53 research outputs found

    Narrative-based computational modelling of the Gp130/JAK/STAT signalling pathway.

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    BACKGROUND: Appropriately formulated quantitative computational models can support researchers in understanding the dynamic behaviour of biological pathways and support hypothesis formulation and selection by "in silico" experimentation. An obstacle to widespread adoption of this approach is the requirement to formulate a biological pathway as machine executable computer code. We have recently proposed a novel, biologically intuitive, narrative-style modelling language for biologists to formulate the pathway which is then automatically translated into an executable format and is, thus, usable for analysis via existing simulation techniques. RESULTS: Here we use a high-level narrative language in designing a computational model of the gp130/JAK/STAT signalling pathway and show that the model reproduces the dynamic behaviour of the pathway derived by biological observation. We then "experiment" on the model by simulation and sensitivity analysis to define those parameters which dominate the dynamic behaviour of the pathway. The model predicts that nuclear compartmentalisation and phosphorylation status of STAT are key determinants of the pathway and that alternative mechanisms of signal attenuation exert their influence on different timescales. CONCLUSION: The described narrative model of the gp130/JAK/STAT pathway represents an interesting case study showing how, by using this approach, researchers can model biological systems without explicitly dealing with formal notations and mathematical expressions (typically used for biochemical modelling), nevertheless being able to obtain simulation and analysis results. We present the model and the sensitivity analysis results we have obtained, that allow us to identify the parameters which are most sensitive to perturbations. The results, which are shown to be in agreement with existing mathematical models of the gp130/JAK/STAT pathway, serve us as a form of validation of the model and of the approach itself

    Simulation of non-Markovian Processes in BlenX

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    BlenX is a programming language explicitly designed for modeling biological processes inspired by Beta-binders. The actual framework assumes biochemical interactions being exponentially distributed, i.e., an underlying Markov process is associated with BlenX programs. In this paper we relax this condition by providing formal tools for managing non-Markovian processes within BlenX

    Stochastic Simulation of Process Calculi for Biology

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    Biological systems typically involve large numbers of components with complex, highly parallel interactions and intrinsic stochasticity. To model this complexity, numerous programming languages based on process calculi have been developed, many of which are expressive enough to generate unbounded numbers of molecular species and reactions. As a result of this expressiveness, such calculi cannot rely on standard reaction-based simulation methods, which require fixed numbers of species and reactions. Rather than implementing custom stochastic simulation algorithms for each process calculus, we propose to use a generic abstract machine that can be instantiated to a range of process calculi and a range of reaction-based simulation algorithms. The abstract machine functions as a just-in-time compiler, which dynamically updates the set of possible reactions and chooses the next reaction in an iterative cycle. In this short paper we give a brief summary of the generic abstract machine, and show how it can be instantiated with the stochastic simulation algorithm known as Gillespie's Direct Method. We also discuss the wider implications of such an abstract machine, and outline how it can be used to simulate multiple calculi simultaneously within a common framework.Comment: In Proceedings MeCBIC 2010, arXiv:1011.005

    Efficient Parallel Statistical Model Checking of Biochemical Networks

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    We consider the problem of verifying stochastic models of biochemical networks against behavioral properties expressed in temporal logic terms. Exact probabilistic verification approaches such as, for example, CSL/PCTL model checking, are undermined by a huge computational demand which rule them out for most real case studies. Less demanding approaches, such as statistical model checking, estimate the likelihood that a property is satisfied by sampling executions out of the stochastic model. We propose a methodology for efficiently estimating the likelihood that a LTL property P holds of a stochastic model of a biochemical network. As with other statistical verification techniques, the methodology we propose uses a stochastic simulation algorithm for generating execution samples, however there are three key aspects that improve the efficiency: first, the sample generation is driven by on-the-fly verification of P which results in optimal overall simulation time. Second, the confidence interval estimation for the probability of P to hold is based on an efficient variant of the Wilson method which ensures a faster convergence. Third, the whole methodology is designed according to a parallel fashion and a prototype software tool has been implemented that performs the sampling/verification process in parallel over an HPC architecture

    Two Different Template Replicators Coexisting in the Same Protocell: Stochastic Simulation of an Extended Chemoton Model

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    The simulation of complex biochemical systems, consisting of intertwined subsystems, is a challenging task in computational biology. The complex biochemical organization of the cell is effectively modeled by the minimal cell model called chemoton, proposed by Gánti. Since the chemoton is a system consisting of a large but fixed number of interacting molecular species, it can effectively be implemented in a process algebra-based language such as the BlenX programming language. The stochastic model behaves comparably to previous continuous deterministic models of the chemoton. Additionally to the well-known chemoton, we also implemented an extended version with two competing template cycles. The new insight from our study is that the coupling of reactions in the chemoton ensures that these templates coexist providing an alternative solution to Eigen's paradox. Our technical innovation involves the introduction of a two-state switch to control cell growth and division, thus providing an example for hybrid methods in BlenX. Further developments to the BlenX language are suggested in the Appendix

    Bone Remodelling in BioShape

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    AbstractMany biological phenomena are inherently multiscale, i.e. they are characterised by interactions involving different scales at the same time. This is the case of bone remodelling, where macroscopic behaviour (at organ and tissue scale) and microstructure (at cell scale) strongly influence each other. Consequently, several approaches have been defined to model such a process at different spatial and temporal levels and, in particular, in terms of continuum properties, abstracting in this way from a realistic – and more complex – cellular scenario. While a large amount of information is available to validate such models separately, more work is needed to integrate all levels fully in a faithful multiscale model.In this scenario, we propose the use of BioShape, a 3D particle-based, scale-independent, geometry and space oriented simulator. It is used to define and integrate a cell and tissue scale model for bone remodelling in terms of shapes equipped with perception, interaction and movement capabilities. Their in-silico simulation allows for tuning continuum-based tissutal and cellular models, as well as for better understanding – both in qualitative and in quantitative terms – the blurry synergy between mechanical and metabolic factors triggering bone remodelling

    Quantifying the implicit process flow abstraction in SBGN-PD diagrams with Bio-PEPA

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    For a long time biologists have used visual representations of biochemical networks to gain a quick overview of important structural properties. Recently SBGN, the Systems Biology Graphical Notation, has been developed to standardise the way in which such graphical maps are drawn in order to facilitate the exchange of information. Its qualitative Process Diagrams (SBGN-PD) are based on an implicit Process Flow Abstraction (PFA) that can also be used to construct quantitative representations, which can be used for automated analyses of the system. Here we explicitly describe the PFA that underpins SBGN-PD and define attributes for SBGN-PD glyphs that make it possible to capture the quantitative details of a biochemical reaction network. We implemented SBGNtext2BioPEPA, a tool that demonstrates how such quantitative details can be used to automatically generate working Bio-PEPA code from a textual representation of SBGN-PD that we developed. Bio-PEPA is a process algebra that was designed for implementing quantitative models of concurrent biochemical reaction systems. We use this approach to compute the expected delay between input and output using deterministic and stochastic simulations of the MAPK signal transduction cascade. The scheme developed here is general and can be easily adapted to other output formalisms

    Flux Analysis in Process Models via Causality

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    We present an approach for flux analysis in process algebra models of biological systems. We perceive flux as the flow of resources in stochastic simulations. We resort to an established correspondence between event structures, a broadly recognised model of concurrency, and state transitions of process models, seen as Petri nets. We show that we can this way extract the causal resource dependencies in simulations between individual state transitions as partial orders of events. We propose transformations on the partial orders that provide means for further analysis, and introduce a software tool, which implements these ideas. By means of an example of a published model of the Rho GTP-binding proteins, we argue that this approach can provide the substitute for flux analysis techniques on ordinary differential equation models within the stochastic setting of process algebras

    Studying the effects of adding spatiality to a process algebra model

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    We use NetLogo to create simulations of two models of disease transmission originally expressed in WSCCS. This allows us to introduce spatiality into the models and explore the consequences of having different contact structures among the agents. In previous work, mean field equations were derived from the WSCCS models, giving a description of the aggregate behaviour of the overall population of agents. These results turned out to differ from results obtained by another team using cellular automata models, which differ from process algebra by being inherently spatial. By using NetLogo we are able to explore whether spatiality, and resulting differences in the contact structures in the two kinds of models, are the reason for this different results. Our tentative conclusions, based at this point on informal observations of simulation results, are that space does indeed make a big difference. If space is ignored and individuals are allowed to mix randomly, then the simulations yield results that closely match the mean field equations, and consequently also match the associated global transmission terms (explained below). At the opposite extreme, if individuals can only contact their immediate neighbours, the simulation results are very different from the mean field equations (and also do not match the global transmission terms). These results are not surprising, and are consistent with other cellular automata-based approaches. We found that it was easy and convenient to implement and simulate the WSCCS models within NetLogo, and we recommend this approach to anyone wishing to explore the effects of introducing spatiality into a process algebra model
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