800 research outputs found

    Analysis and mitigation of dead time harmonics in the single-phase full-bridge PWM converters with repetitive controllers

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    In order to prevent the power switching devices (e.g., the Insulated-Gate-Bipolar-Transistor, IGBT) from shoot through in voltage source converters during a switching period, the dead time is added either in the hardware driver circuits of the IGBTs or implemented in software in Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) schemes. Both solutions will contribute to a degradation of the injected current quality. As a consequence, the harmonics induced by the dead time (referred to as "dead time harmonics" hereafter) have to be compensated in order to achieve a satisfactory current quality as required by standards. In this paper, the emission mechanism of dead time harmonics in single-phase PWM inverters is thus presented considering the modulation schemes in details. More importantly, a repetitive controller has been adopted to eliminate the dead time effect in single-phase grid-connected PWM converters. The repetitive controller has been plugged into a proportional resonant-based fundamental current controller so as to mitigate the dead time harmonics and also maintain the control of the fundamental frequency grid current in terms of dynamics. Simulations and experiments are provided, which confirm that the repetitive controller can effectively compensate the dead time harmonics and other low-order distortions, and also it is a simple method without hardware modifications

    Fractional Order and Virtual Variable Sampling Design of Repetitive Control for Power Converters

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    With the growth of electricity demand and renewable energy power source, power converter becomes a more and more significant component in electrical power systems. The requirement of the power converter controller is to produce an accurate and low-distorted voltage or current under different load conditions. Although the conventional controller can meet the requirement of some applications, it requires accurate knowledge of the system model and cannot provide a satisfactory result especially under nonlinear loads or sudden load change. Repetitive control (RC) presents an attractive solution to achieve excellent steady-state tracking error and low total harmonic distortion for periodic signals, and it is increasingly applied to power converter systems. However, there are still some limitations or requirements of RC when it is applied to power electronics system: first, RC requires the system sampling frequency is a fixed value and needs to be an integral multiple of the reference frequency; second, low controller sampling frequency results in low phase lead compensation resolution in RC, which leads to control inaccuracy; third, conventional RC does not have frequency adaptability to reference frequency fluctuation, and even a small reference frequency fluctuation can lead to severe performance degradation. To overcome the conventional RC limitations, two advanced design methods are proposed in the thesis: fractional order delay and virtual variable sampling. The method of fractional order delay approximates the non-integer delay part by building a finite impulse response filter. This improved method is not only able to be applied on a period delay unit but also on phase-lead compensation. The accurate period delay and phase lead compensation show a noticeable improvement in RC performance. Although fractional order delay can meet the requirement on most of the applications, it also has a minimal adjustable range on the reference frequency. To achieve an essential solution to this problem, the virtual variable sampling (VVS) method is developed. The VVS approximates a variable sampling unit instead of the fixed system unit for RC and its filters, in which RC is able to be frequency adaptive. Comparing with the method of fractional order delay, the VVS method can provide a much more extensive adjustable range on the reference frequency. Based on the system performance under the conventional controller, power converter always has uneven distortion distribution. To further improve the stability and eliminate harmonic distortions efficiently, two selective harmonic RC schemes are introduced - nk ± m order harmonic RC and DFT-based selective harmonic RC. However, these selective RC schemes also suffer from the particular requirement of system sampling frequency and low reference frequency adaptability. Applying VVS methods on these two schemes can effectively present an improvement on their frequency adaptability. To verify the proposed methods’ effectiveness, a complete series of power electronics applications are carried out. These applications include single-phase and three-phase DC/AC power converter, single-phase AC/DC power converter, and single-phase grid-connected power converter. The detailed system modeling and the proposed RC schemes are presented for each power electronics application

    Virtual Delay Unit Based Digital nk ± m-order Harmonic Repetitive Controller for PWM Converter

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    Repetitive control (RC) scheme presents an attractive solution to achieve excellent steady-state tracking error and low total harmonic distortion (THD) for periodic signals. RC can produce extremely large gains at fundamental and each harmonic frequency of reference signal to achieve all harmonics suppression. However, a DC-AC inverter always has uneven THD distribution, e.g. THD concentrates at 4fc ± 1 orders for signal-phase inverter, and 6k ± 1 orders for three-phase inverter. Furthermore, a digital RC requires a integral ratio of the sampling frequency and the reference frequency, whereas the digital control system cannot always meet this requirement. For example, (e.g. 60 Hz reference signal with a 5 kHz sampling frequency, or grid-connected converter under grid frequency fluctuation, etc.). In this paper, virtual delay unit (VDU) based digital nk ± m-order harmonic RC is presented to solve the problems above. The VDU produces a different virtual RC sampling frequency from the system sampling frequency. The virtual sampling frequency for digital RC can be flexibly adjusted based on the integral ratio requirement. The advantage of VDU is that it does not vary the system sampling frequency and it is easy to be realized. Furthermore, nk ± m-order harmonic repetitive controller is selected to provide a selective harmonic compensation (SHC). Experimental results of VDU based nk±m-order harmonic RC for 60 Hz single-phase DC/AC inverter with 5 kHz system sampling frequency are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed VDU-based SHC

    Uncertainty and disturbance estimator design to shape and reduce the output impedance of inverter

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    Power inverters are becoming more and more common in the modern grid. Due to their switching nature, a passive filter is installed at the inverter output. This generates high output impedance which limits the inverter ability to maintain high power quality at the inverter output. This thesis deals with an impedance shaping approach to the design of power inverter control. The Uncertainty and Disturbance Estimator (UDE) is proposed as a candidate for direct formation of the inverter output impedance. The selection of UDE is motivated by the desire for the disturbance rejection control and the tracking controller to be decoupled. It is demonstrated in the thesis that due to this fact the UDE filter design directly influences the inverter output impedance and the reference model determines the inverter internal electromotive force. It was recently shown in the literature and further emphasized in this thesis that the classic low pass frequency design of the UDE cannot estimate periodical disturbances under the constraint of finite control bandwidth. Since for a power inverter both the reference signal and the disturbance signal are of periodical nature, the classic UDE lowpass filter design does not give optimal results. A new design approach is therefore needed. The thesis develops four novel designs of the UDE filter to significantly reduce the inverter output impedance and maintain low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of the inverter output voltage. The first design is the based on a frequency selective filter. This filter design shows superiority in both observing and rejecting periodical disturbances over the classic low pass filter design. The second design uses a multi-band stop design to reject periodical disturbances with some uncertainty in the frequency. The third solution uses a classic low pass filter design combined with a time delay to match zero phase estimation of the disturbance at the relevant spectrum. Furthermore, this solution is combined with a resonant tracking controller to reduce the tracking steady-state error in the output voltage. The fourth solution utilizes a low-pass filter combined with multiple delays to increase the frequency robustness. This method shows superior performance over the multi-band-stop and the time delayed filter in steady-state. All the proposed methods are validated through extensive simulation and experimental results

    Effect of State Feedback Coupling on the Design of Voltage Source Inverters for Standalone Applications

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    This Ph.D. thesis aims at investigating the effect of state feedback cross‐coupling decoupling of the capacitor voltage on the dynamics performance of Voltage Source Inverters for standalone microgrids/Uninterruptible Power Supply systems. Computation and PWM delays are the main factors which limit the achievable bandwidth of current regulators in digital implementations. In particular, the performance of state feedback decoupling is degraded because of these delays. Two decoupling techniques aimed at improving the transient response of voltage and current regulators are investigated, named nonideal and ideal capacitor voltage decoupling respectively. In particular, the latter solution consists in leading the capacitor voltage on the state feedback decoupling path in order to compensate for system delays. Practical implementation issues are discussed with reference to both the decoupling techniques. Moreover, different resonant regulators structures for the inner current loop are analysed and compared to investigate which is the most suitable for standalone microgrid applications. A design methodology for the voltage loop, which considers the closed loop transfer functions developed for the inner current loop, is also provided. Proportional resonant voltage controllers tuned at specific harmonic frequencies are designed according to the Nyquist criterion taking into account application requirements. For this purpose, a mathematical expression based on root locus analysis is proposed to find the minimum value of the resonant gain at the fundamental frequency. The exact model of the output LC filter of a three‐phase inverter is derived in the z‐domain. The devised formulation allows the comparison of two techniques based on a lead compensator and Smith predictor structure. These solutions permit the bandwidth of the current regulator to be widened while still achieving good dynamic performance. As a consequence, the voltage regulator can be designed for a wide bandwidth and even mitigates odd harmonics arising with unbalance loads supply. Discrete‐time domain implementation issues of an anti‐wind up scheme are discussed as well, highlighting the limitations of some discretization methods. Experimental tests performed in accordance to Uninterruptible Power Supply standards verify the theoretical analysis

    Design and Implementation of Internal Model Based Controllers for DC/ AC Power Converters

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    The aim of this thesis is to design and implement an advanced control system for a working three-phase DC to AC power converter. Compared to' the traditional PI controller used widely in industry, the new voltage controller can track the reference voltage with improved accuracy and efficiency in the presence of different kind of local loads, and also works well in the single phase voltage control. This voltage controller is combined with a power controller to yield a complete controller. An important aspect of this work is the hardware implementation of the whole system. Main parts ofthis thesis are: ???????? 1. Review ofH-infinity and repetitive control techniques and their applications in power converters. 2. Design of a new voltage controller to eliminate the DC component in the output voltages, and taking into account the practical issues such as the processing delay due to the digital signal processor (DSP) implementation. 3. Modelling and simulation of the converter system incorporating different control techniques and with different kinds of loads. 4. Hardware implementation and the two-processor controller. The parallel communication between the DSPs. 5. The main problems encountered in???????????????????? hardware implementation and programming. The software used to initialize DSPs, implement the discretetime voltage controller and other functions such ~ generations of space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) signals, circuit protections, analog to digital (AD) cOl)versions, data transmission, etc. 6. Experimental results the under circumstances of no load connected to the converter, pure three-phase resistive loads, three-phase unbalanced resistive' loads and the series resistor-inductor loads. /Imperial Users onl

    Control analysis and design of medium voltage converter with multirate techniques

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    This work aims to unify the current knowledge about multirate controllers with design techniques for grid-tied converters, in this occasion, connected to Medium Voltage AC grid. Therefore, the multirate contributions, that have been given so far, are studied, as well as everything related to modulation techniques for power converters. The temporal implications of the DSPWM actuator will be correlated to multirate analysis, in addition to possible alternatives for applications with a lower sampling frequency than modulation one. Finalizing with explanations and result demonstrations of controllers working between two frequencies or rates, by means of the available power converter in laboratory.Este trabajo pretende unir el conocimiento actual sobre controladores multitasa o multifrecuencia (multirate) con técnicas de diseño para convertidores conectados a la red, en este caso concreto, a la red alterna (AC) de Media Tensión. Por tanto, se estudian las contribuciones multirate realizadas hasta la fecha, así como todo lo relacionado con la modulación de la señal de control para los convertidores. Las implicaciones temporales del actuador DSPWM se relacionarán con el análisis multitasa, así como se explicarán posibles alternativas para aplicaciones con una frecuencia de muestreo menor que la de modulación. Finalizando con la explicación y presentación de resultados de controladores trabajando entre dos frecuencias o tasas, mediante simulaciones del convertidor disponible en laboratorio.Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Industrial (M141

    Continuous dynamic sliding mode control strategy of PWM based voltage source inverter under load variations

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    For closed-loop controlled DC-AC inverter system, the performance is highly influenced by load variations and online current measurement. Any variation in the load will introduce unwanted periodic error at the inverter output voltage. In addition, when the current sensor is in faulty condition, the current measurement will be imprecise and the designed feedback control law will be ineffective. In this paper, a sensorless continuous sliding mode control (SMC) scheme has been proposed to address these issues. The chattering effect due to the discontinuous switching nature of SMC has been attenuated by designing a novel boundary-based saturation function where the selection of the thickness of boundary is dependent to the PWM signal generation of the inverter. In order to remove the dependency on the current sensor, a particle swarm optimization(PSO) based modified observer is proposed to estimate the inductor current in which the observer gains are optimized using PSO by reducing the estimation errors cost function. The proposed dynamic smooth SMC algorithm has been simulated in MATLAB Simulink environment for 0.2-kVA DC-AC inverter and the results exhibit rapid dynamic response with a steady-state error of 0.4V peak-to-peak voltage under linear and nonlinear load perturbations. The total harmonic distortion (THD) is also reduced to 0.20% and 1.14% for linear and non-linear loads, respectively

    Microprocessor based signal processing techniques for system identification and adaptive control of DC-DC converters

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    PhD ThesisMany industrial and consumer devices rely on switch mode power converters (SMPCs) to provide a reliable, well regulated, DC power supply. A poorly performing power supply can potentially compromise the characteristic behaviour, efficiency, and operating range of the device. To ensure accurate regulation of the SMPC, optimal control of the power converter output is required. However, SMPC uncertainties such as component variations and load changes will affect the performance of the controller. To compensate for these time varying problems, there is increasing interest in employing real-time adaptive control techniques in SMPC applications. It is important to note that many adaptive controllers constantly tune and adjust their parameters based upon on-line system identification. In the area of system identification and adaptive control, Recursive Least Square (RLS) method provide promising results in terms of fast convergence rate, small prediction error, accurate parametric estimation, and simple adaptive structure. Despite being popular, RLS methods often have limited application in low cost systems, such as SMPCs, due to the computationally heavy calculations demanding significant hardware resources which, in turn, may require a high specification microprocessor to successfully implement. For this reason, this thesis presents research into lower complexity adaptive signal processing and filtering techniques for on-line system identification and control of SMPCs systems. The thesis presents the novel application of a Dichotomous Coordinate Descent (DCD) algorithm for the system identification of a dc-dc buck converter. Two unique applications of the DCD algorithm are proposed; system identification and self-compensation of a dc-dc SMPC. Firstly, specific attention is given to the parameter estimation of dc-dc buck SMPC. It is computationally efficient, and uses an infinite impulse response (IIR) adaptive filter as a plant model. Importantly, the proposed method is able to identify the parameters quickly and accurately; thus offering an efficient hardware solution which is well suited to real-time applications. Secondly, new alternative adaptive schemes that do not depend entirely on estimating the plant parameters is embedded with DCD algorithm. The proposed technique is based on a simple adaptive filter method and uses a one-tap finite impulse response (FIR) prediction error filter (PEF). Experimental and simulation results clearly show the DCD technique can be optimised to achieve comparable performance to classic RLS algorithms. However, it is computationally superior; thus making it an ideal candidate technique for low cost microprocessor based applications.Iraq Ministry of Higher Educatio