486 research outputs found

    Comparison of Two Models for Temperature Observation of Miniature PEM Fuel Cells Under Dry Conditions

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    Water and thermal management have been identified as technical hurdles to the successful implementation of low-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell (PEMFC) power systems. In low-power applications, miniature PEMFCs show significant promise as a competitor to lithium-ion batteries. Significant design work is underway to improve the specific power and energy densities of these fuel cells. However, little attention has been given to characterizing transient response in these miniature applications to enable gains in system design, optimization, and control. This work develops, calibrates, and experimentally validates two different dynamic control-oriented models for open-loop temperature state observation in miniature PEMFCs. Of critical importance, these estimators target operation under dry conditions with no reactant pretreatment. Operational conditions are then identified for which each model architecture is more suitable, specifically targeting minimal model complexity. A sensitivity analysis was completed that indicates necessary sensor measurements with sensor frugality in mind. The dynamic responses under changes in load and fuel stoichiometry are well captured over a range of operating conditions

    Characterizing Performance of a PEM Fuel Cell for a CMET Balloon

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    We present the design of a multi-cell, low temperature PEM fuel cell for controlled meteorological balloons. Critical system design parameters that distinguish this application are the lack of reactant humidification and cooling due to the low power production, high required power mass-density and relatively short flight durations. The cell is supplied with a pressure regulated and dead ended anode, and flow controlled cathode at variable air stoichiometry. The cell is not heated and allowed to operate with unregulated temperature. Our prototype cell was capable of achieving power densities of 43 mW/cm2/cell or 5.4 mW/g. The cell polarization performance of large format PEM fuel cell stacks is an order of magnitude greater than for miniature PEM fuel cells. These performance discrepancies are a result of cell design, system architecture, and reactant and thermal management, indicating that there are significant gains to be made in these domains. We then present design modifications intended to enable the miniature PEM fuel cell to achieve power densities of 13 mW/g, indicating that additional performance gains must be made with improvements in operating conditions targeting achievable power densities of standard PEM fuel cells

    Air-breathing polymer electrolyte fuel cells: A review

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    Air-breathing polymer electrolyte fuel cells have become a promising power source to provide uninterrupted power for small electronic devices. This review focuses primarily on describing how the air-breathing PEFC performance is improved through optimisation of some key parameters: the design and material of the current collector; the design and material of the cathode gas diffusion layer; the catalyst layer; and cell orientation. In addition, it reviews the impact of the ambient conditions on the fuel cell performance and describes the methods adopted to mitigate the effects of extreme conditions of ambient temperature and humidity. Hydrogen storage and delivery technologies used in air-breathing fuel cells are then summarised and their design aspects are discussed critically. Finally, the few reported air-breathing fuel cell stacks and systems are reviewed, highlighting the challenges to the widespread commercialisation of air-breathing fuel cell technology

    Assessment and development of mitigation strategies for membrane durability in fuel cells

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    Fuel cell membranes undergo simultaneous or individual chemical and mechanical degradation under dynamic fuel cell operating conditions. This combined stress development effect compromises the functionality of the membrane and ultimately, the overall durability of the fuel cell system. Therefore, it is critical to understand the underlying degradation mechanisms and failure modes under operational conditions. In this thesis, an extensive research methodology including accelerated stress tests, visualization techniques, and finite element modeling is adopted in order to understand and mitigate membrane degradation. The membrane characterization is facilitated using a non-invasive laboratory-based X-ray computed tomography (XCT) system for 3D visualization of membrane damage progression over the lifetime of the fuel cell. The 3D XCT approach is first applied to understand the degradation mechanism responsible for combined chemical and mechanical membrane degradation. The XCT approach is further expanded to 4D in situ visualisation through periodic same location tracking within a miniature operational fuel cell. Fuel cell membranes with mechanical reinforcements and chemical additives are tested as existing mitigation strategies for the isolated degradation stressors. Under pure chemical degradation, the chemically and mechanically reinforced membrane does not show membrane thinning or shorting sites and exceeds the lifetime of the non-reinforced membrane by 2x. The reinforced membrane also mitigated/delayed the crack development during pure mechanical degradation as compared to the non-reinforced membrane. However, significant membrane degradation is still observed and attributed to buckling and delamination mechanisms within the membrane electrode assembly (MEA). Mitigation of these mechanisms is demonstrated through two novel approaches proposed in this thesis: i) reduced surface roughness gas diffusion layers (GDLs); and ii) bonded MEAs. Both mitigation strategies are tested using the same experimental workflow and shown to provide substantial mitigation against fatigue driven mechanical membrane degradation via reduced membrane buckling, resulting in a doubling of the test lifetime in each case. Complementary finite element simulations corroborate the experimental findings and further estimate the critical GDL void sizes to prevent membrane buckling and the required interfacial MEA adhesion quality to stabilize the MEA for improved membrane durability

    Two-phase flow dynamics in a micro hydrophilic channel: A theoretical and experimental study

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    In this paper, two-phase flow dynamics in a micro hydrophilic channel are experimentally and theoretically investigated. Flow patterns of annulus, wavy, and slug are observed in the range of operating condition. A set of empirical models based on the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter and a two-fluid model using several correlations of the relative permeability are adopted; and their predictions are compared with experimental data. It shows that for low liquid flow rates most model predictions show acceptable agreement with experimental data, while in the regime of high liquid flow rate only a few of them exhibit a good match. Correlation optimization is conducted for individual flow pattern. Through theoretical analysis of flows in a circular and 2-D channel, respectively, we obtain correlations close to the experimental observation. Real-time pressure measurement shows that different flow patterns yield different pressure evolutions. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Integrated micro fuel cells with on-board hydride reactors and autonomous control schemes

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    Miniaturization of power generators to the MEMS scale, based on the hydrogen-air fuel cell, is the object of this research. The micro fuel cell approach has been adopted for advantages of both high power and energy densities. On-board hydrogen production/storage and an efficient control scheme that facilitates integration with a fuel cell membrane electrode assembly (MEA) are key elements for micro energy conversion. Millimeter-scale reactors (ca. 10 µL) have been developed, for hydrogen production through hydrolysis of CaH2 and LiAlH4, to yield volumetric energy densities of the order of 200 Whr/L. Passive microfluidic control schemes have been implemented in order to facilitate delivery, self-regulation, and at the same time eliminate bulky auxiliaries that run on parasitic power. One technique uses surface tension to pump water in a microchannel for hydrolysis and is self-regulated, based on load, by back pressure from accumulated hydrogen acting on a gas-liquid microvalve. This control scheme improves uniformity of power delivery during long periods of lower power demand, with fast switching to mass transport regime on the order of seconds, thus providing peak power density of up to 391.85 W/L. Another method takes advantage of water recovery by backward transport through the MEA, of water vapor that is generated at the cathode half-cell reaction. This regulation-free scheme increases available reactor volume to yield energy density of 313 Whr/L, and provides peak power density of 104 W/L. Prototype devices have been tested for a range of duty periods from 2-24 hours, with multiple switching of power demand in order to establish operation across multiple regimes. Issues identified as critical to the realization of the integrated power MEMS include effects of water transport and byproduct hydrate swelling on hydrogen production in the micro reactor, and ambient relative humidity on fuel cell performance

    PEM fuel cell performance improvement through numerical optimization of the parameters of the porous layers

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    A numerical model for a PEM fuel cell has been developed and used to investigate the effect of some of the key parameters of the porous layers of the fuel cell (GDL and MPL) on its performance. The model is comprehensive as it is three-dimensional, multiphase and non-isothermal and it has been well-validated with the experimental data of a 5 cm2 active area-fuel cell with/without MPLs. As a result of the reduced mass transport resistance of the gaseous and liquid flow, a better performance was achieved when he GDL thickness was decreased. For the same reason, the fuel cell was shown to be significantly improved with increasing the GDL porosity by a factor of 2 and the consumption of oxygen doubled when increasing the porosity from 0.40 to 0.78. Compared to the conventional constant-porosity GDL, the graded-porosity (gradually decreasing from the flow channel to the catalyst layer) GDL was found to enhance the fuel cell performance and this is due to the better liquid water rejection. The incorporation of a realistic value for the contact resistance between the GDL and the bipolar plate slightly decreases the performance of the fuel cell. Also the results show that the addition of the MPL to the GDL is crucially important as it assists in the humidifying of the electrolyte membrane, thus improving the overall performance of the fuel cell. Finally, realistically increasing the MPL contact angle has led to a positive influence on the fuel cell performance

    Electrically-Driven Ion Transmission Through Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials

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    Two-dimensional nanomaterials such as graphene and hexagonal boron nitride are being intensively studied as selective barriers in separation technology owing to their unique subatomic selectivity. In their pristine forms, they are impermeable to atoms, molecules, and ions except for thermal protons. Graphene, with its angstrom-scale thickness, is regarded as the thinnest membrane so its transport selectivity comes from the selectivity of active sites at which permeant transmission occurs. This dissertation tested the hypothesis that the selectivity ratio of hydrogen isotopes (protium, Deuterium, and tritium) through membrane could be improved by incorporating graphene and related 2D materials in the membrane electrode assembly of a polymer electrolyte membrane electrolysis cell. The mechanism by which protons or deuterons traverse the energy barrier of 2D materials was also investigated with a focus on the temperature dependence of isotopic selectivity in crossing rates. By carefully positioning a 2D material within the ionomer membranes of a membrane electrode assembly, the isotopic ion filtering functionalities of graphene and analogs were enhanced. Proton transmission through graphene was found to occur at a very high rate (1.0 A cm-2 achieved at a potential bias of \u3c 200 mV) with a selectivity ratio of at least 10 compared to deuteron transmission. The transmission rates of Protons and deuterons across single-layer graphene were measured as a function of temperature. An electrochemical model based on charge-transfer resistance was invoked to estimate standard heterogeneous ion-transfer rate constants. An encounter pre-equilibrium model for the ion-transfer step was used to estimate rate constants which provide values for activation energies and exponential pre-factors for proton (or deuteron) transmission across graphene. Activation energies of 48 ± 2 kJ mole-1 (0.50 ± 0.02 eV) and 53 ± 5 kJ mole-1 (0.55 ± 0.05 eV) were obtained for protons and deuterons respectively, through single-layer graphene. The difference of 50 meV is in good agreement with the expected difference in vibrational zero-point energies for O-H and O-D bonds. This work is an important harbinger for the prospects of developing graphene-based PEM electrochemical cell ion filters for fuel cells, electrolysis cells, gas separation and purification, and desalination applications

    Liquid Water Transport in the Reactant Channels of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

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    Water management has been identified as a critical issue in the development of PEM fuel cells for automotive applications. Water is present inside the PEM fuel cell in three phases, i.e. liquid phase, vapor phase and mist phase. Liquid water in the reactant channels causes flooding of the cell and blocks the transport of reactants to the reaction sites at the catalyst layer. Understanding the behavior of liquid water in the reactant channels would allow us to devise improved strategies for removing liquid water from the reactant channels. In situ fuel cell tests have been performed to identify and diagnose operating conditions which result in the flooding of the fuel cell. A relationship has been identified between the liquid water present in the reactant channels and the cell performance. A novel diagnostic technique has been established which utilizes the pressure drop multiplier in the reactant channels to predict the flooding of the cell or the drying-out of the membrane. An ex-situ study has been undertaken to quantify the liquid water present in the reactant channels. A new parameter, the Area Coverage Ratio (ACR), has been defined to identify the interfacial area of the reactant channel which is blocked for reactant transport by the presence of liquid water. A parametric study has been conducted to study the effect of changing temperature and the inlet relative humidity on the ACR. The ACR decreases with increase in current density as the gas flow rates increase, removing water more efficiently. With increase in temperature, the ACR decreases rapidly, such that by 60°C, there is no significant ACR to be reported. Inlet relative humidity of the gases does change the saturation of the gases in the channel, but did not show any significant effect on the ACR. Automotive powertrains, which is the target for this work, are continuously faced with transient changes. Water management under transient operating conditions is significantly more challenging and has not been investigated in detail. This study begins to investigate the effects of changing operating conditions on liquid water transport through the reactant channels. It has been identified that rapidly increasing temperature leads to the dry-out of the membrane and rapidly cooling the cell below 55°C results in the start of cell flooding. In changing the operating load of the PEMFC, overshoot in the pressure drop in the reactant channel has been identified for the first time as part of this investigation. A parametric study has been conducted to identify the factors which influence this overshoot behavior

    Advanced Materials and Technologies for Fuel Cells

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    Fuel cells are expected to play a relevant role in the transition towards a sustainable-energy-driven world. Although this type of electrochemical system was discovered a long time ago, only in recent years has global energy awareness, together with newly developed materials and available technologies, made such key advances in relation to fuel cell potential and its deployment. It is now unquestionable that fuel cells are recognized, alongside their possibility to work in the reverse mode, as the hub of the new energy deal. Now the questions are, why are they not yet ready to be used, despite the strong economic support given from the society? What prevents them from being entered into the hydrogen energy scenario in which renewable sources will provide energy when it is not readily available? How much are researchers involved in this urgent step towards change? This book gives a clear answer, engaging with some of the open issues that explain the delay of fuel cell deployment and, at the same time, it opens a window that shows how wide and attractive the opportunities offered by this technology are. Papers collected here are not only specialist-oriented but also offer a clear landscape to curious readers and show how challenging the road to the future is
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