11 research outputs found

    Model-Free Trajectory-based Policy Optimization with Monotonic Improvement

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    Many of the recent trajectory optimization algorithms alternate between linear approximation of the system dynamics around the mean trajectory and conservative policy update. One way of constraining the policy change is by bounding the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between successive policies. These approaches already demonstrated great experimental success in challenging problems such as end-to-end control of physical systems. However, these approaches lack any improvement guarantee as the linear approximation of the system dynamics can introduce a bias in the policy update and prevent convergence to the optimal policy. In this article, we propose a new model-free trajectory-based policy optimization algorithm with guaranteed monotonic improvement. The algorithm backpropagates a local, quadratic and time-dependent Q-Function learned from trajectory data instead of a model of the system dynamics. Our policy update ensures exact KL-constraint satisfaction without simplifying assumptions on the system dynamics. We experimentally demonstrate on highly non-linear control tasks the improvement in performance of our algorithm in comparison to approaches linearizing the system dynamics. In order to show the monotonic improvement of our algorithm, we additionally conduct a theoretical analysis of our policy update scheme to derive a lower bound of the change in policy return between successive iterations

    Model-Free Trajectory-based Policy Optimization with Monotonic Improvement

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    Many of the recent trajectory optimization algorithms alternate between linear approximation of the system dynamics around the mean trajectory and conservative policy update. One way of constraining the policy change is by bounding the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between successive policies. These approaches already demonstrated great experimental success in challenging problems such as end-to-end control of physical systems. However, the linear approximation of the system dynamics can introduce a bias in the policy update and prevent convergence to the optimal policy. In this article, we propose a new model-free trajectory-based policy optimization algorithm with guaranteed monotonic improvement. The algorithm backpropagates a local, quadratic and time-dependent Q-Function learned from trajectory data instead of a model of the system dynamics. Our policy update ensures exact KL-constraint satisfaction without simplifying assumptions on the system dynamics. We experimentally demonstrate on highly non-linear control tasks the improvement in performance of our algorithm in comparison to approaches linearizing the system dynamics. In order to show the monotonic improvement of our algorithm, we additionally conduct a theoretical analysis of our policy update scheme to derive a lower bound of the change in policy return between successive iterations

    Sample-efficient Reinforcement Learning in Robotic Table Tennis

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) has achieved some impressive recent successes in various computer games and simulations. Most of these successes are based on having large numbers of episodes from which the agent can learn. In typical robotic applications, however, the number of feasible attempts is very limited. In this paper we present a sample-efficient RL algorithm applied to the example of a table tennis robot. In table tennis every stroke is different, with varying placement, speed and spin. An accurate return therefore has to be found depending on a high-dimensional continuous state space. To make learning in few trials possible the method is embedded into our robot system. In this way we can use a one-step environment. The state space depends on the ball at hitting time (position, velocity, spin) and the action is the racket state (orientation, velocity) at hitting. An actor-critic based deterministic policy gradient algorithm was developed for accelerated learning. Our approach performs competitively both in a simulation and on the real robot in a number of challenging scenarios. Accurate results are obtained without pre-training in under 200200 episodes of training. The video presenting our experiments is available at https://youtu.be/uRAtdoL6Wpw.Comment: accepted at ICRA 2021 (Xian, China

    A Theory of Regularized Markov Decision Processes

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    Many recent successful (deep) reinforcement learning algorithms make use of regularization, generally based on entropy or Kullback-Leibler divergence. We propose a general theory of regularized Markov Decision Processes that generalizes these approaches in two directions: we consider a larger class of regularizers, and we consider the general modified policy iteration approach, encompassing both policy iteration and value iteration. The core building blocks of this theory are a notion of regularized Bellman operator and the Legendre-Fenchel transform, a classical tool of convex optimization. This approach allows for error propagation analyses of general algorithmic schemes of which (possibly variants of) classical algorithms such as Trust Region Policy Optimization, Soft Q-learning, Stochastic Actor Critic or Dynamic Policy Programming are special cases. This also draws connections to proximal convex optimization, especially to Mirror Descent.Comment: ICML 201

    A Theory of Regularized Markov Decision Processes

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    Many recent successful (deep) reinforcement learning algorithms make use of regularization, generally based on entropy or on Kullback-Leibler divergence. We propose a general theory of regularized Markov Decision Processes that generalizes these approaches in two directions: we consider a larger class of regularizers, and we consider the general modified policy iteration approach, encompassing both policy iteration and value iteration. The core building blocks of this theory are a notion of regularized Bellman operator and the Legendre-Fenchel transform, a classical tool of convex optimization. This approach allows for error propagation analyses of general algorithmic schemes of which (possibly variants of) classical algorithms such as Trust Region Policy Optimization, Soft Q-learning, Stochastic Actor Critic or Dynamic Policy Programming are special cases. This also draws connections to proximal convex optimization, especially to Mirror Descent

    On entropy regularized Path Integral Control for trajectory optimization

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    In this article, we present a generalized view on Path Integral Control (PIC) methods. PIC refers to a particular class of policy search methods that are closely tied to the setting of Linearly Solvable Optimal Control (LSOC), a restricted subclass of nonlinear Stochastic Optimal Control (SOC) problems. This class is unique in the sense that it can be solved explicitly yielding a formal optimal state trajectory distribution. In this contribution, we first review the PIC theory and discuss related algorithms tailored to policy search in general. We are able to identify a generic design strategy that relies on the existence of an optimal state trajectory distribution and finds a parametric policy by minimizing the cross-entropy between the optimal and a state trajectory distribution parametrized by a parametric stochastic policy. Inspired by this observation, we then aim to formulate a SOC problem that shares traits with the LSOC setting yet that covers a less restrictive class of problem formulations. We refer to this SOC problem as Entropy Regularized Trajectory Optimization. The problem is closely related to the Entropy Regularized Stochastic Optimal Control setting which is often addressed lately by the Reinforcement Learning (RL) community. We analyze the theoretical convergence behavior of the theoretical state trajectory distribution sequence and draw connections with stochastic search methods tailored to classic optimization problems. Finally we derive explicit updates and compare the implied Entropy Regularized PIC with earlier work in the context of both PIC and RL for derivative-free trajectory optimization

    Trust-Region Variational Inference with Gaussian Mixture Models

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    Many methods for machine learning rely on approximate inference from intractable probability distributions. Variational inference approximates such distributions by tractable models that can be subsequently used for approximate inference. Learning sufficiently accurate approximations requires a rich model family and careful exploration of the relevant modes of the target distribution. We propose a method for learning accurate GMM approximations of intractable probability distributions based on insights from policy search by using information-geometric trust regions for principled exploration. For efficient improvement of the GMM approximation, we derive a lower bound on the corresponding optimization objective enabling us to update the components independently. Our use of the lower bound ensures convergence to a stationary point of the original objective. The number of components is adapted online by adding new components in promising regions and by deleting components with negligible weight. We demonstrate on several domains that we can learn approximations of complex, multimodal distributions with a quality that is unmet by previous variational inference methods, and that the GMM approximation can be used for drawing samples that are on par with samples created by state-of-theart MCMC samplers while requiring up to three orders of magnitude less computational resources