11 research outputs found

    Autonomous Agents as Tools for Modeling and Building Complex Control Systems that Operate in Dynamic and Unpredictable Environment

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    Complex control systems that operate in not entirely predictable environment have to deal with this environment in an autonomous manner using adaptability, the ability to predict environmental changes, and to maintain their integrity. Elements of the system must be able to find a new solution in a dynamic way. In this paper, we present the modeling of a traffic lights’ control system using a multivalent system. This is a large-scale distributed system, consisting of autonomous and rational traffic light agents, in which there is no centre imposing an outcome. Multiagent system brings another kind of organization of the distributed control. The information is distributed over the agents. The behavior of the other agents is incorporated into the making decision process of the agent. We apply different control algorithms in our multiagent simulation environment and show that using multiagent systems in dynamic and unpredictable environment the control will be adoptable

    Agents as Tools for Solving Complex Control Problems

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    Modern control systems must cope with significant degrees of uncertainty as well as with more dynamic environments and to provide greater flexibility This complexity requires to employ the efficacy of the agent-oriented software engineering approach Agents and multiagent systems are becoming a new way to analyze design and implement complex software systems since the focus of an agent-based approach is on goals tasks communication and coordination The aim of this paper is to present agents as tools that enhance the design for solving complex control problems In this paper we will argue that analyzing designing and implementing control complex software systems as a collection of interacting autonomous flexible components i e as agents affords software engineers several significant advantages over contemporary methods A case study in the domain of control process is treated where the experiences of using an agent-based approach is assessed A case study will be given to demonstrate this design method Our purpose is to design a power intelligent management system that is able to fulfill the user comfort and minimize the consumption of the fuel of the generator It is based on the concepts of an agent and a multi-agent systemher

    Multi-Agent Systems in Control Engineering: A Survey

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    This paper presents a survey on multi-agent system (MAS) capabilities in control engineering applications. It describes essential concepts of multi-agent systems that are related to the control systems and presents an overview on the most important control engineering issues which MAS can be explored. Most important technical aspects in MAS implementation and development in engineering environment are also explained. Design methodologies, standards, tools, and supporting technologies to provide an effective MAS-based control design are addressed and a discussion on important related standards and protocols is given. Finally, some comments and new perspectives for design and implementation of agent-based control systems are presented

    Інтелектуальне діагностування стану силового трансформатору із застосуванням мультиагентного підходу

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    Робота виконана на 85 аркушах , містить 28 ілюстрацій, 22 таблиці. При підготовці використовувалась література з 30 джерел. Актуальність теми зумовлена широким використанням технологій основаних на веб-сервісах, які є важливим фактором, що дають змогу забезпечити вирішення проблем інтелектуального діагностування стану силових трансформаторів на основі онтологій із використанням можливостей отримання даних через онлайн моніторинг. Мета. Метою даної роботи є розробка системи діагностування несправностей силового трансформатора використовуючи типи системи, що базуються на знаннях онтологій. Вона здатна здійснювати збір даних в реальному часі від компонентів трансформатору та надавати статус компоненту, діагностувати несправності та автоматично будувати графік відповідно до проаналізованих даних. Завдання. Для досягнення мети потрібно виконати наступні завдання: • Розробити програмний продукт на основі онтологій із застосуванням мультиагентних систем; • Здійснити моніторинг та розбір вимог до даних; • Розглянути та проаналізувати алгоритми пошуку несправностей на основі онтологій; • Реалізувати пошук несправностей у трансформаторі з відповідними даними взятими попередньо із виконаного моніторингу силового трансформатору; • Створити зручний інтерфейс для роботи з програмним продуктом. Об’єкт дослідження. Інтелектуальна діагностика Предмет дослідження. Діагностування силового трансформатору з застосуванням мультиагентної системи. Наукова новизна. Наукова новизна полягає в інтелектуальному діагностуванні силового трансформатору на основі онтологій. Практична цінність. Практична цінність полягає у аналізі інтелектуальних методів та засобі в діагностування силових трансформаторів на основі даних взятих із онлайн моніторингу. Публікації. Ковальчук А. М., Поліщук О. В. Інтелектуальне діагностування стану силового трансформатора із застосуванням мультиагентного підходу. зб. наук. праць “ΛΌГOΣ. The art of scientific mind” з матеріалами міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., м. Івано-Франківськ, 5 грудня, 2018 р. Вінниця : ГО “Європейська наукова платформа”, 2018 Т.4. С. 77-79.Work carried out on 85 pages containing 28 figures, 22 tables. The paper was written with references to 30 different sources. Topicality. The urgency of the topic is due to the widespread use of technologies based on web services, which are an important factor in solving the problems of intelligent diagnostics of the status of power transformers on the basis of ontologies using the possibilities of obtaining data through online monitoring. Purpose. The purpose of this work is to develop a system for diagnosing faults of a power transformer, using types of systems based on the knowledge of ontologies. It is able to collect real-time data from transformer components and provide component status, diagnose malfunctions, and automatically build a graph according to the analyzed data. Task. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are required: • develop software based on ontology using multi-agent systems; • monitor and analyze data requirements; • consider and analyze algorithms for finding faults on the basis of ontologies; • perform a fault finding in the transformer with the corresponding data taken from the monitoring of the power transformer; • create a user-friendly interface for working with a software product. Object of research. Intelligent diagnostics. Subject of research. Diagnosis of a power transformer using a multi-agent system. Scientific novelty. Scientific novelty consists in the intellectual diagnosis of a power transformer based on ontologies. Practical value of research. The practical value lies in the analysis of intelligent methods and means of diagnosing power transformers based on the data taken with online monitoring. Publications. Kovalchuk A.M., Polishchuk A.V. Intelligent diagnostics of power transformer status using multi-agent approach. Scientific journal "ΛΝΓΟΣ. The Art of the Scientific Mind" Ivano-Frankivsk city, December of 5, 2018 year Vinnytsya: NGO "European Science Platform", 2018 No 1. T.2. Pp. 14-17

    Desarrollo de un sistema multi-agente para el diagnostico de fallas en servicios de internet corporativo

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    En empresas de telecomunicaciones, varios dispositivos deben trabajar de forma coordinada para brindar un servicio a sus clientes cumpliendo expectativas de calidad y disponibilidad. Cuando ocurre una falla, el servicio debe restablecerse rápidamente, por medio de un diagnóstico y un conjunto de acciones correctivas. Este proyecto presenta una aplicación de los sistemas multi-agente para realizar diagnósticos de fallas en servicios de acceso a internet. El sistema cuenta con agentes diagnosticadores, de conexión a dispositivos, administradores de dispositivos y los encargados de la conexión a bases de datos. El sistema fue desarrollado usando la plataforma para sistemas multi-agente JADE. En las pruebas realizadas, el sistema fue capaz de establecer los diagnósticos correctos en los escenarios configurados para tal fin, de acuerdo con los expertos humanos consultados. El proyecto presenta una solución alternativa a las de los proveedores de dispositivos de telecomunicaciones, las que, generalmente, se restringen a una única marca y no ofrecen una presentación integrada del servicio.Abstract. In telecommunication companies, several devices must work in a coordinated way to fulfill provide services to clients. When a failure occurs, the service must be quickly restored, by diagnosing the failure and taking pertinent corrective actions. This project shows a MAS solution to diagnose failures on internet access services. This system has a diagnosticator, a device connection and a database connection agents. The system was developed using the JADE platform. In the testing phase, the system was able to perform the right diagnostics on some test scenarios, which matched the human expert's opinions. This project presents an alternative to vendor solutions which are, generally, restricted to one brand and could not offer an integrated view for the service.Maestrí

    Intelligent Control and Protection Methods for Modern Power Systems Based on WAMS

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    Remote maintenance of real time controller software over the internet

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    The aim of the work reported in this thesis is to investigate how to establish a standard platform for remote maintenance of controller software, which provides remote monitoring, remote fault identification and remote performance recovery services for geographically distributed controller software over the Internet. A Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) controller is used as the benchmark for the control performance assessment; the LQG benchmark variances are estimated based on the Lyapunov equation and subspace matrices. The LQG controller is also utilized as the reference model of the actual controller to detect the controller failures. Discrepancies between control signals of the LQG and the actual controller are employed to a General Likelihood Ratio (GLR) test and the controller failure detection is characterized to detect sudden jumping points in the mean or variance of the discrepancies. To restore the degraded control performance caused by the controller failures, a compensator is designed and inserted into the post-fault control loop, which serially links with the faulty controller and recovers the degraded control performance into an acceptable range. Techniques of controller performance monitoring, controller failure detection and maintenance are extended into the Internet environment. An Internet-based maintenance system for controller software is developed, which provides remote control performance assessment and recovery services, and remote fault identification service over the Internet for the geographically distributed controller software. The integration between the mobile agent technology and the controller software maintenance is investigated. A mobile agent based controller software maintenance system is established; the mobile agent structure is designed to be flexible and the travelling agents can be remotely updated over the Internet. Also, the issue of heavy data process and transfer over the Internet is probed and a novel data process and transfer scheme is introduced. All the proposed techniques are tested on sirnulations or a process control unit. Simulation and experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo