10,332 research outputs found

    Mobile banking as business strategy: Impact of mobile technologies on customer behaviour and its implications for banks

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    Mobile Commerce is gaining increasing acceptance amongst various sections of the society. This growth can be partly traced back to technological and demographical developments that have been influencing important aspects of the socio-cultural behaviour in today's world. The need/wish for mobility seems to be the driving force behind Mobile Commerce in general. Mobile Banking, availment of bank-related financial services via mobile devices, builds a cornerstone of Mobile Commerce. An empirical survey of customer acceptance conducted within the frame of our research clearly reveals a major, growing interest in Mobile Banking. However, since the degree of interest and the willingness to pay vary for individual services, it seems to be necessary to design specific services taking the needs and wishes of relevant target groups into consideration. Banks ought to therefore employ mobile channels with a clear business-focus. This paper examines the opportunities for banks to generate revenues by offering value-added, innovative mobile financial services while retaining and even extending their base of technology-savvy customers. --Mobile Commerce,Mobile Banking,Mobile Financial Services,Multi-channel Strategy

    Enhancing Consumer Experience through Mobile Commerce: Challenges and Opportunities

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    During this information technology era, mobile commerce is succeeding very easily especially Covid-19 pandemic timings. This article is mentioned about commerce, mobile, mobile commerce, users of e-commerce, Users of Mobile Commerce, Holistic Points, Classification of Mobile Commerce, Mobile Commerce Applications, Five Stages in Systems Development Life Cycle for mobile commerce applications, Data Flow Diagrams - Some general guidelines for developing DFDs, Why documentation is important for mobile development?.Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing models, Advantages of Cloud Computing, Disadvantage of Cloud Computing, Influence of cloud computing upon E-commerce, Advantage of cloud computing in E-commerce, All about The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Learning, Challenges of Mobile Commerce, E-Commerce will change in the next 5 years in India, Opportunities in (or applications of) M-Commerce, Application of M-Commerce, Opportunities for M-Commerce and Conclusion

    Characteristics of Mobile Payment Procedures

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    Companies are not going to invest into the development of innovative applications or services unless these can be charged for appropriately. Thus, the existence of standardized and widely accepted mobile payment procedures is crucial for successful business-to-customer mobile commerce. The acceptance of mobile payment procedures depends on costs, security and convenience issues. For the latter, it is important that a procedure can be used over the different payment scenarios mobile commerce, electronic commerce, stationary merchant and customer-to-customer. Current payment procedures can be categorized with strategic, participation and operational criteria, using the morphological method. The proposed scheme allows to unambiguously identify and characterize any given mobile payment procedure. The design of today's mobile payment procedures should less try to optimize on the future mobile commerce problems but focus on the ease of spreading in the electronic commerce setting as lead-in scenario.

    Vehicular Mobile Commerce: Applications, Challenges, and Research Problems

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    With an increasing number of vehicles with significant computing and communication, many applications such as vehicular Internet hot-spots, digital and entertainment content\u27s broadcast, Intelligent Transportation Systems applications, and highway management will become possible. This vehicular mobile commerce will actively involve vehicles and users in both extending the existing mobile commerce applications to the vehicular environment and creating many more new and suitable applications. Before vehicular mobile commerce becomes a practical reality, many technical, structural and user issues must be addressed. In this paper, we identify and discuss several vehicular mobile commerce applications as well as wireless and networking challenges. We present possible solutions for vehicular mobile commerce and define several research problems that should be undertaken

    The Impact of National Culture on Mobile Commerce Adoption and Usage Intensity

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    The usage of mobile commerce increases around the world. However, little is known about why adoption and usage of mobile commerce services differ across countries. We address this question by analyzing the impact of national culture on mobile commerce adoption and usage intensity. Using a dataset that comprises individual consumer survey data from 43 countries across six continents and country-level data on Hofstede’s six cultural dimensions, we study cross-cultural adoption and usage patterns pertaining three mobile commerce services, i.e. mobile banking, mobile shopping and mobile payment. Our results show that adoption and usage intensity are indeed affected by different cultural dimensions. Specifically, the adoption of mobile commerce services is negatively influenced by a country’s level of uncertainty avoidance, while consumers’ usage intensity is driven by indulgence. This implies that providers of mobile commerce services need to tailor their market entry and market cultivation strategies accounting for each country’s specific culture

    Analisis perilaku mahasiswa terhadap pemanfaatan mobile commerce

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dimensi perilaku mahasiswa sebagai konsumen, yang meliputi kepercayaan, keamanan dan kemudahan, terhadap minat menggunakan mobile commerce bagi mahasiswa akuntansi. Penelitian ini mengambil responden terdiri dari 43 mahasiswa aktif pada Program Studi Akuntansi Univeristas Negeri Makassar yang dipilih dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Mahasiswa yang dipilih adalah mahasiswa yang telah memprogramkan mata kuliah pengantar pemasaran. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang selanjutnya diolah menggunakan metode analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepercayaan mahasiswa atas aplikasi dan kemudahan menggunakan aplikasi berpengaruh positif terhadap minat mahasiswa menggunakan mobile commerce. Akan tetapi, faktor keamanan rupanya belum menjadi prioritas utama bagi mahasiswa dalam memilih dan menggunakan aplikasi mobile commerce. Meskipun salah satu variabel ditemukan tidak mempengaruhi minat menggunakan Mobile Commerce, namun secara simultan tingkat kepercayaan, keamanan dan kemudahan berpengaruh terhadap Minat Menggunakan Mobile Commerce. Secara keseluruhan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemanfaatan mobile commerce oleh mahasiswa ditentukan oleh kepercayaan mahasiswa terhadap suatu aplikasi, beserta keamanan dan kemudahan penggunaan aplikasi tersebut

    Mobile Commerce: A Rising Wave of Consumer Purchase Intention

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    Because of the commonness and extensive usage of online technology these days, mobile commerce is an emerging area of attraction for marketing research. Although there is a dearth of studies exploring the factors that influence on mobile commerce embracement and adoption through mobile applications in general, particularly the effect of mobile commerce adoption attitude using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) remains uncharted. The exploration of the technology acceptance factors is quite challenging and demanding primarily due to the reason that online population is widely dispersed and diversified in terms of their dynamics. Still this area remains a venture of curiosity to the marketers due to magnetism in its potential. Current research assist marketers by providing an insight into the factors that explains this scenario and the results could be used to capitalize the fast growing online market. Three hypothesis strongly validated the effect of perceived trust, perceived value and social influence on mobile commerce adoption while perceived self-efficacy was found to have a little effect on mobile commerce adoption. Predominantly, it was found that Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) remains most effective predictor to mobile commerce adoption. Current research could be used to comprehend and take advantage of key psychological attributes mentioned in the study to upsurge the volume of existing mobile commerce market

    The mobile commerce technologies: Generations, standards and protocols

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    Mobile Commerce has staged a remarkable come-back. Driven by the technological innovations in the field of telecommunications, it is showing signs of a healthy recovery. The collapse of the dot-com boom in 2001/2002 had dealt a severe blow not only to Electronic Commerce but also to Mobile Commerce, which was just about developing at that time. In addition to a general lack of customer demand for mobile, location-based, services, it suffered heavily under the technical deficiencies of end-devices, slow data transmission and unripe technological standards. These factors in turn had a negative impact on the customer acceptance of mobile services and whatever little demand was available, was rendered useless. Many of the environmental conditions have changed since then. Technology innovations have reduced many barriers to acceptance. Increasing globalization has led to more mobility and therefore to greater demand for mobile, ubiquitios services that can be consumed anytime, anywher. This paper examines different telecommunication technologies regarding their suitablilty and deficiencies. It provides an overview over the historical development of mobile technologies while pointing towards the expected future scenario. --Mobile Commerce,M-Commerce,UMTS,WLAN,3G

    Designing appliances for mobile commerce and retailtainment

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    In the emerging world of the new consumer and the `anytime, anywhere' mobile commerce, appliances are located at the collision point of the retailer and consumer agendas. The consequence of this is twofold: on the one hand appliances that were previously considered plain and utilitarian become entertainment devices and on the other, for the effective design of consumer appliances it becomes paramount to employ multidisciplinary expertise. In this paper, we discuss consumer perceptions of a retailtainment commerce system developed in collaboration between interactivity designers, information systems engineers, hardware and application developers, marketing strategists, product development teams, social scientists and retail professionals. We discuss the approached employed for the design of the consumer experience and its implications for appliance design
