51,198 research outputs found

    Analysis of the risks related to the logistics of the Hazardous Materials

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    Today, the number of industrial enterprises producing, using, storing and transporting hazardous materials is constantly increasing worldwide. This growth is linked to the progressive demand in various sectors, which makes our world riskier because of the nature and diversity of the dangerous events that may occur. The risks incurred by the hazardous materials transport activity, in case of the occurrence of an incident that may occur and have serious consequences for persons, the environment, property, a fire as an example accompanied by a release of toxic smoke, pollution of the soil and / or water, it can lead in case of non-control of the fire or the reactivity of the goods transported to an explosion. To this purpose, it is essential to protect the health and safety of personnel and to preserve the environment from any deterioration related to the risks incurred by the Transport of Dangerous Goods (TDG) business, which presents important issues for population, state and highly urbanized areas The aim of this thesis is to propose a systemic approach to risk assessment, taking into account in a global way the risks related to hazardous materials throughout the logistics chain (transport & storage). The approach consists of using the modeling and simulation techniques of an accident, to understand the consequences generated in the various scenarios in the event of the occurrence of a hazardous materials accident. This approach will allow the presentation of an industrial safety reasoning method based on actual case studies, rather than a detailed analysis of how to prevent and protect a given hazard. In the process of assessing the technological risks associated with the Transport of Dangerous Goods (TDG), the essential step is the evaluation of the risk intensity when an accidental event occurs, which is to quantify the risks involved. effects or impacts, in order to respond quickly and prioritize relief actions for the protection of the population and the environment. The assessment of the intensity of a technological risk can be carried out using an effects model, capable of estimating the effects induced by the hazardous phenomenon from a quantitative point of view, in order to determine the geographical area of the hazard where the intensity of the risk is deemed too high. In this context, the first issue addressed in this thesis is to assess the level of risk of hazardous goods transport areas for both road and marine modes of transportation, while the second issue of assessing risks in an industrial facility fixed

    On green routing and scheduling problem

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    The vehicle routing and scheduling problem has been studied with much interest within the last four decades. In this paper, some of the existing literature dealing with routing and scheduling problems with environmental issues is reviewed, and a description is provided of the problems that have been investigated and how they are treated using combinatorial optimization tools

    A proposed risk model and a GIS framework for hazardous materials transportation

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    This paper presents a Geographical Information System (GIS) based risk assessment model for road transportation of hazardous materials (hazmat). Existing and proposed risk models are applied to truck shipments of hazmat through the road network of Istanbul. Our empirical analysis on the Istanbul road network points out that different risk models usually select different routes between a given origin-destination pair. In this study, we propose a new risk assessment model named as ldquotime-based risk modelrdquo for hazmat transportation. We speculate that the proposed model is the most suitable one for the city of Istanbul and alike

    A Monte Carlo Model of Uncertainty in a Deterministic Hazardous Waste Transportation Risk Assessment

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    This thesis is aimed at developing and applying advanced modeling tools in the prediction of risk to the general public from transportation of chemical waste on public highways. The modeling tools developed can then be used to compare alternative waste management scenarios. The application considered is related to the transport of hazardous waste generated by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) to current treatment, storage, and disposal facilities. DOE is currently considering four different scenarios. The application considered can be more specifically defined as an analysis of the risk to the general public from transporting the 63 shipments of DOE generated hazardous waste designated as poison by inhalation hazards (PIH), potentially resulting in fatality, by the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) [Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (Part 173.132)] in the 1992 fiscal year. The analysis is based on current transportation practices employed by DOE. Once the modeling tools have been developed to perform this analysis, similar analysis can be routinely carried out for other health end-points (carcinogenic effects and other adverse health effects other than cancer and lethality) and other waste management scenarios. Two types of tools have been developed, deterministic and probabilistic. Using the probabilistic modeling tool, a cumulative probability distribution of number of people impacted can be developed (for this application impacted means number of individuals experiencing potentially life-threatening health effects due to inhalation of a DOE generated PIH released as a result of a truck transportation accident). The probabilistic modeling tool developed is based upon a Monte Carlo analysis accounting for the uncertainties in the variables involved in the modeling process. The deterministic tool developed provides a simplified version of the probabilistic model such that the prediction will be one risk value which should approximate the mean of the cumulative probability distribution developed by the probabilistic model. Both the deterministic and probabilistic modeling tools require the modeling of the consequence of a release of hazardous waste. The consequence is the result of source term accident modeling (i.e., resulting from a truck accident spill) along with dispersion modeling. The source term modeling employs the use of (1) distributions of meteorological data supplied by the National Weather Service at over 60 locations uniformly distributed around the continental United States and (2) a detailed study on the US DOT HMIRS (Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System) database which encompasses information on thousands of hazardous material transportation accidents since the 1970\u27s. The study of the HMIRS database led to probability distributions on the release amounts (by transport container), breach fractions and accident time (by hour and month). A health criteria, presented at WM-94 by Hartman et. al. (1994), is used in the dispersion modeling to define human health impacts from the concentration history at each downwind location. Reasonable single values for all modeling parameters were used in the deterministic model, whereas probability distributions for release estimates and accident meteorological conditions were used for release amounts and meteorology in the probabilistic model. Realistic scenarios for the transportation accident itself were developed accounting for mixtures of chemicals released as is likely to occur. It was found that the cumulative probability distribution of the number of individuals with potentially life-threatening health effects, is highly skewed. The probability that no individuals will have potentially life-threatening health effects from these 63 shipments is greater than 99%. Therefore the median (the 50-th percentile) of the distribution is 0, and all of the non-zero potentially life-threatening health effects are contained in the upper tail of the cumulative probability distribution (less than 1% chance of occurrence). Table 1 below presents some summary statistics compiled from the distribution. Only 3 (of the 63) shipments had the potential to affect more than 500 people in a single accident. Furthermore, only 14 shipments had the potential to affect more than 100 people. Eliminating, or at least altering the waste management of these shipments, could dramatically reduce risks by reducing the probabilities for a catastrophic accident in which more than 100 people are affected. An additional observation is that the mean of the cumulative probability distribution, 3.48E-4, is located at the 99.947-th percentile and the result of the deterministic calculations of risk, 1.74E-4 (½ of the mean), is located at the 99.941-th percentile. The Monte Carlo analysis helped to provide a great deal of perspective on the deterministic risk value. The fact that there is such a large probability of zero risk and an extremely small probability of a high risk scenario can be very useful in the decision making process

    A framework for probabilistic seismic risk assessment of NG distribution networks

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    Lifelines are essential infrastructures for human activities and the economic developm ent of a region. Lifelines vulnerability reduction is an actual question, particularly with reference to NaTech events, like earthquakes. In this regard, worldwide past seismic experiences revealed heavy damages to NG distribution networks. It is therefore essential to perform seismic risk assessment of NG buried pipelines systems with the aim to identify potential criticalities and avoid significant consequences. For such reasons, this work illustrates the proposal of a probabilistic framework for seismic risk assessment of NG lifelines. The proposed procedure is subsequently applied to a specific case study in Italy to highlight its feasibility

    Mapping environmental injustices: pitfalls and potential of geographic information systems in assessing environmental health and equity.

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    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have been used increasingly to map instances of environmental injustice, the disproportionate exposure of certain populations to environmental hazards. Some of the technical and analytic difficulties of mapping environmental injustice are outlined in this article, along with suggestions for using GIS to better assess and predict environmental health and equity. I examine 13 GIS-based environmental equity studies conducted within the past decade and use a study of noxious land use locations in the Bronx, New York, to illustrate and evaluate the differences in two common methods of determining exposure extent and the characteristics of proximate populations. Unresolved issues in mapping environmental equity and health include lack of comprehensive hazards databases; the inadequacy of current exposure indices; the need to develop realistic methodologies for determining the geographic extent of exposure and the characteristics of the affected populations; and the paucity and insufficiency of health assessment data. GIS have great potential to help us understand the spatial relationship between pollution and health. Refinements in exposure indices; the use of dispersion modeling and advanced proximity analysis; the application of neighborhood-scale analysis; and the consideration of other factors such as zoning and planning policies will enable more conclusive findings. The environmental equity studies reviewed in this article found a disproportionate environmental burden based on race and/or income. It is critical now to demonstrate correspondence between environmental burdens and adverse health impacts--to show the disproportionate effects of pollution rather than just the disproportionate distribution of pollution sources

    The Benefit-Cost Analysis of Security Focused Regulations

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    Security focused regulations have been largely exempt from the benefit-cost type of analysis required for major Federal regulations and done routinely in areas such as transportation, environment and safety. among the reasons offered for exemption are the analytical difficulties of security issues involving complex or poorly understood probabilities and consequences. This paper investigates the magnitude of security focused regulations, a framework for developing an expected costs analysis of regulations, and the current "break-even" analysis used by the Department of Homeland Security. Key assumptions implicit in the current analysis are identified and suggestions are made for the difficult evolution of security regulations toward a more explicit benefit-cost analysis.Benefit-cost, homeland security, regulation

    Contributions to predicting contaminant leaching from secondary materials used in roads

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    Slags, coal ashes, and other secondary materials can be used in road construction. Both traditional and secondary materials used in roads may contain contaminants that may leach and pollute the groundwater. The goal of this research was to further the understanding of leaching and transport of contaminants from pavement materials. Towards this goal, a new probabilistic framework was introduced which provided a structured guidance for selecting the appropriate model, incorporating uncertainty, variability, and expert opinion, and interpreting results for decision making. In addition to the framework, specific contributions were made in pavement and embankment hydrology and reactive transport, Bayesian statistics, and aqueous geochemistry of leaching. Contributions on water movement and reactive transport in highways included probabilistic prediction of leaching in an embankment, and scenario analyses of leaching and transport in pavements using HYDRUS2D, a contaminant fate and transport model. Water flow in a Minnesota highway embankment was replicated by Bayesian calibration of hydrological parameters against water content data. Extent of leaching of Cd from a coal fly ash was estimated. Two dimensional simulations of various scenarios showed that salts in the base layer of pavements are depleted within the first year whereas the metals may never reach the groundwater if the pavement is built on adsorbing soils. Aqueous concentrations immediately above the groundwater estimated for intact and damaged pavements can be used for regulators to determine the acceptability of various recycled materials. Contributions in the aqueous geochemistry of leaching included a new modeling approach for leaching of anions and cations from complex matrices such as weathered steel slag. The novelty of the method was its simultaneous inclusion of sorption and solubility controls for multiple analytes. The developed model showed that leaching of SO4, Cr, As, Si, Ca, Mg, and V were controlled by corresponding soluble solids. Leaching of Pb was controlled by Pb(VO4)3 solubility at low pHs and by surface precipitation reactions at high pHs. Leaching of Cd and Zn were controlled by surface complexation and surface precipitation, respectively

    Ways to improve safety of a pumping-circulatory system of a drilling rig

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    Purpose. To modernize a pumping-circulatory system of a drilling rig in order to improve the environmental safety data, reliability, and convenience during oil well construction. Methods. Methods of system analysis of the conditions and use of different design features of facilities and equipment of pumping-circulatory systems for well washing with muds have been applied. Computer modeling has been performed to assess the risks of pumping-circulatory station operation; theoretical and experimental data have been evaluated and generalized to develop environmentally friendly pumping-circulatory system. Findings. Improved design of a pumping-circulatory system which components are made of elastic (e.g. rubber-textile) materials has been proposed; the design provides air-tightness and prevents harmful substances from penetrating into the environment. Modernized pumping-circulatory system allows obtaining efficient operation results since it meets following requirements: quick readjustment to the drilling mode under certain conditions; minimum time for transportation to the operating site, assembling and disassembling; compactness and mobility; convenient and safe labor conditions for the personnel; and considerable damage-resistance. Originality. The paper demonstrates the approach aimed at the increase of environmental safety level, labor protection, and efficiency of operating processes in terms of pumping-circulatory system based on stage-by-stage study of different sections of the equipment, technological processes, and impact of the related substances. The research has made it possible to determine the ways for the improvement of separate equipment units as well as to define their positioning and provide proper operation modes. That approach, aimed at the increase of the environmental safety level of the industry, is appropriate to be applied at other stages of the life cycle of oil and gas industry.Мета. Вдосконалення насосно-циркуляційної системи бурової установки для покращення показників екологічної безпеки, надійності та зручності при спорудженні нафтогазових свердловин. Методика. Використано методи системного аналізу умов і досвіду експлуатації різноманітних конструктивних особливостей пристроїв та обладнання насосно-циркуляційних систем для промивання свердловин буровими розчинами. Проведено комп’ютерне моделювання оцінки ризиків при роботі насосно-циркуляційної системи, а також оцінювання й узагальнення теоретичних та експериментальних даних для можливості створення екологічно безпечної насосно-циркуляційної системи. Результати. Запропоновано вдосконалену схему насосно-циркуляційної системи, особливостями якої є виконання складових з еластичного матеріалу (наприклад, гумовотканинного), який забезпечує герметичність та ізоляцію шкідливих речовин від потрапляння в навколишнє середовище. Модернізована насосно-циркуляційна система, з точки зору досягнення ефективних виробничих результатів, задовольняє наступні вимоги: оперативно переналагоджується на метод буріння, який відповідає конкретним умовам; має мінімальні витрати часу на перевезення до місця роботи, монтаж і демонтаж; є компактною для підвищення маневреності; має комфортні та безпечні умови праці для обслуговуючого персоналу; володіє мінімальною схильністю до ушкоджень. Наукова новизна. В роботі продемонстровано підхід для підвищення рівня екологічної безпеки, охорони праці та якості виробничих процесів на прикладі насосно-циркуляційної системи, який базується на поетапному дослідженні різних ділянок обладнання, технологічних процесів і впливу речовин, що їх супроводжують. Це дало можливість встановити напрями вдосконалення обладнання: підібрати найбільш відповідні матеріали для виконання окремих одиниць обладнання, визначити їх розташування та забезпечити необхідні режими роботи. Такий підхід для підвищення рівня екологічної безпеки доцільно використовувати й на інших етапах життєвого циклу нафтогазової галузі. Практична значимість. Запропонована насосно-циркуляційна система потребує мінімальних фінансових витрат на транспортування, монтаж, експлуатацію, обслуговування й демонтаж.Цель. Совершенствование насосно-циркуляционной системы буровой установки для улучшения показателей экологической безопасности, надежности и удобства при сооружении нефтегазовых скважин. Методика. Использованы методы системного анализа условий и опыта эксплуатации различных конструктивных особенностей устройств и оборудования насосно-циркуляционных систем для промывки скважин буровыми растворами. Проведено компьютерное моделирование оценки рисков при работе насосно-циркуля-ционной системы, а также оценка и обобщение теоретических и экспериментальных данных для возможности создания экологически безопасной насосно-циркуляционной системы. Результаты. Предложена усовершенствованная схема насосно-циркуляционной системы, особенностями которой является выполнение составляющих из эластичного материала (например, резинотканевого), обеспечивающего герметичность и изоляцию вредных веществ от попадания в окружающую среду. Модернизированная насосно-циркуляционная система, с точки зрения достижения эффективных производственных результатов, удовлетворяет следующим требованиям: оперативно переналаживается на метод бурения, который соответствует конкретным условиям; имеет минимальные затраты времени на перевозку до места работы, монтаж и демонтаж; является компактной для повышения маневренности; имеет комфортные и безопасные условия труда для обслуживающего персонала; обладает минимальной склонностью к повреждениям. Научная новизна. В работе продемонстрирован подход для повышения уровня экологической безопасности, охраны труда и качества производственных процессов на примере насосно-циркуляционной системы, основанный на поэтапном исследовании различных участков оборудования, технологических процессов и влиянии сопровождающих веществ. Это позволило установить направления совершенствования оборудования: подобрать наиболее подходящие материалы для выполнения отдельных единиц оборудования, определить их расположение и обеспечить необходимые режимы работы. Такой подход для повышения уровня экологической безопасности целесообразно использовать и на других этапах жизненного цикла нефтегазовой отрасли. Практическая значимость. Предложенная насосно-циркуляционная система требует минимальных финансовых затрат на транспортировку, монтаж, эксплуатацию, обслуживание и демонтаж.Authors of the paper express their gratitude to the Rector of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yevstakhii Ivanovych Kryzhanivskyi for his assistance in the research