12 research outputs found

    Direct Models of the Computational Lambda-calculus

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    AbstractWe introduce direct categorical models for the computational lambda-calculus. Direct models correspond to the source level of a compiler whose target level corresponds to Moggi's monadic models. That compiler is a generalised call-by-value CPS-transform. We get our direct models by identifying the algebraic structure on the Kleisli category that arises from a monadic model. We show that direct models draw our attention to previously inconspicuous, but important, classes of programs (e.g. central, copyable, and discardable programs), and we'll analyse these classes exhaustively—at a general level, and for several specific computational effects. Moreover, we show that from each direct model K we can recover the monadic model from which K arises as the Kleisli category

    Note on models of polarised intuitionistic logic

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    Following renewed interest in duploids arising from the exponential comonad of linear logic (the construction describing polarised intuitionistic translations into linear logic), I summarise here various remarks:• about a decomposition of Girard's "boring" translation as the expression of call-by-value in call-by-name, dual to how thunks are used to express call-by-name in call-by-value• about the coincidence between linear CPS translations and Girard's translations of intuitionistic logic into linear logic,• about a completeness property of historical models of linear logic in the above context• about a rational reconstruction of these translations with the Linear Call-by-Push-Value

    Models of a Non-Associative Composition

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    International audienceWe characterise the polarised evaluation order through a categorical structure where the hypothesis that composition is associative is relaxed. Duploid is the name of the structure, as a reference to Jean-Louis Loday's duplicial algebras. The main result is a reflection Adj→Dupl where Dupl is a category of duploids and duploid functors, and Adj is the category of adjunctions and pseudo maps of adjunctions. The result suggests that the various biases in denotational semantics: indirect, call-by-value, call-by-name... are a way of hiding the fact that composition is not always associative.Nous caractérisons l'ordre d'évaluation polarisé à travers une structure catégorielle dont l'hypothèse que la composition est associative est relâchée. Duploïde est le nom de la structure, par référence aux algèbres dupliciales de Loday. Le résultat principal est une réflection Adj→Dupl où Dupl est une catégorie des duploïdes et des foncteurs de duploïdes, et Adj est la catégorie des adjonctions et des pseudo-morphismes d'adjonctions. Le résultat suggère que les biais des sémantiques dénotationnelles: indirectes, en appel par valeur, en appel par nom... sont des façons de cacher le fait que la composition n'est pas toujours associative

    An equational notion of lifting monad

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    We introduce the notion of an equational lifting monad: a commutative strong monad satisfying one additional equation (valid for monads arising from partial map classifiers). We prove that any equational lifting monad has a representation by a partial map classifier such that the Kleisli category of the former fully embeds in the partial category of the latter. Thus equational lifting monads precisely capture the equational properties of partial maps as induced by partial map classifiers. The representation theorem also provides a tool for transferring non-equational properties of partial map classifiers to equational lifting monads. It is proved using a direct axiomatization of Kleisli categories of equational lifting monads. This axiomatization is of interest in its own right.

    Game semantics for quantum programming

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    Quantum programming languages permit a hardware independent, high-level description of quantum algo rithms. In particular, the quantum lambda-calculus is a higher-order programming language with quantum primitives, mixing quantum data and classical control. Giving satisfactory denotational semantics to the quantum lambda-calculus is a challenging problem that has attracted significant interest in the past few years. Several models have been proposed but for those that address the whole quantum λ-calculus, they either do not represent the dynamics of computation, or they lack the compositionality one often expects from denotational models. In this paper, we give the first compositional and interactive model of the full quantum lambda-calculus, based on game semantics. To achieve this we introduce a model of quantum games and strategies, combining quantum data with a representation of the dynamics of computation inspired from causal models of concurrent systems. In this model we first give a computationally adequate interpretation of the affine fragment. Then, we extend the model with a notion of symmetry, allowing us to deal with replication. In this refined setting, we interpret and prove adequacy for the full quantum lambda-calculus. We do this both from a sequential and a parallel interpretation, the latter representing faithfully the causal independence between sub-computations