1,117 research outputs found

    Queue Dynamics With Window Flow Control

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    This paper develops a new model that describes the queueing process of a communication network when data sources use window flow control. The model takes into account the burstiness in sub-round-trip time (RTT) timescales and the instantaneous rate differences of a flow at different links. It is generic and independent of actual source flow control algorithms. Basic properties of the model and its relation to existing work are discussed. In particular, for a general network with multiple links, it is demonstrated that spatial interaction of oscillations allows queue instability to occur even when all flows have the same RTTs and maintain constant windows. The model is used to study the dynamics of delay-based congestion control algorithms. It is found that the ratios of RTTs are critical to the stability of such systems, and previously unknown modes of instability are identified. Packet-level simulations and testbed measurements are provided to verify the model and its predictions

    The Network Effects of Prefetching

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    Prefetching has been shown to be an effective technique for reducing user perceived latency in distributed systems. In this paper we show that even when prefetching adds no extra traffic to the network, it can have serious negative performance effects. Straightforward approaches to prefetching increase the burstiness of individual sources, leading to increased average queue sizes in network switches. However, we also show that applications can avoid the undesirable queueing effects of prefetching. In fact, we show that applications employing prefetching can significantly improve network performance, to a level much better than that obtained without any prefetching at all. This is because prefetching offers increased opportunities for traffic shaping that are not available in the absence of prefetching. Using a simple transport rate control mechanism, a prefetching application can modify its behavior from a distinctly ON/OFF entity to one whose data transfer rate changes less abruptly, while still delivering all data in advance of the user's actual requests

    TCP over CDMA2000 Networks: A Cross-Layer Measurement Study

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    Modern cellular channels in 3G networks incorporate sophisticated power control and dynamic rate adaptation which can have significant impact on adaptive transport layer protocols, such as TCP. Though there exists studies that have evaluated the performance of TCP over such networks, they are based solely on observations at the transport layer and hence have no visibility into the impact of lower layer dynamics, which are a key characteristic of these networks. In this work, we present a detailed characterization of TCP behavior based on cross-layer measurement of transport layer, as well as RF and MAC layer parameters. In particular, through a series of active TCP/UDP experiments and measurement of the relevant variables at all three layers, we characterize both, the wireless scheduler and the radio link protocol in a commercial CDMA2000 network and assess their impact on TCP dynamics. Somewhat surprisingly, our findings indicate that the wireless scheduler is mostly insensitive to channel quality and sector load over short timescales and is mainly affected by the transport layer data rate. Furthermore, with the help of a robust correlation measure, Normalized Mutual Information, we were able to quantify the impact of the wireless scheduler and the radio link protocol on various TCP parameters such as the round trip time, throughput and packet loss rate

    Datacenter Traffic Control: Understanding Techniques and Trade-offs

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    Datacenters provide cost-effective and flexible access to scalable compute and storage resources necessary for today's cloud computing needs. A typical datacenter is made up of thousands of servers connected with a large network and usually managed by one operator. To provide quality access to the variety of applications and services hosted on datacenters and maximize performance, it deems necessary to use datacenter networks effectively and efficiently. Datacenter traffic is often a mix of several classes with different priorities and requirements. This includes user-generated interactive traffic, traffic with deadlines, and long-running traffic. To this end, custom transport protocols and traffic management techniques have been developed to improve datacenter network performance. In this tutorial paper, we review the general architecture of datacenter networks, various topologies proposed for them, their traffic properties, general traffic control challenges in datacenters and general traffic control objectives. The purpose of this paper is to bring out the important characteristics of traffic control in datacenters and not to survey all existing solutions (as it is virtually impossible due to massive body of existing research). We hope to provide readers with a wide range of options and factors while considering a variety of traffic control mechanisms. We discuss various characteristics of datacenter traffic control including management schemes, transmission control, traffic shaping, prioritization, load balancing, multipathing, and traffic scheduling. Next, we point to several open challenges as well as new and interesting networking paradigms. At the end of this paper, we briefly review inter-datacenter networks that connect geographically dispersed datacenters which have been receiving increasing attention recently and pose interesting and novel research problems.Comment: Accepted for Publication in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Performance Improvement of Wireless Network Based on Effective Data Transmission

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    A major requirement of any computer network is scalability. This can be as a result of increase in the number of users, upgrading due to technological advancement, additional services, or the need for performance improvement. This will inevitably require changing infrastructure, deploying new applications, and dealing with security which definitely touches both hardware and software, in the sense that, the complexities of the hardware, software and firmware increase with the attendant growth of the network and maintainability. However, for the network to remain reliable and efficient, it is necessary that, implementation and administration of it requires a means of monitoring both the model of the network structures and processes occurring in them. The efficiency and throughput of the network depend on improving the effectiveness of data transmission carried out by the network protocols. This paper discusses the use of a protocol to meet the technological challenge towards improving the performance and throughput of a wireless network based on effective data transmission