281 research outputs found

    Steady state torque optimal operating point control for wound rotor synchronous motors

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    This paper discusses steady state optimal control of the motor from the maximum torque point of view. The motor behavior is researched with a vector control supply in the full speed range. The optimal considerations are compared with a behavior of the classical control structures such as the unity power factor strategy

    Energy-based modeling of electric motors

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    We propose a new approach to model electrical machines based on energy considerations and construction symmetries of the motor. We detail the approach on the Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor and show that it can be extended to Synchronous Reluctance Motor and Induction Motor. Thanks to this approach we recover the usual models without any tedious computation. We also consider effects due to non-sinusoidal windings or saturation and provide experimental data

    Emerging Multiport Electrical Machines and Systems: Past Developments, Current Challenges, and Future Prospects

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    Distinct from the conventional machines with only one electrical and one mechanical port, electrical machines featuring multiple electrical/mechanical ports (the so-called multiport electrical machines) provide a compact, flexible, and highly efficient manner to convert and/or transfer energies among different ports. This paper attempts to make a comprehensive overview of the existing multiport topologies, from fundamental characteristics to advanced modeling, analysis, and control, with particular emphasis on the extensively investigated brushless doubly fed machines for highly reliable wind turbines and power split devices for hybrid electric vehicles. A qualitative review approach is mainly adopted, but strong efforts are also made to quantitatively highlight the electromagnetic and control performance. Research challenges are identified, and future trends are discussed

    Efficient Methods for the Study of Eddy-Currents Effects in Medium-Voltage Rotating Electrical Machines

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    Lo scopo di questa tesi \ue8 presentare alcuni metodi efficienti (dal punto di vista computazionale) per il calcolo degli effetti dovuti alle correnti parassite (eddy currents) in macchine elettriche rotanti in media tensione. Due applicazioni in particolare sono state considerate nel dettaglio. Inizialmente viene analizzato il fenomeno delle correnti parassite indotte nell'albero di motori asincroni a due poli e il conseguente effetto sulle prestazioni della macchina, focalizzandosi in particolare sul fattore di potenza. La seconda parte della tesi concentra la sua attenzione sullo studio dell'avviamento da rete di motori sincroni con rotore massiccio. Per ciascuna applicazione vengono introdotte alcune procedure di calcolo, facenti uso di opportuni modelli numerici basati sul metodo degli elementi finiti, per mezzo delle quali vengono adeguatamente calcolati i parametri dei circuiti equivalenti di macchina, tenendo conto degli effetti legati alle correnti parassite. I modelli numerici sono opportunamente definiti, in modo tale da ridurre al massimo la complessit\ue0 delle geometrie e il conseguente onere computazionale. I risultati delle procedure innovative qui proposte sono confrontati con i dati provenienti da prove sperimentali sulle macchine oggetto di studio e con analoghi risultati di calcolo dedotti tramite le procedure comunemente utilizzate. Il confronto fra questi dati ha dimostrato che gli approcci di calcolo introdotti in questa tesi permettono di ottenere risultati con un elevato livello di accuratezza e una netta riduzione dell'onere computazionale.The efficient computation of eddy-current effects in medium voltage electric machines is discussed in this dissertation. Two particular cases are considered. Firstly, the effects of shaft eddy-currents on two-pole induction motor performance is addressed, with special focus on the power factor. In the second part of the thesis the start-up calculation of a large synchronous motor with solid rotor is analyzed. For each application a special calculation procedure is introduced. These procedures adopt a set of suitable finite-element models to properly compute the machine equivalent circuit parameters that are mainly influenced by eddy-current-related phenomena. By suitably choosing finite-element models boundary conditions and excitations their geometry is simplified to the maximum possible extent, in order to reduce the computational burden. The results of the new calculation methods are compared with experimental data and with analogous results obtained from commonly-adopted calculation procedures. The comparison proves that the proposed approaches can lead to high accuracy levels with very remarkable computational savings

    Design Simulation and Experiments on Electrical Machines for Integrated Starter-Generator Applications

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    This thesis presents two different non-permanent magnet machine designs for belt-driven integrated starter-generator (B-ISG) applications. The goal of this project is to improve the machine performance over a benchmark classical switched reluctance machine (SRM) in terms of efficiency, control complexity, torque ripple level and power factor. The cost penalty due to the necessity of a specially designed H-bridge machine inverter is also taken into consideration by implementation of a conventional AC inverter. The first design changes the classical SRM winding configuration to utilise both self-inductance and mutual-inductance in torque production. This allows the use of AC sinusoidal current with lower cost and comparable or even increased torque density. Torque density can be further increased by using a bipolar square current drive with optimum conduction angle. A reduction in control difficulty is also achieved by adoption of standard AC machine control theory. Despite these merits, the inherently low power factor and poor field weakening capability makes these machines unfavourable in B-ISG applications. The second design is a wound rotor synchronous machine (WRSM). From FE analysis, a six pole geometry presents a lower loss level over four pole geometry. Torque ripple and iron loss are effectively reduced by the use of an eccentric rotor pole. To determine the minimum copper loss criteria, a novel algorithm is proposed over the conventional Lagrange method, where the deviation is lowered from ± 10% to ± 1%, and the simulation time is reduced from hours to minutes on standard desktop PC hardware. With the proposed design and control strategies, the WRSM delivers a comparable field weakening capability and a higher efficiency compared with the benchmark SRM under the New European Driving Cycle, where a reduction in machine losses of 40% is possible. Nevertheless, the wound rotor structure brings mechanical and thermal challenges. A speed limit of 11,000 rpm is imposed by centrifugal forces. A maximum continuous motoring power of 3.8 kW is imposed by rotor coil temperature performance, which is extended to 5 kW by a proposed temperature balancing method. A prototype machine is then constructed, where the minimum copper loss criteria is experimentally validated. A discrepancy of no more than 10% is shown in back-EMF, phase voltage, average torque and loss from FE simulation

    Iron Loss Computation in a Synchronous Machine from a Static Field Solution

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    Owing to the increasing energy demand, a highly efficient synchronous machine can play a crucial role in energy saving by reducing energy consumption. An optimum machine design requires a good estimation of the power losses, particularly the iron loss due to the complexity involved with the accurate loss prediction. The prediction of iron loss in the synchronous machine has drawn massive attraction due to the extensive use in the power stations and other industrial applications. The conventional time-stepping method for iron loss calculation is computationally highly expensive and can be productive as long as the number of computations remains in a respectable range. However, the situation is different when an excessive number of computations are required, such as for machine optimization, which turns this method into unprofitable. The development of fast and computationally efficient static analysis in case of synchronous machine induce a thought of computing the iron loss using this method which can minimize the computation cost and substitute the time consuming traditional loss computation method. Based on this notion, an effective iron loss computation technique was developed from a single static field simulation which is much faster than the conventional time-stepping method and provide a fair accuracy. A two-dimensional Finite Element Method was used, and the model was integrated with the static FEM analysis program in the in-house software FCSMEK. The model was applied to a 12.5 MW salient pole synchronous machine, and the computational accuracy was validated with the conventional time-stepping simulation

    Estimation of rotor flux of an induction machine

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    The objective of this dissertation is to estimate rotor flux of an IM. Some of the material is focused on the functional block of the IM i.e. Torque estimator, Speed estimator etc. while a subsequent part deals with estimation of rotor flux. The dissertation is organized as follows:Chapter 1 describes background information of the machines then it focuses on the methodology how on to approach the task on a particular time with the help of Gantt chart.Chapter 2 presents the basic principals of rotating magnetic field of the IM and asserts brief overview of the AC machines. Later it talks about different kinds of IM rotors suggesting which one is good. It is crucial to start with good and appropriate reviews which were verified by numerous journals. Literature review is presented by analysing the previous work. (Busawan et al., 2001) summarises that a nonlinear observers for the estimation of the rotor flux and the load torque in an induction motor. The observers are designed on the basis of the standard alpha - beta Park's model. Finally, fuzzy logic is mentioned in more detailed way and Membership functions were also discussedChapter 3 explains the dynamic model of induction machine plant and the model was presented. Then the model is analysed, developed in MATLAB-SIMULINK which was discussed in Chapter 4. By considering following assumptions, dynamic model is implemented i.e. it should be symmetrical two-pole, three phase windings. Slotting effects are neglected, Permeability of the iron part is infinite, and iron losses are neglected. Dynamic d-q model and Axes transformation is implemented on stationary reference frame (a-b-c). Lastly torque equation is derived.Chapter 4 is the heart of this project by scrutinizing the model thoroughly and by introducing fuzzy controller logic using MATLAB-SIMULINK; simulations are performed to estimate the functional block such as torque, speed, flux, resistance with and without fuzzy logic. Results were obtained for different blocks and the m-file, DTC, Flux table were obtained and presented in the Appendixes.Chapter 5 concludes the simulation results and concentrates mainly on the future direction what more can be done to improve the platform in a more efficient manner

    Unconventional windings for traction motors in electric vehicles

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    In this dissertation, combined star-delta windings and single-layer fractional-slot distributed windings are mainly evaluated, which are incorporated within a cage-induction machine and an electrically excited synchronous machine, respectively. Both electrical machines were de-signed as prototypes for automotive applications. The combined star-polygon windings feature an increased fundamental winding factor and a decreased harmonic leakage factor. These characteristics make them suitable for traction appli-cations to increase the torque density of electrical machines, to widen the field-weakening region and to reduce the noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH). Almost every winding, in-cluding some single-layer fractional-slot distributed windings, can be connected in combined star-polygon. Due to the undesired magnetic coupling between the additional spatial harmonics generated by the winding and the low-resistance rotor circuit, the single-layer fractional-slot distributed windings are only suitable for synchronous machines without electrically conductive solid rotors or damper windings. Besides, they do not need an additional insulation layer inside the slots to isolate different coil sides compared to the double-layer windings. This provides an additional space inside the slots, which can be used to increase the slot-filling factor. Moreo-ver, an increased slot-filling factor and a reduced number of insulation layers improve the ef-fectiveness of the cooling system. Nevertheless, a single-layer compared to a double-layer fractional-slot distributed windings excites additional spatial harmonics, which can affect the performance and the NVH behavior of synchronous machines. Therefore, the performance and the NVH results measured on com-parable electrically excited synchronous machines are studied in detail. In contrast to other winding types, the star of slots is found being insufficient to design some single-layer fractional-slot distributed windings. Thus, part of this work deals with the sys-tematic design method of fractional-slot distributed windings based on the winding index. Through the analyses of this work, some analytical methods such as calculation equations of the winding factor are developed and the harmonic leakage factor of the zero sequence is de-rived. Besides, the rotating field theory is integrated with the winding function approach to consider the possible unipolar flux densities, the stator and rotor slotting, the static and dy-namic air-gap eccentricities, the magnetic saturation and the stator and rotor magnetic aniso-tropies. The Fourier series of the measured terminal currents, voltages and accordingly the instantaneous powers bring some additional information, which can be applied to the rotating field theory to explain the corresponding magnetic NVH excitations