18 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the color image and video processing chain and visual quality management for consumer systems

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    With the advent of novel digital display technologies, color processing is increasingly becoming a key aspect in consumer video applications. Today’s state-of-the-art displays require sophisticated color and image reproduction techniques in order to achieve larger screen size, higher luminance and higher resolution than ever before. However, from color science perspective, there are clearly opportunities for improvement in the color reproduction capabilities of various emerging and conventional display technologies. This research seeks to identify potential areas for improvement in color processing in a video processing chain. As part of this research, various processes involved in a typical video processing chain in consumer video applications were reviewed. Several published color and contrast enhancement algorithms were evaluated, and a novel algorithm was developed to enhance color and contrast in images and videos in an effective and coordinated manner. Further, a psychophysical technique was developed and implemented for performing visual evaluation of color image and consumer video quality. Based on the performance analysis and visual experiments involving various algorithms, guidelines were proposed for the development of an effective color and contrast enhancement method for images and video applications. It is hoped that the knowledge gained from this research will help build a better understanding of color processing and color quality management methods in consumer video

    Ridge Regression Approach to Color Constancy

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    This thesis presents the work on color constancy and its application in the field of computer vision. Color constancy is a phenomena of representing (visualizing) the reflectance properties of the scene independent of the illumination spectrum. The motivation behind this work is two folds:The primary motivation is to seek ‘consistency and stability’ in color reproduction and algorithm performance respectively because color is used as one of the important features in many computer vision applications; therefore consistency of the color features is essential for high application success. Second motivation is to reduce ‘computational complexity’ without sacrificing the primary motivation.This work presents machine learning approach to color constancy. An empirical model is developed from the training data. Neural network and support vector machine are two prominent nonlinear learning theories. The work on support vector machine based color constancy shows its superior performance over neural networks based color constancy in terms of stability. But support vector machine is time consuming method. Alternative approach to support vectormachine, is a simple, fast and analytically solvable linear modeling technique known as ‘Ridge regression’. It learns the dependency between the surface reflectance and illumination from a presented training sample of data. Ridge regression provides answer to the two fold motivation behind this work, i.e., stable and computationally simple approach. The proposed algorithms, ‘Support vector machine’ and ‘Ridge regression’ involves three step processes: First, an input matrix constructed from the preprocessed training data set is trained toobtain a trained model. Second, test images are presented to the trained model to obtain the chromaticity estimate of the illuminants present in the testing images. Finally, linear diagonal transformation is performed to obtain the color corrected image. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms on both calibrated and uncalibrated data set in comparison to the methods discussed in literature review. Finally, thesis concludes with a complete discussion and summary on comparison between the proposed approaches and other algorithms

    Inverse tone mapping

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    The introduction of High Dynamic Range Imaging in computer graphics has produced a novelty in Imaging that can be compared to the introduction of colour photography or even more. Light can now be captured, stored, processed, and finally visualised without losing information. Moreover, new applications that can exploit physical values of the light have been introduced such as re-lighting of synthetic/real objects, or enhanced visualisation of scenes. However, these new processing and visualisation techniques cannot be applied to movies and pictures that have been produced by photography and cinematography in more than one hundred years. This thesis introduces a general framework for expanding legacy content into High Dynamic Range content. The expansion is achieved avoiding artefacts, producing images suitable for visualisation and re-lighting of synthetic/real objects. Moreover, it is presented a methodology based on psychophysical experiments and computational metrics to measure performances of expansion algorithms. Finally, a compression scheme, inspired by the framework, for High Dynamic Range Textures, is proposed and evaluated

    Rendering non-pictorial (Scientific) high dynamic range images

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    In recent years, the graphics community is seeing an increasing demand for the capture and usage of high-dynamic-range (HDR) images. Since the production of HDR imagery is not solely the domain of the visualization of real life or computer generated scenes, novel techniques are also required for imagery captured from non-visual sources such as remote sensing, medical imaging, astronomical imaging, etc. This research proposes to integrate the techniques used for the display of high-dynamic-range pictorial imagery for the practical visualization of non-pictorial (scientific) imagery for data mining and interpretation. Nine algorithms were utilized to overcome the problem associated with rendering the high-dynamic-range image data to low-dynamic-range display devices, and the results were evaluated using a psychophysical experiment. Two paired-comparison experiments and a target detection experiment were performed. Paired-comparison results indicate that the Zone System performs the best on average and the Local Color Correction method performs the worst. The results show that the performance of different encoding schemes depend on the type of data being visualized. The correlation between the preference and scientific usefulness judgments (R2 = 0.31) demonstrates that observers tend to use different criteria when judging the scientific usefulness versus image preference. The experiment was conducted using observers with expertise (Radiologists) for the Medical image to further elucidate the success of HDR rendering on these data. The results indicated that both Radiologists and Non-radiologists tend to use similar criteria regardless of their experience and expertise when judging the usefulness of rendered images. A target detection experiment was conducted to measure the detectability of an embedded noise target in the Medical image to demonstrate the effect of the tone mapping operators on target detection. The result of the target detection experiment illustrated that the detectability of targets the image is greatly influenced by the rendering algorithm due to the inherent differences in tone mapping among the algorithms

    Contours and contrast

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    Contrast in photographic and computer-generated imagery communicates colour and lightness differences that would be perceived when viewing the represented scene. Due to depiction constraints, the amount of displayable contrast is limited, reducing the image's ability to accurately represent the scene. A local contrast enhancement technique called unsharp masking can overcome these constraints by adding high-frequency contours to an image that increase its apparent contrast. In three novel algorithms inspired by unsharp masking, specialized local contrast enhancements are shown to overcome constraints of a limited dynamic range, overcome an achromatic palette, and to improve the rendering of 3D shapes and scenes. The Beyond Tone Mapping approach restores original HDR contrast to its tone mapped LDR counterpart by adding highfrequency colour contours to the LDR image while preserving its luminance. Apparent Greyscale is a multi-scale two-step technique that first converts colour images and video to greyscale according to their chromatic lightness, then restores diminished colour contrast with high-frequency luminance contours. Finally, 3D Unsharp Masking performs scene coherent enhancement by introducing 3D high-frequency luminance contours to emphasize the details, shapes, tonal range and spatial organization of a 3D scene within the rendering pipeline. As a perceptual justification, it is argued that a local contrast enhancement made with unsharp masking is related to the Cornsweet illusion, and that this may explain its effect on apparent contrast.Seit vielen Jahren ist die realistische Erzeugung von virtuellen Charakteren ein zentraler Teil der Computergraphikforschung. Dennoch blieben bisher einige Probleme ungelöst. Dazu zählt unter anderem die Erzeugung von Charakteranimationen, welche unter der Benutzung der traditionellen, skelettbasierten Ansätze immer noch zeitaufwändig sind. Eine weitere Herausforderung stellt auch die passive Erfassung von Schauspielern in alltäglicher Kleidung dar. Darüber hinaus existieren im Gegensatz zu den zahlreichen skelettbasierten Ansätzen nur wenige Methoden zur Verarbeitung und Veränderung von Netzanimationen. In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir Algorithmen zur Lösung jeder dieser Aufgaben. Unser erster Ansatz besteht aus zwei Netz-basierten Verfahren zur Vereinfachung von Charakteranimationen. Obwohl das kinematische Skelett beiseite gelegt wird, können beide Verfahren direkt in die traditionelle Pipeline integriert werden, wobei die Erstellung von Animationen mit wirklichkeitsgetreuen Körperverformungen ermöglicht wird. Im Anschluss präsentieren wir drei passive Aufnahmemethoden für Körperbewegung und Schauspiel, die ein deformierbares 3D-Modell zur Repräsentation der Szene benutzen. Diese Methoden können zur gemeinsamen Rekonstruktion von zeit- und raummässig kohärenter Geometrie, Bewegung und Oberflächentexturen benutzt werden, die auch zeitlich veränderlich sein dürfen. Aufnahmen von lockerer und alltäglicher Kleidung sind dabei problemlos möglich. Darüber hinaus ermöglichen die qualitativ hochwertigen Rekonstruktionen die realistische Darstellung von 3D Video-Sequenzen. Schließlich werden zwei neuartige Algorithmen zur Verarbeitung von Netz-Animationen beschrieben. Während der erste Algorithmus die vollautomatische Umwandlung von Netz-Animationen in skelettbasierte Animationen ermöglicht, erlaubt der zweite die automatische Konvertierung von Netz-Animationen in so genannte Animations-Collagen, einem neuen Kunst-Stil zur Animationsdarstellung. Die in dieser Dissertation beschriebenen Methoden können als Lösungen spezieller Probleme, aber auch als wichtige Bausteine größerer Anwendungen betrachtet werden. Zusammengenommen bilden sie ein leistungsfähiges System zur akkuraten Erfassung, zur Manipulation und zum realistischen Rendern von künstlerischen Aufführungen, dessen Fähigkeiten über diejenigen vieler verwandter Capture-Techniken hinausgehen. Auf diese Weise können wir die Bewegung, die im Zeitverlauf variierenden Details und die Textur-Informationen eines Schauspielers erfassen und sie in eine mit vollständiger Information versehene Charakter-Animation umwandeln, die unmittelbar weiterverwendet werden kann, sich aber auch zur realistischen Darstellung des Schauspielers aus beliebigen Blickrichtungen eignet

    Inverse tone mapping

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    The introduction of High Dynamic Range Imaging in computer graphics has produced a novelty in Imaging that can be compared to the introduction of colour photography or even more. Light can now be captured, stored, processed, and finally visualised without losing information. Moreover, new applications that can exploit physical values of the light have been introduced such as re-lighting of synthetic/real objects, or enhanced visualisation of scenes. However, these new processing and visualisation techniques cannot be applied to movies and pictures that have been produced by photography and cinematography in more than one hundred years. This thesis introduces a general framework for expanding legacy content into High Dynamic Range content. The expansion is achieved avoiding artefacts, producing images suitable for visualisation and re-lighting of synthetic/real objects. Moreover, it is presented a methodology based on psychophysical experiments and computational metrics to measure performances of expansion algorithms. Finally, a compression scheme, inspired by the framework, for High Dynamic Range Textures, is proposed and evaluated.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (EP/D032148)GBUnited Kingdo

    Computational mechanisms for colour and lightness constancy

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    Attributes of colour images have been found which allow colour and lightness constancy to be computed without prior knowledge of the illumination, even in complex scenes with three -dimensional objects and multiple light sources of different colours. The ratio of surface reflectance colour can be immediately determined between any two image points, however distant. It is possible to determine the number of spectrally independent light sources, and to isolate the effect of each. Reflectance edges across which the illumination remains constant can be correctly identified.In a scene illuminated by multiple distant point sources of distinguishalbe colours, the spatial angle between the sources and their brightness ratios can be computed from the image alone. If there are three or more sources then reflectance constancy is immediately possible without use of additional knowledge.The results are an extension of Edwin Land's Retinex algorithm. They account for previously unexplained data such as Gilchrist's veiling luminances and his single- colour rooms.The validity of the algorithms has been demonstrated by implementing them in a series of computer programs. The computational methods do not follow the edge or region finding paradigms of previous vision mechanisms. Although the new reflectance constancy cues occur in all normal scenes, it is likely that human vision makes use of only some of them.In a colour image all the pixels of a single surface colour lie in a single structure in flux space. The dimension of the structure equals the number of illumination colours. The reflectance ratio between two regions is determined by the transformation between their structures. Parallel tracing of edge pairs in their respective structures identifies an edge of constant illumination, and gives the lightness ratio of each such edge. Enhanced noise reduction techniques for colour pictures follow from the natural constraints on the flux structures

    Interactive Shadow Removal

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    Earth Observation Data, Processing and Applications. Volume 2A. Processing - Basic Image Operations

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    Eds. Harrison, B.A., Jupp, D.L.B., Lewis, M.M, Sparks, T., Phinn, S.F., Mueller, N., Byrne, G

    Large scale retinal modeling for the design of new generation retinal prostheses

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    With the help of modern technology, blindness caused by retinal diseases such as age-related macular degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa is now considered reversible. Scientists from various fields such as Neuroscience, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, and Bioscience have been collaborating to design and develop retinal prostheses, with the aim of replacing malfunctioning parts of the retina and restoring vision in the blind. Human trials conducted to test retinal prostheses have yielded encouraging results, showing the potential of this approach in vision recovery. However, a retinal prosthesis has several limitations with regard to its hardware and biological functions, and several attempts have been made to overcome these limitations. This thesis focuses on the biological aspects of retinal prostheses: the biological processes occurring inside the retina and the limitations of retinal prostheses corresponding to those processes have been analysed. Based on these analyses, three major findings regarding information processing inside the retina have been presented and these findings have been used to conceptualise retinal prostheses that have the characteristics of asymmetrical and separate pathway stimulations. In the future, when nanotechnology gains more popularity and is completely integrated inside the prosthesis, this concept can be utilized to restore useful visual information such as colour, depth, and contrast to achieve high-quality vision in the blind