6 research outputs found

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    In this masters thesis we consider a method for experimental identification of the inertial parameters of an industrial robot, using measured torques and joint angles. A dynamic model of the first three joints of the robot has been identified. To achieve good identification results, it is important to carefully choose the trajectory for the experimental identification. A method to generate trajectories using two suggested design criteria has been used and evaluated using an ABB industrial robot, and one of them yields good identification results.Denna rapport behandlar en metod för experimentell identifiering av en stelkroppsmodell för en industrirobot. Metoden anvÀnder sig av uppmÀtta moment och armvinklar för att identifiera parametrarna i en dynamikmodell för robotens tre huvudaxlar. För att erhÄlla bra identifieringsresultat Àr det viktigt att vÀlja en lÀmplig identifieringsbana och i detta arbete har en metod för generering av banor anvÀnts och utvÀrderats för tvÄ olika designkriterier. Experiment har utförts pÄ en industrirobot frÄn ABB och vi har erhÄllit goda identifieringsresultat med ett av designkriterierna

    Self-adaptive video encoder: comparison of multiple adaptation strategies made simple

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    This paper presents an adaptive video encoder that can be used to compare the behavior of different adaptation strategies using multiple actuators to steer the encoder towards a global goal, composed of multiple conflicting objectives. A video camera produces frames that the encoder manipulates with the objective of matching some space requirement to fit a given communication channel. A second objective is to maintain a given similarity index between the manipulated frames and the original ones. To achieve the goal, the software can change three parameters: the quality of the encoding, the noise reduction filter radius and the sharpening filter radius. In most cases, the objectives - small encoded size and high quality - conflict, since a larger frame would have a higher similarity index to its original counterpart. This makes the problem difficult from the control perspective and makes the case study appealing to compare different adaptation strategies

    Temporal Models for History-Aware Explainability

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    On one hand, there has been a growing interest towards the application of AI-based learning and evolutionary programming for self-adaptation under uncertainty. On the other hand, self-explanation is one of the self-* properties that has been neglected. This is paradoxical as self-explanation is inevitably needed when using such techniques. In this paper, we argue that a self-adaptive autonomous system (SAS) needs an infrastructure and capabilities to be able to look at its own history to explain and reason why the system has reached its current state. The infrastructure and capabilities need to be built based on the right conceptual models in such a way that the system's history can be stored, queried to be used in the context of the decision-making algorithms. The explanation capabilities are framed in four incremental levels, from forensic self-explanation to automated history-aware (HA) systems. Incremental capabilities imply that capabilities at Level n should be available for capabilities at Level n + 1. We demonstrate our current reassuring results related to Level 1 and Level 2, using temporal graph-based models. Specifically, we explain how Level 1 supports forensic accounting after the system's execution. We also present how to enable on-line historical analyses while the self-adaptive system is running, underpinned by the capabilities provided by Level 2. An architecture which allows recording of temporal data that can be queried to explain behaviour has been presented, and the overheads that would be imposed by live analysis are discussed. Future research opportunities are envisioned

    Efficient Utility-Driven Self-Healing Employing Adaptation Rules for Large Dynamic Architectures

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    Self-adaptation can be realized in various ways. Rule-based approaches prescribe the adaptation to be executed if the system or environment satisfy certain conditions and result in scalable solutions, however, with often only satisfying adaptation decisions. In contrast, utility-driven approaches determine optimal adaptation decisions by using an often costly optimization step, which typically does not scale well for larger problems. We propose a rule-based and utility-driven approach that achieves the beneficial properties of each of these directions such that the adaptation decisions are optimal while the computation remains scalable since an expensive optimization step can be avoided. The approach can be used for the architecture-based self-healing of large software systems. We define the utility for large dynamic architectures of such systems based on patterns capturing issues the self-healing must address and we use patternbased adaptation rules to resolve the issues. Defining the utility as well as the adaptation rules pattern-based allows us to compute the impact of each rule application on the overall utility and to realize an incremental and efficient utility-driven self-healing. We demonstrate the efficiency and optimality of our scheme in comparative experiments with a static rule-based scheme as a baseline and a utility-driven approach using a constraint solver

    Model predictive control for software systems with CobRA

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    Self-adaptive software systems monitor their operation and adapt when their requirements fail due to unexpected phenomena in their environment. This paper examines the case where the environment changes dynamically over time and the chosen adaptation has to take into account such changes. In control theory, this type of adaptation is known as Model Predictive Control and comes with a well-developed theory and myriads of successful applications. The paper focuses on modelling the dynamic relationship between requirements and possible adaptations. It then proposes a controller that exploits this relationship to optimize the satisfaction of requirements relative to a cost-function. This is accomplished through a model-based framework for designing self-adaptive software systems that can guarantee a certain level of requirements satisfaction over time, by dynamically composing adaptation strategies when necessary. The proposed framework is illustrated and evaluated through a simulation of the Meeting-Scheduling System exemplar