4,154 research outputs found

    Fast and Efficient Formulations for Electroencephalography-Based Neuroimaging Strategies

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    Applications of Finite Element Modeling for Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems

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    Modern engineering practice requires advanced numerical modeling because, among other things, it reduces the costs associated with prototyping or predicting the occurrence of potentially dangerous situations during operation in certain defined conditions. Thus far, different methods have been used to implement the real structure into the numerical version. The most popular uses have been variations of the finite element method (FEM). The aim of this Special Issue has been to familiarize the reader with the latest applications of the FEM for the modeling and analysis of diverse mechanical problems. Authors are encouraged to provide a concise description of the specific application or a potential application of the Special Issue

    Numerical solutions of EMC problems of small airplanes

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    Disertace popisuje současné problémy v certifikaci malých letadel, které by se měly v budoucnu řešit numerickým modelováním. Tento postup má zefektivnit návrh a zlevnit certifikaci letadel. Práce je úzce spjata s projektem HIRF-SE, který se problematikou certifikace letadel numerickými metodami zabývá. Podstatná část práce je věnována popisu dvou modulů pro platformu HIRF-SE: řešič BUTFE založený na metodě konečných prvků v časové oblasti a budicí nástroj BUTFE_EXC. Práce popisuje řešení pohlcujících okrajových podmínek, modelování disperzních a anizotropních materiálů a aproximaci tenkých drátů. Speciální pozornost je věnována řešení aproximace tenkých drátů s ostrými ohyby, jejíž současná formulace způsobuje překryvy mezi jednotlivými segmenty drátu.The dissertation describes actual problems in certifying small airplanes, which are to be solved by numerical modeling of the airplanes. The work is closely linked to the European project HIRF-SE, which deals with this problem. The essential part of the work is devoted to describing design of two modules within the HIRF SE framework: time-domain finite-element solver BUTFE and its excitation module BUTFE_EXC. The thesis describes solution of absorbing boundary conditions, dispersive media, anisotropy and thin wire approximation. Special attention is devoted to a proper approximation of thin wires with sharp bends. Current implementation of the approximation leads to overlaps of wire segments.

    Electromagnetic Environment In Payload Fairing Cavities

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    An accurate determination of a spacecraft’s radio frequency electromagnetic field environment during launch and flight is critical for mission success. Typical fairing structures consist of a parabolic nose and a cylindrical core with diameters of 1 to 5 meters resulting in electrically large dimensions for typical operational sources at S, C and X band where the free space wavelength varies from 0.15 m to 0.03 m. These electrically large size and complex structures at present have internal fairing electromagnetic field evaluation that is limited to general approximation methods and some test data. Though many of today’s computational electromagnetic tools can model increasingly complex and large structures, they still have many limitations when used for field determination in electrically large cavities. In this dissertation, a series of test anchored, full wave computational electromagnetic models along with a novel application of the equivalent material property technique are presented to address the electrical, geometrical, and boundary constraints for electromagnetic field determination in composite fairing cavity structures and fairings with acoustic blanketing layers. Both external and internal excitations for these fairing configurations are examined for continuous wave and transient sources. A novel modification of the Nicholson Ross Weir technique is successfully applied to both blanketed aluminum and composite fairing structures and a significant improvement in computational efficiency over the multilayered model approach is obtained. The advantages and disadvantages of using commercially available tools by incorporating Multilevel Fast Multipole Method (MLFMM) and higher order method of moments (HO MoM) to extend their application of MoM to electrically large objects is examined for each continuous wave transmission case. The results obtained with these models are ii compared with those obtained using approximation techniques based on the Q factor, commonly utilized in the industry, and a significant improvement is seen in a prediction of the fields in these large cavity structures. A statistical distribution of data points within the fairing cavity is examined to study the nature of the fairing cavity field distribution and the effect of the presence of a spacecraft load on these fields is also discussed. In addition, a model with external application of Green’s function is examined to address the shielding effectiveness of honeycomb panels in a fairing cavity. Accurate data for lightning induced effects within a fairing structure is not available and hence in this dissertation, a transmission line matrix method model is used to examine induced lightning effects inside a graphite composite fairing structure. The simulated results are compared with test data and show good agreement

    Characterization and Modelling of Composites, Volume II

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    Composites have been increasingly used in various structural components in the aerospace, marine, automotive, and wind energy sectors. Composites’ material characterization is a vital part of the product development and production process. Physical, mechanical, and chemical characterization helps developers to further their understanding of products and materials, thus ensuring quality control. Achieving an in-depth understanding and consequent improvement of the general performance of these materials, however, still requires complex material modeling and simulation tools, which are often multiscale and encompass multiphysics. This Special Issue is aimed at soliciting promising, recent developments in composite modeling, simulation, and characterization, in both design and manufacturing areas, including experimental as well as industrial-scale case studies. All submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous review and will only be considered for publication if they meet journal standards
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