
METAMOC: Modular Execution Time Analysis using Model Checking


Safe and tight worst-case execution times (WCETs) are important when scheduling hard real-time systems. This paper presents METAMOC, a path-based, modular method, based on model checking and static analysis, that determines safe and tight WCETs for programs running on platforms fea-turing caching and pipelining. The method works by constructing a UPPAAL model of the program being analysed and annotating the model with information from an inter-procedural value analysis. The program model is then combined with a model of the hardware platform, and model checked for the WCET. Through support for the platforms ARM7, ARM9 and ATMEL AVR 8-bit the modularity and retargetability of the method is demonstrated, as only the pipeline needs to be remodelled. Mod-elling the hardware is performed in a state-of-the-art graphical modeling environment. Experiments on the Mälardalen WCET benchmark programs show that taking caching into account yields much tighter WCETs, and that METAMOC is a fast and versatile approach for WCET analysis. 1

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