27 research outputs found

    Floating Point Arithmetic for Transport Triggered Architectures

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    Laskentajärjestelmiin kohdistuu usein suorituskyky- ja virrankulutusvaatimuksia, joita ei pystytä saavuttamaan yleiskäyttöisellä prosessorilla. Toistaalta laitteistokiihdyttimien suunnittelu voi vaatia kohtuuttoman paljon työaikaa. Ongelmaa voidaan lähestyä käyttämällä sovellusta varten räätälöityä sovelluskohtaista käskykantaprosessoria (Application-Specific Instruction set Processor, ASIP), joka on kuitenkin ohjelmoitava. Prosessorin räätälöinnin täytyy olla pitkälle automatisoitua säästääkseen kustannuksia. TTA-based Codesign Environment (TCE) on siirtoliipaistuun prosessoriarkkitehtuuriin (Transport Triggered Architecture, TTA) perustuva ASIP-kehitysympäristö. TTA on arkkitehtuurina helposti räätälöitävä ja joustaa pienistä ytimistä suuritehoisiin pitkän käskysanan suorittimiin. Useat tieteellisen laskennan ja signaalinkäsittelyn sovellukset, joissa TTA:n skaalautuvuudesta ja käskytason rinnakkaisuudesta olisi erityistä hyötyä, vaativat tuen laitteistokiihdytetylle liukulukulaskennalle. Tässä diplomityössä suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin TCE-projektia varten sarja liukulukuyksiköitä. Yksiköiden suunnittelussa pyrittiin alustariippumattomuuteen sekä korkeaan suorituskykyyn Field Programmable Gate Array alustoilla (FPGA) jopa tinkimällä tuetusta liukulukustandardista. Yksiköt sisältävät työkalut puolen tarkkuuden liukulukulaskentaan. Lisäksi työssä esitetään erikoiskäskyihin perustuvat nopeat algoritmit liukulukujakolaskun ja -neliöjuuren laskentaan. Yksiköiden toiminta varmistettiin automaattisella rekisterisiirtotason (Register Transfer Level, RTL) testipenkillä. Vertailussa Altera Stratix-II-FPGA:lla yksiköt pääsivät lähelle Alteran omien liukulukuyksiköiden suorituskykyä. Uudemmalla Xilinx Virtex-6-FPGA:lla korkein mahdollinen suorituskyky vaatisi tiheämpää liukuhihnoitusta


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    Modern central processing units (CPUs) employ arithmetic logic units (ALUs) that support statically defined precisions, often adhering to industry standards. Although CPU manufacturers highly optimize their ALUs, industry standard precisions embody accuracy and performance compromises for general purpose deployment. Hence, optimizing ALU precision holds great potential for improving speed and energy efficiency. Previous research on multiple precision ALUs focused on predefined, static precisions. Little previous work addressed ALU architectures with customized, dynamically defined precision. This dissertation presents approaches for developing dynamic precision ALU architectures for both fixed-point and floating-point to enable better performance, energy efficiency, and numeric accuracy. These new architectures enable dynamically defined precision, including support for vectorization. The new architectures also prevent performance and energy loss due to applying unnecessarily high precision on computations, which often happens with statically defined standard precisions. The new ALU architectures support different precisions through the use of configurable sub-blocks, with this dissertation including demonstration implementations for floating point adder, multiply, and fused multiply-add (FMA) circuits with 4-bit sub-blocks. For these circuits, the dynamic precision ALU speed is nearly the same as traditional ALU approaches, although the dynamic precision ALU is nearly twice as large

    Integrated Programmable-Array accelerator to design heterogeneous ultra-low power manycore architectures

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    There is an ever-increasing demand for energy efficiency (EE) in rapidly evolving Internet-of-Things end nodes. This pushes researchers and engineers to develop solutions that provide both Application-Specific Integrated Circuit-like EE and Field-Programmable Gate Array-like flexibility. One such solution is Coarse Grain Reconfigurable Array (CGRA). Over the past decades, CGRAs have evolved and are competing to become mainstream hardware accelerators, especially for accelerating Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications. Due to the over-specialization of computing architectures, the focus is shifting towards fitting an extensive data representation range into fewer bits, e.g., a 32-bit space can represent a more extensive data range with floating-point (FP) representation than an integer representation. Computation using FP representation requires numerous encodings and leads to complex circuits for the FP operators, decreasing the EE of the entire system. This thesis presents the design of an EE ultra-low-power CGRA with native support for FP computation by leveraging an emerging paradigm of approximate computing called transprecision computing. We also present the contributions in the compilation toolchain and system-level integration of CGRA in a System-on-Chip, to envision the proposed CGRA as an EE hardware accelerator. Finally, an extensive set of experiments using real-world algorithms employed in near-sensor processing applications are performed, and results are compared with state-of-the-art (SoA) architectures. It is empirically shown that our proposed CGRA provides better results w.r.t. SoA architectures in terms of power, performance, and area

    Comparative study of tool-flows for rapid prototyping of software-defined radio digital signal processing

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    This dissertation is a comparative study of tool-flows for rapid prototyping of SDR DSP operations on programmable hardware platforms. The study is divided into two parts, focusing on high-level tool-flows for implementing SDR DSP operations on FPGA and GPU platforms respectively. In this dissertation, the term ‘tool-flow’ refers to a tool or a chain of tools that facilitate the mapping of an application description specified in a programming language into one or more programmable hardware platforms. High-level tool-flows use different techniques, such as high-level synthesis to allow the designer to specify the application from a high level of abstraction and achieve improved productivity without significant degradation in the design’s performance. SDR is an emerging communications technology that is driven by - among other factors – increasing demands for high-speed, interoperable and versatile communications systems. The key idea in SDR is the need to implement as many as possible of the radio functions that were traditionally defined in fixed hardware, in software on programmable hardware processors instead. The most commonly used processors are based on complex parallel computing architectures in order to support the high-speed processing demands of SDR applications, and they include FPGAs, GPUs and multicore general-purpose processors (GPPs) and DSPs. The architectural complexity of these processors results in a corresponding increase in programming methodologies which however impedes their wider adoption in suitable applications domains, including SDR DSP. In an effort to address this, a plethora of different high-level tool-flows have been developed. Several comparative studies of these tool-flows have been done to help – among other benefits – designers in choosing high-level tools to use. However, there are few studies that focus on SDR DSP operations, and most existing comparative studies are not based on well-defined comparison criteria. The approach implemented in this dissertation is to use a system engineering design process, firstly, to define the qualitative comparison criteria in the form of a specification for an ideal high-level SDR DSP tool-flow and, secondly, to implement a FIR filter case study in each of the tool-flows to enable a quantitative comparison in terms of programming effort and performance. The study considers Migen- and MyHDL-based open-source tool-flows for FPGA targets, and CUDA and Open Computing Language (OpenCL) for GPU targets. The ideal high-level SDR DSP tool-flow specification was defined and used to conduct a comparative study of the tools across three main design categories, which included high-level modelling, verification and implementation. For tool-flows targeting GPU platforms, the FIR case study was implemented using each of the tools; it was compiled, executed on a GPU server consisting of 2 GTX Titan-X GPUs and an Intel Core i7 GPP, and lastly profiled. The tools were moreover compared in terms of programming effort, memory transfers cost and overall operation time. With regard to tool-flows with FPGA targets, the FIR case study was developed by using each tool, and then implemented on a Xilinx 7 FPGA and compared in terms of programming effort, logic utilization and timing performance

    Reconfigurable computing for large-scale graph traversal algorithms

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    This thesis proposes a reconfigurable computing approach for supporting parallel processing in large-scale graph traversal algorithms. Our approach is based on a reconfigurable hardware architecture which exploits the capabilities of both FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays) and a multi-bank parallel memory subsystem. The proposed methodology to accelerate graph traversal algorithms has been applied to three case studies, revealing that application-specific hardware customisations can benefit performance. A summary of our four contributions is as follows. First, a reconfigurable computing approach to accelerate large-scale graph traversal algorithms. We propose a reconfigurable hardware architecture which decouples computation and communication while keeping multiple memory requests in flight at any given time, taking advantage of the high bandwidth of multi-bank memory subsystems. Second, a demonstration of the effectiveness of our approach through two case studies: the breadth-first search algorithm, and a graphlet counting algorithm from bioinformatics. Both case studies involve graph traversal, but each of them adopts a different graph data representation. Third, a method for using on-chip memory resources in FPGAs to reduce off-chip memory accesses for accelerating graph traversal algorithms, through a case-study of the All-Pairs Shortest-Paths algorithm. This case study has been applied to process human brain network data. Fourth, an evaluation of an approach based on instruction-set extension for FPGA design against many-core GPUs (Graphics Processing Units), based on a set of benchmarks with different memory access characteristics. It is shown that while GPUs excel at streaming applications, the proposed approach can outperform GPUs in applications with poor locality characteristics, such as graph traversal problems.Open Acces

    Tools for efficient Deep Learning

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    In the era of Deep Learning (DL), there is a fast-growing demand for building and deploying Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) on various platforms. This thesis proposes five tools to address the challenges for designing DNNs that are efficient in time, in resources and in power consumption. We first present Aegis and SPGC to address the challenges in improving the memory efficiency of DL training and inference. Aegis makes mixed precision training (MPT) stabler by layer-wise gradient scaling. Empirical experiments show that Aegis can improve MPT accuracy by at most 4\%. SPGC focuses on structured pruning: replacing standard convolution with group convolution (GConv) to avoid irregular sparsity. SPGC formulates GConv pruning as a channel permutation problem and proposes a novel heuristic polynomial-time algorithm. Common DNNs pruned by SPGC have maximally 1\% higher accuracy than prior work. This thesis also addresses the challenges lying in the gap between DNN descriptions and executables by Polygeist for software and POLSCA for hardware. Many novel techniques, e.g. statement splitting and memory partitioning, are explored and used to expand polyhedral optimisation. Polygeist can speed up software execution in sequential and parallel by 2.53 and 9.47 times on Polybench/C. POLSCA achieves 1.5 times speedup over hardware designs directly generated from high-level synthesis on Polybench/C. Moreover, this thesis presents Deacon, a framework that generates FPGA-based DNN accelerators of streaming architectures with advanced pipelining techniques to address the challenges from heterogeneous convolution and residual connections. Deacon provides fine-grained pipelining, graph-level optimisation, and heuristic exploration by graph colouring. Compared with prior designs, Deacon shows resource/power consumption efficiency improvement of 1.2x/3.5x for MobileNets and 1.0x/2.8x for SqueezeNets. All these tools are open source, some of which have already gained public engagement. We believe they can make efficient deep learning applications easier to build and deploy.Open Acces

    Opérateurs et engins de calcul en virgule flottante et leur application à la simulation en temps réel sur FPGA

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    RÉSUMÉ La simulation en temps réel des réseaux électriques connaît un vif intérêt industriel, motivé par la réduction substantielle des coûts de développement qu'offre une telle approche de prototypage. Ainsi, la simulation en temps réel permet d'intégrer dans la boucle de la simulation du matériel au fur et à mesure sa conception, permettant du même coup d'en vérifier le bon fonctionnement dans des conditions réalistes. Néanmoins, la simulation en temps réel au moyen de CPU, telle qu'elle a été pensée depuis une quinzaine d'années, souffre de certaines limitations, notamment dans l'atteinte de pas de calcul de l'ordre de quelques micro-secondes, un requis important pour la simulation fidèle des transitoires rapides qu'exigent les convertisseurs de puissance modernes. Pour tenter d'apporter une réponse à ces difficultés, les industriels ont adopté les circuits FPGA pour la réalisation d'engins de calcul dédiés à la simulation rapide des réseaux électriques, ce qui a permis de franchir la barrière de la fréquence de commutation de 5 kHz qui était caractéristique de la simulation sur CPU. La simulation sur FPGA offre à ce titre différents avantages telle que la réduction de la latence de la boucle de simulation du matériel sous test, particulièrement du fait que le FPGA donne un accès direct aux senseurs et aux actuateurs du dispositif en cours de prototypage. Les paradigmes usuels du traitement de signal sur FPGA font qu'il est d'usage d'y opérer une arithmétique à virgule fixe. Ce format des nombres pénalise le temps de développement puisqu'il requiert du concepteur une évaluation complexe de la précision nécessaire pour représenter l'ensemble des variables du modèle mathématique. C'est pourquoi l'arithmétique à virgule flottante suscite un certain intérêt dans la simulation des réseaux sur FPGA. Cependant, les opérateurs en virgule flottante imposent de longues latences, particulièrement handicapantes dans la réalisation de lois d'intégration (trapézoïdale, Euler-arrière, etc.) pour lesquelles l'utilisation d'un accumulateur à un cycle est cruciale. En cela, la problématique de l'addition et de l'accumulation en virgule flottante forme le cœur de notre travail de recherche. Ce travail a permis l'élaboration des architectures d'accumulateurs, de multiplieurs accumulateurs (MAC) et d'opérateurs de produit scalaire (OPS) en virgule flottante, qui joueront un rôle déterminant dans la mise en œuvre de nos engins de calcul pour la simulation des réseaux électriques. Ainsi, le travail présenté dans cette thèse propose différentes contributions scientifiques au domaine de la simulation en temps réel sur FPGA. D'une part, il contribue à la formulation d'un algorithme de sommation qui est une généralisation de la technique d'auto-alignement, nantie ici d'une formulation et d'une réalisation matérielle simplifiées. Le travail établit les critères permettant de garantir la bonne exactitude des résultats, critères que nous avons établis par des démonstrations théoriques et empiriques. La thèse propose également une analyse exhaustive de l'utilisation du format redondant high radix carry-save (HRCS) dans l'addition de mantisses larges, format pour lequel deux nouveaux opérateurs arithmétiques sont proposés: un additionneur endomorphique ainsi qu'un convertisseur HRCS à conventionnel. Une fois l'addition en virgule flottante à un cycle réalisée, la thèse propose de concevoir sur FPGA des engins de calcul exploitant une architecture SIMD (single instruction, multiple data) et disposant de plusieurs MAC ou opérateurs de produit scalaire (OPS) en virgule flottante. Ces opérateurs présentent une latence très courte, permettant l'atteinte de pas de calcul de quelques centaines de nanosecondes dans la simulation de convertisseurs de puissance de moyenne complexité.----------ABSTRACT The real-time simulation of electrical networks gained a vivid industrial interest during recent years, motivated by the substantial development cost reduction that such a prototyping approach can offer. Real-time simulation allows the progressive inclusion of real hardware during its development, allowing its testing under realistic conditions. However, CPU-based simulations suffer from certain limitations such as the difficulty to reach time-steps of a few microsecond, an important challenge brought by modern power converters. Hence, industrial practitioners adopted the FPGA as a platform of choice for the implementation of calculation engines dedicated to the rapid real-time simulation of electrical networks. The reconfigurable technology broke the 5~kHz switching frequency barrier that is characteristic of CPU-based simulations. Moreover, FPGA-based real-time simulation offers many advantages, including the reduced latency of the simulation loop that is obtained thanks to a direct access to sensors and actuators. The fixed-point format is paradigmatic to FPGA-based digital signal processing. However, the format imposes a time penalty in the development process since the designer has to asses the required precision for all model variables. This fact brought an import research effort on the use of the floating-point format for the simulation of electrical networks. One of the main challenges in the use of the floating-point format are the long latencies required by the elementary arithmetic operators, particularly when an adder is used as an accumulator, an important building block for the implementation of integration rules such as the trapezoidal method. Hence, single-cycle floating-point accumulation forms the core of this research work. Our results help building such operators as accumulators, multiply-accumulators (MACs), and dot-product (DP) operators. These operators play a key role in the implementation of the proposed calculation engines. Therefore, this thesis contributes to the realm of FPGA-based real-time simulation in many ways. The research work proposes a new summation algorithm, which is a generalization of the so-called self-alignment technique. The new formulation is broader, simpler in its expression and hardware implementation. Our research helps formulating criteria to guarantee good accuracy, the criteria being established on a theoretical, as well as empirical basis. Moreover, the thesis offers a comprehensive analysis on the use of the redundant high radix carry-save (HRCS) format. The HRCS format is used to perform rapid additions of large mantissas. Two new HRCS operators are also proposed, namely an endomorphic adder and a HRCS to conventional converter. Once the mean to single-cycle accumulation is defined as a combination of the self-alignment technique and the HRCS format, the research focuses on the FPGA implementation of SIMD calculation engines using parallel floating-point MACs or DPs. The proposed operators are characterized by low latencies, allowing the engines to reach very low time-steps. The document finally discusses power electronic circuits modelling, and concludes with the presentation of a versatile calculation engine capable of simulating power converter with arbitrary topologies and up to 24 switches, while achieving time steps below 1 μs and allowing switching frequencies in the range of tens kilohertz

    A Hybrid-parallel Architecture for Applications in Bioinformatics

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    Since the advent of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology, the amount of data from whole genome sequencing has been rising fast. In turn, the availability of these resources led to the tapping of whole new research fields in molecular and cellular biology, producing even more data. On the other hand, the available computational power is only increasing linearly. In recent years though, special-purpose high-performance devices started to become prevalent in today’s scientific data centers, namely graphics processing units (GPUs) and, to a lesser extent, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Driven by the need for performance, developers started porting regular applications to GPU frameworks and FPGA configurations to exploit the special operations only these devices may perform in a timely manner. However, applications using both accelerator technologies are still rare. Major challenges in joint GPU/FPGA application development include the required deep knowledge of associated programming paradigms and the efficient communication both types of devices. In this work, two algorithms from bioinformatics are implemented on a custom hybrid-parallel hardware architecture and a highly concurrent software platform. It is shown that such a solution is not only possible to develop but also its ability to outperform implementations on similar- sized GPU or FPGA clusters in terms of both performance and energy consumption. Both algorithms analyze case/control data from genome- wide association studies to find interactions between two or three genes with different methods. Especially in the latter case, the newly available calculation power and method enables analyses of large data sets for the first time without occupying whole data centers for weeks. The success of the hybrid-parallel architecture proposal led to the development of a high- end array of FPGA/GPU accelerator pairs to provide even better runtimes and more possibilities