a mobile robot system for inspection and re-waterproofing of thermal protection system tiles on the Space Shuttle. Other NASA efforts include micro-rovers, robotic devices for ground emergency responses, robots with local autonomy for ground characterization, and small, highly dexterous robots for visual inspection. In addition, the Department of Energy has many efforts to develop characterization, inspection and robotic systems for radiation areas. Notable examples include mobile systems for inspection of exterior and interior acreage sites, reactor vessels, pipes, drums, and various devices and special end-effectors for waste excavation, size reduction, manipulation, decontamination, and decommissioning. To support these activities, we have taken a systematic approach to developing some of the basic technologies necessary for remote operations in hostile environments. Our major thrust has been to develop a modular, re-configurable robotics laboratory test bed, and then to use this test bed to support advances in the following areas: simulation and engineering analysis for development and verification of remote tasks; special vision systems; and vibration isolation to stabilize and enhance remote manipulators