3,185 research outputs found

    Deep Learning-Based Wave Digital Modeling of Rate-Dependent Hysteretic Nonlinearities for Virtual Analog Applications

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    Electromagnetic components greatly contribute to the peculiar timbre of analog audio gear. Indeed, distortion effects due to the nonlinear behavior of magnetic materials are known to play an important role in enriching the harmonic content of an audio signal. However, despite the abundant research that has been devoted to the characterization of nonlinearities in the context of virtual analog modeling over the years, the discrete-time simulation of circuits exhibiting rate-dependent hysteretic phenomena remains an open challenge. In this article, we present a novel data-driven approach for the wave digital modeling of rate-dependent hysteresis using recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Thanks to the modularity of wave digital filters, we are able to locally characterize the wave scattering relations of a hysteretic reluctance by encapsulating an RNN-based model into a single one-port wave digital block. Hence, we successfully apply the proposed methodology to the emulation of the output stage of a vacuum-tube guitar amplifier featuring a nonlinear transformer

    Nonlinear mechanisms in passive microwave devices

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    Premi extraordinari doctorat curs 2010-2011, àmbit d’Enginyeria de les TICThe telecommunications industry follows a tendency towards smaller devices, higher power and higher frequency, which imply an increase on the complexity of the electronics involved. Moreover, there is a need for extended capabilities like frequency tunable devices, ultra-low losses or high power handling, which make use of advanced materials for these purposes. In addition, increasingly demanding communication standards and regulations push the limits of the acceptable performance degrading indicators. This is the case of nonlinearities, whose effects, like increased Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR), harmonics, or intermodulation distortion among others, are being included in the performance requirements, as maximum tolerable levels. In this context, proper modeling of the devices at the design stage is of crucial importance in predicting not only the device performance but also the global system indicators and to make sure that the requirements are fulfilled. In accordance with that, this work proposes the necessary steps for circuit models implementation of different passive microwave devices, from the linear and nonlinear measurements to the simulations to validate them. Bulk acoustic wave resonators and transmission lines made of high temperature superconductors, ferroelectrics or regular metals and dielectrics are the subject of this work. Both phenomenological and physical approaches are considered and circuit models are proposed and compared with measurements. The nonlinear observables, being harmonics, intermodulation distortion, and saturation or detuning, are properly related to the material properties that originate them. The obtained models can be used in circuit simulators to predict the performance of these microwave devices under complex modulated signals, or even be used to predict their performance when integrated into more complex systems. A key step to achieve this goal is an accurate characterization of materials and devices, which is faced by making use of advanced measurement techniques. Therefore, considerations on special measurement setups are being made along this thesis.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    advances in wave digital modeling of linear and nonlinear systems a summary

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    This brief summarizes some of the main research results that I obtained during the three years, ranging from November 2015 to October 2018, as a Ph.D. student at Politecnico di Milano under the supervision of Professor Augusto Sarti, and that are contained in my doctoral dissertation, entitled "Advances in Wave Digital Modeling of Linear and Nonlinear Systems". The thesis provides contributions to all the main aspects of Wave Digital (WD) modeling of lumped systems: it introduces generalized definitions of wave variables; it presents novel WD models of one- and multi-port linear and nonlinear circuit elements; it discusses systematic techniques for the WD implementation of arbitrary connection networks and it describes a novel iterative method for the implementation of circuits with multiple nonlinear elements. Though WD methods usually focus on the discrete-time implementation of analog audio circuits; the methodologies addressed in the thesis are general enough as to be applicable to whatever system that can be described by an equivalent electric circuit

    When self-consistency makes a difference

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    Compound semiconductor power RF and microwave device modeling requires, in many cases, the use of selfconsistent electrothermal equivalent circuits. The slow thermal dynamics and the thermal nonlinearity should be accurately included in the model; otherwise, some response features subtly related to the detailed frequency behavior of the slow thermal dynamics would be inaccurately reproduced or completely distorted. In this contribution we show two examples, concerning current collapse in HBTs and modeling of IMPs in GaN HEMTs. Accurate thermal modeling is proved to be be made compatible with circuit-oriented CAD tools through a proper choice of system-level approximations; in the discussion we exploit a Wiener approach, but of course the strategy should be tailored to the specific problem under consideratio


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    Sallen-Key filters are widespread in audio circuits. Therefore, accurate and efficient digital models of such filters are highly desirable in audio Virtual Analog applications. In this paper, we will discuss a possible strategy, based on Wave Digital Filters (WDFs), for implementing all the analog filters described in the historical 1955 manuscript by Sallen and Key. In particular, we will group the eighteen filter models presented by Sallen and Key into ni ne cIasses, according to their topological properties. For each class we will describe the corresponding WDF structures. Finally, we will compare the output signals of WDFs to the output signals of the same models implemented in LTSpice

    Wave digital modeling of the diode-based ring modulator

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    The ring modulator is a strongly nonlinear circuit common in audio gear, especially as part of electronic musical instruments. In this paper, an accurate model based on Wave Digital (WD) principles is developed for implementing the ring modulator as a digital audio effect. The reference circuit is constituted of four diodes and two multi-winding transformers. The proposed WD implementation is based on the Scattering Iterative Method (SIM), recently developed for the static analysis of large nonlinear photovoltaic arrays. In this paper, SIM is shown to be suitable for implementing also audio circuits for Virtual Analog applications, such as the ring modulator, since it is stable, robust and comparable to or more efficient than state-of-the-art strategies in terms of computational cost

    Passive and active components development for broadband applications

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    Recently, GaN HEMTs have been proven to have numerous physical properties, resulting in transistors with greatly increased power densities when compared to the other well-established FET technologies. This advancement spurred research and product development towards power-band applications that require both high power and high efficiency over the wide band. Even though the use of multiple narrow band PAs covering the whole band has invariably led to better performance in terms of efficiency and noise, there is an associated increase in cost and in the insertion loss of the switches used to toggle between the different operating bands. The goal, now, of the new technology is to replace the multiple narrow band PAs with one broadband PA that has a comparable efficiency performance. In our study here, we have investigated a variety of wide band power amplifiers, including class AB PAs and their implementation in distributed and feedback PAs.Additionally, our investigation has included switching-mode PAs as they are well-known for achieving a relatively high efficiency. Besides having a higher efficiency, they are also less susceptible to parameter variations and could impose a lower thermal stress on the transistors than the conventional-mode PAs. With GaN HEMTs, we have demonstrated: a higher than 37 dBm output power and a more than 30% drain efficiency over 0.02 to 3 GHz for the distributed power amplifier; a higher than 30 dBm output power with more than a 22% drain efficiency over 0.1 to 5 GHz for the feedback amplifier; and at least a 43 dBm output power with a higher than 63% drain efficiency over 0.05 to 0.55 GHz for the class D PA. In many communication applications, however, achieving both high efficiency and linearity in the PA design is required. Therefore, in our research, we have evaluated several linearization and efficiency enhancement techniques.We selected the LInear amplification with Nonlinear Components (LINC) approach. Highly efficient combiner and novel efficiency enhancement techniques like the power recycling combiner and adaptive bias LINC schemes have been successfully developed and verified to achieve a combined high efficiency with a relatively high linearity

    Communication Subsystems for Emerging Wireless Technologies

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    The paper describes a multi-disciplinary design of modern communication systems. The design starts with the analysis of a system in order to define requirements on its individual components. The design exploits proper models of communication channels to adapt the systems to expected transmission conditions. Input filtering of signals both in the frequency domain and in the spatial domain is ensured by a properly designed antenna. Further signal processing (amplification and further filtering) is done by electronics circuits. Finally, signal processing techniques are applied to yield information about current properties of frequency spectrum and to distribute the transmission over free subcarrier channels