28 research outputs found

    Weighting Matrix Design for Robust Monotonic Convergence in Norm Optimal Iterative Learning Control

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    In this paper we examine the robustness of norm optimal ILC with quadratic cost criterion for discrete-time, linear time-invariant, single-input single-output systems. A bounded multiplicative uncertainty model is used to describe the uncertain system and a sufficient condition for robust monotonic convergence is developed. We find that, for sufficiently large uncertainty, the performance weighting can not be selected arbitrarily large, and thus overall performance is limited. To maximize available performance, a time-frequency design methodology is presented to shape the weighting matrix based on the initial tracking error. The design is applied to a nanopositioning system and simulation results are presented

    Iterative learning control for constrained linear systems

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    This paper considers iterative learning control for linear systems with convex control input constraints. First, the constrained ILC problem is formulated in a novel successive projection framework. Then, based on this projection method, two algorithms are proposed to solve this constrained ILC problem. The results show that, when perfect tracking is possible, both algorithms can achieve perfect tracking. The two algorithms differ however in that one algorithm needs much less computation than the other. When perfect tracking is not possible, both algorithms can exhibit a form of practical convergence to a "best approximation". The effect of weighting matrices on the performance of the algorithms is also discussed and finally, numerical simulations are given to demonstrate the e®ectiveness of the proposed methods

    Design of a Linear Time-Varying Cross-Coupled Iterative Learning Controller

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    In many manufacturing applications contour tracking is more important than individual axis tracking. Many control techniques, including iterative learning control (ILC), target individual axis error. Because individual axis error only indirectly relates to contour error, these approaches may not be very effective for contouring applications. Cross-coupled ILC (CCILC) is a variation on traditional ILC that targets the contour tracking directly. In contour trajectories with rapid changes, high frequency control is necessary in order to meet tracking requirements. This paper presents an improved CCILC that uses a linear time-varying (LTV) filter to provide high frequency control for short durations. The improved CCILC is designed for raster-scan tracking on a Cartesian robotic test platform. Analysis and experimental results are presented

    Combined On-Line and Run-to-Run Optimization of Batch Processes with Terminal Constraints

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    This paper describes the optimization of batch processes in the presence of uncertainty and constraints. The optimal solution consists of keeping certain path and terminal constraints active and driving the sensitivities to zero. The case where the terminal constraints have a larger bearing on the cost than the sensitivities is considered, for which a two-time-scale methodology is proposed. The problem of meeting the active terminal constraints is addressed on-line using trajectory tracking, whilst pushing the sensitivities to zero is implemented on a run-to-run basis. The paper also discusses the run-to-run improvement of trajectory tracking via iterative learning control. The proposed methodology is illustrated in simulation on a batch distillation system

    Robust PID based indirect-type iterative learning control for batch processes with time-varying uncertainties

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    ased on the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control structure widely used in engineering applications, a robust indirect-type iterative learning control (ILC) method is proposed for industrial batch processes subject to time-varying uncertainties. An important merit is that the proposed ILC design is independent of the PID tuning that aims primarily to hold robust stability of the closed-loop system, owing to the fact that the ILC updating law is implemented through adjusting the setpoint of the closed-loop PID control structure plus a feedforward control to the plant input from batch to batch. According to the robust H infinity control objective, a robust discrete-time PID tuning algorithm is given in terms of the plant state-space model description to accommodate for time-varying process uncertainties. For the batchwise direction, a robust ILC updating law is developed based on the two-dimensional (2D) control system theory. Only measured output errors of current and previous cycles are used to implement the proposed ILC scheme for the convenience of practical application. An illustrative example from the literature is adopted to demonstrate the effectiveness and merits of the proposed ILC method