18,508 research outputs found

    Intelligent Coordination and Automation for Smart Home Accessories

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    Smarthome accessories are rapidly becoming more popular. Although many companies are making devices to take advantage of this market, most of the created smart devices are actually unintelligent. Currently, these smart home devices require meticulous, tedious configuration to get any sort of enhanced usability over their analog counterparts. We propose building a general model using machine learning and data science to automatically learn a user\u27s smart accessory usage to predict their configuration. We have identified the requirements, collected data, recognized the risks, implemented the system, and have met the goals we set out to accomplish

    Application of mobile IT in construction

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    In recent years, the construction industry has been compelled to explore all possible options for improving the delivery of their products and services. Clients are now expecting a better service and projects that meet their requirements more closely. This has challenged the industry to become more efficient, integrated and more attractive, with benefits for its potential workforce and for society as a whole. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are an enabler to facilitate the improvements required for modernisation. However, due to the geographically dispersed and nomadic nature of the construction industry’s workforce, many people are prevented from efficiently and effectively using the ICT tools adopted to date. Mobile technologies providing the ‘last mile’ connection to the point-of activity could be the missing link to help address the ongoing drive for process improvement. Although this has been a well-researched area, several barriers to mainstream adoption still exist: including a perceived lack of suitable devices; a perceived lack of computer literacy; and the perceived high cost. Through extensive industry involvement, this research has taken the theoretical idea that mobile IT use in the construction industry would be beneficial, a step further; demonstrating by means of a state of the art assessment, usability trials, case studies and demonstration projects that the barriers to mainstream adoption can be overcome. The findings of this work have been presented in four peer-reviewed papers. An ongoing dissemination programme is expected to encourage further adoption

    Unified System on Chip RESTAPI Service (USOCRS)

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    Abstract. This thesis investigates the development of a Unified System on Chip RESTAPI Service (USOCRS) to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of SOC verification reporting. The research aims to overcome the challenges associated with the transfer, utilization, and interpretation of SoC verification reports by creating a unified platform that integrates various tools and technologies. The research methodology used in this study follows a design science approach. A thorough literature review was conducted to explore existing approaches and technologies related to SOC verification reporting, automation, data visualization, and API development. The review revealed gaps in the current state of the field, providing a basis for further investigation. Using the insights gained from the literature review, a system design and implementation plan were developed. This plan makes use of cutting-edge technologies such as FASTAPI, SQL and NoSQL databases, Azure Active Directory for authentication, and Cloud services. The Verification Toolbox was employed to validate SoC reports based on the organization’s standards. The system went through manual testing, and user satisfaction was evaluated to ensure its functionality and usability. The results of this study demonstrate the successful design and implementation of the USOCRS, offering SOC engineers a unified and secure platform for uploading, validating, storing, and retrieving verification reports. The USOCRS facilitates seamless communication between users and the API, granting easy access to vital information including successes, failures, and test coverage derived from submitted SoC verification reports. By automating and standardizing the SOC verification reporting process, the USOCRS eliminates manual and repetitive tasks usually done by developers, thereby enhancing productivity, and establishing a robust and reliable framework for report storage and retrieval. Through the integration of diverse tools and technologies, the USOCRS presents a comprehensive solution that adheres to the required specifications of the SOC schema used within the organization. Furthermore, the USOCRS significantly improves the efficiency and effectiveness of SOC verification reporting. It facilitates the submission process, reduces latency through optimized data storage, and enables meaningful extraction and analysis of report data

    Managing a Fleet of Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) using Cloud Robotics Platform

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    In this paper, we provide details of implementing a system for managing a fleet of autonomous mobile robots (AMR) operating in a factory or a warehouse premise. While the robots are themselves autonomous in its motion and obstacle avoidance capability, the target destination for each robot is provided by a global planner. The global planner and the ground vehicles (robots) constitute a multi agent system (MAS) which communicate with each other over a wireless network. Three different approaches are explored for implementation. The first two approaches make use of the distributed computing based Networked Robotics architecture and communication framework of Robot Operating System (ROS) itself while the third approach uses Rapyuta Cloud Robotics framework for this implementation. The comparative performance of these approaches are analyzed through simulation as well as real world experiment with actual robots. These analyses provide an in-depth understanding of the inner working of the Cloud Robotics Platform in contrast to the usual ROS framework. The insight gained through this exercise will be valuable for students as well as practicing engineers interested in implementing similar systems else where. In the process, we also identify few critical limitations of the current Rapyuta platform and provide suggestions to overcome them.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, journal pape

    Digitization of industrial quality control procedures applied to visual and geometrical inspections

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáIndustries quality control procedures are usually dependent on gauge inspection tools, and these tools are used to inspect visual and geometrical tolerance conformity. Operators are guided during an inspection by using paper tutorials that assist them in performing their tasks and registering the result of the performed analysis. This traditional method of registering information may be misleading, lowering the effectiveness of the quality control by providing inaccurate and error-prone inspection results. This work implements a system that uses emergent technologies (e.g., Human-Machine Interfaces, Virtual Reality, Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing, and Internet of Things (IoT)) to propose a costeffective solution that supports operators and quality control managers in the realization and data collection of gauge inspection control procedures. The final system was deployed in an industrial production plant, with the delivered results showing its efficiency, robustness, and highly positive feedback from the operators and managers. The software may offer a quicker and efficient execution of analysis tasks, significantly decreasing the setup time required to change the inspected product reference

    Development and evaluation of a smartphone-based system for inspection of road maintenance work

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    Abstract. In the road construction industry, doing work inspection is a laborious and resource-consuming job because of the distributed work site. Contractors in Finland require to capture photos of every road fix they have done as proof of their work. It is well-established that with the help of smartphone technology, these kinds of manual work can be reduced. This thesis aims to develop and evaluate a smartphone-based system to capture video evidence of task completion. The system, designed and developed in this thesis, consists of an Android application named ’Road Recorder’ and a web tool for managing the content collected by Road Recorder. While mounted to a vehicle’s dashboard used in construction work, the Road Recorder can record the videos of road surface and geo-location information and some other metadata and send them to a remote server that is inspected using the web tool. Users of different backgrounds were given the system to accomplish some tasks and were observed closely. The users were interviewed at the end, and responses were analyzed to find the usability of the applications. The results indicate the high usability of the Road Recorder application and reveal possible improvements for the Road Recorder management web application. Overall, Road Recorder is a great step towards the automation of such construction work inspection. Though there were some limitations in the evaluation process, it demonstrates that Road Recorder is easy to use and can be a useful tool in the industry

    Problems and Solutions in Mobile Application Testing

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    Mobiilirakenduste testimise alaste teadusartiklite arv on viimastel aastatel visalt suurenenud. Samas testivad vähesed mobiilirakendustega tegelevad teadlased oma oletusi ja lahendusi firmades. Selle lõputöö eesmärgiks on pakkuda ülevaade teaduskirjanduses mainitud mobiilirakenduste testimisega seotud probleemidest ja potentsiaalsetest lahendustest ning kõrvutada seda alal igapäevaselt tegutsevate professionaalide arvamusega. Kõigepealt viiakse selle töö käigus läbi teaduskirjanduse uuring probleemide ja potentsiaalsete lahenduste väljaselgitamiseks, misjärel intervjueeritakse kuue mobiilirakenduste testimisega tegeleva firma esindajaid, et välja selgitada, kas kirjelduses esile toodud probleemid on olulised ka tööstuses. Intervjuude tulemusena selgus, et kuigi firmad hindavad probleemide tähtsust väga erinevalt, on siiski olemas mõned võtmeprobleemid, mida peetakse oluliseks nii teaduses kui ka tööstuses. Samas on teaduskirjanduses pakutud lahendused tihti liiga teoreetilised, üldised või vananenud, et firmade esindajatele huvi pakkuda.In recent years the amount of scientific papers published on the topic of mobile applications has significantly increased. However, few researchers test their assumptions and solutions in industry. This thesis aims to provide an overview of what current scientific literature considers problems and potential solutions in mobile application testing, and compare it to opinions of industry professionals. A literature review is performed to extract the list of problems and potential solutions, after which representatives of six Estonian companies involved in the field are interviewed to verify whether the problems and solutions proposed in the literature are relevant for industry. The study reveals that while the relevance of each problem is highly variable from one company to another, there are some key problems that are generally considered vital both by research and industry. However, the solution concepts proposed by scientific literature are often too theoretical, general or outdated to be of much interest to industry professionals

    A heuristic-based approach to code-smell detection

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    Encapsulation and data hiding are central tenets of the object oriented paradigm. Deciding what data and behaviour to form into a class and where to draw the line between its public and private details can make the difference between a class that is an understandable, flexible and reusable abstraction and one which is not. This decision is a difficult one and may easily result in poor encapsulation which can then have serious implications for a number of system qualities. It is often hard to identify such encapsulation problems within large software systems until they cause a maintenance problem (which is usually too late) and attempting to perform such analysis manually can also be tedious and error prone. Two of the common encapsulation problems that can arise as a consequence of this decomposition process are data classes and god classes. Typically, these two problems occur together – data classes are lacking in functionality that has typically been sucked into an over-complicated and domineering god class. This paper describes the architecture of a tool which automatically detects data and god classes that has been developed as a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE. The technique has been evaluated in a controlled study on two large open source systems which compare the tool results to similar work by Marinescu, who employs a metrics-based approach to detecting such features. The study provides some valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the two approache