972 research outputs found

    A general analytical model of adaptive wormhole routing in k-ary n-cubes

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    Several analytical models of fully adaptive routing have recently been proposed for k-ary n-cubes and hypercube networks under the uniform traffic pattern. Although,hypercube is a special case of k-ary n-cubes topology, the modeling approach for hypercube is more accurate than karyn-cubes due to its simpler structure. This paper proposes a general analytical model to predict message latency in wormhole-routed k-ary n-cubes with fully adaptive routing that uses a similar modeling approach to hypercube. The analysis focuses Duato's fully adaptive routing algorithm [12], which is widely accepted as the most general algorithm for achieving adaptivity in wormhole-routed networks while allowing for an efficient router implementation. The proposed model is general enough that it can be used for hypercube and other fully adaptive routing algorithms

    Software-based fault-tolerant routing algorithm in multidimensional networks

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    Massively parallel computing systems are being built with hundreds or thousands of components such as nodes, links, memories, and connectors. The failure of a component in such systems will not only reduce the computational power but also alter the network's topology. The software-based fault-tolerant routing algorithm is a popular routing to achieve fault-tolerance capability in networks. This algorithm is initially proposed only for two dimensional networks (Suh et al., 2000). Since, higher dimensional networks have been widely employed in many contemporary massively parallel systems; this paper proposes an approach to extend this routing scheme to these indispensable higher dimensional networks. Deadlock and livelock freedom and the performance of presented algorithm, have been investigated for networks with different dimensionality and various fault regions. Furthermore, performance results have been presented through simulation experiments

    Analytical modelling of hot-spot traffic in deterministically-routed k-ary n-cubes

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    Many research studies have proposed analytical models to evaluate the performance of k-ary n-cubes with deterministic wormhole routing. Such models however have so far been confined to uniform traffic distributions. There has been hardly any model proposed that deal with non-uniform traffic distributions that could arise due to, for instance, the presence of hot-spots in the network. This paper proposes the first analytical model to predict message latency in k-ary n-cubes with deterministic routing in the presence of hot-spots. The validity of the model is demonstrated by comparing analytical results with those obtained through extensive simulation experiments

    Performance modeling of fault-tolerant circuit-switched communication networks

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    Circuit switching (CS) has been suggested as an efficient switching method for supporting simultaneous communications (such as data, voice, and images) across parallel systems due to its ability to preserve both communication performance and fault-tolerant demands in such systems. In this paper we present an efficient scheme to capture the mean message latency in 2D torus with CS in the presence of faulty components. We have also conducted extensive simulation experiments, the results of which are used to validate the analytical mode

    K-ary n-cube based off-chip communications architecture for high-speed packet processors

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    A k-ary n-cube interconnect architecture is proposed, as an off-chip communications architecture for line cards, to increase the throughput of the currently used memory system. The k-ary n-cube architecture allows multiple packet processing elements on a line card to access multiple memory modules. The main advantage of the proposed architecture is that it can sustain current line rates and higher while distributing the load among multiple memories. Moreover, the proposed interconnect can scale to adopt more memories and/or processors and as a result increasing the line card processing power. Our results portray that k-ary n-cube sustained higher incoming traffic load while keeping latency lower than its shared-bus competitor. © 2005 IEEE

    K-ary n-cube based off-chip communications architecture for high-speed packet processors

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    We present a detailed study of Higgs boson production in association with a single top quark at the LHC, at next-to-leading order accuracy in QCD. We consider total and differential cross sections, at the parton level as well as by matching short distance events to parton showers, for both t-channel and s-channel production. We provide predictions relevant for the LHC at 13 TeV together with a thorough evaluation of the residual uncertainties coming from scale variation, parton distributions, strong coupling constant and heavy quark masses. In addition, for t-channel production, we compare results as obtained in the 4-flavour and 5-flavour schemes, pinning down the most relevant differences between them. Finally, we study the sensitivity to a non-standard-model relative phase between the Higgs couplings to the top quark and to the weak bosons

    Analytical performance modelling of adaptive wormhole routing in the star interconnection network

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    The star graph was introduced as an attractive alternative to the well-known hypercube and its properties have been well studied in the past. Most of these studies have focused on topological properties and algorithmic aspects of this network. Although several analytical models have been proposed in the literature for different interconnection networks, none of them have dealt with star graphs. This paper proposes the first analytical model to predict message latency in wormhole-switched star interconnection networks with fully adaptive routing. The analysis focuses on a fully adaptive routing algorithm which has shown to be the most effective for star graphs. The results obtained from simulation experiments confirm that the proposed model exhibits a good accuracy under different operating conditions

    Effects of injection pressure on network throughput

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    ©2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.Recent parallel systems use multiple injection ports and various injection policies, but little is known about their impact on network performance. This paper evaluates the influence that these injection interfaces have on maximum sustained throughput in adaptive cut-through torus networks by modeling the number of injection queues (1 or 4), and the allocation of new packets to those queues. Network evaluations for medium to large size 2D tori show that designs with multiple injection ports do not improve performance under uniform traffic. On the contrary, they result in more pressure from the injection interface to acquire the scarce network resources of an already clogged system. Interestingly, for small networks, a single injection FIFO queue, with the HOLB it entails, indirectly provides the much needed injection control. For networks with thousands of nodes and multiple injection channels, as those being implemented in current massively parallel processors, this implicit form of congestion control is not enough. In such systems, restrictive injection policies are required to prevent routers from being flooded with new packets for loads beyond saturation.C. Izu, J. Miguel-Alonso, J.A. Gregori
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