106 research outputs found

    Topic Uncovering and Image Annotation via Scalable Probit Normal Correlated Topic Models

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    Topic uncovering of the latent topics have become an active research area for more than a decade and continuous to receive contributions from all disciplines including computer science, information science and statistics. Since the introduction of Latent Dirichlet Allocation in 2003, many intriguing extension models have been proposed. One such extension model is the logistic normal correlated topic model, which not only uncovers hidden topic of a document, but also extract a meaningful topical relationship among a large number of topics. In this model, the Logistic normal distribution was adapted via the transformation of multivariate Gaussian variables to model the topical distribution of documents in the presence of correlations among topics. In this thesis, we propose a Probit normal alternative approach to modelling correlated topical structures. Our use of the Probit model in the context of topic discovery is novel, as many authors have so far concentrated solely of the logistic model partly due to the formidable inefficiency of the multinomial Probit model even in the case of very small topical spaces. We herein circumvent the inefficiency of multinomial Probit estimation by using an adaptation of the Diagonal Orthant Multinomial Probit (DO-Probit) in the topic models context, resulting in the ability of our topic modelling scheme to handle corpuses with a large number of latent topics. In addition, we extended our model and implement it into the context of image annotation by developing an efficient Collapsed Gibbs Sampling scheme. Furthermore, we employed various high performance computing techniques such as memory-aware Map Reduce, SpareseLDA implementation, vectorization and block sampling as well as some numerical efficiency strategy to allow fast and efficient sampling of our algorithm

    Residual Component Analysis

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    Probabilistic principal component analysis (PPCA) seeks a low dimensional representation of a data set in the presence of independent spherical Gaussian noise, Sigma = (sigma^2)*I. The maximum likelihood solution for the model is an eigenvalue problem on the sample covariance matrix. In this paper we consider the situation where the data variance is already partially explained by other factors, e.g. covariates of interest, or temporal correlations leaving some residual variance. We decompose the residual variance into its components through a generalized eigenvalue problem, which we call residual component analysis (RCA). We show that canonical covariates analysis (CCA) is a special case of our algorithm and explore a range of new algorithms that arise from the framework. We illustrate the ideas on a gene expression time series data set and the recovery of human pose from silhouette

    Max-and-Smooth: a two-step approach for approximate Bayesian inference in latent Gaussian models

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) via the DOI in this record. With modern high-dimensional data, complex statistical models are necessary, requiring computationally feasible inference schemes. We introduce Max-and-Smooth, an approximate Bayesian inference scheme for a flexible class of latent Gaussian models (LGMs) where one or more of the likelihood parameters are modeled by latent additive Gaussian processes. Max-and-Smooth consists of two-steps. In the first step (Max), the likelihood function is approximated by a Gaussian density with mean and covariance equal to either (a) the maximum likelihood estimate and the inverse observed information, respectively, or (b) the mean and covariance of the normalized likelihood function. In the second step (Smooth), the latent parameters and hyperparameters are inferred and smoothed with the approximated likelihood function. The proposed method ensures that the uncertainty from the first step is correctly propagated to the second step. Since the approximated likelihood function is Gaussian, the approximate posterior density of the latent parameters of the LGM (conditional on the hyperparameters) is also Gaussian, thus facilitating efficient posterior inference in high dimensions. Furthermore, the approximate marginal posterior distribution of the hyperparameters is tractable, and as a result, the hyperparameters can be sampled independently of the latent parameters. In the case of a large number of independent data replicates, sparse precision matrices, and high-dimensional latent vectors, the speedup is substantial in comparison to an MCMC scheme that infers the posterior density from the exact likelihood function. The proposed inference scheme is demonstrated on one spatially referenced real dataset and on simulated data mimicking spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal inference problems. Our results show that Max-and-Smooth is accurate and fast.NER

    Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using lme4

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    Maximum likelihood or restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimates of the parameters in linear mixed-effects models can be determined using the lmer function in the lme4 package for R. As for most model-fitting functions in R, the model is described in an lmer call by a formula, in this case including both fixed- and random-effects terms. The formula and data together determine a numerical representation of the model from which the profiled deviance or the profiled REML criterion can be evaluated as a function of some of the model parameters. The appropriate criterion is optimized, using one of the constrained optimization functions in R, to provide the parameter estimates. We describe the structure of the model, the steps in evaluating the profiled deviance or REML criterion, and the structure of classes or types that represents such a model. Sufficient detail is included to allow specialization of these structures by users who wish to write functions to fit specialized linear mixed models, such as models incorporating pedigrees or smoothing splines, that are not easily expressible in the formula language used by lmer

    Latent Multimodal Functional Graphical Model Estimation

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    Joint multimodal functional data acquisition, where functional data from multiple modes are measured simultaneously from the same subject, has emerged as an exciting modern approach enabled by recent engineering breakthroughs in the neurological and biological sciences. One prominent motivation to acquire such data is to enable new discoveries of the underlying connectivity by combining multimodal signals. Despite the scientific interest, there remains a gap in principled statistical methods for estimating the graph underlying multimodal functional data. To this end, we propose a new integrative framework that models the data generation process and identifies operators mapping from the observation space to the latent space. We then develop an estimator that simultaneously estimates the transformation operators and the latent graph. This estimator is based on the partial correlation operator, which we rigorously extend from the multivariate to the functional setting. Our procedure is provably efficient, with the estimator converging to a stationary point with quantifiable statistical error. Furthermore, we show recovery of the latent graph under mild conditions. Our work is applied to analyze simultaneously acquired multimodal brain imaging data where the graph indicates functional connectivity of the brain. We present simulation and empirical results that support the benefits of joint estimation

    Bayesian inference for group-level cortical surface image-on-scalar-regression with Gaussian process priors

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    In regression-based analyses of group-level neuroimage data researchers typically fit a series of marginal general linear models to image outcomes at each spatially-referenced pixel. Spatial regularization of effects of interest is usually induced indirectly by applying spatial smoothing to the data during preprocessing. While this procedure often works well, resulting inference can be poorly calibrated. Spatial modeling of effects of interest leads to more powerful analyses, however the number of locations in a typical neuroimage can preclude standard computation with explicitly spatial models. Here we contribute a Bayesian spatial regression model for group-level neuroimaging analyses. We induce regularization of spatially varying regression coefficient functions through Gaussian process priors. When combined with a simple nonstationary model for the error process, our prior hierarchy can lead to more data-adaptive smoothing than standard methods. We achieve computational tractability through Vecchia approximation of our prior which, critically, can be constructed for a wide class of spatial correlation functions and results in prior models that retain full spatial rank. We outline several ways to work with our model in practice and compare performance against standard vertex-wise analyses. Finally we illustrate our method in an analysis of cortical surface fMRI task contrast data from a large cohort of children enrolled in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study

    A tensor based approach for temporal topic modeling

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2016, Director: Jordi Vitrià i MarcaLatent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) are a suite of algorithms that are often used for topic modeling. We study the statistical model behind LDA and review how tensor methods can be used for learning LDA, as well as implement a variation of an already existing method. Next, we present an innovative algorithm for temporal topic modeling and provide a new dataset for learning topic models over time. Last, we create a visualization for the word-topic probabilities