80,904 research outputs found

    Automata-theoretic and bounded model checking for linear temporal logic

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    In this work we study methods for model checking the temporal logic LTL. The focus is on the automata-theoretic approach to model checking and bounded model checking. We begin by examining automata-theoretic methods to model check LTL safety properties. The model checking problem can be reduced to checking whether the language of a finite state automaton on finite words is empty. We describe an efficient algorithm for generating small finite state automata for so called non-pathological safety properties. The presented implementation is the first tool able to decide whether a formula is non-pathological. The experimental results show that treating safety properties can benefit model checking at very little cost. In addition, we find supporting evidence for the view that minimising the automaton representing the property does not always lead to a small product state space. A deterministic property automaton can result in a smaller product state space even though it might have a larger number states. Next we investigate modular analysis. Modular analysis is a state space reduction method for modular Petri nets. The method can be used to construct a reduced state space called the synchronisation graph. We devise an on-the-fly automata-theoretic method for model checking the behaviour of a modular Petri net from the synchronisation graph. The solution is based on reducing the model checking problem to an instance of verification with testers. We analyse the tester verification problem and present an efficient on-the-fly algorithm, the first complete solution to tester verification problem, based on generalised nested depth-first search. We have also studied propositional encodings for bounded model checking LTL. A new simple linear sized encoding is developed and experimentally evaluated. The implementation in the NuSMV2 model checker is competitive with previously presented encodings. We show how to generalise the LTL encoding to a more succint logic: LTL with past operators. The generalised encoding compares favourably with previous encodings for LTL with past operators. Links between bounded model checking and the automata-theoretic approach are also explored.reviewe

    A Modeling Framework for Schedulability Analysis of Distributed Avionics Systems

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    This paper presents a modeling framework for schedulability analysis of distributed integrated modular avionics (DIMA) systems that consist of spatially distributed ARINC-653 modules connected by a unified AFDX network. We model a DIMA system as a set of stopwatch automata (SWA) in UPPAAL to analyze its schedulability by classical model checking (MC) and statistical model checking (SMC). The framework has been designed to enable three types of analysis: global SMC, global MC, and compositional MC. This allows an effective methodology including (1) quick schedulability falsification using global SMC analysis, (2) direct schedulability proofs using global MC analysis in simple cases, and (3) strict schedulability proofs using compositional MC analysis for larger state space. The framework is applied to the analysis of a concrete DIMA system.Comment: In Proceedings MARS/VPT 2018, arXiv:1803.0866

    A Compositional Approach for Schedulability Analysis of Distributed Avionics Systems

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    This work presents a compositional approach for schedulability analysis of Distributed Integrated Modular Avionics (DIMA) systems that consist of spatially distributed ARINC-653 modules connected by a unified AFDX network. We model a DIMA system as a set of stopwatch automata in UPPAAL to verify its schedulability by model checking. However, direct model checking is infeasible due to the large state space. Therefore, we introduce the compositional analysis that checks each partition including its communication environment individually. Based on a notion of message interfaces, a number of message sender automata are built to model the environment for a partition. We define a timed selection simulation relation, which supports the construction of composite message interfaces. By using assume-guarantee reasoning, we ensure that each task meets the deadline and that communication constraints are also fulfilled globally. The approach is applied to the analysis of a concrete DIMA system.Comment: In Proceedings MeTRiD 2018, arXiv:1806.09330. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1803.1105

    METAMOC: Modular Execution Time Analysis using Model Checking

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    Safe and tight worst-case execution times (WCETs) are important when scheduling hard real-time systems. This paper presents METAMOC, a path-based, modular method, based on model checking and static analysis, that determines safe and tight WCETs for programs running on platforms fea-turing caching and pipelining. The method works by constructing a UPPAAL model of the program being analysed and annotating the model with information from an inter-procedural value analysis. The program model is then combined with a model of the hardware platform, and model checked for the WCET. Through support for the platforms ARM7, ARM9 and ATMEL AVR 8-bit the modularity and retargetability of the method is demonstrated, as only the pipeline needs to be remodelled. Mod-elling the hardware is performed in a state-of-the-art graphical modeling environment. Experiments on the Mälardalen WCET benchmark programs show that taking caching into account yields much tighter WCETs, and that METAMOC is a fast and versatile approach for WCET analysis. 1

    An incremental modular technique for checking LTL-X properties on Petri nets

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    Model-checking is a powerful and widespread technique for the verification of finite state concurrent systems. However, the main hindrance for wider application of this technique is the well-known state explosion problem. Modular verification is a promising natural approach to tackle this problem. It is based on the "divide and conquer" principle and aims at deducing the properties of the system from those of its components analysed in isolation. Unfortunately, several issues make the use of modular verification techniques difficult in practice. First, deciding how to partition the system into components is not trivial and can have a significant impact on the resources needed for verification. Second, when model-checking a component in isolation, how should the environment of this component be described? In this paper, we address these problems in the framework of model-checking LTL\X action-based properties on Petri nets. We propose an incremental and modular verification approach where the system model is partitioned according to the actions occurring in the property to be verified and where the environment of a component is taken into account using the linear place invariants of the system

    Improving a Modular Verification Technique for Aspect Oriented Programming

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    As aspect oriented software becomes more popular, there will be more demand for a method of verifying the correctness of the programs. This paper tries to address the verification issue by improving a modular verification technique proposed by Krisnamuhrti et al. The technique has the problem that it can not handle every aspect, which may result in a false awnser. By checking the type of the aspect in advance we can prevent this behavior. The proposed solution also improves some other issues regarding the model-checker

    Context-sensitive multivariant assertion checking in modular programs

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    We propose a modular, assertion-based system for verification and debugging of large logic programs, together with several interesting models for checking assertions statically in modular programs, each with different characteristics and representing different trade-offs. Our proposal is a modular and multivariant extensión of our previously proposed abstract assertion checking model and we also report on its implementation in the CiaoPP system. In our approach, the specification of the program, given by a set of assertions, may be partial, instead of the complete specification required by raditional verification systems. Also, the system can deal with properties which cannot always be determined at compile-time. As a result, the proposed system needs to work with safe approximations: all assertions proved correct are guaranteed to be valid and all errors actual errors. The use of modular, context-sensitive static analyzers also allows us to introduce a new distinction between assertions checked in a particular context or checked in general
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