12 research outputs found

    New Trends in Using Augmented Reality Apps for Smart City Contexts

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    The idea of virtuality is not new, as research on visualization and simulation dates back to the early use of ink and paper sketches for alternative design comparisons. As technology has advanced so the way of visualizing simulations as well, but the progress is slow due to difficulties in creating workable simulations models and effectively providing them to the users. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, the evolving technologies that have been haunting the tech industry, receiving excessive attention from the media and colossal growing are redefining the way we interact, communicate and work together. From consumer application to manufacturers these technologies are used in different sectors providing huge benefits through several applications. In this work, we demonstrate the potentials of Augmented Reality techniques in a Smart City (Smart Campus) context. A multiplatform mobile app featuring Augmented Reality capabilities connected to GIS services are developed to evaluate different features such as performance, usability, effectiveness and satisfaction of the Augmented Reality technology in the context of a Smart Campus

    Improving the user knowledge and user experience by using Augmented reality in a smart city context

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesThe idea of Virtuality is not new, as research on visualization and simulation dates back to the early use of ink and paper sketches for alternative design comparisons. As the technology has advanced so the way of visualizing simulations as well, but the progress is slow due to difficulties in creating workable simulations models and effectively providing them to the users (Simpson, 2001). Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), the evolving technologies that has been haunting the tech industry, receiving excessive attention from the media and growing tremendously are redefining the way we interact, communicate and work together (Shamalinia, 2017). From consumer application to manufacturers these technologies are used in different sectors providing huge benefits through several applications. In this work, we demonstrate the potentials of AR techniques in a smart city context. Initially we present an overview of the state of the art software and technology for AR in different domains of smart cities, and outline considerations from a user study about the effectiveness and user performance of AR technique: real environment with augmented information, everything in the context of a smart city. The evaluation results from the participants show promising results, providing opportunities for improvements and implementation in smart cities

    Proteomics for ancient protein degradation

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    Preservation of our cultural heritage is vital as it keeps alive the past that determines who we are, where we came from, and the human path's achievements over the years. Material culture, defined as every physical object, resource, and space that defines our culture, is powerful and appealing because it is probably more stable than human identity and social communities. Its preservation includes both cultural and economic processes. Chemistry has a very active role and contributes significantly to the preservation of our cultural heritage, helping to transmit this wealth to the next generations. The molecular characterization of archaeological objects and works of art replies to crucial questions such as: HOW and WHEN a masterpiece has been created, as also WHICH are the chemical degradation mechanisms that took place through the years. The answers to these questions are what determine how it will be kept alive in the future. However, chemistry is called upon to face immense challenges concerning the micro-invasiveness of the chemical approach, the high heterogeneity of the material encountered, and the tiny amount of samples in some of the cases. As a result, there is a demand for sensitive, versatile, and minimally invasive analytical approaches that can shed light on the origin of the material and its conservation state without provoking further deterioration. Mass spectrometry is an analytical tool that gained more and more attention in the last years because it includes fast analytical techniques of high sensitivity and accuracy that are micro destructive. Over the last 20 years, protein and mass spectrometry have been successfully adapted to the analysis of cultural heritage samples, actively contributing to the understanding of their origin and their preservation, a new scientific field known as palaeoproteomics. Proteins consist of a great target because of their high resistance over the years , giving us the possibility to recover information further back in time than previously thought possible. Palaeoproteomics is complementary to a variety of analytical techniques (physicochemical, geochemical, dating, microscopic etc.) That investigate components other than proteins in the archaeological object, aiming to the overall characterization of its origin, provenance and degradation state. The combination of these and proteomic approaches have obtained remarkable results in the field of cultural heritage, interpreting data related to the inorganic and organic material record of human cultural history. This Ph.D. project focused on developing proteomic analytical strategies with the use of mass spectrometry in archaeological objects and works of art. These strategies were used as such or combined with data obtained by other analytical approaches for a more in-depth insight of material origin and use and the chemical degradation mechanisms taking place over the years. After a brief introduction of the importance of cultural heritage, the types of cultural heritage materials and an overview on mass spectrometric analytical techniques herein used, chapter 2 explains the aim of the Ph.D. thesis and organizes the projects on the basis of the analytical techniques used in the single case of study. Chapter 3 reports a chemical review on palaeoproteomic analysis of bone and teeth as sources of collagen. Subsequently, the chapter reports proteomic strategies for the characterization of collagen-based materials ranging from archaeological bones to animal glues. Chapter 4 describes the development of novel micro-invasive techniques for the molecular characterization of proteins in archaeological objects and works of art. Chapter 5 reports the results of multidisciplinary approaches that combine proteomic strategies and mass spectrometry techniques with other analytical approaches such as microscopy and spectroscopy, with the final aim of characterizing organic materials in archaeological remains such as amphorae, historical paintings, and wooden coffins.All the data obtained from the aforementioned scientific projects have been later then organized in already published, under submission, or in preparation manuscripts

    The Quest for an Appropriate Past in Literature, Art and Architecture

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    This volume explores the various strategies of construing appropriate pasts in scholarship, literature, art, architecture and literature, in order to create “national”, regional or local identities, in late medieval and early modern Europe. Readership: All those interested in the reception of Antiquity and high medieval history (true and false) in early modern in literature, architecture and art, neolatin scholarship, Renaissance architecture, history of ideas, history of literature, and history of humanist scholarship

    Mobile Devices for the Visit of "Anfiteatro Campano" in Santa Maria Capua Vetere

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    Archaeological sites become pervasive environments because of personal devices like tablets and smart-phones, which are able to detect and explain ruins, artifact and points of cultural interest by their on-board peripherals. In this context pervasiveness offers to software applications the possibility to interact with the reality by the device, in order to perceive the information surrounding the users, and to adapt their own behavior and the environment itself. By modeling an archaeological site as a pervasive environment we are able to improve its exploitation by the visitors. Here we present, by a relevant case study, a framework that supports experts in the domain of the Cultural Heritage to augment the archaeological site with a set of multimedia contents, which are delivered by innovative services to the visitors in order to guide their tour and to enhance their perception of the realit

    The Quest for an Appropriate Past in Literature, Art and Architecture

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    This volume explores the various strategies of construing appropriate pasts in scholarship, literature, art, architecture and literature, in order to create “national”, regional or local identities, in late medieval and early modern Europe. Readership: All those interested in the reception of Antiquity and high medieval history (true and false) in early modern in literature, architecture and art, neolatin scholarship, Renaissance architecture, history of ideas, history of literature, and history of humanist scholarship

    LA CITTĂ€ PALINSESTO/II. Tracce, sguardi e narrazioni sulla complessitĂ  dei contesti urbani storici: Rappresentazione, conoscenza, conservazione

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    [Italiano]:Questo volume accoglie le più recenti riflessioni attorno ai necessari fondamenti, teorici e di pensiero, nonché gli aspetti tecnici, artistici, tecnologici che portano a concepire la città e il paesaggio come palinsesto figurativo e fenomenologico. Città e paesaggio, infatti, continuamente soggetti a operazioni di cancellature e riscritture – in termini di progetto e restauro, di tutela e valorizzazione, di disegno e ridisegno – sono i testimoni visivi di come appare a noi il palinsesto oggi, grazie al connubio sempre più stretto fra tecnologie e strumenti di visione, in un’ottica proiettiva e trasformativa fortemente relazionale ./[English]:This volume contains the most recent reflections on the necessary foundations, theoretical and thought, as well as the technical, artistic, technological aspects that lead to conceiving the city and the landscape as a figurative and phenomenological palimpsest. City and landscape, in fact, continually subject to erasing and rewriting operations – in terms of project and restoration, protection and enhancement, design and redesign – are the visual witnesses of how the schedule appears to us today, thanks to the increasingly squeezed between technologies and tools of vision, in a highly relational projective and transformative perspective


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    This volume contains the most recent reflections on the necessary foundations, theoretical and thought, as well as the technical, artistic, technological aspects that lead to conceiving the city and the landscape as a figurative and phenomenological palimpsest. City and landscape, in fact, continually subject to erasing and rewriting operations – in terms of project and restoration, protection and enhancement, design and redesign – are the visual witnesses of how the schedule appears to us today, thanks to the increasingly squeezed between technologies and tools of vision, in a highly relational projective and transformative perspective.illustratorQuesto volume accoglie le più recenti riflessioni attorno ai necessari fondamenti, teorici e di pensiero, nonché gli aspetti tecnici, artistici, tecnologici che portano a concepire la città e il paesaggio come palinsesto figurativo e fenomenologico. Città e paesaggio, infatti, continuamente soggetti a operazioni di cancellature e riscritture – in termini di progetto e restauro, di tutela e valorizzazione, di disegno e ridisegno – sono i testimoni visivi di come appare a noi il palinsesto oggi, grazie al connubio sempre più stretto fra tecnologie e strumenti di visione, in un’ottica proiettiva e trasformativa fortemente relazionale

    Interazioni tra cittĂ , spazi monumentali e creativitĂ : un imprevisto reportage su Napoli

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    In Italia il paesaggio e il patrimonio artistico diventano il palcoscenico ideale della narrazione visiva quando, a metà Novecento, la fotografia di moda li include negli scatti per enfatizzare i valori dell’ancora timida creatività manifatturiera nazionale. Anche Napoli entra nel caleidoscopio delle visioni nate da quest’approccio narrativo coi lavori curati dall’editoria di settore e con gli sguardi dei fotoreporter locali, nei cui reportage si rintraccia un’interazione tra spazi urbani e modelle senz’altro imprevista, che documenta una ricercata, e forse riuscita, tensione verso la modernità.In Italy the landscape and the artistic heritage become the ideal setting of the visual narration in the mid-1900s, when the fashion photography includes them in its shots to emphasize the values of the still shy sartorial creativity. Even Naples enters the kaleidoscope of visions born from this narrative approach with works curated by fashion publishing and with the looks of local photojournalists; in their reports there is an interaction between urban spaces and models that is certainly unexpected, documenting a successful tension towards modernity

    LA CITTĂ€ PALINSESTO/I. Tracce, sguardi e narrazioni sulla complessitĂ  dei contesti urbani storici: Memorie, storie, immagini

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    [Italiano]: Oggetto di questo volume è l’articolato patrimonio di tracce, di immagini, di narrazioni che costruiscono lacittà contemporanea. Parliamo di realtà urbane che vanno rilette e raccontate per parti, per strati, a ritroso, in maniera tale da poter sbrogliare quell’intricata matassa di sovrapposizioni che si sono succedute nel corso del tempo. Sono tracce molto spesso ancora in situ, talvolta nascoste, qualche volta modificate, ma anche distratte, frammentate, malcelate e nascoste ./[English]:The subject of this bookis the complex heritage of traces, images and narratives that build the contemporary city. We are talking about urban realities that must be reread and recounted in parts, by layers, backwards, in such a way asto be able to unravel that intricate skein of overlaps that have occurred over time. They are traces very often still in situ, sometimes hidden, sometimes modified, but also distracted, fragmented, poorly concealed and hidden