167 research outputs found

    Brick assignments and homogeneously almost self-complementary graphs

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    AbstractA graph is called almost self-complementary if it is isomorphic to the graph obtained from its complement by removing a 1-factor. In this paper, we study a special class of vertex-transitive almost self-complementary graphs called homogeneously almost self-complementary. These graphs occur as factors of symmetric index-2 homogeneous factorizations of the “cocktail party graphs” K2n−nK2. We construct several infinite families of homogeneously almost self-complementary graphs, study their structure, and prove several classification results, including the characterization of all integers n of the form n=pr and n=2p with p prime for which there exists a homogeneously almost self-complementary graph on 2n vertices

    On factorisations of complete graphs into circulant graphs and the Oberwolfach problem

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    Various results on factorisations of complete graphs into circulant graphs and on 2-factorisations of these circulant graphs are proved. As a consequence, a number of new results on the Oberwolfach Problem are obtained. For example, a complete solution to the Oberwolfach Problem is given for every 2-regular graph of order 2p where p ≡ 5 (mod 8) is prime

    Lift-and-project ranks of the stable set polytope of joined a-perfect graphs

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    In this paper we study lift-and-project polyhedral operators defined by Lov?asz and Schrijver and Balas, Ceria and Cornu?ejols on the clique relaxation of the stable set polytope of web graphs. We compute the disjunctive rank of all webs and consequently of antiweb graphs. We also obtain the disjunctive rank of the antiweb constraints for which the complexity of the separation problem is still unknown. Finally, we use our results to provide bounds of the disjunctive rank of larger classes of graphs as joined a-perfect graphs, where near-bipartite graphs belong

    Hypomorphy of graphs up to complementation

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    Let VV be a set of cardinality vv (possibly infinite). Two graphs GG and GG' with vertex set VV are {\it isomorphic up to complementation} if GG' is isomorphic to GG or to the complement Gˉ\bar G of GG. Let kk be a non-negative integer, GG and GG' are {\it kk-hypomorphic up to complementation} if for every kk-element subset KK of VV, the induced subgraphs G_KG\_{\restriction K} and G_KG'\_{\restriction K} are isomorphic up to complementation. A graph GG is {\it kk-reconstructible up to complementation} if every graph GG' which is kk-hypomorphic to GG up to complementation is in fact isomorphic to GG up to complementation. We give a partial characterisation of the set S\mathcal S of pairs (n,k)(n,k) such that two graphs GG and GG' on the same set of nn vertices are equal up to complementation whenever they are kk-hypomorphic up to complementation. We prove in particular that S\mathcal S contains all pairs (n,k)(n,k) such that 4kn44\leq k\leq n-4. We also prove that 4 is the least integer kk such that every graph GG having a large number nn of vertices is kk-reconstructible up to complementation; this answers a question raised by P. Ill