12,596 research outputs found

    Trustee: A Trust Management System for Fog-enabled Cyber Physical Systems

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    In this paper, we propose a lightweight trust management system (TMS) for fog-enabled cyber physical systems (Fog-CPS). Trust computation is based on multi-factor and multi-dimensional parameters, and formulated as a statistical regression problem which is solved by employing random forest regression model. Additionally, as the Fog-CPS systems could be deployed in open and unprotected environments, the CPS devices and fog nodes are vulnerable to numerous attacks namely, collusion, self-promotion, badmouthing, ballot-stuffing, and opportunistic service. The compromised entities can impact the accuracy of trust computation model by increasing/decreasing the trust of other nodes. These challenges are addressed by designing a generic trust credibility model which can countermeasures the compromise of both CPS devices and fog nodes. The credibility of each newly computed trust value is evaluated and subsequently adjusted by correlating it with a standard deviation threshold. The standard deviation is quantified by computing the trust in two configurations of hostile environments and subsequently comparing it with the trust value in a legitimate/normal environment. Our results demonstrate that credibility model successfully countermeasures the malicious behaviour of all Fog-CPS entities i.e. CPS devices and fog nodes. The multi-factor trust assessment and credibility evaluation enable accurate and precise trust computation and guarantee a dependable Fog-CPS system

    On the Simulation of Global Reputation Systems

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    Reputation systems evolve as a mechanism to build trust in virtual communities. In this paper we evaluate different metrics for computing reputation in multi-agent systems. We present a formal model for describing metrics in reputation systems and show how different well-known global reputation metrics are expressed by it. Based on the model a generic simulation framework for reputation metrics was implemented. We used our simulation framework to compare different global reputation systems to find their strengths and weaknesses. The strength of a metric is measured by its resistance against different threat-models, i.e. different types of hostile agents. Based on our results we propose a new metric for reputation systems.Reputation System, Trust, Formalization, Simulation

    TRULLO - local trust bootstrapping for ubiquitous devices

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    Handheld devices have become sufficiently powerful that it is easy to create, disseminate, and access digital content (e.g., photos, videos) using them. The volume of such content is growing rapidly and, from the perspective of each user, selecting relevant content is key. To this end, each user may run a trust model - a software agent that keeps track of who disseminates content that its user finds relevant. This agent does so by assigning an initial trust value to each producer for a specific category (context); then, whenever it receives new content, the agent rates the content and accordingly updates its trust value for the producer in the content category. However, a problem with such an approach is that, as the number of content categories increases, so does the number of trust values to be initially set. This paper focuses on how to effectively set initial trust values. The most sophisticated of the current solutions employ predefined context ontologies, using which initial trust in a given context is set based on that already held in similar contexts. However, universally accepted (and time invariant) ontologies are rarely found in practice. For this reason, we propose a mechanism called TRULLO (TRUst bootstrapping by Latently Lifting cOntext) that assigns initial trust values based only on local information (on the ratings of its user’s past experiences) and that, as such, does not rely on third-party recommendations. We evaluate the effectiveness of TRULLO by simulating its use in an informal antique market setting. We also evaluate the computational cost of a J2ME implementation of TRULLO on a mobile phone

    Trust beyond reputation: A computational trust model based on stereotypes

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    Models of computational trust support users in taking decisions. They are commonly used to guide users' judgements in online auction sites; or to determine quality of contributions in Web 2.0 sites. However, most existing systems require historical information about the past behavior of the specific agent being judged. In contrast, in real life, to anticipate and to predict a stranger's actions in absence of the knowledge of such behavioral history, we often use our "instinct"- essentially stereotypes developed from our past interactions with other "similar" persons. In this paper, we propose StereoTrust, a computational trust model inspired by stereotypes as used in real-life. A stereotype contains certain features of agents and an expected outcome of the transaction. When facing a stranger, an agent derives its trust by aggregating stereotypes matching the stranger's profile. Since stereotypes are formed locally, recommendations stem from the trustor's own personal experiences and perspective. Historical behavioral information, when available, can be used to refine the analysis. According to our experiments using Epinions.com dataset, StereoTrust compares favorably with existing trust models that use different kinds of information and more complete historical information

    Toward better data veracity in mobile cloud computing: A context-aware and incentive-based reputation mechanism

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.As a promising next-generation computing paradigm, Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) enables the large-scale collection and big data processing of personal private data. An important but often overlooked V of big data is data veracity, which ensures that the data used are trusted, authentic, accurate and protected from unauthorized access and modification. In order to realize the veracity of data in MCC, specific trust models and approaches must be developed. In this paper, a Category-based Context-aware and Recommendation incentive-based reputation Mechanism (CCRM) is proposed to defend against internal attacks and enhance data veracity in MCC. In the CCRM, innovative methods, including a data category and context sensing technology, a security relevance evaluation model, and a Vickrey-Clark-Groves (VCG)-based recommendation incentive scheme, are integrated into the process of reputation evaluation. Cost analysis indicates that the CCRM has a linear communication and computation complexity. Simulation results demonstrate the superior performance of the CCRM compared to existing reputation mechanisms under internal collusion attacks and bad mouthing attacks.This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61363068, 61472083, 61671360), the Pilot Project of Fujian Province (formal industry key project) (2016Y0031), the Foundation of Science and Technology on Information Assurance Laboratory (KJ-14-109) and the Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Network Security and Cryptology Research Fund

    A Mechanism Design Approach to Bandwidth Allocation in Tactical Data Networks

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    The defense sector is undergoing a phase of rapid technological advancement, in the pursuit of its goal of information superiority. This goal depends on a large network of complex interconnected systems - sensors, weapons, soldiers - linked through a maze of heterogeneous networks. The sheer scale and size of these networks prompt behaviors that go beyond conglomerations of systems or `system-of-systems\u27. The lack of a central locus and disjointed, competing interests among large clusters of systems makes this characteristic of an Ultra Large Scale (ULS) system. These traits of ULS systems challenge and undermine the fundamental assumptions of today\u27s software and system engineering approaches. In the absence of a centralized controller it is likely that system users may behave opportunistically to meet their local mission requirements, rather than the objectives of the system as a whole. In these settings, methods and tools based on economics and game theory (like Mechanism Design) are likely to play an important role in achieving globally optimal behavior, when the participants behave selfishly. Against this background, this thesis explores the potential of using computational mechanisms to govern the behavior of ultra-large-scale systems and achieve an optimal allocation of constrained computational resources Our research focusses on improving the quality and accuracy of the common operating picture through the efficient allocation of bandwidth in tactical data networks among self-interested actors, who may resort to strategic behavior dictated by self-interest. This research problem presents the kind of challenges we anticipate when we have to deal with ULS systems and, by addressing this problem, we hope to develop a methodology which will be applicable for ULS system of the future. We build upon the previous works which investigate the application of auction-based mechanism design to dynamic, performance-critical and resource-constrained systems of interest to the defense community. In this thesis, we consider a scenario where a number of military platforms have been tasked with the goal of detecting and tracking targets. The sensors onboard a military platform have a partial and inaccurate view of the operating picture and need to make use of data transmitted from neighboring sensors in order to improve the accuracy of their own measurements. The communication takes place over tactical data networks with scarce bandwidth. The problem is compounded by the possibility that the local goals of military platforms might not be aligned with the global system goal. Such a scenario might occur in multi-flag, multi-platform military exercises, where the military commanders of each platform are more concerned with the well-being of their own platform over others. Therefore there is a need to design a mechanism that efficiently allocates the flow of data within the network to ensure that the resulting global performance maximizes the information gain of the entire system, despite the self-interested actions of the individual actors. We propose a two-stage mechanism based on modified strictly-proper scoring rules, with unknown costs, whereby multiple sensor platforms can provide estimates of limited precisions and the center does not have to rely on knowledge of the actual outcome when calculating payments. In particular, our work emphasizes the importance of applying robust optimization techniques to deal with the uncertainty in the operating environment. We apply our robust optimization - based scoring rules algorithm to an agent-based model framework of the combat tactical data network, and analyze the results obtained. Through the work we hope to demonstrate how mechanism design, perched at the intersection of game theory and microeconomics, is aptly suited to address one set of challenges of the ULS system paradigm - challenges not amenable to traditional system engineering approaches

    Resilient networking in wireless sensor networks

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    This report deals with security in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), especially in network layer. Multiple secure routing protocols have been proposed in the literature. However, they often use the cryptography to secure routing functionalities. The cryptography alone is not enough to defend against multiple attacks due to the node compromise. Therefore, we need more algorithmic solutions. In this report, we focus on the behavior of routing protocols to determine which properties make them more resilient to attacks. Our aim is to find some answers to the following questions. Are there any existing protocols, not designed initially for security, but which already contain some inherently resilient properties against attacks under which some portion of the network nodes is compromised? If yes, which specific behaviors are making these protocols more resilient? We propose in this report an overview of security strategies for WSNs in general, including existing attacks and defensive measures. In this report we focus at the network layer in particular, and an analysis of the behavior of four particular routing protocols is provided to determine their inherent resiliency to insider attacks. The protocols considered are: Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Gradient-Based Routing (GBR), Greedy Forwarding (GF) and Random Walk Routing (RWR)

    The Impact of Strategic Networking on Business Performance of Manufacturing SMEs Operating in a Predominantly Servise Based Economy

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    Strategic networking represents a strategic intent of the firm to develop meaningful and sustainable long-term coopetitional business relationships with various market players. Through such market relationships, the focal firm can focus on the further development of its own core competences and simultaneously garner the network benefits. The purpose of this article is to examine the role and the level of influence strategic networking has on the performance of Croatian manufacturing SMEs. The relationship between strategic networking and business performance has been further tested by looking into a set of financial and non-financial performance indicators, where moderating role of the external environment has been used to even further explore the observed relationship. Although unidimensional analysis reveals positive influence of strategic networking on business performance, that is not the case when multidimensional analysis is applied, where only the reputation among other strategic networking antecedents has a significantly positive influence. Therefore, it can be concluded that these research results are inconclusive, whether looking at the existence, strength or direction of the observed relationships, and require further research

    DTRM: A new reputation mechanism to enhance data trustworthiness for high-performance cloud computing

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.Cloud computing and the mobile Internet have been the two most influential information technology revolutions, which intersect in mobile cloud computing (MCC). The burgeoning MCC enables the large-scale collection and processing of big data, which demand trusted, authentic, and accurate data to ensure an important but often overlooked aspect of big data - data veracity. Troublesome internal attacks launched by internal malicious users is one key problem that reduces data veracity and remains difficult to handle. To enhance data veracity and thus improve the performance of big data computing in MCC, this paper proposes a Data Trustworthiness enhanced Reputation Mechanism (DTRM) which can be used to defend against internal attacks. In the DTRM, the sensitivity-level based data category, Metagraph theory based user group division, and reputation transferring methods are integrated into the reputation query and evaluation process. The extensive simulation results based on real datasets show that the DTRM outperforms existing classic reputation mechanisms under bad mouthing attacks and mobile attacks.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61602360, 61772008, 61472121), the Pilot Project of Fujian Province (formal industry key project) (2016Y0031), the Foundation of Science and Technology on Information Assurance Laboratory (KJ-14-109) and the Fujian Provincial Key Lab of Network Security and Cryptology Research Fund (15012)