408 research outputs found

    Modelling opacity using petri nets

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    We consider opacity as a property of the local states of the secure (or high-level) part of the system, based on the observation of the local states of a low-level part of the system as well as actions. We propose a Petri net modelling technique which allows one to specify different information flow properties, using suitably defined observations of system behaviour. We then discuss expressiveness of the resulting framework and the decidability of the associated verification problems

    Quantitative Analysis of Opacity in Cloud Computing Systems

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Federated cloud systems increase the reliability and reduce the cost of the computational support. The resulting combination of secure private clouds and less secure public clouds, together with the fact that resources need to be located within different clouds, strongly affects the information flow security of the entire system. In this paper, the clouds as well as entities of a federated cloud system are assigned security levels, and a probabilistic flow sensitive security model for a federated cloud system is proposed. Then the notion of opacity --- a notion capturing the security of information flow --- of a cloud computing systems is introduced, and different variants of quantitative analysis of opacity are presented. As a result, one can track the information flow in a cloud system, and analyze the impact of different resource allocation strategies by quantifying the corresponding opacity characteristics

    Quantitative analysis of distributed systems

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    PhD ThesisComputing Science addresses the security of real-life systems by using various security-oriented technologies (e.g., access control solutions and resource allocation strategies). These security technologies signficantly increase the operational costs of the organizations in which systems are deployed, due to the highly dynamic, mobile and resource-constrained environments. As a result, the problem of designing user-friendly, secure and high efficiency information systems in such complex environment has become a major challenge for the developers. In this thesis, firstly, new formal models are proposed to analyse the secure information flow in cloud computing systems. Then, the opacity of work flows in cloud computing systems is investigated, a threat model is built for cloud computing systems, and the information leakage in such system is analysed. This study can help cloud service providers and cloud subscribers to analyse the risks they take with the security of their assets and to make security related decision. Secondly, a procedure is established to quantitatively evaluate the costs and benefits of implementing information security technologies. In this study, a formal system model for data resources in a dynamic environment is proposed, which focuses on the location of different classes of data resources as well as the users. Using such a model, the concurrent and probabilistic behaviour of the system can be analysed. Furthermore, efficient solutions are provided for the implementation of information security system based on queueing theory and stochastic Petri nets. This part of research can help information security officers to make well judged information security investment decisions

    Verification of Information Flow Properties under Rational Observation

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    Information flow properties express the capability for an agent to infer information about secret behaviours of a partially observable system. In a language-theoretic setting, where the system behaviour is described by a language, we define the class of rational information flow properties (RIFP), where observers are modeled by finite transducers, acting on languages in a given family L\mathcal{L}. This leads to a general decidability criterion for the verification problem of RIFPs on L\mathcal{L}, implying PSPACE-completeness for this problem on regular languages. We show that most trace-based information flow properties studied up to now are RIFPs, including those related to selective declassification and conditional anonymity. As a consequence, we retrieve several existing decidability results that were obtained by ad-hoc proofs.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, version extended from AVOCS'201

    Opacity with Orwellian Observers and Intransitive Non-interference

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    Opacity is a general behavioural security scheme flexible enough to account for several specific properties. Some secret set of behaviors of a system is opaque if a passive attacker can never tell whether the observed behavior is a secret one or not. Instead of considering the case of static observability where the set of observable events is fixed off line or dynamic observability where the set of observable events changes over time depending on the history of the trace, we consider Orwellian partial observability where unobservable events are not revealed unless a downgrading event occurs in the future of the trace. We show how to verify that some regular secret is opaque for a regular language L w.r.t. an Orwellian projection while it has been proved undecidable even for a regular language L w.r.t. a general Orwellian observation function. We finally illustrate relevancy of our results by proving the equivalence between the opacity property of regular secrets w.r.t. Orwellian projection and the intransitive non-interference property

    Stealthy Sensor Attacks for Plants Modeled by Labeled Petri Nets

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    The problem of stealthy sensor attacks for labeled Petri nets is considered. An operator observes the plant to establish if a set of critical markings has been reached. The attacker can corrupt the sensor channels that transmit the sensor readings, making the operator incapable to establish when a critical marking is reached. We first construct the stealthy attack Petri net that keeps into account the real plant evolutions observed by the attacker and the corrupted plant evolutions observed by the operator. Starting from the reachability graph of the stealthy attack Petri net, an attack structure is defined: it describes all possible attacks. The supremal stealthy attack substructure can be obtained by appropriately trimming the attack structure. An attack function is effective if the supremal stealthy attack substructure contains a state whose first element is a critical marking and the second element is a noncritical marking

    Supervisory Control and Analysis of Partially-observed Discrete Event Systems

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    Nowadays, a variety of real-world systems fall into discrete event systems (DES). In practical scenarios, due to facts like limited sensor technique, sensor failure, unstable network and even the intrusion of malicious agents, it might occur that some events are unobservable, multiple events are indistinguishable in observations, and observations of some events are nondeterministic. By considering various practical scenarios, increasing attention in the DES community has been paid to partially-observed DES, which in this thesis refer broadly to those DES with partial and/or unreliable observations. In this thesis, we focus on two topics of partially-observed DES, namely, supervisory control and analysis. The first topic includes two research directions in terms of system models. One is the supervisory control of DES with both unobservable and uncontrollable events, focusing on the forbidden state problem; the other is the supervisory control of DES vulnerable to sensor-reading disguising attacks (SD-attacks), which is also interpreted as DES with nondeterministic observations, addressing both the forbidden state problem and the liveness-enforcing problem. Petri nets (PN) are used as a reference formalism in this topic. First, we study the forbidden state problem in the framework of PN with both unobservable and uncontrollable transitions, assuming that unobservable transitions are uncontrollable. For ordinary PN subject to an admissible Generalized Mutual Exclusion Constraint (GMEC), an optimal on-line control policy with polynomial complexity is proposed provided that a particular subnet, called observation subnet, satisfies certain conditions in structure. It is then discussed how to obtain an optimal on-line control policy for PN subject to an arbitrary GMEC. Next, we still consider the forbidden state problem but in PN vulnerable to SD-attacks. Assuming the control specification in terms of a GMEC, we propose three methods to derive on-line control policies. The first two lead to an optimal policy but are computationally inefficient for large-size systems, while the third method computes a policy with timely response even for large-size systems but at the expense of optimality. Finally, we investigate the liveness-enforcing problem still assuming that the system is vulnerable to SD-attacks. In this problem, the plant is modelled as a bounded PN, which allows us to off-line compute a supervisor starting from constructing the reachability graph of the PN. Then, based on repeatedly computing a more restrictive liveness-enforcing supervisor under no attack and constructing a basic supervisor, an off-line method that synthesizes a liveness-enforcing supervisor tolerant to an SD-attack is proposed. In the second topic, we care about the verification of properties related to system security. Two properties are considered, i.e., fault-predictability and event-based opacity. The former is a property in the literature, characterizing the situation that the occurrence of any fault in a system is predictable, while the latter is a newly proposed property in the thesis, which describes the fact that secret events of a system cannot be revealed to an external observer within their critical horizons. In the case of fault-predictability, DES are modeled by labeled PN. A necessary and sufficient condition for fault-predictability is derived by characterizing the structure of the Predictor Graph. Furthermore, two rules are proposed to reduce the size of a PN, which allow us to analyze the fault-predictability of the original net by verifying that of the reduced net. When studying event-based opacity, we use deterministic finite-state automata as the reference formalism. Considering different scenarios, we propose four notions, namely, K-observation event-opacity, infinite-observation event-opacity, event-opacity and combinational event-opacity. Moreover, verifiers are proposed to analyze these properties
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