6,609 research outputs found

    Informing investment to reduce inequalities: a modelling approach

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    Background: Reducing health inequalities is an important policy objective but there is limited quantitative information about the impact of specific interventions. Objectives: To provide estimates of the impact of a range of interventions on health and health inequalities. Materials and methods: Literature reviews were conducted to identify the best evidence linking interventions to mortality and hospital admissions. We examined interventions across the determinants of health: a ‘living wage’; changes to benefits, taxation and employment; active travel; tobacco taxation; smoking cessation, alcohol brief interventions, and weight management services. A model was developed to estimate mortality and years of life lost (YLL) in intervention and comparison populations over a 20-year time period following interventions delivered only in the first year. We estimated changes in inequalities using the relative index of inequality (RII). Results: Introduction of a ‘living wage’ generated the largest beneficial health impact, with modest reductions in health inequalities. Benefits increases had modest positive impacts on health and health inequalities. Income tax increases had negative impacts on population health but reduced inequalities, while council tax increases worsened both health and health inequalities. Active travel increases had minimally positive effects on population health but widened health inequalities. Increases in employment reduced inequalities only when targeted to the most deprived groups. Tobacco taxation had modestly positive impacts on health but little impact on health inequalities. Alcohol brief interventions had modestly positive impacts on health and health inequalities only when strongly socially targeted, while smoking cessation and weight-reduction programmes had minimal impacts on health and health inequalities even when socially targeted. Conclusions: Interventions have markedly different effects on mortality, hospitalisations and inequalities. The most effective (and likely cost-effective) interventions for reducing inequalities were regulatory and tax options. Interventions focused on individual agency were much less likely to impact on inequalities, even when targeted at the most deprived communities

    An economic framework for analysing the social determinants of health and health inequalities

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    Reducing health inequalities is an important part of health policy in most countries. This paper discusses from an economic perspective how government policy can influence health inequalities, particularly focusing on the outcome of performance targets in England, and the role of sectors of the economy outside the health service – the ‘social determinants’ of health - in delivering these targets.

    Improving air quality in metropolitan Mexico City : an economic valuation

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    Mexico City has for years experienced high levels of ozone and particulate air pollution. In 1995-99 the entire population of the Mexico City metropolitan area was exposed to annual average concentrations of fine particulate pollution (particulates with a diameter of less than 10micrometers, or PM10) exceeding 50 micrograms per cubic meter, the annual average standard in both Mexico and the United States. Two million people were exposed to annual average PM10 levels of more than 75 micrograms per cubic meter. The daily maximum one-hour ozone standard was exceeded at least 300 days a year. The Mexico Air Quality Management Team documents population-weighted exposures to ozone and PM10 between 1995 and 1999, project exposures in 2010, and computes the value of four scenarios for 2010: A 10 percent reduction in PM10 and ozone. A 20 percent reduction in PM10 and ozone. Achievement of ambient air quality standards across the metropolitan area. A 68 percent reduction in ozone and a 47 percent reduction in PM10 across the metropolitan area. The authors calculate the health benefits of reducing ozone and PM10 for each scenario using dose-response functions from the peer-reviewed literature. They value cases of morbidity and premature mortality avoided using three approaches: Cost of illness and forgone earnings only (low estimate). Cost of illness, forgone earnings, and willingness to pay for avoided morbidity (central case estimate). Cost of illness, forgone earnings, willingness to pay for avoided morbidity, and willingness to pay for avoided mortality (high estimate). The results suggest that the benefits of a 10 percent reduction in ozone and PM10 in 2010 are about 760million(in1999U.S.dollars)annuallyinthecentralcase.Thebenefitsofa20percentreductioninozoneandPM10areabout760 million (in 1999 U.S. dollars) annually in the central case. The benefits of a 20 percent reduction in ozone and PM10 are about 1.49 billion annually. In each case the benefits of reducing ozone amount to about 15 percent of the total benefits. By estimating the magnitude of the benefits from air pollution control, the authors provide motivation for examining specific policies that could achieve the air pollution reductions that they value. They also provide unit values for the benefits from reductions in ambient air pollution (for example, per microgram of PM10) that could be used as inputs into a full cost-benefit analysisof air pollution control strategies.Montreal Protocol,Public Health Promotion,Global Environment Facility,Air Quality&Clean Air,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Montreal Protocol,Air Quality&Clean Air,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Global Environment Facility,Transport and Environment

    Immigration as pathogenic: a systematic review of the health of immigrants to Canada

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    This review investigates the health of immigrants to Canada by critically examining differences in health status between immigrants and the native-born population and by tracing how the health of immigrants changes after settling in the country. Fifty-one published empirical studies met the inclusion criteria for this review. The analysis focuses on four inter-related questions: (1) Which health conditions show transition effects and which do not? (2) Do health transitions vary by ethnicity/racialized identity? (3) How are health transitions influenced by socioeconomic status? and (4) How do compositional and contextual factors interact to affect the health of immigrants? Theoretical and methodological challenges facing this area of research are discussed and future directions are identified. This area of research has the potential to develop into a complex, nuanced, and useful account of the social determinants of health as experienced by different groups in different places

    The burden of disease and injury in Australia

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    This report provides an overview of results from the Australian Burden of Disease and Injury Study undertaken by the AIHW during 1998 and 1999. The Study uses the methods developed for the Global Burden of Disease Study, adapted to the Australian context and drawing extensively on Australian sources of population health data. It provides a comprehensive assessment of the amount of ill health and disability, the &lsquo;burden of disease&rsquo; in Australia in 1996.Mortality, disability, impairment, illness and injury arising from 176 diseases, injuries and risk factors are measured using a common metric, the Disability-Adjusted Life Year or DALY. One DALY is a lost year of &lsquo;healthy&rsquo; life and is calculated as a combination of years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL) and equivalent &lsquo;healthy&rsquo; years of life lost due to disability (YLD). This report provides estimates of the contribution of fatal and non-fatal health outcomes to the total burden of disease and injury measured in DALYs in Australia in 1996.<br /

    The increasing lifespan variation gradient by area-level deprivation: A decomposition analysis of Scotland 1981–2011

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    Life expectancy inequalities are an established indicator of health inequalities. More recent attention has been given to lifespan variation, which measures the amount of heterogeneity in age at death across all individuals in a population. International studies have documented diverging socioeconomic trends in lifespan variation using individual level measures of income, education and occupation. Despite using different socioeconomic indicators and different indices of lifespan variation, studies reached the same conclusion: the most deprived experience the lowest life expectancy and highest lifespan variation, a double burden of mortality inequality. A finding of even greater concern is that relative differences in lifespan variation between socioeconomic group were growing at a faster rate than life expectancy differences. The magnitude of lifespan variation inequalities by area-level deprivation has received limited attention. Area-level measures of deprivation are actively used by governments for allocating resources to tackle health inequalities. Establishing if the same lifespan variation inequalities emerge for area-level deprivation will help to better inform governments about which dimension of mortality inequality should be targeted. We measure lifespan variation trends (1981–2011) stratified by an area-level measure of socioeconomic deprivation that is applicable to the entire population of Scotland, the country with the highest level of variation and one of the longest, sustained stagnating trends in Western Europe. We measure the gradient in variation using the slope and relative indices of inequality. The deprivation, age and cause specific components driving the increasing gradient are identified by decomposing the change in the slope index between 1981 and 2011. Our results support the finding that the most advantaged are dying within an ever narrower age range while the most deprived are facing greater and increasing uncertainty. The least deprived group show an increasing advantage, over the national average, in terms of deaths from circulatory disease and external causes

    Estimating multiple greenspace exposure types and their associations with neighbourhood premature mortality: A socioecological study.

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    BACKGROUND: Greenspace exposures are often measured using single exposure metrics, which can lead to conflicting results. Existing methodologies are limited in their ability to estimate greenspace exposure comprehensively. We demonstrate new methods for estimating single and combined greenspace exposure metrics, representing multiple exposure types that combine impacts at various scales. We also investigate the association between those greenspace exposure types and premature mortality. METHODS: We used geospatial data and spatial analytics to model and map greenspace availability, accessibility and eye-level visibility exposure metrics. These were harmonised and standardised to create a novel composite greenspace exposure index (CGEI). Using these metrics, we investigated associations between greenspace exposures and years of potential life lost (YPLL) for 1673 neighbourhoods applying spatial autoregressive models. We also investigated the variations in these associations in conjunction with levels of socioeconomic deprivation based on the index of multiple deprivations. RESULTS: Our new CGEI metric provides the opportunity to estimate spatially explicit total greenspace exposure. We found that a 1-unit increase in neighbourhood CGEI was associated with approximately a 10-year reduction in YPLL. Meaning a 0.1 increment or 10% increase in the CGEI is associated with an approximately one year lower premature mortality value. A single 1-unit increase in greenspace availability was associated with a YPLL reduction of 9.8 years, whereas greenness visibility related to a reduction of 6.14 years. We found no significant association between greenspace accessibility and YPLL. Our results further identified divergent trends in the relations between greenspace exposure types (e.g. availability vs. accessibility) and levels of socioeconomic deprivation (e.g. least vs. most). CONCLUSION: Our methods and metrics provide a novel approach to the assessment of multiple greenspace exposure types, and can be linked to the broader exposome framework. Our results showed that a higher composite greenspace exposure is associated with lower premature mortality
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