6 research outputs found

    The cooperative behaviour of antimicrobial peptides in model membranes

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    A systematic analysis of the hypothesis of the antimicrobial peptides' (AMPs) cooperative action is performed by means of full atomistic molecular dynamics simulations accompanied by circular dichroism experiments. Several AMPs from the aurein family (2.5,2.6, 3.1), have a similar sequence in the first ten amino acids, are investigated in different environments including aqueous solution, trifluoroethanol (TFE), palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (POPE), and palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylglycerol (POPG) lipid bilayers. It is found that the cooperative effect is stronger in aqueous solution and weaker in TFE. Moreover, in the presence of membranes, the cooperative effect plays an important role in the peptide/lipid bilayer interaction. The action of AMPs is a competition of the hydrophobic interactions between the side chains of the peptides and the hydrophobic region of lipid molecules, as well as the intra peptide interaction. The aureins 2.5-COOH and 2.6-COOH form a hydrophobic aggregate to minimize the interaction between the hydrophobic group and the water. Once that the peptides reach the water/lipid interface the hydrophobic aggregate becomes smaller and the peptides start to penetrate into the membrane. In contrast, aurein 3.1-COOH forms only a transient aggregate which disintegrates once the peptides reached the membrane, and it shows no cooperativity in membrane penetratio

    Scorpion venom as antimicrobial peptides (AMPs): A review article

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    The high level of reported multidrug resistant pathogens with the failure of most conventional antibiotic to kill many of them arise the global concern in the last decade to find alternatives urgently. Many researches are conducted on scorpion venom area and different antimicrobial peptides had been reported in literature also   many had been functionally characterized in the last decade. Here quick overview of all scorpion AMPs with antibacterial activity , their Structural determinants, classification types and their mode of action, in addition to their resistance mechanism and finally their therapeutics potentia

    Protein Arcs May Form Stable Pores in Lipid Membranes

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    AbstractElectron microscopy and atomic force microscopy images of cholesterol-dependent cytolysins and related proteins that form large pores in lipid membranes have revealed the presence of incomplete rings, or arcs. Some evidence indicates that these arcs are inserted into the membrane and induce membrane leakage, but other experiments seem to refute that. Could such pores, only partially lined by protein, be kinetically and thermodynamically stable? How would the lipids be structured in such a pore? Using the antimicrobial peptide protegrin-1 as a model, we test the stability of pores only partially lined by peptide using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations in POPC and POPE/POPG membranes. The data show that, whereas pure lipid pores close rapidly, pores partially lined by protegrin arcs are stable for at least 300 ns. Estimates of the thermodynamic stability of these arcs using line tension data and implicit solvent calculations show that these arcs can be marginally stable in both zwitterionic and anionic membranes. Arcs provide an explanation for the observed ion selectivity in protegrin electrophysiology experiments and could possibly be involved in other membrane permeabilization processes where lipids are thought to participate, such as those induced by antimicrobial peptides and colicins, as well as the Bax apoptotic pore

    Activity Determinants of Helical Antimicrobial Peptides: A Large-Scale Computational Study

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), produced by a wide range of organisms, have attracted attention due to their potential use as novel antibiotics. The majority of these peptides are cationic and are thought to function by permeabilizing the bacterial membrane, either by making pores or by dissolving it (‘carpet’ model). A key hypothesis in the literature is that antimicrobial and hemolytic activity correlate with binding affinity to anionic and zwitterionic membranes, respectively. Here we test this hypothesis by using binding free energy data collected from the literature and theoretical binding energies calculated from implicit membrane models for 53 helical AMPs. We indeed find a correlation between binding energy and biological activity, depending on membrane anionic content: antibacterial activity correlates best with transfer energy to membranes with anionic lipid fraction higher than 30% and hemolytic activity correlates best with transfer energy to a 10% anionic membrane. However, the correlations are weak, with correlation coefficient up to 0.4. Weak correlations of the biological activities have also been found with other physical descriptors of the peptides, such as surface area occupation, which correlates significantly with antibacterial activity; insertion depth, which correlates significantly with hemolytic activity; and structural fluctuation, which correlates significantly with both activities. The membrane surface coverage by many peptides at the MIC is estimated to be much lower than would be required for the ‘carpet’ mechanism. Those peptides that are active at low surface coverage tend to be those identified in the literature as pore-forming. The transfer energy from planar membrane to cylindrical and toroidal pores was also calculated for these peptides. The transfer energy to toroidal pores is negative in almost all cases while that to cylindrical pores is more favorable in neutral than in anionic membranes. The transfer energy to pores correlates with the deviation from predictions of the ‘carpet’ model

    Computational Investigation of the Pore Formation Mechanism of Beta-Hairpin Antimicrobial Peptides

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    β-hairpin antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are small, usually cationic peptides that provide innate biological defenses against multiple agents. They have been proposed as the basis for novel antibiotics, but their pore formation has not been directly observed on a molecular level. We review previous computational studies of peptide-induced membrane pore formation and report several new molecular dynamics simulations of β-hairpin AMPs to elucidate their pore formation mechanism. We simulated β-barrels of various AMPs in anionic implicit membranes, finding that most of the AMPs’ β-barrels were not as stable as those of protegrin. We also performed an optimization study of protegrin β-barrels in implicit membranes, finding that nonamers were the most stable, but that multiplicities 7–13 were almost equally favorable. This indicated the possibility of a diversity of pore states consisting of various numbers of protegrin peptides. Finally, we used the Anton 2 supercomputer to perform multimicrosecond, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of various protegrin-1 oligomers on the membrane surface and in transmembrane topologies. We also considered an octamer of the β-hairpin AMP tachyplesin. The simulations on the membrane surface indicated that protegrin dimers are stable, while trimers and tetramers break down because they assume a bent, twisted β-sheet shape. Tetrameric arcs remained stably inserted, but the pore water was displaced by lipid molecules. Unsheared protegrin β-barrels opened into long, twisted β-sheets that surrounded stable aqueous pores, whereas tilted barrels with sheared hydrogen bonding patterns were stable in most topologies. A third type of observed pore consisted of multiple small oligomers surrounding a small, partially lipidic pore. The octameric tachyplesin bundle resulted in small pores surrounded by 6 peptides as monomers and dimers. The results imply that multiple protegrin configurations may produce aqueous pores and illustrate the relationship between topology and pore formation steps. However, these structures’ long-term stability requires further investigation