454 research outputs found

    Smile from the Past: A general option pricing framework with multiple volatility and leverage components

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    In the current literature, the analytical tractability of discrete time option pricing models is guarantee only for rather specific type of models and pricing kernels. We propose a very general and fully analytical option pricing framework encompassing a wide class of discrete time models featuring multiple components structure in both volatility and leverage and a flexible pricing kernel with multiple risk premia. Although the proposed framework is general enough to include either GARCH-type volatility, Realized Volatility or a combination of the two, in this paper we focus on realized volatility option pricing models by extending the Heterogeneous Autoregressive Gamma (HARG) model of Corsi et al. (2012) to incorporate heterogeneous leverage structures with multiple components, while preserving closed-form solutions for option prices. Applying our analytically tractable asymmetric HARG model to a large sample of S&P 500 index options, we evidence its superior ability to price out-of-the-money options compared to existing benchmarks

    GARCH option pricing under skew.

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    This article is an empirical study dedicated to the GARCH Option pricing model of Duan (1995) applied to the FTSE 100 European style options for various maturities. We analyze the validity of the model given its ability to price one-day ahead out-of-sample call options and also its ability to capture the empirical dynamic of the volatility skew. First, we get a severe mispricing for deep out-of-the-money and short term call options. Second, this model reveals a good ability to capture the change of regime in the implied volatility surface.GARCH model; Monte Carlo simulations; Implied Volatility; Volatility Smile;

    GARCH Option Pricing Under Skew

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    This article is an empirical study dedicated to the GARCH Option pricing model of Duan (1995) applied to the FTSE 100 European style options for various maturities. The beauty of this model is to have used the standard GARCH theory in an option perspective and also it is its flexibility to adapt to different rich GARCH specifications. We analyze the valididy of the model given its ability to price one-day ahead out- of-sample call options and also its ability to capture the empirical dynamic of the volatility skew. We get severe mispricing for deep out- of-the-money and short term call options, which tend to decrease the global performance of the model that is relatively correct. We note that long term skews tend to be more stable across time and strikes, which explains why we had a decreasing pricing bias for longer maturity contracts. We also get that skews tend to deform into smiles as we go toward the expiry date. This model reveals a good ability to capture the change of regime in the implied volatility surface judging from the transformation observed from smiles to skews.GARCH Option models, Monte Carlo simulations, Implied Volatility,Volatility Smile.

    Interest Rate Caps Smile Too! But Can the LIBOR Market Models Capture It?

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    Using more than two years of daily interest rate cap price data, this paper provides a systematic documentation of a volatility smile in cap prices. We find that Black (1976) implied volatilities exhibit an asymmetric smile (sometimes called a sneer) with a stronger skew for in-the-money caps than out-of-the-money caps. The volatility smile is time varying and is more pronounced after September 11, 2001. We also study the ability of generalized LIBOR market models to capture this smile. We show that the best performing model has constant elasticity of variance combined with uncorrelated stochastic volatility or upward jumps. However, this model still has a bias for short- and medium-term caps. In addition, it appears that large negative jumps are needed after September 11, 2001. We conclude that the existing class of LIBOR market models can not fully capture the volatility smileLIBOR market models, volatility smile, interest rate caps

    Predictable dynamics in the S&P 500 index options implied volatility surface

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    One key stylized fact in the empirical option pricing literature is the existence of an implied volatility surface (IVS). The usual approach consists of fitting a linear model linking the implied volatility to the time to maturity and the moneyness, for each cross section of options data. However, recent empirical evidence suggests that the parameters characterizing the IVS change over time. In this paper we study whether the resulting predictability patterns in the IVS coefficients may be exploited in practice. We propose a two-stage approach to modeling and forecasting the S&P 500 index options IVS. In the first stage we model the surface along the cross-sectional moneyness and time-to-maturity dimensions, similarly to Dumas et al. (1998). In the second-stage we model the dynamics of the cross-sectional first-stage implied volatility surface coefficients by means of vector autoregression models. We find that not only the S&P 500 implied volatility surface can be successfully modeled, but also that its movements over time are highly predictable in a statistical sense. We then examine the economic significance of this statistical predictability with mixed findings. Whereas profitable delta-hedged positions can be set up that exploit the dynamics captured by the model under moderate transaction costs and when trading rules are selective in terms of expected gains from the trades, most of this profitability disappears when we increase the level of transaction costs and trade multiple contracts off wide segments of the IVS. This suggests that predictability of the time-varying S&P 500 implied volatility surface may be not inconsistent with market efficiency.Assets (Accounting) ; Prices

    Option pricing under stochastic volatility: the exponential Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model

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    We study the pricing problem for a European call option when the volatility of the underlying asset is random and follows the exponential Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model. The random diffusion model proposed is a two-dimensional market process that takes a log-Brownian motion to describe price dynamics and an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck subordinated process describing the randomness of the log-volatility. We derive an approximate option price that is valid when (i) the fluctuations of the volatility are larger than its normal level, (ii) the volatility presents a slow driving force toward its normal level and, finally, (iii) the market price of risk is a linear function of the log-volatility. We study the resulting European call price and its implied volatility for a range of parameters consistent with daily Dow Jones Index data.Comment: 26 pages, 6 colored figure

    Analysis of the Exchange Rate and Pricing Foreign Currency Options on the Croatian Market: the NGARCH Model as an Alternative to the Black-Scholes Model

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    The interest of professional investors in financial derivatives on the Croatian market is steadily increasing and trading is expected to start after the establishment of the legal framework. The quantification of the fair price of such financial instruments is therefore becoming increasingly important. Once the derivatives market is formed, the use of the Black-Scholes option pricing model is also expected. However, contrary to the assumptions of the Black-Scholes model, research in the field of option markets worldwide suggests that the volatility of the time-series returns is not constant over time. The present study analyzes the implications of volatility that changes over time for option pricing. The nonlinear-in-mean asymmetric GARCH model that reflects asymmetry in the distribution of returns and the correlation between returns and variance is recommended. For the purpose of illustration, we use the NGARCH model for the pricing of foreign currency options. Possible prices for such options having different strikes and maturities are then determined using Monte Carlo simulations. The improvement provided by the NGARCH model is that the option price is a function of the risk premium embedded in the underlying asset. This contrasts with the standard preference-free option pricing result that is obtained in the Black-Scholes model.Black-Scholes model, NGARCH model, heteroscedasticity, volatility, risk premium, risk-neutral measure, no arbitrage, Monte Carlo simulations.


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    There is now an extensive literature on modeling the implied volatility surface (IVS) as a function of options’ strike prices and time to maturity. The polynomial parameterization is one of these approaches and it provides a simple and efficient way for practitioners to estimate implied volatility. This project tests the predictive capability of this methodology in the post-financial crisis market. Using data for the period from July 1st, 2012 to June 30th, 2015 for European puts and calls of the S&P 500 index options, we estimate a vector autoregressive model to capture the dynamics of the IVS. Our results show that this methodology has better predictive capability on IVS of index options in post-financial crisis market than on IVS of equity options in pre-financial crisis period

    A closed-form GARCH option pricing model

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    This paper develops a closed-form option pricing formula for a spot asset whose variance follows a GARCH process. The model allows for correlation between returns of the spot asset and variance and also admits multiple lags in the dynamics of the GARCH process. The single-factor (one-lag) version of this model contains Heston's (1993) stochastic volatility model as a diffusion limit and therefore unifies the discrete-time GARCH and continuous-time stochastic volatility literature of option pricing. The new model provides the first readily computed option formula for a random volatility model in which current volatility is easily estimated from historical asset prices observed at discrete intervals. Empirical analysis on S&P 500 index options shows the single-factor version of the GARCH model to be a substantial improvement over the Black-Scholes (1973) model. The GARCH model continues to substantially outperform the Black-Scholes model even when the Black-Scholes model is updated every period and uses implied volatilities from option prices, while the parameters of the GARCH model are held constant and volatility is filtered from the history of asset prices. The improvement is due largely to the ability of the GARCH model to describe the correlation of volatility with spot returns. This allows the GARCH model to capture strike-price biases in the Black-Scholes model that give rise to the skew in implied volatilities in the index options market.Econometric models ; Financial markets ; Options (Finance) ; Prices
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