972 research outputs found

    Performance-oriented Cloud Provisioning: Taxonomy and Survey

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    Cloud computing is being viewed as the technology of today and the future. Through this paradigm, the customers gain access to shared computing resources located in remote data centers that are hosted by cloud providers (CP). This technology allows for provisioning of various resources such as virtual machines (VM), physical machines, processors, memory, network, storage and software as per the needs of customers. Application providers (AP), who are customers of the CP, deploy applications on the cloud infrastructure and then these applications are used by the end-users. To meet the fluctuating application workload demands, dynamic provisioning is essential and this article provides a detailed literature survey of dynamic provisioning within cloud systems with focus on application performance. The well-known types of provisioning and the associated problems are clearly and pictorially explained and the provisioning terminology is clarified. A very detailed and general cloud provisioning classification is presented, which views provisioning from different perspectives, aiding in understanding the process inside-out. Cloud dynamic provisioning is explained by considering resources, stakeholders, techniques, technologies, algorithms, problems, goals and more.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    A cooperative approach for distributed task execution in autonomic clouds

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    Virtualization and distributed computing are two key pillars that guarantee scalability of applications deployed in the Cloud. In Autonomous Cooperative Cloud-based Platforms, autonomous computing nodes cooperate to offer a PaaS Cloud for the deployment of user applications. Each node must allocate the necessary resources for customer applications to be executed with certain QoS guarantees. If the QoS of an application cannot be guaranteed a node has mainly two options: to allocate more resources (if it is possible) or to rely on the collaboration of other nodes. Making a decision is not trivial since it involves many factors (e.g. the cost of setting up virtual machines, migrating applications, discovering collaborators). In this paper we present a model of such scenarios and experimental results validating the convenience of cooperative strategies over selfish ones, where nodes do not help each other. We describe the architecture of the platform of autonomous clouds and the main features of the model, which has been implemented and evaluated in the DEUS discrete-event simulator. From the experimental evaluation, based on workload data from the Google Cloud Backend, we can conclude that (modulo our assumptions and simplifications) the performance of a volunteer cloud can be compared to that of a Google Cluster

    Server Placement with Shared Backups for Disaster-Resilient Clouds

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    A key strategy to build disaster-resilient clouds is to employ backups of virtual machines in a geo-distributed infrastructure. Today, the continuous and acknowledged replication of virtual machines in different servers is a service provided by different hypervisors. This strategy guarantees that the virtual machines will have no loss of disk and memory content if a disaster occurs, at a cost of strict bandwidth and latency requirements. Considering this kind of service, in this work, we propose an optimization problem to place servers in a wide area network. The goal is to guarantee that backup machines do not fail at the same time as their primary counterparts. In addition, by using virtualization, we also aim to reduce the amount of backup servers required. The optimal results, achieved in real topologies, reduce the number of backup servers by at least 40%. Moreover, this work highlights several characteristics of the backup service according to the employed network, such as the fulfillment of latency requirements.Comment: Computer Networks 201

    Using Clouds to Scale Grid Resources: An Economic Model

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    Infrastructure as a Service clouds are a flexible and fast way to obtain (virtual) resources as demand varies. Grids, on the other hand, are middleware platforms able to combine resources from different administrative domains for task execution. Clouds can be used by grids as providers of devices such as virtual machines, so they only use the resources they need. But this requires grids to be able to decide when to allocate and release those resources. Here we introduce and analyze by simulations an economic mechanism (a) to set resource prices and (b) resolve when to scale resources depending on the users’ demand. This system has a strong emphasis on fairness, so no user hinders the execution of other users’ tasks by getting too many resources. Our simulator is based on the well-known GridSim software for grid simulation, which we expand to simulate infrastructure clouds. The results show how the proposed system can successfully adapt the amount of allocated resources to the demand, while at the same time ensuring that resources are fairly shared among users

    A Framework for QoS-aware Execution of Workflows over the Cloud

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    The Cloud Computing paradigm is providing system architects with a new powerful tool for building scalable applications. Clouds allow allocation of resources on a "pay-as-you-go" model, so that additional resources can be requested during peak loads and released after that. However, this flexibility asks for appropriate dynamic reconfiguration strategies. In this paper we describe SAVER (qoS-Aware workflows oVER the Cloud), a QoS-aware algorithm for executing workflows involving Web Services hosted in a Cloud environment. SAVER allows execution of arbitrary workflows subject to response time constraints. SAVER uses a passive monitor to identify workload fluctuations based on the observed system response time. The information collected by the monitor is used by a planner component to identify the minimum number of instances of each Web Service which should be allocated in order to satisfy the response time constraint. SAVER uses a simple Queueing Network (QN) model to identify the optimal resource allocation. Specifically, the QN model is used to identify bottlenecks, and predict the system performance as Cloud resources are allocated or released. The parameters used to evaluate the model are those collected by the monitor, which means that SAVER does not require any particular knowledge of the Web Services and workflows being executed. Our approach has been validated through numerical simulations, whose results are reported in this paper

    Simplified cloud-oriented virtual machine management with MLN

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    System administrators are faced with the challenge of making their existing systems power-efficient and scalable. Although Cloud Computing is offered as a solution to this challenge by many, we argue that having multiple interfaces and cloud providers can result in more complexity than before. This paper addresses cloud computing from a user perspective. We show how complex scenarios, such as an on-demand render farm and scaling web-service, can be achieved utilizing clouds but at the same time keeping the same management interface as for local virtual machines. Further, we demonstrate that by enabling the virtual machine to have its policy locally instead of in the underlying framework, it can move between otherwise incompatible cloud providers and sites in order to achieve its goals more efficiently

    Disaster Recovery Services in Intercloud using Genetic Algorithm Load Balancer

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    Paradigm need to shifts from cloud computing to intercloud for disaster recoveries, which can outbreak anytime and anywhere. Natural disaster treatment includes radically high voluminous impatient job request demanding immediate attention. Under the disequilibrium circumstance, intercloud is more practical and functional option. There are need of protocols like quality of services, service level agreement and disaster recovery pacts to be discussed and clarified during the initial setup to fast track the distress scenario. Orchestration of resources in large scale distributed system having muli-objective optimization of resources, minimum energy consumption, maximum throughput, load balancing, minimum carbon footprint altogether is quite challenging. Intercloud where resources of different clouds are in align, plays crucial role in resource mapping. The objective of this paper is to improvise and fast track the mapping procedures in cloud platform and addressing impatient job requests in balanced and efficient manner. Genetic algorithm based resource allocation is proposed using pareto optimal mapping of resources to keep high utilization rate of processors, high througput and low carbon footprint.  Decision variables include utilization of processors, throughput, locality cost and real time deadline. Simulation results of load balancer using first in first out and genetic algorithm are compared under similar circumstances
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